using System ;
namespace NLangDetect.Core.Extensions
public static class CharExtensions
private const int MIN_CODE_POINT = 0x000000 ;
private const int MAX_CODE_POINT = 0x10ffff ;
private static readonly int [ ] _unicodeBlockStarts =
#region Unicode block starts
0x0000 , // Basic Latin
0x0080 , // Latin-1 Supplement
0x0100 , // Latin Extended-A
0x0180 , // Latin Extended-B
0x0250 , // IPA Extensions
0x02B0 , // Spacing Modifier Letters
0x0300 , // Combining Diacritical Marks
0x0370 , // Greek and Coptic
0x0400 , // Cyrillic
0x0500 , // Cyrillic Supplementary
0x0530 , // Armenian
0x0590 , // Hebrew
0x0600 , // Arabic
0x0700 , // Syriac
0x0750 , // unassigned
0x0780 , // Thaana
0x07C0 , // unassigned
0x0900 , // Devanagari
0x0980 , // Bengali
0x0A00 , // Gurmukhi
0x0A80 , // Gujarati
0x0B00 , // Oriya
0x0B80 , // Tamil
0x0C00 , // Telugu
0x0C80 , // Kannada
0x0D00 , // Malayalam
0x0D80 , // Sinhala
0x0E00 , // Thai
0x0E80 , // Lao
0x0F00 , // Tibetan
0x1000 , // Myanmar
0x10A0 , // Georgian
0x1100 , // Hangul Jamo
0x1200 , // Ethiopic
0x1380 , // unassigned
0x13A0 , // Cherokee
0x1400 , // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
0x1680 , // Ogham
0x16A0 , // Runic
0x1700 , // Tagalog
0x1720 , // Hanunoo
0x1740 , // Buhid
0x1760 , // Tagbanwa
0x1780 , // Khmer
0x1800 , // Mongolian
0x18B0 , // unassigned
0x1900 , // Limbu
0x1950 , // Tai Le
0x1980 , // unassigned
0x19E0 , // Khmer Symbols
0x1A00 , // unassigned
0x1D00 , // Phonetic Extensions
0x1D80 , // unassigned
0x1E00 , // Latin Extended Additional
0x1F00 , // Greek Extended
0x2000 , // General Punctuation
0x2070 , // Superscripts and Subscripts
0x20A0 , // Currency Symbols
0x20D0 , // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
0x2100 , // Letterlike Symbols
0x2150 , // Number Forms
0x2190 , // Arrows
0x2200 , // Mathematical Operators
0x2300 , // Miscellaneous Technical
0x2400 , // Control Pictures
0x2440 , // Optical Character Recognition
0x2460 , // Enclosed Alphanumerics
0x2500 , // Box Drawing
0x2580 , // Block Elements
0x25A0 , // Geometric Shapes
0x2600 , // Miscellaneous Symbols
0x2700 , // Dingbats
0x27C0 , // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
0x27F0 , // Supplemental Arrows-A
0x2800 , // Braille Patterns
0x2900 , // Supplemental Arrows-B
0x2980 , // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
0x2A00 , // Supplemental Mathematical Operators
0x2B00 , // Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
0x2C00 , // unassigned
0x2E80 , // CJK Radicals Supplement
0x2F00 , // Kangxi Radicals
0x2FE0 , // unassigned
0x2FF0 , // Ideographic Description Characters
0x3000 , // CJK Symbols and Punctuation
0x3040 , // Hiragana
0x30A0 , // Katakana
0x3100 , // Bopomofo
0x3130 , // Hangul Compatibility Jamo
0x3190 , // Kanbun
0x31A0 , // Bopomofo Extended
0x31C0 , // unassigned
0x31F0 , // Katakana Phonetic Extensions
0x3200 , // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
0x3300 , // CJK Compatibility
0x3400 , // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
0x4DC0 , // Yijing Hexagram Symbols
0x4E00 , // CJK Unified Ideographs
0xA000 , // Yi Syllables
0xA490 , // Yi Radicals
0xA4D0 , // unassigned
0xAC00 , // Hangul Syllables
0xD7B0 , // unassigned
0xD800 , // High Surrogates
0xDB80 , // High Private Use Surrogates
0xDC00 , // Low Surrogates
0xE000 , // Private Use
0xF900 , // CJK Compatibility Ideographs
0xFB00 , // Alphabetic Presentation Forms
0xFB50 , // Arabic Presentation Forms-A
0xFE00 , // Variation Selectors
0xFE10 , // unassigned
0xFE20 , // Combining Half Marks
0xFE30 , // CJK Compatibility Forms
0xFE50 , // Small Form Variants
0xFE70 , // Arabic Presentation Forms-B
0xFF00 , // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
0xFFF0 , // Specials
0x10000 , // Linear B Syllabary
0x10080 , // Linear B Ideograms
0x10100 , // Aegean Numbers
0x10140 , // unassigned
0x10300 , // Old Italic
0x10330 , // Gothic
0x10350 , // unassigned
0x10380 , // Ugaritic
0x103A0 , // unassigned
0x10400 , // Deseret
0x10450 , // Shavian
0x10480 , // Osmanya
0x104B0 , // unassigned
0x10800 , // Cypriot Syllabary
0x10840 , // unassigned
0x1D000 , // Byzantine Musical Symbols
0x1D100 , // Musical Symbols
0x1D200 , // unassigned
0x1D300 , // Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
0x1D360 , // unassigned
0x1D400 , // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
0x1D800 , // unassigned
0x20000 , // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
0x2A6E0 , // unassigned
0x2F800 , // CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
0x2FA20 , // unassigned
0xE0000 , // Tags
0xE0080 , // unassigned
0xE0100 , // Variation Selectors Supplement
0xE01F0 , // unassigned
0xF0000 , // Supplementary Private Use Area-A
0x100000 , // Supplementary Private Use Area-B
# endregion
} ;
private static readonly UnicodeBlock ? [ ] _unicodeBlocks =
#region Unicode blocks
UnicodeBlock . BasicLatin ,
UnicodeBlock . Latin1Supplement ,
UnicodeBlock . LatinExtendedA ,
UnicodeBlock . LatinExtendedB ,
UnicodeBlock . IpaExtensions ,
UnicodeBlock . SpacingModifierLetters ,
UnicodeBlock . CombiningDiacriticalMarks ,
UnicodeBlock . Greek ,
UnicodeBlock . Cyrillic ,
UnicodeBlock . CyrillicSupplementary ,
UnicodeBlock . Armenian ,
UnicodeBlock . Hebrew ,
UnicodeBlock . Arabic ,
UnicodeBlock . Syriac ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Thaana ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Devanagari ,
UnicodeBlock . Bengali ,
UnicodeBlock . Gurmukhi ,
UnicodeBlock . Gujarati ,
UnicodeBlock . Oriya ,
UnicodeBlock . Tamil ,
UnicodeBlock . Telugu ,
UnicodeBlock . Kannada ,
UnicodeBlock . Malayalam ,
UnicodeBlock . Sinhala ,
UnicodeBlock . Thai ,
UnicodeBlock . Lao ,
UnicodeBlock . Tibetan ,
UnicodeBlock . Myanmar ,
UnicodeBlock . Georgian ,
UnicodeBlock . HangulJamo ,
UnicodeBlock . Ethiopic ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Cherokee ,
UnicodeBlock . UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics ,
UnicodeBlock . Ogham ,
UnicodeBlock . Runic ,
UnicodeBlock . Tagalog ,
UnicodeBlock . Hanunoo ,
UnicodeBlock . Buhid ,
UnicodeBlock . Tagbanwa ,
UnicodeBlock . Khmer ,
UnicodeBlock . Mongolian ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Limbu ,
UnicodeBlock . TaiLe ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . KhmerSymbols ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . PhoneticExtensions ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . LatinExtendedAdditional ,
UnicodeBlock . GreekExtended ,
UnicodeBlock . GeneralPunctuation ,
UnicodeBlock . SuperscriptsAndSubscripts ,
UnicodeBlock . CurrencySymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . CombiningMarksForSymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . LetterlikeSymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . NumberForms ,
UnicodeBlock . Arrows ,
UnicodeBlock . MathematicalOperators ,
UnicodeBlock . MiscellaneousTechnical ,
UnicodeBlock . ControlPictures ,
UnicodeBlock . OpticalCharacterRecognition ,
UnicodeBlock . EnclosedAlphanumerics ,
UnicodeBlock . BoxDrawing ,
UnicodeBlock . BlockElements ,
UnicodeBlock . GeometricShapes ,
UnicodeBlock . MiscellaneousSymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . Dingbats ,
UnicodeBlock . MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA ,
UnicodeBlock . SupplementalArrowsA ,
UnicodeBlock . BraillePatterns ,
UnicodeBlock . SupplementalArrowsB ,
UnicodeBlock . MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB ,
UnicodeBlock . SupplementalMathematicalOperators ,
UnicodeBlock . MiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkRadicalsSupplement ,
UnicodeBlock . KangxiRadicals ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . IdeographicDescriptionCharacters ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkSymbolsAndPunctuation ,
UnicodeBlock . Hiragana ,
UnicodeBlock . Katakana ,
UnicodeBlock . Bopomofo ,
UnicodeBlock . HangulCompatibilityJamo ,
UnicodeBlock . Kanbun ,
UnicodeBlock . BopomofoExtended ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . KatakanaPhoneticExtensions ,
UnicodeBlock . EnclosedCjkLettersAndMonths ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkCompatibility ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA ,
UnicodeBlock . YijingHexagramSymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkUnifiedIdeographs ,
UnicodeBlock . YiSyllables ,
UnicodeBlock . YiRadicals ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . HangulSyllables ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . HighSurrogates ,
UnicodeBlock . HighPrivateUseSurrogates ,
UnicodeBlock . LowSurrogates ,
UnicodeBlock . PrivateUseArea ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkCompatibilityIdeographs ,
UnicodeBlock . AlphabeticPresentationForms ,
UnicodeBlock . ArabicPresentationFormsA ,
UnicodeBlock . VariationSelectors ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . CombiningHalfMarks ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkCompatibilityForms ,
UnicodeBlock . SmallFormVariants ,
UnicodeBlock . ArabicPresentationFormsB ,
UnicodeBlock . HalfwidthAndFullwidthForms ,
UnicodeBlock . Specials ,
UnicodeBlock . LinearBSyllabary ,
UnicodeBlock . LinearBIdeograms ,
UnicodeBlock . AegeanNumbers ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . OldItalic ,
UnicodeBlock . Gothic ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Ugaritic ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Deseret ,
UnicodeBlock . Shavian ,
UnicodeBlock . Osmanya ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . CypriotSyllabary ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . ByzantineMusicalSymbols ,
UnicodeBlock . MusicalSymbols ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . TaiXuanJingSymbols ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . CjkCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . Tags ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . VariationSelectorsSupplement ,
null ,
UnicodeBlock . SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA ,
UnicodeBlock . SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB ,
# endregion
} ;
#region Public methods
/// <remarks>
/// Taken from JDK source:
/// </remarks>
public static UnicodeBlock ? GetUnicodeBlock ( this char ch )
int codePoint = ch ;
if ( ! IsValidCodePoint ( codePoint ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Argument is not a valid code point." , nameof ( ch ) ) ;
int top , bottom , current ;
bottom = 0 ;
top = _unicodeBlockStarts . Length ;
current = top / 2 ;
// invariant: top > current >= bottom && codePoint >= unicodeBlockStarts[bottom]
while ( top - bottom > 1 )
if ( codePoint > = _unicodeBlockStarts [ current ] )
bottom = current ;
top = current ;
current = ( top + bottom ) / 2 ;
return _unicodeBlocks [ current ] ;
# endregion
#region Private helper methods
private static bool IsValidCodePoint ( int codePoint )
return codePoint > = MIN_CODE_POINT & & codePoint < = MAX_CODE_POINT ;
# endregion