using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.IO ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dlna ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Plugins ;
using MediaBrowser.Dlna.Profiles ;
using MediaBrowser.Dlna.Server ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Serialization ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using CommonIO ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Dlna
public class DlnaManager : IDlnaManager
private readonly IApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
private readonly IXmlSerializer _xmlSerializer ;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
private readonly IJsonSerializer _jsonSerializer ;
private readonly IServerApplicationHost _appHost ;
public DlnaManager ( IXmlSerializer xmlSerializer ,
IFileSystem fileSystem ,
IApplicationPaths appPaths ,
ILogger logger ,
IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer , IServerApplicationHost appHost )
_xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer ;
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
_appPaths = appPaths ;
_logger = logger ;
_jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer ;
_appHost = appHost ;
public IEnumerable < DeviceProfile > GetProfiles ( )
ExtractProfilesIfNeeded ( ) ;
var list = GetProfiles ( UserProfilesPath , DeviceProfileType . User )
. OrderBy ( i = > i . Name )
. ToList ( ) ;
list . AddRange ( GetProfiles ( SystemProfilesPath , DeviceProfileType . System )
. OrderBy ( i = > i . Name ) ) ;
return list ;
private bool _extracted ;
private readonly object _syncLock = new object ( ) ;
private void ExtractProfilesIfNeeded ( )
if ( ! _extracted )
lock ( _syncLock )
if ( ! _extracted )
ExtractSystemProfiles ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error extracting DLNA profiles." , ex ) ;
_extracted = true ;
public DeviceProfile GetDefaultProfile ( )
ExtractProfilesIfNeeded ( ) ;
return new DefaultProfile ( ) ;
public DeviceProfile GetProfile ( DeviceIdentification deviceInfo )
if ( deviceInfo = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "deviceInfo" ) ;
var profile = GetProfiles ( )
. FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Identification ! = null & & IsMatch ( deviceInfo , i . Identification ) ) ;
if ( profile ! = null )
_logger . Debug ( "Found matching device profile: {0}" , profile . Name ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used." ) ;
LogUnmatchedProfile ( deviceInfo ) ;
return profile ;
private void LogUnmatchedProfile ( DeviceIdentification profile )
var builder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "DeviceDescription:{0}" , profile . DeviceDescription ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "FriendlyName:{0}" , profile . FriendlyName ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "Manufacturer:{0}" , profile . Manufacturer ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "ManufacturerUrl:{0}" , profile . ManufacturerUrl ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "ModelDescription:{0}" , profile . ModelDescription ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "ModelName:{0}" , profile . ModelName ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "ModelNumber:{0}" , profile . ModelNumber ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "ModelUrl:{0}" , profile . ModelUrl ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
builder . AppendLine ( string . Format ( "SerialNumber:{0}" , profile . SerialNumber ? ? string . Empty ) ) ;
_logger . LogMultiline ( "No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used." , LogSeverity . Info , builder ) ;
private bool IsMatch ( DeviceIdentification deviceInfo , DeviceIdentification profileInfo )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . DeviceDescription ) )
if ( deviceInfo . DeviceDescription = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . DeviceDescription , profileInfo . DeviceDescription ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . FriendlyName ) )
if ( deviceInfo . FriendlyName = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . FriendlyName , profileInfo . FriendlyName ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . Manufacturer ) )
if ( deviceInfo . Manufacturer = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . Manufacturer , profileInfo . Manufacturer ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . ManufacturerUrl ) )
if ( deviceInfo . ManufacturerUrl = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . ManufacturerUrl , profileInfo . ManufacturerUrl ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . ModelDescription ) )
if ( deviceInfo . ModelDescription = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . ModelDescription , profileInfo . ModelDescription ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . ModelName ) )
if ( deviceInfo . ModelName = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . ModelName , profileInfo . ModelName ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . ModelNumber ) )
if ( deviceInfo . ModelNumber = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . ModelNumber , profileInfo . ModelNumber ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . ModelUrl ) )
if ( deviceInfo . ModelUrl = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . ModelUrl , profileInfo . ModelUrl ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profileInfo . SerialNumber ) )
if ( deviceInfo . SerialNumber = = null | | ! IsRegexMatch ( deviceInfo . SerialNumber , profileInfo . SerialNumber ) )
return false ;
return true ;
private bool IsRegexMatch ( string input , string pattern )
return Regex . IsMatch ( input , pattern ) ;
catch ( ArgumentException ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error evaluating regex pattern {0}" , ex , pattern ) ;
return false ;
public DeviceProfile GetProfile ( IDictionary < string , string > headers )
if ( headers = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "headers" ) ;
var profile = GetProfiles ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Identification ! = null & & IsMatch ( headers , i . Identification ) ) ;
if ( profile ! = null )
_logger . Debug ( "Found matching device profile: {0}" , profile . Name ) ;
string userAgent = null ;
headers . TryGetValue ( "User-Agent" , out userAgent ) ;
var msg = "No matching device profile found. The default will be used. " ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( userAgent ) )
msg + = "User-agent: " + userAgent + ". " ;
_logger . Debug ( msg ) ;
return profile ;
private bool IsMatch ( IDictionary < string , string > headers , DeviceIdentification profileInfo )
return profileInfo . Headers . Any ( i = > IsMatch ( headers , i ) ) ;
private bool IsMatch ( IDictionary < string , string > headers , HttpHeaderInfo header )
string value ;
if ( headers . TryGetValue ( header . Name , out value ) )
switch ( header . Match )
case HeaderMatchType . Equals :
return string . Equals ( value , header . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case HeaderMatchType . Substring :
return value . IndexOf ( header . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ! = - 1 ;
case HeaderMatchType . Regex :
// Reports of IgnoreCase not working on linux so try it a couple different ways.
return Regex . IsMatch ( value , header . Value , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) | | Regex . IsMatch ( value . ToUpper ( ) , header . Value . ToUpper ( ) , RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( "Unrecognized HeaderMatchType" ) ;
return false ;
private string UserProfilesPath
return Path . Combine ( _appPaths . ConfigurationDirectoryPath , "dlna" , "user" ) ;
private string SystemProfilesPath
return Path . Combine ( _appPaths . ConfigurationDirectoryPath , "dlna" , "system" ) ;
private IEnumerable < DeviceProfile > GetProfiles ( string path , DeviceProfileType type )
return _fileSystem . GetFiles ( path )
. Where ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Extension , ".xml" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
. Select ( i = > ParseProfileXmlFile ( i . FullName , type ) )
. Where ( i = > i ! = null )
. ToList ( ) ;
catch ( DirectoryNotFoundException )
return new List < DeviceProfile > ( ) ;
private DeviceProfile ParseProfileXmlFile ( string path , DeviceProfileType type )
var profile = ( DeviceProfile ) _xmlSerializer . DeserializeFromFile ( typeof ( DeviceProfile ) , path ) ;
profile . Id = path . ToLower ( ) . GetMD5 ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) ;
profile . ProfileType = type ;
return profile ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error parsing profile xml: {0}" , ex , path ) ;
return null ;
public DeviceProfile GetProfile ( string id )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( id ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "id" ) ;
var info = GetProfileInfosInternal ( ) . First ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Info . Id , id , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ;
return ParseProfileXmlFile ( info . Path , info . Info . Type ) ;
private IEnumerable < InternalProfileInfo > GetProfileInfosInternal ( )
ExtractProfilesIfNeeded ( ) ;
return GetProfileInfos ( UserProfilesPath , DeviceProfileType . User )
. Concat ( GetProfileInfos ( SystemProfilesPath , DeviceProfileType . System ) )
. OrderBy ( i = > i . Info . Type = = DeviceProfileType . User ? 0 : 1 )
. ThenBy ( i = > i . Info . Name ) ;
public IEnumerable < DeviceProfileInfo > GetProfileInfos ( )
return GetProfileInfosInternal ( ) . Select ( i = > i . Info ) ;
private IEnumerable < InternalProfileInfo > GetProfileInfos ( string path , DeviceProfileType type )
return _fileSystem . GetFiles ( path )
. Where ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Extension , ".xml" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
. Select ( i = > new InternalProfileInfo
Path = i . FullName ,
Info = new DeviceProfileInfo
Id = i . FullName . ToLower ( ) . GetMD5 ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) ,
Name = _fileSystem . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( i ) ,
Type = type
} )
. ToList ( ) ;
catch ( DirectoryNotFoundException )
return new List < InternalProfileInfo > ( ) ;
private void ExtractSystemProfiles ( )
var assembly = GetType ( ) . Assembly ;
var namespaceName = GetType ( ) . Namespace + ".Profiles.Xml." ;
var systemProfilesPath = SystemProfilesPath ;
foreach ( var name in assembly . GetManifestResourceNames ( )
. Where ( i = > i . StartsWith ( namespaceName ) )
. ToList ( ) )
var filename = Path . GetFileName ( name ) . Substring ( namespaceName . Length ) ;
var path = Path . Combine ( systemProfilesPath , filename ) ;
using ( var stream = assembly . GetManifestResourceStream ( name ) )
var fileInfo = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
if ( ! fileInfo . Exists | | fileInfo . Length ! = stream . Length )
_fileSystem . CreateDirectory ( systemProfilesPath ) ;
using ( var fileStream = _fileSystem . GetFileStream ( path , FileMode . Create , FileAccess . Write , FileShare . Read ) )
stream . CopyTo ( fileStream ) ;
// Not necessary, but just to make it easy to find
_fileSystem . CreateDirectory ( UserProfilesPath ) ;
public void DeleteProfile ( string id )
var info = GetProfileInfosInternal ( ) . First ( i = > string . Equals ( id , i . Info . Id , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ;
if ( info . Info . Type = = DeviceProfileType . System )
throw new ArgumentException ( "System profiles cannot be deleted." ) ;
_fileSystem . DeleteFile ( info . Path ) ;
public void CreateProfile ( DeviceProfile profile )
profile = ReserializeProfile ( profile ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profile . Name ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Profile is missing Name" ) ;
var newFilename = _fileSystem . GetValidFilename ( profile . Name ) + ".xml" ;
var path = Path . Combine ( UserProfilesPath , newFilename ) ;
_xmlSerializer . SerializeToFile ( profile , path ) ;
public void UpdateProfile ( DeviceProfile profile )
profile = ReserializeProfile ( profile ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profile . Id ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Profile is missing Id" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( profile . Name ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Profile is missing Name" ) ;
var current = GetProfileInfosInternal ( ) . First ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Info . Id , profile . Id , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ;
var newFilename = _fileSystem . GetValidFilename ( profile . Name ) + ".xml" ;
var path = Path . Combine ( UserProfilesPath , newFilename ) ;
if ( ! string . Equals ( path , current . Path , StringComparison . Ordinal ) & &
current . Info . Type ! = DeviceProfileType . System )
_fileSystem . DeleteFile ( current . Path ) ;
_xmlSerializer . SerializeToFile ( profile , path ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Recreates the object using serialization, to ensure it's not a subclass.
/// If it's a subclass it may not serlialize properly to xml (different root element tag name)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="profile"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private DeviceProfile ReserializeProfile ( DeviceProfile profile )
if ( profile . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( DeviceProfile ) )
return profile ;
var json = _jsonSerializer . SerializeToString ( profile ) ;
return _jsonSerializer . DeserializeFromString < DeviceProfile > ( json ) ;
class InternalProfileInfo
internal DeviceProfileInfo Info { get ; set ; }
internal string Path { get ; set ; }
public string GetServerDescriptionXml ( IDictionary < string , string > headers , string serverUuId , string serverAddress )
var profile = GetProfile ( headers ) ? ?
GetDefaultProfile ( ) ;
return new DescriptionXmlBuilder ( profile , serverUuId , serverAddress , _appHost . FriendlyName , serverUuId . GetMD5 ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) ) . GetXml ( ) ;
public ImageStream GetIcon ( string filename )
var format = filename . EndsWith ( ".png" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase )
? ImageFormat . Png
: ImageFormat . Jpg ;
return new ImageStream
Format = format ,
Stream = GetType ( ) . Assembly . GetManifestResourceStream ( "MediaBrowser.Dlna.Images." + filename . ToLower ( ) )
} ;
class DlnaProfileEntryPoint : IServerEntryPoint
private readonly IApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
private readonly IXmlSerializer _xmlSerializer ;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
public DlnaProfileEntryPoint ( IApplicationPaths appPaths , IXmlSerializer xmlSerializer , IFileSystem fileSystem )
_appPaths = appPaths ;
_xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer ;
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
public void Run ( )
private void DumpProfiles ( )
var list = new List < DeviceProfile >
new SamsungSmartTvProfile ( ) ,
new Xbox360Profile ( ) ,
new XboxOneProfile ( ) ,
new SonyPs3Profile ( ) ,
new SonyPs4Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBravia2010Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBravia2011Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBravia2012Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBravia2013Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBravia2014Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBlurayPlayer2013Profile ( ) ,
new SonyBlurayPlayerProfile ( ) ,
new PanasonicVieraProfile ( ) ,
new WdtvLiveProfile ( ) ,
new DenonAvrProfile ( ) ,
new LinksysDMA2100Profile ( ) ,
new LgTvProfile ( ) ,
new Foobar2000Profile ( ) ,
new MediaMonkeyProfile ( ) ,
//new Windows81Profile(),
//new WindowsMediaCenterProfile(),
//new WindowsPhoneProfile(),
new DirectTvProfile ( ) ,
new DishHopperJoeyProfile ( ) ,
new DefaultProfile ( ) ,
new PopcornHourProfile ( ) ,
new VlcProfile ( ) ,
new BubbleUpnpProfile ( ) ,
new KodiProfile ( ) ,
} ;
foreach ( var item in list )
var path = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . ProgramDataPath , _fileSystem . GetValidFilename ( item . Name ) + ".xml" ) ;
_xmlSerializer . SerializeToFile ( item , path ) ;
public void Dispose ( )