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42 lines
2.3 KiB

VERSION := $(shell sed -ne '/^Version:/s/.* *//p' fedora/jellyfin.spec)
outdir ?= fedora/
TARGET ?= fedora-35-x86_64
pushd fedora/; \
if [ "$$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then \
dnf -y install git; \
fi; \
version=$$(git describe --tags | sed -e 's/^v//' \
-e 's/-[0-9]*-g.*$$//' \
-e 's/-/~/'); \
WORKDIR="$${PWD}"; \
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,jellyfin-server-$$version," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude=deployment \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
--exclude=jellyfin-server-$$version.tar.gz \
-czf "jellyfin-server-$$version.tar.gz" \
-C $${SOURCE_DIR} ./; \
popd; \
./bump_version $$version
cd fedora/; \
rpmbuild -bs jellyfin.spec \
--define "_sourcedir $$PWD/" \
--define "_srcrpmdir $(outdir)"
rpms: fedora/jellyfin-$(shell git describe --tags | sed -e 's/^v//' -e 's/-[0-9]*-g.*$$//' -e 's/-/~/')-1$(shell rpm --eval %dist).src.rpm
mock --addrepo=$(TARGET)/ \
--enable-network \
-r $(TARGET) $<