using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Extensions ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities
/// <summary>
/// Class Genre
/// </summary>
public class Genre : BaseItem , IItemByName
public override List < string > GetUserDataKeys ( )
var list = base . GetUserDataKeys ( ) ;
list . Insert ( 0 , GetType ( ) . Name + "-" + ( Name ? ? string . Empty ) . RemoveDiacritics ( ) ) ;
return list ;
public override string CreatePresentationUniqueKey ( )
return GetUserDataKeys ( ) [ 0 ] ;
public override double GetDefaultPrimaryImageAspectRatio ( )
return 1 ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the folder containing the item.
/// If the item is a folder, it returns the folder itself
/// </summary>
/// <value>The containing folder path.</value>
public override string ContainingFolderPath = > Path ;
public override bool IsDisplayedAsFolder = > true ;
public override bool SupportsAncestors = > false ;
public override bool IsSaveLocalMetadataEnabled ( )
return true ;
public override bool CanDelete ( )
return false ;
public IList < BaseItem > GetTaggedItems ( InternalItemsQuery query )
query . GenreIds = new [ ] { Id } ;
query . ExcludeItemTypes = new [ ] { typeof ( MusicVideo ) . Name , typeof ( Audio . Audio ) . Name , typeof ( MusicAlbum ) . Name , typeof ( MusicArtist ) . Name } ;
return LibraryManager . GetItemList ( query ) ;
public override bool SupportsPeople = > false ;
public static string GetPath ( string name )
return GetPath ( name , true ) ;
public static string GetPath ( string name , bool normalizeName )
// Trim the period at the end because windows will have a hard time with that
var validName = normalizeName ?
FileSystem . GetValidFilename ( name ) . Trim ( ) . TrimEnd ( '.' ) :
name ;
return System . IO . Path . Combine ( ConfigurationManager . ApplicationPaths . GenrePath , validName ) ;
private string GetRebasedPath ( )
return GetPath ( System . IO . Path . GetFileName ( Path ) , false ) ;
public override bool RequiresRefresh ( )
var newPath = GetRebasedPath ( ) ;
if ( ! string . Equals ( Path , newPath , StringComparison . Ordinal ) )
Logger . LogDebug ( "{0} path has changed from {1} to {2}" , GetType ( ) . Name , Path , newPath ) ;
return true ;
return base . RequiresRefresh ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This is called before any metadata refresh and returns true or false indicating if changes were made
/// </summary>
public override bool BeforeMetadataRefresh ( bool replaceAllMetdata )
var hasChanges = base . BeforeMetadataRefresh ( replaceAllMetdata ) ;
var newPath = GetRebasedPath ( ) ;
if ( ! string . Equals ( Path , newPath , StringComparison . Ordinal ) )
Path = newPath ;
hasChanges = true ;
return hasChanges ;