# Builds the ZIP archive inside the Docker container
set -o errexit
set -o xtrace
# Version variables
NSSM_VERSION = "nssm-2.24-101-g897c7ad"
NSSM_URL = " http://files.evilt.win/nssm/ ${ NSSM_VERSION } .zip "
FFMPEG_VERSION = "ffmpeg-4.2.1-win32-static"
FFMPEG_URL = " https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win32/static/ ${ FFMPEG_VERSION } .zip "
# Move to source directory
pushd ${ SOURCE_DIR }
# Clone down and build Web frontend
web_build_dir = " $( mktemp -d ) "
web_target = " ${ SOURCE_DIR } /MediaBrowser.WebDashboard/jellyfin-web "
git clone https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-web.git ${ web_build_dir } /
pushd ${ web_build_dir }
if [ [ -n ${ web_branch } ] ] ; then
checkout -b origin/${ web_branch }
yarn install
mkdir -p ${ web_target }
mv dist/* ${ web_target } /
rm -rf ${ web_build_dir }
# Get version
version = " $( grep "version:" ./build.yaml | sed -E 's/version: "([0-9\.]+.*)"/\1/' ) "
# Build binary
dotnet publish Jellyfin.Server --configuration Release --self-contained --runtime win-x86 --output /dist/jellyfin_${ version } / "-p:GenerateDocumentationFile=false;DebugSymbols=false;DebugType=none;UseAppHost=true"
# Prepare addins
addin_build_dir = " $( mktemp -d ) "
wget ${ NSSM_URL } -O ${ addin_build_dir } /nssm.zip
wget ${ FFMPEG_URL } -O ${ addin_build_dir } /ffmpeg.zip
unzip ${ addin_build_dir } /nssm.zip -d ${ addin_build_dir }
cp ${ addin_build_dir } /${ NSSM_VERSION } /win64/nssm.exe /dist/jellyfin_${ version } /nssm.exe
unzip ${ addin_build_dir } /ffmpeg.zip -d ${ addin_build_dir }
cp ${ addin_build_dir } /${ FFMPEG_VERSION } /bin/ffmpeg.exe /dist/jellyfin_${ version } /ffmpeg.exe
cp ${ addin_build_dir } /${ FFMPEG_VERSION } /bin/ffprobe.exe /dist/jellyfin_${ version } /ffprobe.exe
rm -rf ${ addin_build_dir }
# Prepare scripts
cp ${ SOURCE_DIR } /deployment/windows/legacy/install-jellyfin.ps1 /dist/jellyfin_${ version } /install-jellyfin.ps1
cp ${ SOURCE_DIR } /deployment/windows/legacy/install.bat /dist/jellyfin_${ version } /install.bat
# Create zip package
pushd /dist
zip -r /jellyfin_${ version } .portable.zip jellyfin_${ version }
rm -rf /dist/jellyfin_${ version }
# Move the artifacts out
mkdir -p ${ ARTIFACT_DIR } /
mv /jellyfin[ -_] *.zip ${ ARTIFACT_DIR } /
chown -Rc $( stat -c %u:%g ${ ARTIFACT_DIR } ) ${ ARTIFACT_DIR }