using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Persistence ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Serialization ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Runtime.Serialization ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
/// <summary>
/// Class SQLiteItemRepository
/// </summary>
public class SqliteItemRepository : IItemRepository
private IDbConnection _connection ;
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
private readonly TypeMapper _typeMapper = new TypeMapper ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the repository
/// </summary>
/// <value>The name.</value>
public string Name
return "SQLite" ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the json serializer.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The json serializer.</value>
private readonly IJsonSerializer _jsonSerializer ;
/// <summary>
/// The _app paths
/// </summary>
private readonly IApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
/// <summary>
/// The _save item command
/// </summary>
private IDbCommand _saveItemCommand ;
private readonly string _criticReviewsPath ;
private SqliteChapterRepository _chapterRepository ;
private SqliteMediaStreamsRepository _mediaStreamsRepository ;
private IDbCommand _deleteChildrenCommand ;
private IDbCommand _saveChildrenCommand ;
private IDbCommand _deleteItemCommand ;
private IDbCommand _deletePeopleCommand ;
private IDbCommand _savePersonCommand ;
private const int LatestSchemaVersion = 13 ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SqliteItemRepository"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="appPaths">The app paths.</param>
/// <param name="jsonSerializer">The json serializer.</param>
/// <param name="logManager">The log manager.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
/// appPaths
/// or
/// jsonSerializer
/// </exception>
public SqliteItemRepository ( IApplicationPaths appPaths , IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer , ILogManager logManager )
if ( appPaths = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "appPaths" ) ;
if ( jsonSerializer = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "jsonSerializer" ) ;
_appPaths = appPaths ;
_jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer ;
_criticReviewsPath = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . DataPath , "critic-reviews" ) ;
_logger = logManager . GetLogger ( GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
var chapterDbFile = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . DataPath , "chapters.db" ) ;
var chapterConnection = SqliteExtensions . ConnectToDb ( chapterDbFile , _logger ) . Result ;
_chapterRepository = new SqliteChapterRepository ( chapterConnection , logManager ) ;
var mediaStreamsDbFile = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . DataPath , "mediainfo.db" ) ;
var mediaStreamsConnection = SqliteExtensions . ConnectToDb ( mediaStreamsDbFile , _logger ) . Result ;
_mediaStreamsRepository = new SqliteMediaStreamsRepository ( mediaStreamsConnection , logManager ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Opens the connection to the database
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
public async Task Initialize ( )
var dbFile = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . DataPath , "library.db" ) ;
_connection = await SqliteExtensions . ConnectToDb ( dbFile , _logger ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
string [ ] queries = {
"create table if not exists TypedBaseItems (guid GUID primary key, type TEXT, data BLOB)" ,
"create index if not exists idx_TypedBaseItems on TypedBaseItems(guid)" ,
"create table if not exists ChildrenIds (ParentId GUID, ItemId GUID, PRIMARY KEY (ParentId, ItemId))" ,
"create index if not exists idx_ChildrenIds on ChildrenIds(ParentId,ItemId)" ,
"create table if not exists People (ItemId GUID, Name TEXT NOT NULL, Role TEXT, PersonType TEXT, SortOrder int, ListOrder int)" ,
"pragma temp_store = memory" ,
"pragma shrink_memory"
} ;
_connection . RunQueries ( queries , _logger ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "Path" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "StartDate" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "EndDate" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ChannelId" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsMovie" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsSports" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsKids" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "CommunityRating" , "Float" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "CustomRating" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IndexNumber" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsLocked" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "Name" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "OfficialRating" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "MediaType" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "Overview" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ParentIndexNumber" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "PremiereDate" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ProductionYear" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ParentId" , "GUID" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "Genres" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ParentalRatingValue" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "SchemaVersion" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "SortName" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "RunTimeTicks" , "BIGINT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "OfficialRatingDescription" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "HomePageUrl" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "VoteCount" , "INT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "DisplayMediaType" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "DateCreated" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "DateModified" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ForcedSortName" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsOffline" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "LocationType" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsSeries" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsLive" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsNews" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsPremiere" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "EpisodeTitle" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsRepeat" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "PreferredMetadataLanguage" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "PreferredMetadataCountryCode" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "IsHD" , "BIT" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ExternalEtag" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( _logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "ExternalImagePath" , "Text" ) ;
PrepareStatements ( ) ;
_mediaStreamsRepository . Initialize ( ) ;
_chapterRepository . Initialize ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The _write lock
/// </summary>
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _writeLock = new SemaphoreSlim ( 1 , 1 ) ;
private readonly string [ ] _retriveItemColumns =
"type" ,
"data" ,
"StartDate" ,
"EndDate" ,
"IsOffline" ,
"ChannelId" ,
"IsMovie" ,
"IsSports" ,
"IsKids" ,
"IsSeries" ,
"IsLive" ,
"IsNews" ,
"IsPremiere" ,
"EpisodeTitle" ,
"IsRepeat" ,
"CommunityRating" ,
"CustomRating" ,
"IndexNumber" ,
"IsLocked" ,
"PreferredMetadataLanguage" ,
"PreferredMetadataCountryCode" ,
"IsHD" ,
"ExternalEtag" ,
} ;
/// <summary>
/// Prepares the statements.
/// </summary>
private void PrepareStatements ( )
var saveColumns = new List < string >
"guid" ,
"type" ,
"data" ,
"Path" ,
"StartDate" ,
"EndDate" ,
"ChannelId" ,
"IsKids" ,
"IsMovie" ,
"IsSports" ,
"IsSeries" ,
"IsLive" ,
"IsNews" ,
"IsPremiere" ,
"EpisodeTitle" ,
"IsRepeat" ,
"CommunityRating" ,
"CustomRating" ,
"IndexNumber" ,
"IsLocked" ,
"Name" ,
"OfficialRating" ,
"MediaType" ,
"Overview" ,
"ParentIndexNumber" ,
"PremiereDate" ,
"ProductionYear" ,
"ParentId" ,
"Genres" ,
"ParentalRatingValue" ,
"SchemaVersion" ,
"SortName" ,
"RunTimeTicks" ,
"OfficialRatingDescription" ,
"HomePageUrl" ,
"VoteCount" ,
"DisplayMediaType" ,
"DateCreated" ,
"DateModified" ,
"ForcedSortName" ,
"IsOffline" ,
"LocationType" ,
"PreferredMetadataLanguage" ,
"PreferredMetadataCountryCode" ,
"IsHD" ,
"ExternalEtag" ,
} ;
_saveItemCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_saveItemCommand . CommandText = "replace into TypedBaseItems (" + string . Join ( "," , saveColumns . ToArray ( ) ) + ") values (" ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < = saveColumns . Count ; i + + )
if ( i > 1 )
_saveItemCommand . CommandText + = "," ;
_saveItemCommand . CommandText + = "@" + i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
_saveItemCommand . Parameters . Add ( _saveItemCommand , "@" + i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
_saveItemCommand . CommandText + = ")" ;
_deleteChildrenCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . CommandText = "delete from ChildrenIds where ParentId=@ParentId" ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . Parameters . Add ( _deleteChildrenCommand , "@ParentId" ) ;
_deleteItemCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_deleteItemCommand . CommandText = "delete from TypedBaseItems where guid=@Id" ;
_deleteItemCommand . Parameters . Add ( _deleteItemCommand , "@Id" ) ;
_saveChildrenCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_saveChildrenCommand . CommandText = "replace into ChildrenIds (ParentId, ItemId) values (@ParentId, @ItemId)" ;
_saveChildrenCommand . Parameters . Add ( _saveChildrenCommand , "@ParentId" ) ;
_saveChildrenCommand . Parameters . Add ( _saveChildrenCommand , "@ItemId" ) ;
_deletePeopleCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_deletePeopleCommand . CommandText = "delete from People where ItemId=@Id" ;
_deletePeopleCommand . Parameters . Add ( _deletePeopleCommand , "@Id" ) ;
_savePersonCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_savePersonCommand . CommandText = "insert into People (ItemId, Name, Role, PersonType, SortOrder, ListOrder) values (@ItemId, @Name, @Role, @PersonType, @SortOrder, @ListOrder)" ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@ItemId" ) ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@Name" ) ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@Role" ) ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@PersonType" ) ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@SortOrder" ) ;
_savePersonCommand . Parameters . Add ( _savePersonCommand , "@ListOrder" ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Save a standard item in the repo
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception>
public Task SaveItem ( BaseItem item , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( item = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "item" ) ;
return SaveItems ( new [ ] { item } , cancellationToken ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Saves the items.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">The items.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
/// items
/// or
/// cancellationToken
/// </exception>
public async Task SaveItems ( IEnumerable < BaseItem > items , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( items = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "items" ) ;
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
await _writeLock . WaitAsync ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
IDbTransaction transaction = null ;
transaction = _connection . BeginTransaction ( ) ;
foreach ( var item in items )
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . Id ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . GetType ( ) . FullName ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = _jsonSerializer . SerializeToBytes ( item ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . Path ;
var hasStartDate = item as IHasStartDate ;
if ( hasStartDate ! = null )
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasStartDate . StartDate ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . EndDate ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ChannelId ;
var hasProgramAttributes = item as IHasProgramAttributes ;
if ( hasProgramAttributes ! = null )
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsKids ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsMovie ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsSports ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsSeries ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsLive ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsNews ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsPremiere ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . EpisodeTitle ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = hasProgramAttributes . IsRepeat ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . CommunityRating ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . CustomRating ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . IndexNumber ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . IsLocked ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . Name ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . OfficialRating ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . MediaType ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . Overview ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ParentIndexNumber ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . PremiereDate ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ProductionYear ;
if ( item . ParentId = = Guid . Empty )
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ParentId ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = string . Join ( "|" , item . Genres . ToArray ( ) ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . GetParentalRatingValue ( ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = LatestSchemaVersion ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . SortName ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . RunTimeTicks ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . OfficialRatingDescription ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . HomePageUrl ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . VoteCount ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . DisplayMediaType ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . DateCreated ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . DateModified ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ForcedSortName ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . IsOffline ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . LocationType . ToString ( ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . PreferredMetadataLanguage ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . PreferredMetadataCountryCode ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . IsHD ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ExternalEtag ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ExternalImagePath ;
_saveItemCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_saveItemCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
transaction . Commit ( ) ;
catch ( OperationCanceledException )
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Failed to save items:" , e ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Dispose ( ) ;
_writeLock . Release ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Internal retrieve from items or users table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id.</param>
/// <returns>BaseItem.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">id</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"></exception>
public BaseItem RetrieveItem ( Guid id )
if ( id = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "id" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select " + string . Join ( "," , _retriveItemColumns ) + " from TypedBaseItems where guid = @guid" ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@guid" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = id ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult | CommandBehavior . SingleRow ) )
if ( reader . Read ( ) )
return GetItem ( reader ) ;
return null ;
private BaseItem GetItem ( IDataReader reader )
var typeString = reader . GetString ( 0 ) ;
var type = _typeMapper . GetType ( typeString ) ;
if ( type = = null )
_logger . Debug ( "Unknown type {0}" , typeString ) ;
return null ;
BaseItem item ;
using ( var stream = reader . GetMemoryStream ( 1 ) )
item = _jsonSerializer . DeserializeFromStream ( stream , type ) as BaseItem ;
if ( item = = null )
return null ;
catch ( SerializationException ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error deserializing item" , ex ) ;
return null ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 2 ) )
var hasStartDate = item as IHasStartDate ;
if ( hasStartDate ! = null )
hasStartDate . StartDate = reader . GetDateTime ( 2 ) . ToUniversalTime ( ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 3 ) )
item . EndDate = reader . GetDateTime ( 3 ) . ToUniversalTime ( ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 4 ) )
item . IsOffline = reader . GetBoolean ( 4 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 5 ) )
item . ChannelId = reader . GetString ( 5 ) ;
var hasProgramAttributes = item as IHasProgramAttributes ;
if ( hasProgramAttributes ! = null )
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 6 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsMovie = reader . GetBoolean ( 6 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 7 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsSports = reader . GetBoolean ( 7 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 8 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsKids = reader . GetBoolean ( 8 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 9 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsSeries = reader . GetBoolean ( 9 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 10 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsLive = reader . GetBoolean ( 10 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 11 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsNews = reader . GetBoolean ( 11 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 12 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsPremiere = reader . GetBoolean ( 12 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 13 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . EpisodeTitle = reader . GetString ( 13 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 14 ) )
hasProgramAttributes . IsRepeat = reader . GetBoolean ( 14 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 15 ) )
item . CommunityRating = reader . GetFloat ( 15 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 16 ) )
item . CustomRating = reader . GetString ( 16 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 17 ) )
item . IndexNumber = reader . GetInt32 ( 17 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 18 ) )
item . IsLocked = reader . GetBoolean ( 18 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 19 ) )
item . PreferredMetadataLanguage = reader . GetString ( 19 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 20 ) )
item . PreferredMetadataCountryCode = reader . GetString ( 20 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 21 ) )
item . IsHD = reader . GetBoolean ( 21 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 22 ) )
item . ExternalEtag = reader . GetString ( 22 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 23 ) )
item . ExternalImagePath = reader . GetString ( 23 ) ;
return item ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the critic reviews.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemId">The item id.</param>
/// <returns>Task{IEnumerable{ItemReview}}.</returns>
public IEnumerable < ItemReview > GetCriticReviews ( Guid itemId )
var path = Path . Combine ( _criticReviewsPath , itemId + ".json" ) ;
return _jsonSerializer . DeserializeFromFile < List < ItemReview > > ( path ) ;
catch ( DirectoryNotFoundException )
return new List < ItemReview > ( ) ;
catch ( FileNotFoundException )
return new List < ItemReview > ( ) ;
private readonly Task _cachedTask = Task . FromResult ( true ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Saves the critic reviews.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemId">The item id.</param>
/// <param name="criticReviews">The critic reviews.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
public Task SaveCriticReviews ( Guid itemId , IEnumerable < ItemReview > criticReviews )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( _criticReviewsPath ) ;
var path = Path . Combine ( _criticReviewsPath , itemId + ".json" ) ;
_jsonSerializer . SerializeToFile ( criticReviews . ToList ( ) , path ) ;
return _cachedTask ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets chapters for an item
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable{ChapterInfo}.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">id</exception>
public IEnumerable < ChapterInfo > GetChapters ( Guid id )
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
return _chapterRepository . GetChapters ( id ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single chapter for an item
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id.</param>
/// <param name="index">The index.</param>
/// <returns>ChapterInfo.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">id</exception>
public ChapterInfo GetChapter ( Guid id , int index )
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
return _chapterRepository . GetChapter ( id , index ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Saves the chapters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id.</param>
/// <param name="chapters">The chapters.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>Task.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
/// id
/// or
/// chapters
/// or
/// cancellationToken
/// </exception>
public Task SaveChapters ( Guid id , IEnumerable < ChapterInfo > chapters , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
return _chapterRepository . SaveChapters ( id , chapters , cancellationToken ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose ( )
Dispose ( true ) ;
GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ) ;
private readonly object _disposeLock = new object ( ) ;
private bool _disposed ;
private void CheckDisposed ( )
if ( _disposed )
throw new ObjectDisposedException ( GetType ( ) . Name + " has been disposed and cannot be accessed." ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dispose"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
protected virtual void Dispose ( bool dispose )
if ( dispose )
_disposed = true ;
lock ( _disposeLock )
_writeLock . Wait ( ) ;
if ( _connection ! = null )
if ( _connection . IsOpen ( ) )
_connection . Close ( ) ;
_connection . Dispose ( ) ;
_connection = null ;
if ( _chapterRepository ! = null )
_chapterRepository . Dispose ( ) ;
_chapterRepository = null ;
if ( _mediaStreamsRepository ! = null )
_mediaStreamsRepository . Dispose ( ) ;
_mediaStreamsRepository = null ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error disposing database" , ex ) ;
public IEnumerable < Guid > GetChildren ( Guid parentId )
if ( parentId = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "parentId" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select ItemId from ChildrenIds where ParentId = @ParentId" ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@ParentId" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = parentId ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
yield return reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ;
public IEnumerable < BaseItem > GetChildrenItems ( Guid parentId )
if ( parentId = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "parentId" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select " + string . Join ( "," , _retriveItemColumns ) + " from TypedBaseItems where guid in (select ItemId from ChildrenIds where ParentId = @ParentId)" ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@ParentId" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = parentId ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
var item = GetItem ( reader ) ;
if ( item ! = null )
yield return item ;
public IEnumerable < BaseItem > GetItemsOfType ( Type type )
if ( type = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "type" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select " + string . Join ( "," , _retriveItemColumns ) + " from TypedBaseItems where type = @type" ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@type" , DbType . String ) . Value = type . FullName ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
var item = GetItem ( reader ) ;
if ( item ! = null )
yield return item ;
public QueryResult < BaseItem > GetItems ( InternalItemsQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select " + string . Join ( "," , _retriveItemColumns ) + " from TypedBaseItems" ;
var whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , false ) ;
var whereTextWithoutPaging = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , true ) ;
var whereText = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = whereText ;
cmd . CommandText + = GetOrderByText ( query ) ;
if ( query . Limit . HasValue )
cmd . CommandText + = " LIMIT " + query . Limit . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = "; select count (guid) from TypedBaseItems" + whereTextWithoutPaging ;
_logger . Debug ( cmd . CommandText ) ;
var list = new List < BaseItem > ( ) ;
var count = 0 ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
var item = GetItem ( reader ) ;
if ( item ! = null )
list . Add ( item ) ;
if ( reader . NextResult ( ) & & reader . Read ( ) )
count = reader . GetInt32 ( 0 ) ;
return new QueryResult < BaseItem > ( )
Items = list . ToArray ( ) ,
TotalRecordCount = count
} ;
private string GetOrderByText ( InternalItemsQuery query )
if ( query . SortBy = = null | | query . SortBy . Length = = 0 )
return string . Empty ;
var sortOrder = query . SortOrder = = SortOrder . Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC" ;
return " ORDER BY " + string . Join ( "," , query . SortBy . Select ( i = > MapOrderByField ( i ) + " " + sortOrder ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
private string MapOrderByField ( string name )
return name ;
public List < Guid > GetItemIdsList ( InternalItemsQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select guid from TypedBaseItems" ;
var whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , true ) ;
var whereText = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = whereText ;
cmd . CommandText + = GetOrderByText ( query ) ;
if ( query . Limit . HasValue )
cmd . CommandText + = " LIMIT " + query . Limit . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
var list = new List < Guid > ( ) ;
_logger . Debug ( cmd . CommandText ) ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
list . Add ( reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ) ;
return list ;
public QueryResult < Tuple < Guid , string > > GetItemIdsWithPath ( InternalItemsQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select guid,path from TypedBaseItems" ;
var whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , false ) ;
var whereTextWithoutPaging = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , true ) ;
var whereText = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = whereText ;
cmd . CommandText + = GetOrderByText ( query ) ;
if ( query . Limit . HasValue )
cmd . CommandText + = " LIMIT " + query . Limit . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = "; select count (guid) from TypedBaseItems" + whereTextWithoutPaging ;
var list = new List < Tuple < Guid , string > > ( ) ;
var count = 0 ;
_logger . Debug ( cmd . CommandText ) ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
var id = reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ;
string path = null ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 1 ) )
path = reader . GetString ( 1 ) ;
list . Add ( new Tuple < Guid , string > ( id , path ) ) ;
if ( reader . NextResult ( ) & & reader . Read ( ) )
count = reader . GetInt32 ( 0 ) ;
return new QueryResult < Tuple < Guid , string > > ( )
Items = list . ToArray ( ) ,
TotalRecordCount = count
} ;
public QueryResult < Guid > GetItemIds ( InternalItemsQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select guid from TypedBaseItems" ;
var whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , false ) ;
var whereTextWithoutPaging = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses = GetWhereClauses ( query , cmd , true ) ;
var whereText = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = whereText ;
cmd . CommandText + = GetOrderByText ( query ) ;
if ( query . Limit . HasValue )
cmd . CommandText + = " LIMIT " + query . Limit . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = "; select count (guid) from TypedBaseItems" + whereTextWithoutPaging ;
var list = new List < Guid > ( ) ;
var count = 0 ;
_logger . Debug ( cmd . CommandText ) ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
list . Add ( reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( reader . NextResult ( ) & & reader . Read ( ) )
count = reader . GetInt32 ( 0 ) ;
return new QueryResult < Guid > ( )
Items = list . ToArray ( ) ,
TotalRecordCount = count
} ;
private List < string > GetWhereClauses ( InternalItemsQuery query , IDbCommand cmd , bool addPaging )
var whereClauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
if ( query . IsCurrentSchema . HasValue )
if ( query . IsCurrentSchema . Value )
whereClauses . Add ( "(SchemaVersion not null AND SchemaVersion=@SchemaVersion)" ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( "(SchemaVersion is null or SchemaVersion<>@SchemaVersion)" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@SchemaVersion" , DbType . Int32 ) . Value = LatestSchemaVersion ;
if ( query . IsOffline . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "IsOffline=@IsOffline" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@IsOffline" , DbType . Boolean ) . Value = query . IsOffline ;
if ( query . LocationType . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "LocationType=@LocationType" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@LocationType" , DbType . String ) . Value = query . LocationType . Value ;
if ( query . IsMovie . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "IsMovie=@IsMovie" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@IsMovie" , DbType . Boolean ) . Value = query . IsMovie ;
if ( query . IsKids . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "IsKids=@IsKids" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@IsKids" , DbType . Boolean ) . Value = query . IsKids ;
if ( query . IsSports . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "IsSports=@IsSports" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@IsSports" , DbType . Boolean ) . Value = query . IsSports ;
var includeTypes = query . IncludeItemTypes . SelectMany ( MapIncludeItemTypes ) . ToArray ( ) ;
if ( includeTypes . Length = = 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( "type=@type" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@type" , DbType . String ) . Value = includeTypes [ 0 ] ;
else if ( includeTypes . Length > 1 )
var inClause = string . Join ( "," , includeTypes . Select ( i = > "'" + i + "'" ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( string . Format ( "type in ({0})" , inClause ) ) ;
var excludeTypes = query . ExcludeItemTypes . SelectMany ( MapIncludeItemTypes ) . ToArray ( ) ;
if ( excludeTypes . Length = = 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( "type<>@type" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@type" , DbType . String ) . Value = excludeTypes [ 0 ] ;
else if ( excludeTypes . Length > 1 )
var inClause = string . Join ( "," , excludeTypes . Select ( i = > "'" + i + "'" ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( string . Format ( "type not in ({0})" , inClause ) ) ;
if ( query . ChannelIds . Length = = 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( "ChannelId=@ChannelId" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@ChannelId" , DbType . String ) . Value = query . ChannelIds [ 0 ] ;
if ( query . ChannelIds . Length > 1 )
var inClause = string . Join ( "," , query . ChannelIds . Select ( i = > "'" + i + "'" ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( string . Format ( "ChannelId in ({0})" , inClause ) ) ;
if ( query . ParentId . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "ParentId=@ParentId" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@ParentId" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = query . ParentId . Value ;
if ( query . MinEndDate . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "EndDate>=@MinEndDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MinEndDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = query . MinEndDate . Value ;
if ( query . MaxEndDate . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "EndDate<=@MaxEndDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MaxEndDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = query . MaxEndDate . Value ;
if ( query . MinStartDate . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "StartDate>=@MinStartDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MinStartDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = query . MinStartDate . Value ;
if ( query . MaxStartDate . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "StartDate<=@MaxStartDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MaxStartDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = query . MaxStartDate . Value ;
if ( query . IsAiring . HasValue )
if ( query . IsAiring . Value )
whereClauses . Add ( "StartDate<=@MaxStartDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MaxStartDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = DateTime . UtcNow ;
whereClauses . Add ( "EndDate>=@MinEndDate" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MinEndDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = DateTime . UtcNow ;
whereClauses . Add ( "(StartDate>@IsAiringDate OR EndDate < @IsAiringDate)" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@IsAiringDate" , DbType . Date ) . Value = DateTime . UtcNow ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( query . Person ) )
whereClauses . Add ( "Guid in (select ItemId from People where Name=@PersonName)" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@PersonName" , DbType . String ) . Value = query . Person ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( query . NameContains ) )
whereClauses . Add ( "Name like @NameContains" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@NameContains" , DbType . String ) . Value = "%" + query . NameContains + "%" ;
if ( query . Genres . Length > 0 )
var genres = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var genre in query . Genres )
genres . Add ( "Genres like @Genres" + index ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@Genres" + index , DbType . String ) . Value = "%" + genre + "%" ;
index + + ;
var genreCaluse = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , genres . ToArray ( ) ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( genreCaluse ) ;
if ( query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "(ParentalRatingValue is NULL OR ParentalRatingValue<=@MaxParentalRating)" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MaxParentalRating" , DbType . Int32 ) . Value = query . MaxParentalRating . Value ;
if ( query . HasParentalRating . HasValue )
if ( query . HasParentalRating . Value )
whereClauses . Add ( "ParentalRatingValue NOT NULL" ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( "ParentalRatingValue IS NULL" ) ;
if ( query . HasDeadParentId . HasValue )
if ( query . HasDeadParentId . Value )
whereClauses . Add ( "ParentId NOT NULL AND ParentId NOT IN (select guid from TypedBaseItems)" ) ;
if ( addPaging )
if ( query . StartIndex . HasValue & & query . StartIndex . Value > 0 )
var pagingWhereText = whereClauses . Count = = 0 ?
string . Empty :
" where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
var orderBy = GetOrderByText ( query ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( string . Format ( "guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM TypedBaseItems {0}" + orderBy + " LIMIT {1})" ,
pagingWhereText ,
query . StartIndex . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ) ;
return whereClauses ;
private static readonly Type [ ] KnownTypes =
typeof ( LiveTvProgram ) ,
typeof ( LiveTvChannel ) ,
typeof ( LiveTvVideoRecording ) ,
typeof ( LiveTvAudioRecording ) ,
typeof ( Series ) ,
typeof ( LiveTvAudioRecording ) ,
typeof ( LiveTvVideoRecording ) ,
typeof ( Audio ) ,
typeof ( MusicAlbum ) ,
typeof ( MusicArtist ) ,
typeof ( MusicGenre ) ,
typeof ( MusicVideo ) ,
typeof ( Movie ) ,
typeof ( BoxSet ) ,
typeof ( Episode ) ,
typeof ( Season ) ,
typeof ( Series ) ,
typeof ( Book ) ,
typeof ( CollectionFolder ) ,
typeof ( Folder ) ,
typeof ( Game ) ,
typeof ( GameGenre ) ,
typeof ( GameSystem ) ,
typeof ( Genre ) ,
typeof ( Person ) ,
typeof ( Photo ) ,
typeof ( PhotoAlbum ) ,
typeof ( Studio ) ,
typeof ( UserRootFolder ) ,
typeof ( UserView ) ,
typeof ( Video ) ,
typeof ( Year ) ,
typeof ( Channel )
} ;
private static Dictionary < string , string [ ] > GetTypeMapDictionary ( )
var dict = new Dictionary < string , string [ ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var t in KnownTypes )
dict [ t . Name ] = new [ ] { t . FullName } ;
dict [ "Recording" ] = new [ ] { typeof ( LiveTvAudioRecording ) . FullName , typeof ( LiveTvVideoRecording ) . FullName } ;
dict [ "Program" ] = new [ ] { typeof ( LiveTvProgram ) . FullName } ;
dict [ "TvChannel" ] = new [ ] { typeof ( LiveTvChannel ) . FullName } ;
return dict ;
// Not crazy about having this all the way down here, but at least it's in one place
readonly Dictionary < string , string [ ] > _types = GetTypeMapDictionary ( ) ;
private IEnumerable < string > MapIncludeItemTypes ( string value )
string [ ] result ;
if ( _types . TryGetValue ( value , out result ) )
return result ;
return new [ ] { value } ;
public async Task DeleteItem ( Guid id , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( id = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "id" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
await _writeLock . WaitAsync ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
IDbTransaction transaction = null ;
transaction = _connection . BeginTransaction ( ) ;
// First delete children
_deleteChildrenCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = id ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
// Delete people
_deletePeopleCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = id ;
_deletePeopleCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_deletePeopleCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
// Delete the item
_deleteItemCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = id ;
_deleteItemCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_deleteItemCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
transaction . Commit ( ) ;
catch ( OperationCanceledException )
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Failed to save children:" , e ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Dispose ( ) ;
_writeLock . Release ( ) ;
public async Task SaveChildren ( Guid parentId , IEnumerable < Guid > children , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( parentId = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "parentId" ) ;
if ( children = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "children" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
await _writeLock . WaitAsync ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
IDbTransaction transaction = null ;
transaction = _connection . BeginTransaction ( ) ;
// First delete
_deleteChildrenCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = parentId ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_deleteChildrenCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
foreach ( var id in children )
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
_saveChildrenCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = parentId ;
_saveChildrenCommand . GetParameter ( 1 ) . Value = id ;
_saveChildrenCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_saveChildrenCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
transaction . Commit ( ) ;
catch ( OperationCanceledException )
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Failed to save children:" , e ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Dispose ( ) ;
_writeLock . Release ( ) ;
public IEnumerable < MediaStream > GetMediaStreams ( MediaStreamQuery query )
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
return _mediaStreamsRepository . GetMediaStreams ( query ) ;
public Task SaveMediaStreams ( Guid id , IEnumerable < MediaStream > streams , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
return _mediaStreamsRepository . SaveMediaStreams ( id , streams , cancellationToken ) ;
public List < string > GetPeopleNames ( InternalPeopleQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select Distinct Name from People" ;
var whereClauses = GetPeopleWhereClauses ( query , cmd ) ;
if ( whereClauses . Count > 0 )
cmd . CommandText + = " where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = " order by ListOrder" ;
var list = new List < string > ( ) ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
list . Add ( reader . GetString ( 0 ) ) ;
return list ;
public List < PersonInfo > GetPeople ( InternalPeopleQuery query )
if ( query = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "query" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select ItemId, Name, Role, PersonType, SortOrder from People" ;
var whereClauses = GetPeopleWhereClauses ( query , cmd ) ;
if ( whereClauses . Count > 0 )
cmd . CommandText + = " where " + string . Join ( " AND " , whereClauses . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cmd . CommandText + = " order by ListOrder" ;
var list = new List < PersonInfo > ( ) ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
list . Add ( GetPerson ( reader ) ) ;
return list ;
private List < string > GetPeopleWhereClauses ( InternalPeopleQuery query , IDbCommand cmd )
var whereClauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
if ( query . ItemId ! = Guid . Empty )
whereClauses . Add ( "ItemId=@ItemId" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@ItemId" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = query . ItemId ;
if ( query . AppearsInItemId ! = Guid . Empty )
whereClauses . Add ( "Name in (Select Name from People where ItemId=@AppearsInItemId)" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@AppearsInItemId" , DbType . Guid ) . Value = query . AppearsInItemId ;
if ( query . PersonTypes . Count = = 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( "PersonType=@PersonType" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@PersonType" , DbType . String ) . Value = query . PersonTypes [ 0 ] ;
if ( query . PersonTypes . Count > 1 )
var val = string . Join ( "," , query . PersonTypes . Select ( i = > "'" + i + "'" ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( "PersonType in (" + val + ")" ) ;
if ( query . ExcludePersonTypes . Count = = 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( "PersonType<>@PersonType" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@PersonType" , DbType . String ) . Value = query . ExcludePersonTypes [ 0 ] ;
if ( query . ExcludePersonTypes . Count > 1 )
var val = string . Join ( "," , query . ExcludePersonTypes . Select ( i = > "'" + i + "'" ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( "PersonType not in (" + val + ")" ) ;
if ( query . MaxListOrder . HasValue )
whereClauses . Add ( "ListOrder<=@MaxListOrder" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@MaxListOrder" , DbType . Int32 ) . Value = query . MaxListOrder . Value ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( query . NameContains ) )
whereClauses . Add ( "Name like @NameContains" ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@NameContains" , DbType . String ) . Value = "%" + query . NameContains + "%" ;
return whereClauses ;
public async Task UpdatePeople ( Guid itemId , List < PersonInfo > people )
if ( itemId = = Guid . Empty )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "itemId" ) ;
if ( people = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "people" ) ;
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
var cancellationToken = CancellationToken . None ;
await _writeLock . WaitAsync ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
IDbTransaction transaction = null ;
transaction = _connection . BeginTransaction ( ) ;
// First delete
_deletePeopleCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = itemId ;
_deletePeopleCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_deletePeopleCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
var listIndex = 0 ;
foreach ( var person in people )
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = itemId ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 1 ) . Value = person . Name ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 2 ) . Value = person . Role ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 3 ) . Value = person . Type ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 4 ) . Value = person . SortOrder ;
_savePersonCommand . GetParameter ( 5 ) . Value = listIndex ;
_savePersonCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_savePersonCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
listIndex + + ;
transaction . Commit ( ) ;
catch ( OperationCanceledException )
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Failed to save people:" , e ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Dispose ( ) ;
_writeLock . Release ( ) ;
private PersonInfo GetPerson ( IDataReader reader )
var item = new PersonInfo ( ) ;
item . ItemId = reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ;
item . Name = reader . GetString ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 2 ) )
item . Role = reader . GetString ( 2 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 3 ) )
item . Type = reader . GetString ( 3 ) ;
if ( ! reader . IsDBNull ( 4 ) )
item . SortOrder = reader . GetInt32 ( 4 ) ;
return item ;