using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna
public class StreamBuilder
private readonly CultureInfo _usCulture = new CultureInfo ( "en-US" ) ;
public StreamInfo BuildAudioItem ( AudioOptions options )
ValidateAudioInput ( options ) ;
var mediaSources = options . MediaSources ;
// If the client wants a specific media soure, filter now
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
// Avoid implicitly captured closure
var mediaSourceId = options . MediaSourceId ;
mediaSources = mediaSources
. Where ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Id , mediaSourceId , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
. ToList ( ) ;
var streams = mediaSources . Select ( i = > BuildAudioItem ( i , options ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( var stream in streams )
stream . DeviceId = options . DeviceId ;
stream . DeviceProfileId = options . Profile . Id ;
return GetOptimalStream ( streams ) ;
public StreamInfo BuildVideoItem ( VideoOptions options )
ValidateInput ( options ) ;
var mediaSources = options . MediaSources ;
// If the client wants a specific media soure, filter now
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
// Avoid implicitly captured closure
var mediaSourceId = options . MediaSourceId ;
mediaSources = mediaSources
. Where ( i = > string . Equals ( i . Id , mediaSourceId , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
. ToList ( ) ;
var streams = mediaSources . Select ( i = > BuildVideoItem ( i , options ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( var stream in streams )
stream . DeviceId = options . DeviceId ;
stream . DeviceProfileId = options . Profile . Id ;
return GetOptimalStream ( streams ) ;
private StreamInfo GetOptimalStream ( List < StreamInfo > streams )
// Grab the first one that can be direct streamed
// If that doesn't produce anything, just take the first
return streams . FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . IsDirectStream ) ? ?
streams . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
private StreamInfo BuildAudioItem ( MediaSourceInfo item , AudioOptions options )
var playlistItem = new StreamInfo
ItemId = options . ItemId ,
MediaType = DlnaProfileType . Audio ,
MediaSourceId = item . Id
} ;
var audioStream = item . MediaStreams . FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = MediaStreamType . Audio ) ;
// Honor the max bitrate setting
if ( IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , options ) )
var directPlay = options . Profile . DirectPlayProfiles
. FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType & & IsAudioDirectPlaySupported ( i , item , audioStream ) ) ;
if ( directPlay ! = null )
var audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
// Make sure audio codec profiles are satisfied
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) & & options . Profile . CodecProfiles . Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . Audio & & i . ContainsCodec ( audioCodec ) )
. All ( i = > AreConditionsSatisfied ( i . Conditions , item . Path , null , audioStream ) ) )
playlistItem . IsDirectStream = true ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
return playlistItem ;
var transcodingProfile = options . Profile . TranscodingProfiles
. FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType ) ;
if ( transcodingProfile ! = null )
playlistItem . IsDirectStream = false ;
playlistItem . Container = transcodingProfile . Container ;
playlistItem . AudioCodec = transcodingProfile . AudioCodec ;
var audioTranscodingConditions = options . Profile . CodecProfiles
. Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . Audio & & i . ContainsCodec ( transcodingProfile . AudioCodec ) )
. Take ( 1 )
. SelectMany ( i = > i . Conditions ) ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , audioTranscodingConditions ) ;
// Honor requested max channels
if ( options . MaxAudioChannels . HasValue )
var currentValue = playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels ? ? options . MaxAudioChannels . Value ;
playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels = Math . Min ( options . MaxAudioChannels . Value , currentValue ) ;
// Honor requested max bitrate
if ( options . MaxBitrate . HasValue )
var currentValue = playlistItem . AudioBitrate ? ? options . MaxBitrate . Value ;
playlistItem . AudioBitrate = Math . Min ( options . MaxBitrate . Value , currentValue ) ;
return playlistItem ;
private StreamInfo BuildVideoItem ( MediaSourceInfo item , VideoOptions options )
var playlistItem = new StreamInfo
ItemId = options . ItemId ,
MediaType = DlnaProfileType . Video ,
MediaSourceId = item . Id
} ;
var audioStream = item . MediaStreams . FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = MediaStreamType . Audio ) ;
var videoStream = item . MediaStreams . FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = MediaStreamType . Video ) ;
if ( IsEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , options ) )
// See if it can be direct played
var directPlay = options . Profile . DirectPlayProfiles
. FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType & & IsVideoDirectPlaySupported ( i , item , videoStream , audioStream ) ) ;
if ( directPlay ! = null )
var videoCodec = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Codec ;
// Make sure video codec profiles are satisfied
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( videoCodec ) & & options . Profile . CodecProfiles . Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . Video & & i . ContainsCodec ( videoCodec ) )
. All ( i = > AreConditionsSatisfied ( i . Conditions , item . Path , videoStream , audioStream ) ) )
var audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
// Make sure audio codec profiles are satisfied
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) | | options . Profile . CodecProfiles . Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . VideoAudio & & i . ContainsCodec ( audioCodec ) )
. All ( i = > AreConditionsSatisfied ( i . Conditions , item . Path , videoStream , audioStream ) ) )
playlistItem . IsDirectStream = true ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
return playlistItem ;
// Can't direct play, find the transcoding profile
var transcodingProfile = options . Profile . TranscodingProfiles
. FirstOrDefault ( i = > i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType ) ;
if ( transcodingProfile ! = null )
playlistItem . IsDirectStream = false ;
playlistItem . Container = transcodingProfile . Container ;
playlistItem . AudioCodec = transcodingProfile . AudioCodec . Split ( ',' ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
playlistItem . VideoCodec = transcodingProfile . VideoCodec ;
var videoTranscodingConditions = options . Profile . CodecProfiles
. Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . Video & & i . ContainsCodec ( transcodingProfile . VideoCodec ) )
. Take ( 1 )
. SelectMany ( i = > i . Conditions ) ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , videoTranscodingConditions ) ;
var audioTranscodingConditions = options . Profile . CodecProfiles
. Where ( i = > i . Type = = CodecType . VideoAudio & & i . ContainsCodec ( transcodingProfile . AudioCodec ) )
. Take ( 1 )
. SelectMany ( i = > i . Conditions ) ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , audioTranscodingConditions ) ;
// Honor requested max channels
if ( options . MaxAudioChannels . HasValue )
var currentValue = playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels ? ? options . MaxAudioChannels . Value ;
playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels = Math . Min ( options . MaxAudioChannels . Value , currentValue ) ;
// Honor requested max bitrate
if ( options . MaxAudioTranscodingBitrate . HasValue )
var currentValue = playlistItem . AudioBitrate ? ? options . MaxAudioTranscodingBitrate . Value ;
playlistItem . AudioBitrate = Math . Min ( options . MaxAudioTranscodingBitrate . Value , currentValue ) ;
// Honor max rate
if ( options . MaxBitrate . HasValue )
var videoBitrate = options . MaxBitrate . Value ;
if ( playlistItem . AudioBitrate . HasValue )
videoBitrate - = playlistItem . AudioBitrate . Value ;
var currentValue = playlistItem . VideoBitrate ? ? videoBitrate ;
playlistItem . VideoBitrate = Math . Min ( videoBitrate , currentValue ) ;
return playlistItem ;
private bool IsEligibleForDirectPlay ( MediaSourceInfo item , VideoOptions options )
if ( options . SubtitleStreamIndex . HasValue )
return false ;
if ( options . AudioStreamIndex . HasValue & &
item . MediaStreams . Count ( i = > i . Type = = MediaStreamType . Audio ) > 1 )
return false ;
return IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , options ) ;
private bool IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( MediaSourceInfo item , AudioOptions options )
// Honor the max bitrate setting
return ! options . MaxBitrate . HasValue | | ( item . Bitrate . HasValue & & item . Bitrate . Value < = options . MaxBitrate . Value ) ;
private void ValidateInput ( VideoOptions options )
ValidateAudioInput ( options ) ;
if ( options . AudioStreamIndex . HasValue & & string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSourceId is required when a specific audio stream is requested" ) ;
if ( options . SubtitleStreamIndex . HasValue & & string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSourceId is required when a specific subtitle stream is requested" ) ;
private void ValidateAudioInput ( AudioOptions options )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . ItemId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "ItemId is required" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . DeviceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "DeviceId is required" ) ;
if ( options . Profile = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Profile is required" ) ;
if ( options . MediaSources = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSources is required" ) ;
private void ApplyTranscodingConditions ( StreamInfo item , IEnumerable < ProfileCondition > conditions )
foreach ( var condition in conditions
. Where ( i = > ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( i . Value ) ) )
var value = condition . Value ;
switch ( condition . Property )
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioBitrate :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . AudioBitrate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioChannels :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxAudioChannels = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioProfile :
case ProfileConditionValue . Has64BitOffsets :
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitDepth :
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoProfile :
// Not supported yet
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Height :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxHeight = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitrate :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . VideoBitrate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoFramerate :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxFramerate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoLevel :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . VideoLevel = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Width :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxWidth = num ;
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( "Unrecognized ProfileConditionValue" ) ;
private bool IsAudioDirectPlaySupported ( DirectPlayProfile profile , MediaSourceInfo item , MediaStream audioStream )
if ( profile . Container . Length > 0 )
// Check container type
var mediaContainer = item . Container ? ? string . Empty ;
if ( ! profile . GetContainers ( ) . Any ( i = > string . Equals ( i , mediaContainer , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
return false ;
return true ;
private bool IsVideoDirectPlaySupported ( DirectPlayProfile profile , MediaSourceInfo item , MediaStream videoStream , MediaStream audioStream )
// Only plain video files can be direct played
if ( item . VideoType ! = VideoType . VideoFile )
return false ;
if ( profile . Container . Length > 0 )
// Check container type
var mediaContainer = item . Container ? ? string . Empty ;
if ( ! profile . GetContainers ( ) . Any ( i = > string . Equals ( i , mediaContainer , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
return false ;
// Check video codec
var videoCodecs = profile . GetVideoCodecs ( ) ;
if ( videoCodecs . Count > 0 )
var videoCodec = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( videoCodec ) | | ! videoCodecs . Contains ( videoCodec , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
var audioCodecs = profile . GetAudioCodecs ( ) ;
if ( audioCodecs . Count > 0 )
// Check audio codecs
var audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) | | ! audioCodecs . Contains ( audioCodec , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
return true ;
private bool AreConditionsSatisfied ( IEnumerable < ProfileCondition > conditions , string mediaPath , MediaStream videoStream , MediaStream audioStream )
return conditions . All ( i = > IsConditionSatisfied ( i , mediaPath , videoStream , audioStream ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether [is condition satisfied] [the specified condition].
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">The condition.</param>
/// <param name="mediaPath">The media path.</param>
/// <param name="videoStream">The video stream.</param>
/// <param name="audioStream">The audio stream.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if [is condition satisfied] [the specified condition]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unexpected ProfileConditionType</exception>
private bool IsConditionSatisfied ( ProfileCondition condition , string mediaPath , MediaStream videoStream , MediaStream audioStream )
if ( condition . Property = = ProfileConditionValue . Has64BitOffsets )
// TODO: Determine how to evaluate this
if ( condition . Property = = ProfileConditionValue . VideoProfile )
var profile = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Profile ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( profile ) )
switch ( condition . Condition )
case ProfileConditionType . Equals :
return string . Equals ( profile , condition . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case ProfileConditionType . NotEquals :
return ! string . Equals ( profile , condition . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
default :
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Unexpected ProfileConditionType" ) ;
else if ( condition . Property = = ProfileConditionValue . AudioProfile )
var profile = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Profile ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( profile ) )
switch ( condition . Condition )
case ProfileConditionType . Equals :
return string . Equals ( profile , condition . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
case ProfileConditionType . NotEquals :
return ! string . Equals ( profile , condition . Value , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
default :
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Unexpected ProfileConditionType" ) ;
var actualValue = GetConditionValue ( condition , mediaPath , videoStream , audioStream ) ;
if ( actualValue . HasValue )
double expected ;
if ( double . TryParse ( condition . Value , NumberStyles . Any , _usCulture , out expected ) )
switch ( condition . Condition )
case ProfileConditionType . Equals :
return actualValue . Value . Equals ( expected ) ;
case ProfileConditionType . GreaterThanEqual :
return actualValue . Value > = expected ;
case ProfileConditionType . LessThanEqual :
return actualValue . Value < = expected ;
case ProfileConditionType . NotEquals :
return ! actualValue . Value . Equals ( expected ) ;
default :
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Unexpected ProfileConditionType" ) ;
// Value doesn't exist in metadata. Fail it if required.
return ! condition . IsRequired ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the condition value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">The condition.</param>
/// <param name="mediaPath">The media path.</param>
/// <param name="videoStream">The video stream.</param>
/// <param name="audioStream">The audio stream.</param>
/// <returns>System.Nullable{System.Int64}.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unexpected Property</exception>
private double? GetConditionValue ( ProfileCondition condition , string mediaPath , MediaStream videoStream , MediaStream audioStream )
switch ( condition . Property )
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioBitrate :
return audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . BitRate ;
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioChannels :
return audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Channels ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitrate :
return videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . BitRate ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoFramerate :
return videoStream = = null ? null : ( videoStream . AverageFrameRate ? ? videoStream . RealFrameRate ) ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Height :
return videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Height ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Width :
return videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Width ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoLevel :
return videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Level ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitDepth :
return videoStream = = null ? null : GetBitDepth ( videoStream ) ;
default :
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Unexpected Property" ) ;
private int? GetBitDepth ( MediaStream videoStream )
var eightBit = new List < string >
"yuv420p" ,
"yuv411p" ,
"yuvj420p" ,
"uyyvyy411" ,
"nv12" ,
"nv21" ,
"rgb444le" ,
"rgb444be" ,
"bgr444le" ,
"bgr444be" ,
} ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( videoStream . PixelFormat ) )
if ( eightBit . Contains ( videoStream . PixelFormat , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return 8 ;
return null ;