You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.TV;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
10 years ago
using System.Linq;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities
public class UserView : Folder
public string ViewType { get; set; }
public Guid ParentId { get; set; }
public Guid DisplayParentId { get; set; }
10 years ago
public Guid? UserId { get; set; }
public static ITVSeriesManager TVSeriesManager;
public static IPlaylistManager PlaylistManager;
public bool ContainsDynamicCategories(User user)
return true;
10 years ago
public override IEnumerable<Guid> GetIdsForAncestorQuery()
var list = new List<Guid>();
if (DisplayParentId != Guid.Empty)
else if (ParentId != Guid.Empty)
return list;
public override Task<QueryResult<BaseItem>> GetItems(InternalItemsQuery query)
var parent = this as Folder;
if (DisplayParentId != Guid.Empty)
parent = LibraryManager.GetItemById(DisplayParentId) as Folder ?? parent;
else if (ParentId != Guid.Empty)
parent = LibraryManager.GetItemById(ParentId) as Folder ?? parent;
return new UserViewBuilder(UserViewManager, LiveTvManager, ChannelManager, LibraryManager, Logger, UserDataManager, TVSeriesManager, CollectionManager, PlaylistManager)
.GetUserItems(parent, this, ViewType, query);
public override IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetChildren(User user, bool includeLinkedChildren)
var result = GetItems(new InternalItemsQuery
User = user
return result.Items;
public override bool CanDelete()
return false;
public override bool IsSaveLocalMetadataEnabled()
return true;
10 years ago
public override IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetRecursiveChildren(User user, Func<BaseItem, bool> filter)
var result = GetItems(new InternalItemsQuery
User = user,
10 years ago
Recursive = true,
Filter = filter
return result.Items;
protected override IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetEligibleChildrenForRecursiveChildren(User user)
return GetChildren(user, false);
public static bool IsExcludedFromGrouping(Folder folder)
var standaloneTypes = new List<string>
10 years ago
var collectionFolder = folder as ICollectionFolder;
if (collectionFolder == null)
return false;
return standaloneTypes.Contains(collectionFolder.CollectionType ?? string.Empty);
public static bool IsUserSpecific(Folder folder)
var standaloneTypes = new List<string>
var collectionFolder = folder as ICollectionFolder;
if (collectionFolder == null)
return false;
return standaloneTypes.Contains(collectionFolder.CollectionType ?? string.Empty);
10 years ago
public static bool IsEligibleForEnhancedView(string viewType)
var types = new[] { CollectionType.Movies, CollectionType.TvShows, CollectionType.Music };
return types.Contains(viewType ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public override bool SupportsPeople
return false;