Merge pull request #1207 from softworkz/MultiEpisodePattern

Auto-Organize: Fix PathTooLongException due to long EpisodeTitle
Luke 9 years ago
commit 0872bbc42b

@ -435,21 +435,29 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.FileOrganization
var newPath = GetSeasonFolderPath(series, seasonNumber, options);
var episodeFileName = GetEpisodeFileName(sourcePath, series.Name, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, endingEpisodeNumber, episode.Name, options);
// MAX_PATH - trailing <NULL> charachter - drive component: 260 - 1 - 3 = 256
// Usually newPath would include the drive component, but use 256 to be sure
var maxFilenameLength = 256 - newPath.Length;
newPath = Path.Combine(newPath, episodeFileName);
// Try to account for windows limitations by removing the episode title
if (newPath.Length > 255)
if (!newPath.EndsWith(@"\"))
var extension = Path.GetExtension(episodeFileName);
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(episodeFileName);
fileName = fileName.Replace(episode.Name, string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
episodeFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, extension);
// Remove 1 for missing backslash combining path and filename
newPath = Path.Combine(newPath, episodeFileName);
// Remove additional 4 chars to prevent PathTooLongException for downloaded subtitles (eg.
maxFilenameLength -= 4;
var episodeFileName = GetEpisodeFileName(sourcePath, series.Name, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, endingEpisodeNumber, episode.Name, options, maxFilenameLength);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(episodeFileName))
// cause failure
return string.Empty;
newPath = Path.Combine(newPath, episodeFileName);
return newPath;
@ -492,7 +500,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.FileOrganization
return Path.Combine(path, _fileSystem.GetValidFilename(seasonFolderName));
private string GetEpisodeFileName(string sourcePath, string seriesName, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber, int? endingEpisodeNumber, string episodeTitle, TvFileOrganizationOptions options)
private string GetEpisodeFileName(string sourcePath, string seriesName, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber, int? endingEpisodeNumber, string episodeTitle, TvFileOrganizationOptions options, int? maxLength)
seriesName = _fileSystem.GetValidFilename(seriesName).Trim();
episodeTitle = _fileSystem.GetValidFilename(episodeTitle).Trim();
@ -508,9 +516,9 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.FileOrganization
.Replace("%0s", seasonNumber.ToString("00", _usCulture))
.Replace("%00s", seasonNumber.ToString("000", _usCulture))
.Replace("%ext", sourceExtension)
.Replace("%en", episodeTitle)
.Replace("%e.n", episodeTitle.Replace(" ", "."))
.Replace("%e_n", episodeTitle.Replace(" ", "_"));
.Replace("%en", "%#1")
.Replace("%e.n", "%#2")
.Replace("%e_n", "%#3");
if (endingEpisodeNumber.HasValue)
@ -519,9 +527,37 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.FileOrganization
.Replace("%00ed", endingEpisodeNumber.Value.ToString("000", _usCulture));
return result.Replace("%e", episodeNumber.ToString(_usCulture))
result = result.Replace("%e", episodeNumber.ToString(_usCulture))
.Replace("%0e", episodeNumber.ToString("00", _usCulture))
.Replace("%00e", episodeNumber.ToString("000", _usCulture));
if (maxLength.HasValue && result.Contains("%#"))
// Substract 3 for the temp token length (%#1, %#2 or %#3)
int maxRemainingTitleLength = maxLength.Value - result.Length + 3;
string shortenedEpisodeTitle = string.Empty;
if (maxRemainingTitleLength > 5)
// A title with fewer than 5 letters wouldn't be of much value
shortenedEpisodeTitle = episodeTitle.Substring(0, Math.Min(maxRemainingTitleLength, episodeTitle.Length));
result = result.Replace("%#1", shortenedEpisodeTitle)
.Replace("%#2", shortenedEpisodeTitle.Replace(" ", "."))
.Replace("%#3", shortenedEpisodeTitle.Replace(" ", "_"));
if (maxLength.HasValue && result.Length > maxLength.Value)
// There may be cases where reducing the title length may still not be sufficient to
// stay below maxLength
var msg = string.Format("Unable to generate an episode file name shorter than {0} characters to constrain to the max path limit", maxLength);
return string.Empty;
return result;
private bool IsSameEpisode(string sourcePath, string newPath)
