Merge pull request #7542 from 1337joe/make-recording-stop

Make recording stop at scheduled stop time

(cherry picked from commit 132c85e554)
Signed-off-by: crobibero <>
Cody Robibero 3 years ago committed by crobibero
parent 9e380768dd
commit 1425ef3cb4

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
await RecordFromFile(mediaSource, mediaSource.Path, targetFile, onStarted, cancellationTokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
_logger.LogInformation("Recording completed to file {0}", targetFile);
_logger.LogInformation("Recording completed to file {Path}", targetFile);
private async Task RecordFromFile(MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, string inputFile, string targetFile, Action onStarted, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
// Important - don't await the log task or we won't be able to kill ffmpeg when the user stops playback
_ = StartStreamingLog(_process.StandardError.BaseStream, _logFileStream);
_logger.LogInformation("ffmpeg recording process started for {0}", _targetPath);
_logger.LogInformation("ffmpeg recording process started for {Path}", _targetPath);
// Block until ffmpeg exits
await _taskCompletionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
private string GetCommandLineArgs(MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, string inputTempFile, string targetFile)
