@ -547,13 +547,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IJsonSerializer, JsonSerializer>();
// TODO: Remove support for injecting ILogger completely
serviceCollection.AddSingleton((provider) =>
Logger.LogWarning("Injecting ILogger directly is deprecated and should be replaced with ILogger<T>");
return Logger;
// TODO: properly set up scoping and switch to AddDbContextPool
options => options.UseSqlite($"Filename={Path.Combine(ApplicationPaths.DataPath, "jellyfin.db")}"),
@ -1156,9 +1149,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
ItemsByNamePath = ApplicationPaths.InternalMetadataPath,
InternalMetadataPath = ApplicationPaths.InternalMetadataPath,
CachePath = ApplicationPaths.CachePath,
HttpServerPortNumber = HttpPort,
SupportsHttps = SupportsHttps,
HttpsPortNumber = HttpsPort,
OperatingSystem = OperatingSystem.Id.ToString(),
OperatingSystemDisplayName = OperatingSystem.Name,
CanSelfRestart = CanSelfRestart,
@ -1194,23 +1184,22 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
public bool EnableHttps => SupportsHttps && ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.EnableHttps;
public bool SupportsHttps => Certificate != null || ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.IsBehindProxy;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool ListenWithHttps => Certificate != null && ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.EnableHttps;
public async Task<string> GetLocalApiUrl(CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool forceHttp = false)
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<string> GetLocalApiUrl(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Return the first matched address, if found, or the first known local address
var addresses = await GetLocalIpAddressesInternal(false, 1, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var address in addresses)
if (addresses.Count == 0)
return GetLocalApiUrl(address, forceHttp);
return null;
return null;
return GetLocalApiUrl(addresses.First());
catch (Exception ex)
@ -1237,7 +1226,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
/// <inheritdoc />
public string GetLocalApiUrl(IPAddress ipAddress, bool forceHttp = false)
public string GetLocalApiUrl(IPAddress ipAddress)
if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
@ -1247,29 +1236,30 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
span[^1] = ']';
return GetLocalApiUrl(span, forceHttp);
return GetLocalApiUrl(span);
return GetLocalApiUrl(ipAddress.ToString(), forceHttp);
return GetLocalApiUrl(ipAddress.ToString());
/// <inheritdoc />
public string GetLocalApiUrl(ReadOnlySpan<char> host, bool forceHttp = false)
/// <inheritdoc/>
public string GetLoopbackHttpApiUrl()
var url = new StringBuilder(64);
bool useHttps = EnableHttps && !forceHttp;
url.Append(useHttps ? "https://" : "http://")
.Append(useHttps ? HttpsPort : HttpPort);
string baseUrl = ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.BaseUrl;
if (baseUrl.Length != 0)
return GetLocalApiUrl("", Uri.UriSchemeHttp, HttpPort);
return url.ToString();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public string GetLocalApiUrl(ReadOnlySpan<char> host, string scheme = null, int? port = null)
// NOTE: If no BaseUrl is set then UriBuilder appends a trailing slash, but if there is no BaseUrl it does
// not. For consistency, always trim the trailing slash.
return new UriBuilder
Scheme = scheme ?? (ListenWithHttps ? Uri.UriSchemeHttps : Uri.UriSchemeHttp),
Host = host.ToString(),
Port = port ?? (ListenWithHttps ? HttpsPort : HttpPort),
Path = ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.BaseUrl
public Task<List<IPAddress>> GetLocalIpAddresses(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
@ -1303,7 +1293,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
var valid = await IsIpAddressValidAsync(address, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var valid = await IsLocalIpAddressValidAsync(address, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (valid)
@ -1337,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _validAddressResults = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private async Task<bool> IsIpAddressValidAsync(IPAddress address, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
private async Task<bool> IsLocalIpAddressValidAsync(IPAddress address, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback)
|| address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback))
@ -1345,8 +1335,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
return true;
var apiUrl = GetLocalApiUrl(address);
apiUrl += "/system/ping";
var apiUrl = GetLocalApiUrl(address) + "/system/ping";
if (_validAddressResults.TryGetValue(apiUrl, out var cachedResult))