@ -22,31 +22,27 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia
var x = imageSize.Width - OffsetFromTopRightCorner;
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
using var paint = new SKPaint
paint.Color = SKColor.Parse("#CC00A4DC");
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
canvas.DrawCircle(x, OffsetFromTopRightCorner, 20, paint);
Color = SKColor.Parse("#CC00A4DC"),
Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill
using (var paint = new SKPaint())
paint.Color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
canvas.DrawCircle(x, OffsetFromTopRightCorner, 20, paint);
paint.TextSize = 30;
paint.IsAntialias = true;
paint.Color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
paint.TextSize = 30;
paint.IsAntialias = true;
// or:
// var emojiChar = 0x1F680;
const string Text = "✔️";
var emojiChar = StringUtilities.GetUnicodeCharacterCode(Text, SKTextEncoding.Utf32);
// or:
// var emojiChar = 0x1F680;
const string Text = "✔️";
var emojiChar = StringUtilities.GetUnicodeCharacterCode(Text, SKTextEncoding.Utf32);
// ask the font manager for a font with that character
paint.Typeface = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter(emojiChar);
// ask the font manager for a font with that character
paint.Typeface = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter(emojiChar);
canvas.DrawText(Text, (float)x - 20, OffsetFromTopRightCorner + 12, paint);
canvas.DrawText(Text, (float)x - 20, OffsetFromTopRightCorner + 12, paint);