@ -663,19 +663,12 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
dto.GameSystem = item.GameSystemName;
private List<string> GetBackdropImageTags(BaseItem item, int limit)
private List<string> GetImageTags(BaseItem item, List<ItemImageInfo> images)
return GetCacheTags(item, ImageType.Backdrop, limit).ToList();
private List<string> GetScreenshotImageTags(BaseItem item, int limit)
var hasScreenshots = item as IHasScreenshots;
if (hasScreenshots == null)
return new List<string>();
return GetCacheTags(item, ImageType.Screenshot, limit).ToList();
return images
.Select(p => GetImageCacheTag(item, p))
.Where(i => i != null)
private IEnumerable<string> GetCacheTags(BaseItem item, ImageType type, int limit)
@ -850,53 +843,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
/// <summary>
/// If an item does not any backdrops, this can be used to find the first parent that does have one
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <returns>BaseItem.</returns>
private BaseItem GetParentBackdropItem(BaseItem item, BaseItem owner)
var parent = item.GetParent() ?? owner;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.GetImages(ImageType.Backdrop).Any())
return parent;
parent = parent.GetParent();
return null;
/// <summary>
/// If an item does not have a logo, this can be used to find the first parent that does have one
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item.</param>
/// <param name="type">The type.</param>
/// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
/// <returns>BaseItem.</returns>
private BaseItem GetParentImageItem(BaseItem item, ImageType type, BaseItem owner)
var parent = item.GetParent() ?? owner;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.HasImage(type))
return parent;
parent = parent.GetParent();
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the chapter info dto.
/// </summary>
@ -1027,7 +973,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
var backdropLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Backdrop);
if (backdropLimit > 0)
dto.BackdropImageTags = GetBackdropImageTags(item, backdropLimit);
dto.BackdropImageTags = GetImageTags(item, item.GetImages(ImageType.Backdrop).Take(backdropLimit).ToList());
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ScreenshotImageTags))
@ -1035,7 +981,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
var screenshotLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Screenshot);
if (screenshotLimit > 0)
dto.ScreenshotImageTags = GetScreenshotImageTags(item, screenshotLimit);
dto.BackdropImageTags = GetImageTags(item, item.GetImages(ImageType.Screenshot).Take(screenshotLimit).ToList());
@ -1064,6 +1010,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
dto.Id = GetDtoId(item);
dto.IndexNumber = item.IndexNumber;
dto.ParentIndexNumber = item.ParentIndexNumber;
dto.IsFolder = item.IsFolder;
dto.MediaType = item.MediaType;
dto.LocationType = item.LocationType;
@ -1126,18 +1073,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
dto.ShortOverview = item.ShortOverview;
// If there are no backdrops, indicate what parent has them in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (backdropLimit > 0 && dto.BackdropImageTags.Count == 0)
var parentWithBackdrop = GetParentBackdropItem(item, owner);
if (parentWithBackdrop != null)
dto.ParentBackdropItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithBackdrop);
dto.ParentBackdropImageTags = GetBackdropImageTags(parentWithBackdrop, backdropLimit);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.ParentId))
var displayParentId = item.DisplayParentId;
@ -1147,46 +1082,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
dto.ParentIndexNumber = item.ParentIndexNumber;
// If there is no logo, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasLogo && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Logo) > 0)
var parentWithLogo = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Logo, owner);
if (parentWithLogo != null)
dto.ParentLogoItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithLogo);
dto.ParentLogoImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithLogo, ImageType.Logo);
// If there is no art, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasArtImage && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Art) > 0)
var parentWithImage = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Art, owner);
if (parentWithImage != null)
dto.ParentArtItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithImage);
dto.ParentArtImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithImage, ImageType.Art);
// If there is no thumb, indicate what parent has one in case the Ui wants to allow inheritance
if (!dto.HasThumb && options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Thumb) > 0)
var parentWithImage = GetParentImageItem(item, ImageType.Thumb, owner);
if (parentWithImage != null)
dto.ParentThumbItemId = GetDtoId(parentWithImage);
dto.ParentThumbImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parentWithImage, ImageType.Thumb);
AddInheritedImages(dto, item, options, owner);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.Path))
@ -1420,33 +1316,36 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
dto.SeasonName = episode.SeasonName;
var episodeSeries = episode.Series;
Series episodeSeries = null;
if (episodeSeries != null)
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesGenres))
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesGenres))
episodeSeries = episodeSeries ?? episode.Series;
if (episodeSeries != null)
dto.SeriesGenres = episodeSeries.Genres.ToList();
episodeSeries = episodeSeries ?? episode.Series;
if (episodeSeries != null)
dto.SeriesId = GetDtoId(episodeSeries);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.AirTime))
dto.AirTime = episodeSeries.AirTime;
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Thumb) > 0)
dto.SeriesThumbImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(episodeSeries, ImageType.Thumb);
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Primary) > 0)
if (options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Primary) > 0)
episodeSeries = episodeSeries ?? episode.Series;
if (episodeSeries != null)
dto.SeriesPrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(episodeSeries, ImageType.Primary);
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesStudio))
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesStudio))
episodeSeries = episodeSeries ?? episode.Series;
if (episodeSeries != null)
dto.SeriesStudio = episodeSeries.Studios.FirstOrDefault();
@ -1475,7 +1374,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
if (series != null)
dto.SeriesId = GetDtoId(series);
dto.AirTime = series.AirTime;
if (fields.Contains(ItemFields.SeriesStudio))
@ -1533,6 +1431,70 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Dto
private void AddInheritedImages(BaseItemDto dto, BaseItem item, DtoOptions options, BaseItem owner)
var logoLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Logo);
var artLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Art);
var thumbLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Thumb);
var backdropLimit = options.GetImageLimit(ImageType.Backdrop);
if (logoLimit == 0 && artLimit == 0 && thumbLimit == 0 && backdropLimit == 0)
BaseItem parent = null;
var isFirst = true;
while (((!dto.HasLogo && logoLimit > 0) || (!dto.HasArtImage && artLimit > 0) || (!dto.HasThumb && thumbLimit > 0) || parent is Series) &&
(parent = parent ?? (isFirst ? item.GetParent() ?? owner : parent)) != null)
if (logoLimit > 0 && !dto.HasLogo && dto.ParentLogoItemId == null)
var image = parent.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Logo, 0);
if (image != null)
dto.ParentLogoItemId = GetDtoId(parent);
dto.ParentLogoImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parent, image);
if (artLimit > 0 && !dto.HasArtImage && dto.ParentArtItemId == null)
var image = parent.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Art, 0);
if (image != null)
dto.ParentArtItemId = GetDtoId(parent);
dto.ParentArtImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parent, image);
if (thumbLimit > 0 && !dto.HasThumb && (dto.ParentThumbItemId == null || parent is Series))
var image = parent.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Thumb, 0);
if (image != null)
dto.ParentThumbItemId = GetDtoId(parent);
dto.ParentThumbImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(parent, image);
if (backdropLimit > 0 && !dto.HasBackdrop)
var images = parent.GetImages(ImageType.Backdrop).Take(backdropLimit).ToList();
if (images.Count > 0)
dto.ParentBackdropItemId = GetDtoId(parent);
dto.ParentBackdropImageTags = GetImageTags(parent, images);
isFirst = false;
parent = parent.GetParent();
private string GetMappedPath(IHasMetadata item)
var path = item.Path;