update hdhomerun udp stream

Luke Pulverenti 8 years ago
parent 690ab4a2dc
commit 55bfb71baa

@ -16,12 +16,15 @@ namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Net
internal sealed class UdpSocket : DisposableManagedObjectBase, ISocket
#region Fields
private Socket _Socket;
private int _LocalPort;
private SocketAsyncEventArgs _receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs()
SocketFlags = SocketFlags.None
private TaskCompletionSource<SocketReceiveResult> _currentReceiveTaskCompletionSource;
public UdpSocket(Socket socket, int localPort, IPAddress ip)
@ -32,6 +35,32 @@ namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Net
LocalIPAddress = NetworkManager.ToIpAddressInfo(ip);
_Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ip, _LocalPort));
private void InitReceiveSocketAsyncEventArgs()
var buffer = new byte[8192];
_receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
_receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed += _receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed;
private void _receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
var tcs = _currentReceiveTaskCompletionSource;
if (tcs != null)
_currentReceiveTaskCompletionSource = null;
tcs.TrySetResult(new SocketReceiveResult
Buffer = e.Buffer,
ReceivedBytes = e.BytesTransferred,
RemoteEndPoint = ToIpEndPointInfo(e.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint),
LocalIPAddress = LocalIPAddress
public UdpSocket(Socket socket, IpEndPointInfo endPoint)
@ -40,6 +69,8 @@ namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Net
_Socket = socket;
public IpAddressInfo LocalIPAddress
@ -57,12 +88,12 @@ namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Net
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<SocketReceiveResult>();
EndPoint receivedFromEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
var state = new AsyncReceiveState(_Socket, receivedFromEndPoint);
state.TaskCompletionSource = tcs;
cancellationToken.Register(() => tcs.TrySetCanceled());
var state = new AsyncReceiveState(_Socket, receivedFromEndPoint);
state.TaskCompletionSource = tcs;
_Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(new ArraySegment<Byte>(state.Buffer), SocketFlags.None, state.RemoteEndPoint)
.ContinueWith((task, asyncState) =>
@ -74,7 +105,15 @@ namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Net
}, state);
_Socket.BeginReceiveFrom(state.Buffer, 0, state.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref state.RemoteEndPoint, ProcessResponse, state);
//var state = new AsyncReceiveState(_Socket, receivedFromEndPoint);
//state.TaskCompletionSource = tcs;
//_Socket.BeginReceiveFrom(state.Buffer, 0, state.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref state.RemoteEndPoint, ProcessResponse, state);
_receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = receivedFromEndPoint;
_currentReceiveTaskCompletionSource = tcs;
var isPending = _Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(_receiveSocketAsyncEventArgs);
return tcs.Task;

@ -275,6 +275,16 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
public int HD { get; set; }
protected EncodingOptions GetEncodingOptions()
return Config.GetConfiguration<EncodingOptions>("encoding");
private string GetHdHrIdFromChannelId(string channelId)
return channelId.Split('_')[1];
private MediaSourceInfo GetMediaSource(TunerHostInfo info, string channelId, ChannelInfo channelInfo, string profile)
int? width = null;
@ -362,14 +372,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
nal = "0";
var url = GetApiUrl(info, true) + "/auto/v" + channelId;
// If raw was used, the tuner doesn't support params
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile)
&& !string.Equals(profile, "native", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
url += "?transcode=" + profile;
var url = GetApiUrl(info, false);
var id = profile;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
@ -378,92 +381,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
id += "_" + url.GetMD5().ToString("N");
var mediaSource = new MediaSourceInfo
Path = url,
Protocol = MediaProtocol.Http,
MediaStreams = new List<MediaStream>
new MediaStream
Type = MediaStreamType.Video,
// Set the index to -1 because we don't know the exact index of the video stream within the container
Index = -1,
IsInterlaced = isInterlaced,
Codec = videoCodec,
Width = width,
Height = height,
BitRate = videoBitrate,
NalLengthSize = nal
new MediaStream
Type = MediaStreamType.Audio,
// Set the index to -1 because we don't know the exact index of the audio stream within the container
Index = -1,
Codec = audioCodec,
BitRate = audioBitrate
RequiresOpening = true,
RequiresClosing = false,
BufferMs = 0,
Container = "ts",
Id = id,
SupportsDirectPlay = false,
SupportsDirectStream = true,
SupportsTranscoding = true,
IsInfiniteStream = true
return mediaSource;
protected EncodingOptions GetEncodingOptions()
return Config.GetConfiguration<EncodingOptions>("encoding");
private string GetHdHrIdFromChannelId(string channelId)
return channelId.Split('_')[1];
private MediaSourceInfo GetLegacyMediaSource(TunerHostInfo info, string channelId, ChannelInfo channel)
int? width = null;
int? height = null;
bool isInterlaced = true;
string videoCodec = null;
string audioCodec = null;
int? videoBitrate = null;
int? audioBitrate = null;
if (channel != null)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(videoCodec))
videoCodec = channel.VideoCodec;
audioCodec = channel.AudioCodec;
// normalize
if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "mpeg2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
videoCodec = "mpeg2video";
string nal = null;
var url = GetApiUrl(info, false);
var id = channelId;
id += "_" + url.GetMD5().ToString("N");
var mediaSource = new MediaSourceInfo
Path = url,
@ -527,7 +444,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
if (isLegacyTuner)
list.Add(GetLegacyMediaSource(info, hdhrId, channelInfo));
list.Add(GetMediaSource(info, hdhrId, channelInfo, "native"));
@ -579,20 +496,17 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
var hdhomerunChannel = channelInfo as HdHomerunChannelInfo;
var mediaSource = GetMediaSource(info, hdhrId, channelInfo, profile);
var modelInfo = await GetModelInfo(info, false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (hdhomerunChannel != null && hdhomerunChannel.IsLegacyTuner)
var mediaSource = GetLegacyMediaSource(info, hdhrId, channelInfo);
var modelInfo = await GetModelInfo(info, false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new HdHomerunUdpStream(mediaSource, streamId, new LegacyHdHomerunChannelCommands(hdhomerunChannel.Url), modelInfo.TunerCount, _fileSystem, _httpClient, Logger, Config.ApplicationPaths, _appHost, _socketFactory, _networkManager);
var mediaSource = GetMediaSource(info, hdhrId, channelInfo, profile);
//var modelInfo = await GetModelInfo(info, false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new HdHomerunHttpStream(mediaSource, streamId, _fileSystem, _httpClient, Logger, Config.ApplicationPaths, _appHost);
//return new HdHomerunUdpStream(mediaSource, streamId, new HdHomerunChannelCommands(hdhomerunChannel.Number), modelInfo.TunerCount, _fileSystem, _httpClient, Logger, Config.ApplicationPaths, _appHost, _socketFactory, _networkManager);
//return new HdHomerunHttpStream(mediaSource, streamId, _fileSystem, _httpClient, Logger, Config.ApplicationPaths, _appHost);
return new HdHomerunUdpStream(mediaSource, streamId, new HdHomerunChannelCommands(hdhomerunChannel.Number), modelInfo.TunerCount, _fileSystem, _httpClient, Logger, Config.ApplicationPaths, _appHost, _socketFactory, _networkManager);

@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
// send url to start streaming
await hdHomerunManager.StartStreaming(remoteAddress, localAddress, localPort, _channelCommands, _numTuners, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var timeoutToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(new CancellationTokenSource(5000).Token, cancellationToken).Token;
var response = await udpClient.ReceiveAsync(timeoutToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
_logger.Info("Opened HDHR UDP stream from {0}", remoteAddress);
if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
@ -132,8 +130,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
onStarted = () => openTaskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(true);
var stream = new UdpClientStream(udpClient);
await _multicastStream.CopyUntilCancelled(stream, onStarted, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await _multicastStream.CopyUntilCancelled(udpClient, onStarted, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
await hdHomerunManager.StopStreaming().ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -171,127 +167,4 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts.HdHomerun
return _multicastStream.CopyToAsync(stream);
// This handles the ReadAsync function only of a Stream object
// This is used to wrap a UDP socket into a stream for MulticastStream which only uses ReadAsync
public class UdpClientStream : Stream
private static int RtpHeaderBytes = 12;
private static int PacketSize = 1316;
private readonly ISocket _udpClient;
bool disposed;
public UdpClientStream(ISocket udpClient) : base()
_udpClient = udpClient;
public override async Task<int> ReadAsync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (buffer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (offset + count < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset + count must not be negative", "offset+count");
if (offset + count > buffer.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("offset + count must not be greater than the length of buffer", "offset+count");
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(UdpClientStream).ToString());
// This will always receive a 1328 packet size (PacketSize + RtpHeaderSize)
// The RTP header will be stripped so see how many reads we need to make to fill the buffer.
int numReads = count / PacketSize;
int totalBytesRead = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numReads; ++i)
var data = await _udpClient.ReceiveAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var bytesRead = data.ReceivedBytes - RtpHeaderBytes;
// remove rtp header
Buffer.BlockCopy(data.Buffer, RtpHeaderBytes, buffer, offset, bytesRead);
offset += bytesRead;
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
return totalBytesRead;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
disposed = true;
public override bool CanRead
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool CanSeek
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool CanWrite
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Length
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Position
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Flush()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetLength(long value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotImplementedException();

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Net;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
@ -40,7 +41,52 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
var allStreams = _outputStreams.ToList();
foreach (var stream in allStreams)
stream.Value.Queue(copy, 0, copy.Length);
if (onStarted != null)
var onStartedCopy = onStarted;
onStarted = null;
await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static int RtpHeaderBytes = 12;
public async Task CopyUntilCancelled(ISocket udpClient, Action onStarted, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var receiveToken = cancellationToken;
// On the first connection attempt, put a timeout to avoid being stuck indefinitely in the event of failure
if (onStarted != null)
receiveToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(new CancellationTokenSource(5000).Token, cancellationToken).Token;
var data = await udpClient.ReceiveAsync(receiveToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var bytesRead = data.ReceivedBytes - RtpHeaderBytes;
if (bytesRead > 0)
byte[] copy = new byte[bytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data.Buffer, RtpHeaderBytes, copy, 0, bytesRead);
var allStreams = _outputStreams.ToList();
foreach (var stream in allStreams)
//stream.Value.Queue(data.Buffer, RtpHeaderBytes, bytesRead);
stream.Value.Queue(copy, 0, copy.Length);
if (onStarted != null)

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
public class QueueStream
private readonly Stream _outputStream;
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>();
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<byte[],int,int>> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<byte[], int, int>>();
private CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> TaskCompletion { get; private set; }
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
TaskCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
public void Queue(byte[] bytes)
public void Queue(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count)
_queue.Enqueue(new Tuple<byte[], int, int>(bytes, offset, count));
public void Start(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
Task.Run(() => StartInternal());
private byte[] Dequeue()
private Tuple<byte[], int, int> Dequeue()
byte[] bytes;
if (_queue.TryDequeue(out bytes))
Tuple<byte[], int, int> result;
if (_queue.TryDequeue(out result))
return bytes;
return result;
return null;
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.TunerHosts
while (true)
var bytes = Dequeue();
if (bytes != null)
var result = Dequeue();
if (result != null)
await _outputStream.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await _outputStream.WriteAsync(result.Item1, result.Item2, result.Item3, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
