Enable nullable for more files

Bond_009 2 months ago
parent 9db093b9d9
commit 651681c276

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations
_startupConfig = startupConfig;
Logger = LoggerFactory.CreateLogger<ApplicationHost>();
_deviceId = new DeviceId(ApplicationPaths, LoggerFactory);
_deviceId = new DeviceId(ApplicationPaths, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger<DeviceId>());
ApplicationVersion = typeof(ApplicationHost).Assembly.GetName().Version;
ApplicationVersionString = ApplicationVersion.ToString(3);

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -17,19 +15,19 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Devices
private readonly ILogger<DeviceId> _logger;
private readonly object _syncLock = new object();
private string _id;
private string? _id;
public DeviceId(IApplicationPaths appPaths, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
public DeviceId(IApplicationPaths appPaths, ILogger<DeviceId> logger)
_appPaths = appPaths;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<DeviceId>();
_logger = logger;
public string Value => _id ?? (_id = GetDeviceId());
public string Value => _id ??= GetDeviceId();
private string CachePath => Path.Combine(_appPaths.DataPath, "device.txt");
private string GetCachedId()
private string? GetCachedId()
@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Devices
var path = CachePath;
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Path can't be a root directory."));
lock (_syncLock)

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -37,16 +35,16 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
_appPaths = appPaths;
public async Task AddMediaInfoWithProbe(MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, bool isAudio, string cacheKey, bool addProbeDelay, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
public async Task AddMediaInfoWithProbe(MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, bool isAudio, string? cacheKey, bool addProbeDelay, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var originalRuntime = mediaSource.RunTimeTicks;
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;
MediaInfo? mediaInfo = null;
var cacheFilePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheKey) ? null : Path.Combine(_appPaths.CachePath, "mediainfo", cacheKey.GetMD5().ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".json");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheKey))
if (cacheFilePath is not null)
@ -91,7 +89,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
if (cacheFilePath is not null)
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(cacheFilePath) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Path can't be a root directory."));
FileStream createStream = AsyncFile.OpenWrite(cacheFilePath);
await using (createStream.ConfigureAwait(false))

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -13,7 +11,6 @@ using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying;
using MusicAlbum = MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio.MusicAlbum;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
@ -27,33 +24,35 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
_libraryManager = libraryManager;
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromSong(Audio item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromSong(Audio item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
var list = new List<Audio>
var list = new List<BaseItem>
return list.Concat(GetInstantMixFromGenres(item.Genres, user, dtoOptions)).ToList();
list.AddRange(GetInstantMixFromGenres(item.Genres, user, dtoOptions));
return list;
/// <inheritdoc />
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromArtist(MusicArtist artist, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromArtist(MusicArtist artist, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
return GetInstantMixFromGenres(artist.Genres, user, dtoOptions);
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromAlbum(MusicAlbum item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromAlbum(MusicAlbum item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
return GetInstantMixFromGenres(item.Genres, user, dtoOptions);
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromFolder(Folder item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromFolder(Folder item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
var genres = item
.GetRecursiveChildren(user, new InternalItemsQuery(user)
IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Audio },
IncludeItemTypes = [BaseItemKind.Audio],
DtoOptions = dtoOptions
@ -64,12 +63,12 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
return GetInstantMixFromGenres(genres, user, dtoOptions);
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromPlaylist(Playlist item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromPlaylist(Playlist item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
return GetInstantMixFromGenres(item.Genres, user, dtoOptions);
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenres(IEnumerable<string> genres, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenres(IEnumerable<string> genres, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
var genreIds = genres.DistinctNames().Select(i =>
@ -86,27 +85,23 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
return GetInstantMixFromGenreIds(genreIds, user, dtoOptions);
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenreIds(Guid[] genreIds, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenreIds(Guid[] genreIds, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
return _libraryManager.GetItemList(new InternalItemsQuery(user)
IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Audio },
GenreIds = genreIds.ToArray(),
IncludeItemTypes = [BaseItemKind.Audio],
GenreIds = genreIds,
Limit = 200,
OrderBy = new[] { (ItemSortBy.Random, SortOrder.Ascending) },
OrderBy = [(ItemSortBy.Random, SortOrder.Ascending)],
DtoOptions = dtoOptions
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromItem(BaseItem item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
public List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromItem(BaseItem item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions)
if (item is MusicGenre)
return GetInstantMixFromGenreIds(new[] { item.Id }, user, dtoOptions);
return GetInstantMixFromGenreIds([item.Id], user, dtoOptions);
if (item is Playlist playlist)

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
public QueryResult<SearchHintInfo> GetSearchHints(SearchQuery query)
User user = null;
User? user = null;
if (!query.UserId.IsEmpty())
user = _userManager.GetUserById(query.UserId);
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
/// <param name="user">The user.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable{SearchHintResult}.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><c>query.SearchTerm</c> is <c>null</c> or empty.</exception>
private List<SearchHintInfo> GetSearchHints(SearchQuery query, User user)
private List<SearchHintInfo> GetSearchHints(SearchQuery query, User? user)
var searchTerm = query.SearchTerm;
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
searchTerm = searchTerm.Trim().RemoveDiacritics();
var excludeItemTypes = query.ExcludeItemTypes.ToList();
var includeItemTypes = (query.IncludeItemTypes ?? Array.Empty<BaseItemKind>()).ToList();
var includeItemTypes = query.IncludeItemTypes.ToList();
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library
if (!searchQuery.ParentId.IsEmpty())
searchQuery.AncestorIds = new[] { searchQuery.ParentId };
searchQuery.AncestorIds = [searchQuery.ParentId];
searchQuery.ParentId = Guid.Empty;

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels
@ -11,6 +9,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param>
/// <returns>System.String.</returns>
string GetCacheKey(string userId);
string? GetCacheKey(string? userId);

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels
public interface ISearchableChannel
/// <summary>
/// Searches the specified search term.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="searchInfo">The search information.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>Task{IEnumerable{ChannelItemInfo}}.</returns>
Task<IEnumerable<ChannelItemInfo>> Search(ChannelSearchInfo searchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CA1002, CS1591
using System.Collections.Generic;
@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Library
/// <param name="user">The user to use.</param>
/// <param name="dtoOptions">The options to use.</param>
/// <returns>List of items.</returns>
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromItem(BaseItem item, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromItem(BaseItem item, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the instant mix from artist.
@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Library
/// <param name="user">The user to use.</param>
/// <param name="dtoOptions">The options to use.</param>
/// <returns>List of items.</returns>
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromArtist(MusicArtist artist, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromArtist(MusicArtist artist, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the instant mix from genre.
@ -37,6 +35,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Library
/// <param name="user">The user to use.</param>
/// <param name="dtoOptions">The options to use.</param>
/// <returns>List of items.</returns>
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenres(IEnumerable<string> genres, User user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);
List<BaseItem> GetInstantMixFromGenres(IEnumerable<string> genres, User? user, DtoOptions dtoOptions);

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Search
/// Gets or sets the search term.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The search term.</value>
public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
public required string SearchTerm { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the start index. Used for paging.

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System;
@ -29,6 +28,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Model.System
/// Gets or sets the name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The name.</value>
public string Name { get; set; }
public required string Name { get; set; }

@ -570,7 +570,6 @@ namespace Jellyfin.LiveTv.Channels
return new ChannelFeatures(channel.Name, channel.Id)
CanFilter = !features.MaxPageSize.HasValue,
CanSearch = provider is ISearchableChannel,
ContentTypes = features.ContentTypes.ToArray(),
DefaultSortFields = features.DefaultSortFields.ToArray(),
MaxPageSize = features.MaxPageSize,
