@ -92,5 +92,27 @@
"UserStoppedPlayingItemWithValues": "{0} has finished playing {1} on {2}",
"ValueHasBeenAddedToLibrary": "{0} has been added to your media library",
"ValueSpecialEpisodeName": "Special - {0}",
"VersionNumber": "Version {0}"
"VersionNumber": "Version {0}",
"TaskDownloadMissingSubtitlesDescription": "Searches the internet for missing subtitles based on metadata configuration.",
"TaskDownloadMissingSubtitles": "Download missing subtitles",
"TaskRefreshChannelsDescription": "Refreshes internet channel information.",
"TaskRefreshChannels": "Refresh Channels",
"TaskCleanTranscodeDescription": "Deletes transcode files more than one day old.",
"TaskCleanTranscode": "Clean Transcode Directory",
"TaskUpdatePluginsDescription": "Downloads and installs updates for plugins that are configured to update automatically.",
"TaskUpdatePlugins": "Update Plugins",
"TaskRefreshPeopleDescription": "Updates metadata for actors and directors in your media library.",
"TaskRefreshPeople": "Refresh People",
"TaskCleanLogsDescription": "Deletes log files that are more than {0} days old.",
"TaskCleanLogs": "Clean Log Directory",
"TaskRefreshLibraryDescription": "Scans your media library for new files and refreshes metadata.",
"TaskRefreshLibrary": "Scan Media Library",
"TaskRefreshChapterImagesDescription": "Creates thumbnails for videos that have chapters.",
"TaskRefreshChapterImages": "Extract Chapter Images",
"TaskCleanCacheDescription": "Deletes cache files no longer needed by the system.",
"TaskCleanCache": "Clean Cache Directory",
"TasksChannelsCategory": "Internet Channels",
"TasksApplicationCategory": "Application",
"TasksLibraryCategory": "Library",
"TasksMaintenanceCategory": "Maintenance"