@ -702,15 +702,22 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies
if ( float . TryParse ( voteAvg , NumberStyles . AllowDecimalPoint , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out rating ) )
movie . CommunityRating = rating ;
//release date and certification are retrieved based on configured country and we fall back on US if not there
//release date and certification are retrieved based on configured country and we fall back on US if not there and to minimun release date if still no match
if ( movieData . releases ! = null & & movieData . releases . countries ! = null )
var ourRelease = movieData . releases . countries . FirstOrDefault ( c = > c . iso_3166_1 . Equals ( ConfigurationManager . Configuration . MetadataCountryCode , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ? ? new Country ( ) ;
var usRelease = movieData . releases . countries . FirstOrDefault ( c = > c . iso_3166_1 . Equals ( "US" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ? ? new Country ( ) ;
var minimunRelease = movieData . releases . countries . OrderBy ( c = > c . release_date ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? ? new Country ( ) ;
var ratingPrefix = ConfigurationManager . Configuration . MetadataCountryCode . Equals ( "us" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ? "" : ConfigurationManager . Configuration . MetadataCountryCode + "-" ;
movie . OfficialRating = ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ourRelease . certification ) ? ratingPrefix + ourRelease . certification : ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( usRelease . certification ) ? usRelease . certification : null ;
if ( ourRelease . release_date > new DateTime ( 1900 , 1 , 1 ) )
movie . OfficialRating = ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ourRelease . certification )
? ratingPrefix + ourRelease . certification
: ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( usRelease . certification )
? usRelease . certification
: ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( minimunRelease . certification )
? minimunRelease . iso_3166_1 + "-" + minimunRelease . certification
: null ;
if ( ourRelease . release_date ! = default ( DateTime ) )
if ( ourRelease . release_date . Year ! = 1 )
@ -718,7 +725,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies
movie . ProductionYear = ourRelease . release_date . Year ;
else if ( usRelease . release_date ! = default ( DateTime ) )
if ( usRelease . release_date . Year ! = 1 )
@ -726,6 +733,15 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies
movie . ProductionYear = usRelease . release_date . Year ;
else if ( minimunRelease . release_date ! = default ( DateTime ) )
if ( minimunRelease . release_date . Year ! = 1 )
movie . PremiereDate = minimunRelease . release_date . ToUniversalTime ( ) ;
movie . ProductionYear = minimunRelease . release_date . Year ;