"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Please support Media Browser.",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Please support Emby.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this image?",
"FileReadCancelled":"The file read has been canceled.",
"FileNotFound":"File not found.",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Thank you. Your supporter key has been removed.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"There was an error launching chromecast. Please ensure your device is connected to your wireless network.",
"MessageErrorLoadingSupporterInfo":"There was an error loading supporter information. Please try again later.",
"MessageLinkYourSupporterKey":"Link your supporter key with up to {0} Media Browser Connect members to enjoy free access to the following apps:",
"MessageLinkYourSupporterKey":"Link your supporter key with up to {0} Emby Connect members to enjoy free access to the following apps:",
"HeaderConfirmRemoveUser":"Remove User",
"MessageSwipeDownOnRemoteControl":"Welcome to remote control. Swipe down anywhere on this screen to go back to where you came from.",
"MessageConfirmRemoveConnectSupporter":"Are you sure you wish to remove additional supporter benefits from this user?",
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to sync, premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"LabelSyncNoTargetsHelp":"It looks like you don't currently have any apps that support sync.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Welcome to the Media Browser Web Client",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Emby Server Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Welcome to the Emby Web Client",
"ButtonTakeTheTour":"Take the tour",
"HeaderWelcomeBack":"Welcome back!",
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
"MessagePleaseSelectOneItem":"Please select at least one item.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Please select at least two items.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"The following titles will be grouped into one item:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Media Browser clients will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Emby apps will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"HeaderMyViews":"My Views",
"HeaderLibraryFolders":"Media Folders",
@ -241,8 +241,8 @@
"OrganizePatternResult":"Result: {0}",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"Are you sure you wish to shutdown Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Emby Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"Are you sure you wish to shutdown Emby Server?",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey":"Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Media Browser will be abruptly terminated.",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey":"Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Emby Server will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey":"Revoke Api Key",
"ValueContainer":"Container: {0}",
"ValueAudioCodec":"Audio Codec: {0}",
@ -533,17 +533,17 @@
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"This plugin must be installed from with in the app you intend to use it in.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Price: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active supporter membership.",
"MessageChangeRecurringPlanConfirm":"After completing this transaction you will need to cancel your previous recurring donation from within your PayPal account. Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessageChangeRecurringPlanConfirm":"After completing this transaction you will need to cancel your previous recurring donation from within your PayPal account. Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessageSupporterMembershipExpiredOn":"Your supporter membership expired on {0}.",
"MessageYouHaveALifetimeMembership":"You have a lifetime supporter membership. You can provide additional donations on a one-time or recurring basis using the options below. Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessageYouHaveALifetimeMembership":"You have a lifetime supporter membership. You can provide additional donations on a one-time or recurring basis using the options below. Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessageYouHaveAnActiveRecurringMembership":"You have an active {0} membership. You can upgrade your plan using the options below.",
"MessageMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"MessageMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"MessageMediaBrowserAccontRemoved":"The Emby account has been removed from this user.",
"TooltipLinkedToMediaBrowserConnect":"Linked to Emby Connect",
"ValueDiscNumber":"Disc {0}",
"HeaderUnknownDate":"Unknown Date",
@ -674,12 +674,12 @@
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Click edit to open the metadata manager",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Easily create playlists and instant mixes, and play them on any device",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Create movie collections to group box sets together",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Media Browser app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Emby apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Emby app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Design the web client home page to your liking",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Configure backdrops, theme songs and external players",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"The web client works great on smartphones and tablets...",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Emby apps",
"WebClientTourMySync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Enjoy your stay",
"DashboardTourDashboard":"The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
"DashboardTourPlugins":"Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications":"Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks":"Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Media Browser dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Emby Server dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourSync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageRefreshQueued":"Refresh queued",
@ -701,13 +701,13 @@
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this device? It will reappear the next time a user signs in with it.",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadFor":"Enable camera upload for:",
"HeaderSelectUploadPath":"Select Upload Path",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadForHelp":"Uploads will occur automatically in the background when signed into Media Browser.",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadForHelp":"Uploads will occur automatically in the background when signed into Emby.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd":"End time must be greater than the start time.",
"ButtonLibraryAccess":"Library access",
"ButtonParentalControl":"Parental control",
"HeaderInvitationSent":"Invitation Sent",
"MessageInvitationSentToUser":"An email has been sent to {0}, inviting them to accept your sharing invitation.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser":"An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Media Browser.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser":"An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Emby.",
"HeaderConnectionFailure":"Connection Failure",
"MessageUnableToConnectToServer":"We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.",
"ButtonSelectServer":"Select server",
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
"MessagePasswordResetForUsers":"Passwords have been removed for the following users:",
"HeaderInviteGuest":"Invite Guest",
"ButtonLinkMyMediaBrowserAccount":"Link my account now",
"MessageConnectAccountRequiredToInviteGuest":"In order to invite guests you need to first link your Media Browser account to this server.",
"MessageConnectAccountRequiredToInviteGuest":"In order to invite guests you need to first link your Emby account to this server.",
"MessageErrorLoadingSupporterInfo":"Ocorreu um erro ao carregar a informa\u00e7\u00e3o do colaborador. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.",
"MessageLinkYourSupporterKey":"Conecte sua chave de colaborador com at\u00e9 {0} membros do Media Browser Connect para desfrutar de acesso livre \u00e0s seguintes apps:",
"HeaderConfirmRemoveUser":"Remover Usu\u00e1rio",
"MessageSwipeDownOnRemoteControl":"Welcome to remote control. Swipe down anywhere on this screen to go back to where you came from.",
"MessageSwipeDownOnRemoteControl":"Bem vindo ao controle remoto. Deslize para baixo em qualquer lugar desta tela para voltar para o local de onde veio anteriormente.",
"MessageConfirmRemoveConnectSupporter":"Deseja realmente remover os benef\u00edcios adicionais de colaborador deste usu\u00e1rio?",
"ValueTimeLimitSingleHour":"Limite de tempo: 1 hora",
"ValueTimeLimitMultiHour":"Limite de tempo: {0} horas",
"LabelConfigureMediaBrowser":"Configure Media Browser",
"LabelConfigureMediaBrowser":"Configure Emby",
"LabelOpenLibraryViewer":"Open Library Viewer",
"LabelRestartServer":"Restart Server",
"LabelShowLogWindow":"Show Log Window",
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@
"LabelYoureDone":"You're Done!",
"WelcomeToMediaBrowser":"Welcome to Media Browser!",
"WelcomeToMediaBrowser":"Welcome to Emby!",
"ThisWizardWillGuideYou":"This wizard will help guide you through the setup process. To begin, please select your preferred language.",
"TellUsAboutYourself":"Tell us about yourself",
"ButtonQuickStartGuide":"Quick start guide",
"LabelYourFirstName":"Your first name:",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater":"More users can be added later within the Dashboard.",
"UserProfilesIntro":"Media Browser includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"UserProfilesIntro":"Emby includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"LabelWindowsService":"Windows Service",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled":"A Windows Service has been installed.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1":"Media Browser Server normally runs as a desktop application with a tray icon, but if you prefer to run it as a background service, it can be started from the windows services control panel instead.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1":"Emby Server normally runs as a desktop application with a tray icon, but if you prefer to run it as a background service, it can be started from the windows services control panel instead.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2":"If using the windows service, please note that it cannot be run at the same time as the tray icon, so you'll need to exit the tray in order to run the service. The service will also need to be configured with administrative privileges via the control panel. Please note that at this time the service is unable to self-update, so new versions will require manual interaction.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Media Browser has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish</b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard</b>.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Emby has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish</b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard</b>.",
"LabelConfigureSettings":"Configure settings",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction":"Enable video image extraction",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp":"For videos that don't already have images, and that we're unable to find internet images for. This will add some additional time to the initial library scan but will result in a more pleasing presentation.",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs as a nightly scheduled task, although this is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping":"Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp":"UPnP allows automated router configuration for easy remote access. This may not work with some router models.",
"HeaderTermsOfService":"Media Browser Terms of Service",
"HeaderTermsOfService":"Emby Terms of Service",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfService":"Please accept the terms of service and privacy policy before continuing.",
"OptionIAcceptTermsOfService":"I accept the terms of service",
"ButtonPrivacyPolicy":"Privacy policy",
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"ButtonConvertMedia":"Convert media",
"LinkedToMediaBrowserConnect":"Linked to Media Browser Connect",
"LinkedToMediaBrowserConnect":"Linked to Emby Connect",
"HeaderSupporterBenefits":"Supporter Benefits",
"HeaderAddUser":"Add User",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp":"To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Media Browser Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp":"To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Emby Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelPinCode":"Pin code:",
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Detect archive files as media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp":"If enabled, files with .rar and .zip extensions will be detected as media files.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName":"User name or email:",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp":"This is your Media Browser online account user name or password.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp":"This is your Emby online account user name or password.",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMovies":"Enable enhanced movie displays",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMoviesHelp":"When enabled, movies will be displayed as folders to include trailers, extras, cast & crew, and other related content.",
"HeaderSyncJobInfo":"Sync Job",
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata":"Save artwork and metadata into media folders",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp":"Saving artwork and metadata directly into media folders will put them in a place where they can be easily edited.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata":"Download artwork and metadata from the internet",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp":"Media Browser can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp":"Emby Server can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"TabLibraryAccess":"Library Access",
@ -289,12 +289,12 @@
"TabSupporterKey":"Supporter Key",
"TabBecomeSupporter":"Become a Supporter",
"MediaBrowserHasCommunity":"Media Browser has a thriving community of users and contributors.",
"CheckoutKnowledgeBase":"Check out our knowledge base to help you get the most out of Media Browser.",
"MediaBrowserHasCommunity":"Emby has a thriving community of users and contributors.",
"CheckoutKnowledgeBase":"Check out our knowledge base to help you get the most out of Emby.",
"SearchKnowledgeBase":"Search the Knowledge Base",
"VisitTheCommunity":"Visit the Community",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsite":"Visit the Media Browser Web Site",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsiteLong":"Visit the Media Browser Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsite":"Visit the Emby Web Site",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsiteLong":"Visit the Emby Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"OptionHideUser":"Hide this user from login screens",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser/Kodi/Plex",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Emby recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Translating Media Browser is an ongoing project and is not yet complete.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Translating Emby is an ongoing project and is not yet complete.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Read about how you can contribute.",
"HeaderNewCollection":"New Collection",
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
"LabelCustomCss":"Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber":"Local http port number:",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp":"The tcp port number that Media Browser's http server should bind to.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's http server should bind to.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort":"Public http port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local http port.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort":"Public https port number:",
@ -552,12 +552,12 @@
"LabelEnableHttps":"Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"If enabled, the server will report an https url to clients as it's external address. This may break clients that do not yet support https.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"Local https port number:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Media Browser's https server should bind to.",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's https server should bind to.",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber":"Web socket port number:",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap":"Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Attempt to automatically map the public port to the local port via UPnP. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"External WAN Address:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Media Browser apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Emby apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Only required for multi-episode files",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Support the Media Browser Team",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Support the Emby Team",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Amount (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Help ensure the continued development of this project by donating. A portion of all donations will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"ButtonEnterSupporterKey":"Enter supporter key",
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
"LabelTransferMethodHelp":"Copy or move files from the watch folder",
"HeaderLatestNews":"Latest News",
"HeaderHelpImproveMediaBrowser":"Help Improve Media Browser",
"PleaseUpdateManually":"Please shutdown the server and update manually.",
"NewServerVersionAvailable":"A new version of Media Browser Server is available!",
"ServerUpToDate":"Media Browser Server is up to date",
"NewServerVersionAvailable":"A new version of Emby Server is available!",
"ServerUpToDate":"Emby Server is up to date",
"LabelComponentsUpdated":"The following components have been installed or updated:",
"MessagePleaseRestartServerToFinishUpdating":"Please restart the server to finish applying updates.",
"LabelDownMixAudioScale":"Audio boost when downmixing:",
@ -646,13 +646,13 @@
"LabelSupporterEmailAddress":"The email address that was used to purchase the key.",
"ButtonRetrieveKey":"Retrieve Key",
"LabelSupporterKey":"Supporter Key (paste from email)",
"LabelSupporterKeyHelp":"Enter your supporter key to start enjoying additional benefits the community has developed for Media Browser.",
"LabelSupporterKeyHelp":"Enter your supporter key to start enjoying additional benefits the community has developed for Emby.",
"MessageInvalidKey":"Supporter key is missing or invalid.",
"ErrorMessageInvalidKey":"In order for any premium content to be registered, you must also be a Media Browser Supporter. Please donate and support the continued development of the core product. Thank you.",
"ErrorMessageInvalidKey":"In order for any premium content to be registered, you must also be an Emby Supporter. Please donate and support the continued development of the core product. Thank you.",
"HeaderDisplaySettings":"Display Settings",
"TabPlayTo":"Play To",
"LabelEnableDlnaServer":"Enable Dlna server",
"LabelEnableDlnaServerHelp":"Allows UPnP devices on your network to browse and play Media Browser content.",
"LabelEnableDlnaServerHelp":"Allows UPnP devices on your network to browse and play Emby content.",
"OptionEstimateContentLength":"Estimate content length when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding":"Report that the server supports byte seeking when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp":"This is required for some devices that don't time seek very well.",
"HeaderSubtitleDownloadingHelp":"When Media Browser scans your video files it can search for missing subtitles, and download them using a subtitle provider such as OpenSubtitles.org.",
"HeaderSubtitleDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can search for missing subtitles, and download them using a subtitle provider such as OpenSubtitles.org.",
"HeaderChapterDownloadingHelp":"When Media Browser scans your video files it can download friendly chapter names from the internet using chapter plugins such as ChapterDb.",
"HeaderChapterDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can download friendly chapter names from the internet using chapter plugins such as ChapterDb.",
"LabelPlayDefaultAudioTrack":"Play default audio track regardless of language",
"LabelSubtitlePlaybackMode":"Subtitle mode:",
"LabelDownloadLanguages":"Download languages:",
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@
"OptionCommunityMostWatchedSort":"Most Watched",
"TabNextUp":"Next Up",
"HeaderBecomeMediaBrowserSupporter":"Become a Media Browser Supporter",
"HeaderBecomeMediaBrowserSupporter":"Become an Emby Supporter",
"TextEnjoyBonusFeatures":"Enjoy Bonus Features",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
@ -979,9 +979,9 @@
"LabelProtocolInfo":"Protocol info:",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp":"The value that will be used when responding to GetProtocolInfo requests from the device.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Media Browser includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Emby includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser":"Sync user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Media Browser and Nfo files.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Emby Server and Nfo files.",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormat":"Release date format:",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormatHelp":"All dates within nfo's will be read and written to using this format.",
"LabelKodiMetadataSaveImagePaths":"Save image paths within nfo files",
@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Emby to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount every month",
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
"HeaderLatestMusic":"Latest Music",
"HeaderApiKeys":"Api Keys",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Media Browser. Keys are issued by logging in with a Media Browser account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Emby Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Emby account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"FailedLoginAttemptWithUserName":"Failed login attempt from {0}",
"UserDownloadingItemWithValues":"{0} is downloading {1}",
@ -1154,14 +1154,14 @@
"LabelEasyPinCode":"Easy pin code:",
"EasyPasswordHelp":"Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Media Browser apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"EasyPasswordHelp":"Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Emby apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPassword":"Enable in-network sign in with my easy pin code",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Media Browser apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Emby apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"HeaderLocalAccess":"Local Access",
"HeaderViewOrder":"View Order",
"ButtonResetEasyPassword":"Reset easy pin code",
"LabelSelectUserViewOrder":"Choose the order your views will be displayed in within Media Browser apps",
"LabelSelectUserViewOrder":"Choose the order your views will be displayed in within Emby apps",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelConnectGuestUserName":"Their Media Browser username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp":"Connect this user to a Media Browser account to enable easy sign-in access from Media Browser any app without having to know the server ip address.",
"ButtonLearnMoreAboutMediaBrowserConnect":"Learn more about Media Browser Connect",
"LabelConnectGuestUserName":"Their Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserName":"Emby username/email:",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp":"Connect this user to an Emby account to enable easy sign-in access from any Emby app without having to know the server ip address.",
"ButtonLearnMoreAboutMediaBrowserConnect":"Learn more about Emby Connect",
"LabelExternalPlayers":"External players:",
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp":"Display buttons to play content in external players. This is only available on devices that support url schemes, generally Android and iOS. With external players there is generally no support for remote control or resuming.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfile":"Subtitle Profile",
@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@
"TabCameraUpload":"Camera Upload",
"HeaderCameraUploadHelp":"Automatically upload photos and videos taken from your mobile devices into Media Browser.",
"HeaderCameraUploadHelp":"Automatically upload photos and videos taken from your mobile devices into Emby.",
"MessageNoDevicesSupportCameraUpload":"You currently don't have any devices that support camera upload.",
"LabelCameraUploadPath":"Camera upload path:",
"LabelCameraUploadPathHelp":"Select a custom upload path, if desired. If unspecified a default folder will be used. If using a custom path it will also need to be added in the library setup area.",
@ -1326,10 +1326,10 @@
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayName":"Display name:",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayNameHelp":"Supply a custom display name or leave empty to use the name reported by the device.",
"HeaderInviteUser":"Invite User",
"LabelConnectGuestUserNameHelp":"This is the username that your friend uses to sign in to the Media Browser website, or their email address.",
"HeaderInviteUserHelp":"Sharing your media with friends is easier than ever before with Media Browser Connect.",
"LabelConnectGuestUserNameHelp":"This is the username that your friend uses to sign in to the Emby website, or their email address.",
"HeaderInviteUserHelp":"Sharing your media with friends is easier than ever before with Emby Connect.",
"ButtonSendInvitation":"Send Invitation",
"HeaderSignInWithConnect":"Sign in with Media Browser Connect",
"HeaderSignInWithConnect":"Sign in with Emby Connect",
"HeaderLocalUsers":"Local Users",
"HeaderPendingInvitations":"Pending Invitations",
@ -1344,8 +1344,8 @@
"OptionEveryday":"Every day",
"MessageProfileInfoSynced":"User profile information synced with Media Browser Connect.",
"HeaderOptionalLinkMediaBrowserAccount":"Optional: Link your Media Browser account",
"MessageProfileInfoSynced":"User profile information synced with Emby Connect.",
"HeaderOptionalLinkMediaBrowserAccount":"Optional: Link your Emby account",
"ButtonTrailerReel":"Trailer reel",
"HeaderTrailerReel":"Trailer Reel",
"OptionPlayUnwatchedTrailersOnly":"Play only unwatched trailers",