@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using CommonIO ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.IO ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
@ -22,8 +24,9 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient ;
private readonly IMediaEncoder _mediaEncoder ;
private readonly I ApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
private readonly I Server ApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
private readonly LiveTvOptions _liveTvOptions ;
private bool _hasExited ;
private Stream _logFileStream ;
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
private readonly IJsonSerializer _json ;
private readonly TaskCompletionSource < bool > _taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource < bool > ( ) ;
public EncodedRecorder ( ILogger logger , IFileSystem fileSystem , IMediaEncoder mediaEncoder , I ApplicationPaths appPaths , IJsonSerializer json , LiveTvOptions liveTvOptions )
public EncodedRecorder ( ILogger logger , IFileSystem fileSystem , IMediaEncoder mediaEncoder , I Server ApplicationPaths appPaths , IJsonSerializer json , LiveTvOptions liveTvOptions , IHttpClient httpClient )
_logger = logger ;
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
_appPaths = appPaths ;
_json = json ;
_liveTvOptions = liveTvOptions ;
_httpClient = httpClient ;
public string GetOutputPath ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string targetFile )
@ -49,20 +53,73 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
public async Task Record ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string targetFile , TimeSpan duration , Action onStarted , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( mediaSource . RunTimeTicks . HasValue )
var tempfile = Path . Combine ( _appPaths . TranscodingTempPath , Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( "N" ) + ".ts" ) ;
// The media source already has a fixed duration
// But add another stop 1 minute later just in case the recording gets stuck for any reason
var durationToken = new CancellationTokenSource ( duration . Add ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 1 ) ) ) ;
cancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource . CreateLinkedTokenSource ( cancellationToken , durationToken . Token ) . Token ;
await RecordInternal ( mediaSource , tempfile , targetFile , duration , onStarted , cancellationToken )
. ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
File . Delete ( tempfile ) ;
public async Task RecordInternal ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string tempFile , string targetFile , TimeSpan duration , Action onStarted , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var httpRequestOptions = new HttpRequestOptions ( )
// The media source if infinite so we need to handle stopping ourselves
var durationToken = new CancellationTokenSource ( duration ) ;
cancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource . CreateLinkedTokenSource ( cancellationToken , durationToken . Token ) . Token ;
Url = mediaSource . Path
} ;
httpRequestOptions . BufferContent = false ;
using ( var response = await _httpClient . SendAsync ( httpRequestOptions , "GET" ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) )
_logger . Info ( "Opened recording stream from tuner provider" ) ;
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( tempFile ) ) ;
using ( var output = _fileSystem . GetFileStream ( tempFile , FileMode . Create , FileAccess . Write , FileShare . Read ) )
_logger . Info ( "Copying recording stream to file {0}" , tempFile ) ;
var bufferMs = 5000 ;
if ( mediaSource . RunTimeTicks . HasValue )
// The media source already has a fixed duration
// But add another stop 1 minute later just in case the recording gets stuck for any reason
var durationToken = new CancellationTokenSource ( duration . Add ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 1 ) ) ) ;
cancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource . CreateLinkedTokenSource ( cancellationToken , durationToken . Token ) . Token ;
// The media source if infinite so we need to handle stopping ourselves
var durationToken = new CancellationTokenSource ( duration . Add ( TimeSpan . FromMilliseconds ( bufferMs ) ) ) ;
cancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource . CreateLinkedTokenSource ( cancellationToken , durationToken . Token ) . Token ;
var tempFileTask = response . Content . CopyToAsync ( output , StreamDefaults . DefaultCopyToBufferSize , cancellationToken ) ;
// Give the temp file a little time to build up
await Task . Delay ( bufferMs , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
await RecordFromFile ( mediaSource , tempFile , targetFile , onStarted , cancellationToken )
. ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
await tempFileTask . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
_logger . Info ( "Recording completed to file {0}" , targetFile ) ;
private async Task RecordFromFile ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string inputFile , string targetFile , Action onStarted , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
_targetPath = targetFile ;
_fileSystem . CreateDirectory ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( targetFile ) ) ;
@ -79,7 +136,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
RedirectStandardInput = true ,
FileName = _mediaEncoder . EncoderPath ,
Arguments = GetCommandLineArgs ( mediaSource , targetFile, duration ) ,
Arguments = GetCommandLineArgs ( mediaSource , inputFile, targetFile ) ,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle . Hidden ,
ErrorDialog = false
@ -119,7 +176,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
await _taskCompletionSource . Task . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
private string GetCommandLineArgs ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string targetFile, TimeSpan duration )
private string GetCommandLineArgs ( MediaSourceInfo mediaSource , string inputTempFile, string targetFile )
string videoArgs ;
if ( EncodeVideo ( mediaSource ) )
@ -135,14 +192,14 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.EmbyTV
videoArgs = "-codec:v:0 copy" ;
var commandLineArgs = "-fflags +genpts -async 1 -vsync -1 -re -i \"{0}\" - t {4} - sn {2} -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 {3} -y \"{1}\"";
var commandLineArgs = "-fflags +genpts -async 1 -vsync -1 -re -i \"{0}\" - sn {2} -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 {3} -y \"{1}\"";
if ( mediaSource . ReadAtNativeFramerate )
commandLineArgs = "-re " + commandLineArgs ;
commandLineArgs = string . Format ( commandLineArgs , mediaSource. Path , targetFile , videoArgs , GetAudioArgs ( mediaSource ) , _mediaEncoder . GetTimeParameter ( duration . Ticks ) ) ;
commandLineArgs = string . Format ( commandLineArgs , inputTempFile , targetFile , videoArgs , GetAudioArgs ( mediaSource ) ) ;
return commandLineArgs ;