//foreach (var actor in credits.cast.OrderBy(a => a.order)) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name = actor.name.Trim(), Role = actor.character, Type = PersonType.Actor, SortOrder = actor.order });
//foreach (var person in credits.crew) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name = person.name.Trim(), Role = person.job, Type = person.department });
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar la ruta para Medios",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Rutas de red pueden ser introducidas manualmente en el caso de que el bot\u00f3n de la red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} o {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Abrir en nueva pesta\u00f1a",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Mix instant\u00e1neo",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Pistas de audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Calidad de video",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Ha habido un error reproduciendo el video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Aseg\u00farese que hay un sintonizador disponible.",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar trayectoria a medios",
"LabelCurrentPath":"Ruta actual:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar ruta a medios",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Las trayectorias de red pueden ser ingresadas manualmente en caso de que el bot\u00f3n de Red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} or {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Las rutas de red pueden ser ingresadas manualmente en caso de que el bot\u00f3n de Red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} or {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Abrir en una pesta\u00f1a nueva",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Mix instant\u00e1neo",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Pistas de Audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Calidad de Video",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Ha ocurrido un error al reproducir el video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Por favor aseg\u00farese de que se encuentre disponible un sintonizador abierto.",
"ButtonDashboard":"Panel de Control",
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Administrador de Metadatos",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Percorsi di rete possono essere inseriti manualmente nel caso in cui il pulsante Rete non riesce a individuare i vostri dispositivi. Ad esempio, {0} o {1}",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Apri in una nuova finestra",
"ButtonShuffle":"A caso",
"ButtonInstantMix":"mix istantaneo",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"tracce audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Qualit\u00e0 video",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Si \u00e8 verificato un errore riproduzione del video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Si prega di assicurarsi che ci sia un sintonizzatore aperto disponibile.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Selecteer ten minste twee items.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"De volgende titels worden gegroepeerd in \u00e9\u00e9n item:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Media Browser clients zullen automatisch de optimale versie afspelen op basis van het apparaat en de prestaties van het netwerk. Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?",
"HeaderMyViews":"Mijn weergaves",
"HeaderMyViews":"Mijn Overzichten",
"HeaderLibraryFolders":"Media Mappen",
"HeaderLatestMedia":"Nieuw in bibliotheek",
"ButtonMore":"Meer ...",
@ -196,9 +196,24 @@
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Netwerk paden kunnen handmatig worden ingevoerd in het geval de Netwerk knop faalt om uw apparatuur te lokaliseren . Bijvoorbeeld: {0} of {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Openen in nieuw tabblad",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Audio Tracks",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Video Kwalitet",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Er ging iets mis bij het afspelen van de video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Wees er a.u.b. zeker van dat er een open tuner beschikbaar is.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Os caminhos da rede podem ser digitados manualmente caso o bot\u00e3o de Rede n\u00e3o consiga localizar seus dispositivos. Por exemplo, {0} ou {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Abrir em uma nova aba",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Mix inst\u00e2ntaneo",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Faixas de Audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Qualidade do V\u00eddeo",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Houve um erro na reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o do v\u00eddeo.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Por favor, cetifique-se que existe um sintonizador aberto.",
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Gerenciador de Metadados",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"V\u00e4lj s\u00f6kv\u00e4g till media",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"N\u00e4tverkss\u00f6kv\u00e4gar kan anges manuellt om \"N\u00e4tverk\" inte hittar dina enheter. T ex {0} eller {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"\u00d6ppna i ny flik",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Omedelbar mix",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Ett fel uppstod vid uppspelning av videon.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"V\u00e4nligen kontrollera att det finns en ledig mottagare.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Only required for multi-episode files",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Support the Media Browser Team",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Amount (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Help ensure the continued development of this project by donating. A portion of all donations will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Vy\u017eadovan\u00e9 jenom pro s\u00fabory s v\u00edce epizodami",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Podpo\u0159te t\u00edm Media Browser",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Suma (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Pomozte zajistit pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00fdvoje tohoto projektu t\u00edm, \u017ee daruje. \u010c\u00e1st v\u0161ech dar\u016f bude pou\u017eita na dal\u0161\u00ed bezplatn\u00e9 n\u00e1stroje na kter\u00fdch jsme z\u00e1visl\u00ed.",
"ButtonEnterSupporterKey":"Enter supporter key",
"DonationNextStep":"Once complete, please return and enter your supporter key, which you will receive by email.",
"AutoOrganizeHelp":"Auto-organize monitors your download folders for new files and moves them to your media directories.",
"AutoOrganizeTvHelp":"TV file organizing will only add episodes to existing series. It will not create new series folders.",
"OptionEnableEpisodeOrganization":"Enable new episode organization",
"LabelWatchFolder":"Watch folder:",
"OptionEnableEpisodeOrganization":"Povolit organizaci nov\u00fdch epizod",
"LabelWatchFolder":"Pozrie\u0165 slo\u017eku:",
"LabelWatchFolderHelp":"The server will poll this folder during the 'Organize new media files' scheduled task.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognises images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Ver rutas de sustituci\u00f3n.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Visualice los siguientes canales dentro de mis vistas:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Si est\u00e1 activado, estos canales se mostrar\u00e1n directamente junto a Mis Vistas. Si est\u00e1 desactivada, ser\u00e1n mostrados separadamente en la vista de Canales.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Mostrar una vista Colecciones para mostrar colecciones de pel\u00edculas",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copiar extrafanart en extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Cuando se descargan im\u00e1genes se pueden guardar tanto en extrafanart como en extrathumbs para una m\u00e1xima compatibilidad con el skin de XBMC.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Archivos de log del servidor:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Personalizar la apariencia de Explorador de medios para satisfacer las necesidades de su grupo u organizaci\u00f3n.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login renuncia:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Donar autom\u00e1ticamente esta cantidad cada mes",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"Usted puede cancelar en cualquier momento desde su cuenta de PayPal."
"LabelCachePathHelp":"Esta carpeta contiene los archivos de cach\u00e9 del servidor, por ejemplo im\u00e1genes.",
"LabelImagesByNamePath":"Ruta para Im\u00e1genes por nombre:",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Esta carpeta contiene im\u00e1genes de actor, artista, g\u00e9nero y estudio.",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Esta carpeta contiene im\u00e1genes descargadas de actores, artistas, g\u00e9neros y estudios.",
"LabelMetadataPath":"Ruta para metadatos:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp":"Esta ubicaci\u00f3n contiene ilustraciones descargadas y metadatos cuando no han sido configurados para almacenarse en carpetas de medios.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPath":"Ruta para transcodificaci\u00f3n temporal:",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"Esta carpeta contiene archivos de trabajo usados por el transcodificador.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"Esta carpeta contiene archivos de trabajo usados por el transcodificador. Especifique una trayectoria personalizada, o d\u00e9jela vac\u00eda para utilizar su valor por omisi\u00f3n en la carpeta de datos del servidor.",
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"LabelImageSavingConvention":"Convenci\u00f3n de almacenamiento de im\u00e1genes:",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"MediaBrowser reconoce im\u00e1genes de las aplicaciones de medios m\u00e1s importantes. Seleccionar la convenci\u00f3n de descarga es \u00fatil si utiliza otros productos.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp":"UPnP permite la configuraci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica del router para acceso remoto. Esto puede no funcionar en algunos modelos de routers.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"DDNS Externo:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Si dispone de una DNS din\u00e1mica, introducirla aqu\u00ed. Media Brower la utilizar\u00e1 para las conexiones remotas.",
"TabWeather":"El tiempo",
"TitleAppSettings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la App",
"LabelMinResumePercentage":"Porcentaje m\u00ednimo para reanudaci\u00f3n:",
"LabelMaxResumePercentage":"Porcentaje m\u00e1ximo para reanudaci\u00f3n:",
"LabelMinResumeDuration":"Duraci\u00f3n m\u00ednima de reanudaci\u00f3n (segundos):",
"LabelMinResumePercentage":"Porcentaje m\u00ednimo para continuar:",
"LabelMaxResumePercentage":"Porcentaje m\u00e1ximo para continuar:",
"LabelMinResumeDuration":"Duraci\u00f3n m\u00ednima para continuar (segundos):",
"LabelMinResumePercentageHelp":"Se asumir\u00e1 que los t\u00edtulos no han sido reproducidos si se detienen antes de este momento",
"LabelMaxResumePercentageHelp":"Se asumir\u00e1 que los t\u00edtulos han sido reproducidos por completo si se detienen despu\u00e9s de este momento",
"LabelMinResumeDurationHelp":"Los titulos con duraci\u00f3n menor a esto no podr\u00e1n ser reanudados",
"LabelMinResumeDurationHelp":"Los titulos con duraci\u00f3n menor a esto no podr\u00e1n ser continuados",
"TabActivityLog":"Bit\u00e1cora de Actividades",
@ -630,8 +630,8 @@
"ButtonAudioTracks":"Pistas de audio",
"ButtonPreviousTrack":"Pista anterior",
"ButtonNextTrack":"Pista siguiente",
"ButtonPreviousTrack":"Pista Anterior",
"ButtonNextTrack":"Pista Siguiente",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections":"Agrupar pel\u00edculas en colecciones",
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
"OptionMyViewsButtons":"Mis vistas (botones)",
"OptionMyViews":"Mis vistas",
"OptionMyViewsSmall":"Mis vistas (peque\u00f1o)",
"OptionLatestMedia":"Agregados recientemente",
"OptionLatestChannelMedia":"Elementos recientes de canales",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems":"Elementos Recientes de Canales",
@ -828,12 +828,23 @@
"LabelXbmcMetadataUserHelp":"Habilitar esto para mantener el monitoreo de datos en sincron\u00eda entre Media Browser y Xbmc.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormat":"Formato de fecha de esteno:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormatHelp":"Todas las fechas en los archivos nfo's ser\u00e1n le\u00eddas y escritas empleando este formato.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePaths":"Guardar trayectorias de im\u00e1genes dentro de los archivos nfo.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePaths":"Guardar rutas de las im\u00e1genes dentro de los archivos nfo.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePathsHelp":"Esto se recomienda si usted tiene nombres de im\u00e1genes que no se ajustan a los lineamientos de Xbmc.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitution":"Habilitar sustituci\u00f3n de trayectorias.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Habilita la susituci\u00f3n de trayectorias de las trayectorias de im\u00e1genes usando la configuraci\u00f3n de sustituci\u00f3n de trayectorias del servidor.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Ver sustituci\u00f3n de trayectorias.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitution":"Habilitar sustituci\u00f3n de rutas.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Habilita la sustituci\u00f3n de rutas de las rutas de im\u00e1genes usando la configuraci\u00f3n de sustituci\u00f3n de rutas del servidor.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Ver sustituci\u00f3n de rutas.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Desplegar los siguientes canales directamente en mis vistas:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Al habilitarse, estos canales ser\u00e1n desplegados directamente junto con otras vistas. Si permanecen deshabilitados, ser\u00e1n desplegados dentro de una vista independiente de Canales.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Desplegar una Vista de colecciones para mostrar las colecciones de pel\u00edculas",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copiar extrafanart en extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Cuando se descargan las im\u00e1genes \u00e9stas pueden ser almacenadas en extrafanart y extrathumbs para una m\u00e1xima compatibilidad con los skins de Xbmc.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Archivos de registro del servidor:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Personaliza la apariencia de Media Browser para ajustarla a las necesidades de tu grupo u organizaci\u00f3n.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Aviso legal de Inicio de Sesi\u00f3n:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"Se mostrara al final de la pagina de inicio de sesi\u00f3n.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Donar autom\u00e1ticamente esta cantidad cada mes",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"Puedes cancelarlo en cualquier momento por medio de tu cuenta PayPal."
"ButtonSplitVersionsApart":"S\u00e9parer les versions",
"LabelOffline":"Hors ligne",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"Les substitutions de chemins d'acc\u00e8s sont utilis\u00e9es pour faire correspondre un chemin d'acc\u00e8s du serveur \u00e0 un chemin d'acc\u00e8s accessible par les clients. En autorisant un acc\u00e8s direct aux m\u00e9dias du serveur, les clients pourront les lire directement du r\u00e9seau et \u00e9viter l'utilisation inutiles des ressources du serveur en demandant du transcodage.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections":"Raggruppa i film nelle collection",
@ -833,7 +833,18 @@
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitution":"Abilita sostituzione di percorso",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Consente percorso sostituzione dei percorsi delle immagini utilizzando le impostazioni di sostituzione percorso del server.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Vedere sostituzione di percorso.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Visualizzare i seguenti canali direttamente dentro le mie visite:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Se abilitata, questi canali verranno visualizzati direttamente accanto ad altri punti di vista. Se disattivato, saranno visualizzati all'interno di una visione canali separati.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Visualizzare una vista Collezioni per mostrare collezioni di film",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Stelt pad vervanging in voor afbeeldings paden en maakt gebruik van de pad vervangings instellingen van de server",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Zie pad vervanging.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Toon de volgende kanalen binnen mijn weergaven:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Indien ingeschakeld, zullen deze kanalen direct naast andere weergaven worden weergegeven. Indien uitgeschakeld, zullen ze worden weergegeven in een aparte kanalen weergave.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Toon de volgende kanalen binnen mijn overzichten:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Indien ingeschakeld, zullen deze kanalen direct naast andere overzichten worden weergegeven. Indien uitgeschakeld, zullen ze worden weergegeven in een aparte kanalen overzicht.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Toon Collecties in Mijn Overzichten om film collecties te tonen",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopieer extrafanart naar extrathunms",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Als er afbeeldingen gedownload worden kunnen deze in extrafanart en extrathumbs worden opgeslagen voor maximale compatibiliteit met XBMC skins",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelCachePathHelp":"Esta pasta cont\u00e9m arquivos de cache do servidor como, por exemplo, imagens.",
"LabelImagesByNamePath":"Caminho do Images by name:",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Esta pasta cont\u00e9m imagens de ator, artista, g\u00eanero e est\u00fadio.",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Esta pasta cont\u00e9m imagens transferidas para ator, artista, g\u00eanero e est\u00fadio.",
"LabelMetadataPath":"Caminho dos Metadados:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp":"Esta localiza\u00e7\u00e3o cont\u00e9m artwork e metadados transferidos que n\u00e3o foram configurados para serem armazenados nas pastas de m\u00eddia.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPath":"Caminho tempor\u00e1rio para transcodifica\u00e7\u00e3o:",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"Esta pasta cont\u00e9m arquivos ativos usados pelo transcodificador.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"Esta pasta cont\u00e9m arquivos ativos usados pelo transcodificador. Especifique um caminho personalizado ou deixe em branco para usar o padr\u00e3o dentro da pasta de dados do servidor.",
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"LabelImageSavingConvention":"Conven\u00e7\u00e3o para salvar a imagem:",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"O Media Browser reconhece imagens da maioria das aplica\u00e7\u00f5es de m\u00eddia. Escolher a conven\u00e7\u00e3o de download \u00e9 \u00fatil se voc\u00ea usa tamb\u00e9m outros produtos.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compat\u00edvel - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compat\u00edvel - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"OptionImageSavingStandard":"Padr\u00e3o - MB2",
"ButtonSignIn":"Iniciar Sess\u00e3o",
"TitleSignIn":"Iniciar Sess\u00e3o",
@ -833,7 +833,18 @@
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitution":"Ativar substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de caminho",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Ativa a substitui\u00e7\u00e3o do caminho da imagem usando as configura\u00e7\u00f5es de suvbstitui\u00e7\u00e3o de caminho do servidor.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2":"Ver substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de caminho.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Exibir os seguintes canais dentro de minhas visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Exibir os seguintes canais diretamente dentro de minhas visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Se ativado, estes canais ser\u00e3o exibidos imediatamente ao lado de outras visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es. Se desativado, eles ser\u00e3o exibidos dentro de uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o separada de Canais.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Exibir uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o de Cole\u00e7\u00f5es para mostrar colet\u00e2neas de filmes",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copiar extrafanart para dentro de extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Ao fazer o download de imagens elas podem ser salvas em ambas extrafanart e extrathumbs para uma maior compatibilidade com a skin do Xbmc",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Arquivos de log do servidor:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Personalizar a apar\u00eancia do Media Browser para as necessidades de seu grupo ou organiza\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections":"Gruppera filmer i samlingsboxar",
@ -823,17 +823,28 @@
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp":"V\u00e4rde att anv\u00e4nda vid svar p\u00e5 GetProtocolInfo-beg\u00e4ran fr\u00e5n enheter.",
"HeaderXbmcMetadataHelp":"Media Browser includes native support for Xbmc Nfo metadata and images. To enable or disable Xbmc metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUser":"Add user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Media Browser and Xbmc.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormat":"Release date format:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataDateFormatHelp":"All dates within nfo's will be read and written to using this format.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePaths":"Save image paths within nfo files",
"LabelXbmcMetadataSaveImagePathsHelp":"This is recommended if you have image file names that don't conform to Xbmc guidelines.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"HeaderXbmcMetadataHelp":"Media Browser har inbyggt st\u00f6d f\u00f6r Xbmc-metadata och bilder enligt Nfo-format. F\u00f6r att aktivera\/avaktivera Xbmc-metadata, anv\u00e4nd Avancerat-fliken f\u00f6r att g\u00f6ra inst\u00e4llningar f\u00f6r dina olika typer av media.",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUser":"St\u00e4ll in anv\u00e4ndare att bevaka nfo-data f\u00f6r:",
"LabelXbmcMetadataUserHelp":"Aktivera detta f\u00f6r att synkronisera bevakade data mellan Media Browser och Xbmc.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Visa dessa kanaler direkt i mina vyer:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Om aktiverat kommer dessa kanaler att visas tillsammans med andra vyer. Annars visas de i en separat vy f\u00f6r Kanaler.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Visa en Samlingar-vy f\u00f6r filmsamlingar",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopiera extrafanart till extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"N\u00e4r bilder h\u00e4mtas fr\u00e5n Internet kan de sparas i b\u00e5de extrafanart- och extrathumbs-mapparna f\u00f6r att ge maximal kompatibilitet med Xbmc-skins.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Plex\/Xbmc",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Xbmc\/Plex",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"Path substitutions are used for mapping a path on the server to a path that clients are able to access. By allowing clients direct access to media on the server they may be able to play them directly over the network and avoid using server resources to stream and transcode them.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections"
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a Collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelXbmcMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Xbmc skin compatibility.",
"HeaderServerLogFiles":"Server log files:",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Media Browser to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonate":"Automatically donate this amount each month",
"LabelAutomaticallyDonateHelp":"You can cancel at any time via your PayPal account."