@ -189,41 +189,45 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Playlists
private void AddToPlaylistInternal(string playlistId, IEnumerable<Guid> itemIds, User user, DtoOptions options)
var playlist = _libraryManager.GetItemById(playlistId) as Playlist;
if (playlist == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No Playlist exists with the supplied Id");
var list = new List<LinkedChild>();
// Retrieve the existing playlist
var playlist = _libraryManager.GetItemById(playlistId) as Playlist
?? throw new ArgumentException("No Playlist exists with Id " + playlistId);
// Retrieve all the items to be added to the playlist
var items = GetPlaylistItems(itemIds, playlist.MediaType, user, options)
.Where(i => i.SupportsAddingToPlaylist)
foreach (var item in items)
// Remove duplicates from the new items to be added
var existingIds = playlist.LinkedChildren.Select(c => c.ItemId).ToHashSet();
var uniqueItems = items
.Where(i => !existingIds.Contains(i.Id))
.GroupBy(i => i.Id)
.Select(group => group.First())
// Log duplicates that have been ignored, if any
if (uniqueItems.Count != items.Count)
var numDuplicates = items.Count - uniqueItems.Count;
_logger.LogWarning("Ignored adding {DuplicateCount} duplicate items to playlist {PlaylistName}.", numDuplicates, playlist.Name);
var newList = playlist.LinkedChildren.ToList();
playlist.LinkedChildren = newList.ToArray();
// Update the playlist in the repository
var linkedItems = uniqueItems.Select(i => LinkedChild.Create(i));
playlist.LinkedChildren = playlist.LinkedChildren.Concat(linkedItems).ToArray();
playlist.UpdateToRepository(ItemUpdateType.MetadataEdit, CancellationToken.None);
// Update the playlist on disk
if (playlist.IsFile)
// Refresh playlist metadata
new MetadataRefreshOptions(new DirectoryService(_fileSystem))
ForceSave = true
new MetadataRefreshOptions(new DirectoryService(_fileSystem)) { ForceSave = true },