@ -219,7 +219,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
connection . RunQueries ( queries ) ;
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var existingColumnNames = GetColumnNames ( db , "AncestorIds" ) ;
AddColumn ( db , "AncestorIds" , "AncestorIdText" , "Text" , existingColumnNames ) ;
@ -495,7 +496,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
using ( var saveImagesStatement = base . PrepareStatement ( db , "Update TypedBaseItems set Images=@Images where guid=@Id" ) )
@ -546,7 +548,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
SaveItemsInTranscation ( db , tuples ) ;
} , TransactionMode ) ;
@ -2032,7 +2035,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
// First delete chapters
db . Execute ( "delete from " + ChaptersTableName + " where ItemId=@ItemId" , idBlob ) ;
@ -2921,7 +2925,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
var result = new QueryResult < BaseItem > ( ) ;
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( true ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var statements = PrepareAll ( db , statementTexts ) ;
@ -3324,7 +3329,8 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
var result = new QueryResult < Guid > ( ) ;
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( true ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var statements = PrepareAll ( db , statementTexts ) ;
@ -4899,7 +4905,8 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
connection . ExecuteAll ( sql ) ;
} , TransactionMode ) ;
@ -4950,7 +4957,8 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var idBlob = id . ToByteArray ( ) ;
@ -5744,7 +5752,8 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var itemIdBlob = itemId . ToByteArray ( ) ;
@ -5898,7 +5907,8 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var itemIdBlob = id . ToByteArray ( ) ;
@ -6232,7 +6242,8 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction ( db = >
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
var itemIdBlob = id . ToByteArray ( ) ;