diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Auth/BaseAuthorizationHandler.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Auth/BaseAuthorizationHandler.cs
index 9fde175d0b..495ff9d128 100644
--- a/Jellyfin.Api/Auth/BaseAuthorizationHandler.cs
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Auth/BaseAuthorizationHandler.cs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Api.Auth
return false;
- var ip = NormalizeIp(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress).ToString();
+ var ip = RequestHelpers.NormalizeIp(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress).ToString();
var isInLocalNetwork = _networkManager.IsInLocalNetwork(ip);
// User cannot access remotely and user is remote
if (!user.HasPermission(PermissionKind.EnableRemoteAccess) && !isInLocalNetwork)
@@ -100,10 +100,5 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Api.Auth
return true;
- private static IPAddress NormalizeIp(IPAddress ip)
- {
- return ip.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 ? ip.MapToIPv4() : ip;
- }
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Controllers/DynamicHlsController.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Controllers/DynamicHlsController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7b84d810d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Controllers/DynamicHlsController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2216 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Jellyfin.Api.Constants;
+using Jellyfin.Api.Helpers;
+using Jellyfin.Api.Models.PlaybackDtos;
+using Jellyfin.Api.Models.StreamingDtos;
+using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration;
+using MediaBrowser.Common.Net;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.Devices;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dlna;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding;
+using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net;
+using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration;
+using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna;
+using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
+using MediaBrowser.Model.IO;
+using MediaBrowser.Model.Net;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
+namespace Jellyfin.Api.Controllers
+ ///
+ /// Dynamic hls controller.
+ ///
+ [Authorize(Policy = Policies.DefaultAuthorization)]
+ public class DynamicHlsController : BaseJellyfinApiController
+ {
+ private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager;
+ private readonly IUserManager _userManager;
+ private readonly IDlnaManager _dlnaManager;
+ private readonly IAuthorizationContext _authContext;
+ private readonly IMediaSourceManager _mediaSourceManager;
+ private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _serverConfigurationManager;
+ private readonly IMediaEncoder _mediaEncoder;
+ private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
+ private readonly ISubtitleEncoder _subtitleEncoder;
+ private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
+ private readonly IDeviceManager _deviceManager;
+ private readonly TranscodingJobHelper _transcodingJobHelper;
+ private readonly INetworkManager _networkManager;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly EncodingHelper _encodingHelper;
+ private readonly TranscodingJobType _transcodingJobType = TranscodingJobType.Hls;
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the class.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ /// Instance of the interface.
+ public DynamicHlsController(
+ ILibraryManager libraryManager,
+ IUserManager userManager,
+ IDlnaManager dlnaManager,
+ IAuthorizationContext authContext,
+ IMediaSourceManager mediaSourceManager,
+ IServerConfigurationManager serverConfigurationManager,
+ IMediaEncoder mediaEncoder,
+ IFileSystem fileSystem,
+ ISubtitleEncoder subtitleEncoder,
+ IConfiguration configuration,
+ IDeviceManager deviceManager,
+ TranscodingJobHelper transcodingJobHelper,
+ INetworkManager networkManager,
+ ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _libraryManager = libraryManager;
+ _userManager = userManager;
+ _dlnaManager = dlnaManager;
+ _authContext = authContext;
+ _mediaSourceManager = mediaSourceManager;
+ _serverConfigurationManager = serverConfigurationManager;
+ _mediaEncoder = mediaEncoder;
+ _fileSystem = fileSystem;
+ _subtitleEncoder = subtitleEncoder;
+ _configuration = configuration;
+ _deviceManager = deviceManager;
+ _transcodingJobHelper = transcodingJobHelper;
+ _networkManager = networkManager;
+ _logger = logger;
+ _encodingHelper = new EncodingHelper(_mediaEncoder, _fileSystem, _subtitleEncoder, _configuration);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a video hls playlist stream.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Enable adaptive bitrate streaming.
+ /// Video stream returned.
+ /// A containing the playlist file.
+ [HttpGet("/Videos/{itemId}/master.m3u8")]
+ [HttpHead("/Videos/{itemId}/master.m3u8")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task GetMasterHlsVideoPlaylist(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string? container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery, Required] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions,
+ [FromQuery] bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = true)
+ {
+ var isHeadRequest = Request.Method == System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Http.Head;
+ var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var streamingRequest = new HlsVideoRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions,
+ EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming
+ };
+ return await GetMasterPlaylistInternal(streamingRequest, isHeadRequest, enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming, cancellationTokenSource)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets an audio hls playlist stream.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Enable adaptive bitrate streaming.
+ /// Audio stream returned.
+ /// A containing the playlist file.
+ [HttpGet("/Audio/{itemId}/master.m3u8")]
+ [HttpHead("/Audio/{itemId}/master.m3u8")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task GetMasterHlsAudioPlaylist(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string? container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery, Required] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions,
+ [FromQuery] bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = true)
+ {
+ var isHeadRequest = Request.Method == System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Http.Head;
+ var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var streamingRequest = new HlsAudioRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions,
+ EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming
+ };
+ return await GetMasterPlaylistInternal(streamingRequest, isHeadRequest, enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming, cancellationTokenSource)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Video stream returned.
+ /// A containing the audio file.
+ [HttpGet("/Videos/{itemId}/main.m3u8")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task GetVariantHlsVideoPlaylist(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string? container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions)
+ {
+ var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var streamingRequest = new VideoRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions
+ };
+ return await GetVariantPlaylistInternal(streamingRequest, "main", cancellationTokenSource)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Audio stream returned.
+ /// A containing the audio file.
+ [HttpGet("/Audio/{itemId}/main.m3u8")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task GetVariantHlsAudioPlaylist(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string? container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions)
+ {
+ var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var streamingRequest = new StreamingRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions
+ };
+ return await GetVariantPlaylistInternal(streamingRequest, "main", cancellationTokenSource)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The playlist id.
+ /// The segment id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Video stream returned.
+ /// A containing the audio file.
+ [HttpGet("/Videos/{itemId}/hls1/{playlistId}/{segmentId}.{container}")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId = "playlistId", Justification = "Imported from ServiceStack")]
+ public async Task GetHlsVideoSegment(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string playlistId,
+ [FromRoute] int segmentId,
+ [FromRoute] string container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions)
+ {
+ var streamingRequest = new VideoRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions
+ };
+ return await GetDynamicSegment(streamingRequest, segmentId)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.
+ ///
+ /// The item id.
+ /// The playlist id.
+ /// The segment id.
+ /// The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv.
+ /// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
+ /// The streaming parameters.
+ /// The tag.
+ /// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
+ /// The play session id.
+ /// The segment container.
+ /// The segment lenght.
+ /// The minimum number of segments.
+ /// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
+ /// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
+ /// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
+ /// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
+ /// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
+ /// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
+ /// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
+ /// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
+ /// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
+ /// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
+ /// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
+ /// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
+ /// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
+ /// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
+ /// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
+ /// Optional.
+ /// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require avc.
+ /// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
+ /// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
+ /// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
+ /// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
+ /// The live stream id.
+ /// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
+ /// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv.
+ /// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
+ /// Optional. The transcoding reason.
+ /// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
+ /// Optional. The .
+ /// Optional. The streaming options.
+ /// Video stream returned.
+ /// A containing the audio file.
+ [HttpGet("/Audio/{itemId}/hls1/{playlistId}/{segmentId}.{container}")]
+ [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId = "playlistId", Justification = "Imported from ServiceStack")]
+ public async Task GetHlsAudioSegment(
+ [FromRoute] Guid itemId,
+ [FromRoute] string playlistId,
+ [FromRoute] int segmentId,
+ [FromRoute] string container,
+ [FromQuery] bool? @static,
+ [FromQuery] string? @params,
+ [FromQuery] string? tag,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceProfileId,
+ [FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
+ [FromQuery] string? segmentContainer,
+ [FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
+ [FromQuery] int? minSegments,
+ [FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? deviceId,
+ [FromQuery] string? audioCodec,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
+ [FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] string? profile,
+ [FromQuery] string? level,
+ [FromQuery] float? framerate,
+ [FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
+ [FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
+ [FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
+ [FromQuery] int? width,
+ [FromQuery] int? height,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
+ [FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod subtitleMethod,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
+ [FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
+ [FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
+ [FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
+ [FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ [FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
+ [FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
+ [FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
+ [FromQuery] string? videoCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? subtitleCodec,
+ [FromQuery] string? transcodingReasons,
+ [FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
+ [FromQuery] EncodingContext context,
+ [FromQuery] Dictionary streamOptions)
+ {
+ var streamingRequest = new StreamingRequestDto
+ {
+ Id = itemId,
+ Container = container,
+ Static = @static ?? true,
+ Params = @params,
+ Tag = tag,
+ DeviceProfileId = deviceProfileId,
+ PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
+ SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
+ SegmentLength = segmentLength,
+ MinSegments = minSegments,
+ MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
+ DeviceId = deviceId,
+ AudioCodec = audioCodec,
+ EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
+ AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
+ BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
+ AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
+ MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
+ AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
+ MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
+ AudioChannels = audioChannels,
+ Profile = profile,
+ Level = level,
+ Framerate = framerate,
+ MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
+ CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? true,
+ StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
+ SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
+ SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod,
+ MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
+ MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
+ RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? true,
+ DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? true,
+ RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? true,
+ TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
+ CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
+ LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
+ EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? true,
+ VideoCodec = videoCodec,
+ SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
+ TranscodeReasons = transcodingReasons,
+ AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
+ VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
+ Context = context,
+ StreamOptions = streamOptions
+ };
+ return await GetDynamicSegment(streamingRequest, segmentId)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ private async Task GetMasterPlaylistInternal(
+ StreamingRequestDto streamingRequest,
+ bool isHeadRequest,
+ bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming,
+ CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
+ {
+ using var state = await StreamingHelpers.GetStreamingState(
+ streamingRequest,
+ Request,
+ _authContext,
+ _mediaSourceManager,
+ _userManager,
+ _libraryManager,
+ _serverConfigurationManager,
+ _mediaEncoder,
+ _fileSystem,
+ _subtitleEncoder,
+ _configuration,
+ _dlnaManager,
+ _deviceManager,
+ _transcodingJobHelper,
+ _transcodingJobType,
+ cancellationTokenSource.Token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ Response.Headers.Add(HeaderNames.Expires, "0");
+ if (isHeadRequest)
+ {
+ return new FileContentResult(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Empty), MimeTypes.GetMimeType("playlist.m3u8"));
+ }
+ var totalBitrate = state.OutputAudioBitrate ?? 0 + state.OutputVideoBitrate ?? 0;
+ var builder = new StringBuilder();
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXTM3U");
+ var isLiveStream = state.IsSegmentedLiveStream;
+ var queryString = Request.Query.ToString();
+ // from universal audio service
+ if (queryString.IndexOf("SegmentContainer", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.Request.SegmentContainer))
+ {
+ queryString += "&SegmentContainer=" + state.Request.SegmentContainer;
+ }
+ // from universal audio service
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.Request.TranscodeReasons) && queryString.IndexOf("TranscodeReasons=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
+ {
+ queryString += "&TranscodeReasons=" + state.Request.TranscodeReasons;
+ }
+ // Main stream
+ var playlistUrl = isLiveStream ? "live.m3u8" : "main.m3u8";
+ playlistUrl += queryString;
+ var subtitleStreams = state.MediaSource
+ .MediaStreams
+ .Where(i => i.IsTextSubtitleStream)
+ .ToList();
+ var subtitleGroup = subtitleStreams.Count > 0 && (state.SubtitleDeliveryMethod == SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Hls || state.VideoRequest!.EnableSubtitlesInManifest)
+ ? "subs"
+ : null;
+ // If we're burning in subtitles then don't add additional subs to the manifest
+ if (state.SubtitleStream != null && state.SubtitleDeliveryMethod == SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Encode)
+ {
+ subtitleGroup = null;
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subtitleGroup))
+ {
+ AddSubtitles(state, subtitleStreams, builder);
+ }
+ AppendPlaylist(builder, state, playlistUrl, totalBitrate, subtitleGroup);
+ if (EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(state, isLiveStream, enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming))
+ {
+ var requestedVideoBitrate = state.VideoRequest == null ? 0 : state.VideoRequest.VideoBitRate ?? 0;
+ // By default, vary by just 200k
+ var variation = GetBitrateVariation(totalBitrate);
+ var newBitrate = totalBitrate - variation;
+ var variantUrl = ReplaceBitrate(playlistUrl, requestedVideoBitrate, requestedVideoBitrate - variation);
+ AppendPlaylist(builder, state, variantUrl, newBitrate, subtitleGroup);
+ variation *= 2;
+ newBitrate = totalBitrate - variation;
+ variantUrl = ReplaceBitrate(playlistUrl, requestedVideoBitrate, requestedVideoBitrate - variation);
+ AppendPlaylist(builder, state, variantUrl, newBitrate, subtitleGroup);
+ }
+ return new FileContentResult(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(builder.ToString()), MimeTypes.GetMimeType("playlist.m3u8"));
+ }
+ private async Task GetVariantPlaylistInternal(StreamingRequestDto streamingRequest, string name, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
+ {
+ using var state = await StreamingHelpers.GetStreamingState(
+ streamingRequest,
+ Request,
+ _authContext,
+ _mediaSourceManager,
+ _userManager,
+ _libraryManager,
+ _serverConfigurationManager,
+ _mediaEncoder,
+ _fileSystem,
+ _subtitleEncoder,
+ _configuration,
+ _dlnaManager,
+ _deviceManager,
+ _transcodingJobHelper,
+ _transcodingJobType,
+ cancellationTokenSource.Token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ Response.Headers.Add(HeaderNames.Expires, "0");
+ var segmentLengths = GetSegmentLengths(state);
+ var builder = new StringBuilder();
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXTM3U");
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD");
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXT-X-VERSION:3");
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:" + Math.Ceiling(segmentLengths.Length > 0 ? segmentLengths.Max() : state.SegmentLength).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0");
+ var queryString = Request.QueryString;
+ var index = 0;
+ var segmentExtension = GetSegmentFileExtension(streamingRequest.SegmentContainer);
+ foreach (var length in segmentLengths)
+ {
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXTINF:" + length.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", nodesc");
+ builder.AppendLine(
+ string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ "hls1/{0}/{1}{2}{3}",
+ name,
+ index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ segmentExtension,
+ queryString));
+ index++;
+ }
+ builder.AppendLine("#EXT-X-ENDLIST");
+ return new FileContentResult(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(builder.ToString()), MimeTypes.GetMimeType("playlist.m3u8"));
+ }
+ private async Task GetDynamicSegment(StreamingRequestDto streamingRequest, int segmentId)
+ {
+ if ((streamingRequest.StartTimeTicks ?? 0) > 0)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException("StartTimeTicks is not allowed.");
+ }
+ var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
+ using var state = await StreamingHelpers.GetStreamingState(
+ streamingRequest,
+ Request,
+ _authContext,
+ _mediaSourceManager,
+ _userManager,
+ _libraryManager,
+ _serverConfigurationManager,
+ _mediaEncoder,
+ _fileSystem,
+ _subtitleEncoder,
+ _configuration,
+ _dlnaManager,
+ _deviceManager,
+ _transcodingJobHelper,
+ _transcodingJobType,
+ cancellationTokenSource.Token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var playlistPath = Path.ChangeExtension(state.OutputFilePath, ".m3u8");
+ var segmentPath = GetSegmentPath(state, playlistPath, segmentId);
+ var segmentExtension = GetSegmentFileExtension(state.Request.SegmentContainer);
+ TranscodingJobDto? job;
+ if (System.IO.File.Exists(segmentPath))
+ {
+ job = _transcodingJobHelper.OnTranscodeBeginRequest(playlistPath, _transcodingJobType);
+ _logger.LogDebug("returning {0} [it exists, try 1]", segmentPath);
+ return await GetSegmentResult(state, playlistPath, segmentPath, segmentExtension, segmentId, job, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ var transcodingLock = _transcodingJobHelper.GetTranscodingLock(playlistPath);
+ await transcodingLock.WaitAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var released = false;
+ var startTranscoding = false;
+ try
+ {
+ if (System.IO.File.Exists(segmentPath))
+ {
+ job = _transcodingJobHelper.OnTranscodeBeginRequest(playlistPath, _transcodingJobType);
+ transcodingLock.Release();
+ released = true;
+ _logger.LogDebug("returning {0} [it exists, try 2]", segmentPath);
+ return await GetSegmentResult(state, playlistPath, segmentPath, segmentExtension, segmentId, job, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var currentTranscodingIndex = GetCurrentTranscodingIndex(playlistPath, segmentExtension);
+ var segmentGapRequiringTranscodingChange = 24 / state.SegmentLength;
+ if (currentTranscodingIndex == null)
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("Starting transcoding because currentTranscodingIndex=null");
+ startTranscoding = true;
+ }
+ else if (segmentId < currentTranscodingIndex.Value)
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("Starting transcoding because requestedIndex={0} and currentTranscodingIndex={1}", segmentId, currentTranscodingIndex);
+ startTranscoding = true;
+ }
+ else if (segmentId - currentTranscodingIndex.Value > segmentGapRequiringTranscodingChange)
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("Starting transcoding because segmentGap is {0} and max allowed gap is {1}. requestedIndex={2}", segmentId - currentTranscodingIndex.Value, segmentGapRequiringTranscodingChange, segmentId);
+ startTranscoding = true;
+ }
+ if (startTranscoding)
+ {
+ // If the playlist doesn't already exist, startup ffmpeg
+ try
+ {
+ await _transcodingJobHelper.KillTranscodingJobs(streamingRequest.DeviceId, streamingRequest.PlaySessionId, p => false)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (currentTranscodingIndex.HasValue)
+ {
+ DeleteLastFile(playlistPath, segmentExtension, 0);
+ }
+ streamingRequest.StartTimeTicks = GetStartPositionTicks(state, segmentId);
+ state.WaitForPath = segmentPath;
+ var encodingOptions = _serverConfigurationManager.GetEncodingOptions();
+ job = await _transcodingJobHelper.StartFfMpeg(
+ state,
+ playlistPath,
+ GetCommandLineArguments(playlistPath, encodingOptions, state, true, segmentId),
+ Request,
+ _transcodingJobType,
+ cancellationTokenSource).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ state.Dispose();
+ throw;
+ }
+ // await WaitForMinimumSegmentCount(playlistPath, 1, cancellationTokenSource.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ job = _transcodingJobHelper.OnTranscodeBeginRequest(playlistPath, _transcodingJobType);
+ if (job?.TranscodingThrottler != null)
+ {
+ await job.TranscodingThrottler.UnpauseTranscoding().ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (!released)
+ {
+ transcodingLock.Release();
+ }
+ }
+ _logger.LogDebug("returning {0} [general case]", segmentPath);
+ job ??= _transcodingJobHelper.OnTranscodeBeginRequest(playlistPath, _transcodingJobType);
+ return await GetSegmentResult(state, playlistPath, segmentPath, segmentExtension, segmentId, job, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ private void AddSubtitles(StreamState state, IEnumerable subtitles, StringBuilder builder)
+ {
+ var selectedIndex = state.SubtitleStream == null || state.SubtitleDeliveryMethod != SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Hls ? (int?)null : state.SubtitleStream.Index;
+ foreach (var stream in subtitles)
+ {
+ const string format = "#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID=\"subs\",NAME=\"{0}\",DEFAULT={1},FORCED={2},AUTOSELECT=YES,URI=\"{3}\",LANGUAGE=\"{4}\"";
+ var name = stream.DisplayTitle;
+ var isDefault = selectedIndex.HasValue && selectedIndex.Value == stream.Index;
+ var isForced = stream.IsForced;
+ var url = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ "{0}/Subtitles/{1}/subtitles.m3u8?SegmentLength={2}&api_key={3}",
+ state.Request.MediaSourceId,
+ stream.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ 30.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ ClaimHelpers.GetToken(Request.HttpContext.User));
+ var line = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ format,
+ name,
+ isDefault ? "YES" : "NO",
+ isForced ? "YES" : "NO",
+ url,
+ stream.Language ?? "Unknown");
+ builder.AppendLine(line);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AppendPlaylist(StringBuilder builder, StreamState state, string url, int bitrate, string? subtitleGroup)
+ {
+ builder.Append("#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=")
+ .Append(bitrate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
+ .Append(bitrate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ AppendPlaylistCodecsField(builder, state);
+ AppendPlaylistResolutionField(builder, state);
+ AppendPlaylistFramerateField(builder, state);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subtitleGroup))
+ {
+ builder.Append(",SUBTITLES=\"")
+ .Append(subtitleGroup)
+ .Append('"');
+ }
+ builder.Append(Environment.NewLine);
+ builder.AppendLine(url);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Appends a CODECS field containing formatted strings of
+ /// the active streams output video and audio codecs.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// StringBuilder to append the field to.
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ private void AppendPlaylistCodecsField(StringBuilder builder, StreamState state)
+ {
+ // Video
+ string videoCodecs = string.Empty;
+ int? videoCodecLevel = GetOutputVideoCodecLevel(state);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.ActualOutputVideoCodec) && videoCodecLevel.HasValue)
+ {
+ videoCodecs = GetPlaylistVideoCodecs(state, state.ActualOutputVideoCodec, videoCodecLevel.Value);
+ }
+ // Audio
+ string audioCodecs = string.Empty;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.ActualOutputAudioCodec))
+ {
+ audioCodecs = GetPlaylistAudioCodecs(state);
+ }
+ StringBuilder codecs = new StringBuilder();
+ codecs.Append(videoCodecs)
+ .Append(',')
+ .Append(audioCodecs);
+ if (codecs.Length > 1)
+ {
+ builder.Append(",CODECS=\"")
+ .Append(codecs)
+ .Append('"');
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Appends a RESOLUTION field containing the resolution of the output stream.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// StringBuilder to append the field to.
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ private void AppendPlaylistResolutionField(StringBuilder builder, StreamState state)
+ {
+ if (state.OutputWidth.HasValue && state.OutputHeight.HasValue)
+ {
+ builder.Append(",RESOLUTION=")
+ .Append(state.OutputWidth.GetValueOrDefault())
+ .Append('x')
+ .Append(state.OutputHeight.GetValueOrDefault());
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Appends a FRAME-RATE field containing the framerate of the output stream.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// StringBuilder to append the field to.
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ private void AppendPlaylistFramerateField(StringBuilder builder, StreamState state)
+ {
+ double? framerate = null;
+ if (state.TargetFramerate.HasValue)
+ {
+ framerate = Math.Round(state.TargetFramerate.GetValueOrDefault(), 3);
+ }
+ else if (state.VideoStream?.RealFrameRate != null)
+ {
+ framerate = Math.Round(state.VideoStream.RealFrameRate.GetValueOrDefault(), 3);
+ }
+ if (framerate.HasValue)
+ {
+ builder.Append(",FRAME-RATE=")
+ .Append(framerate.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(StreamState state, bool isLiveStream, bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming)
+ {
+ // Within the local network this will likely do more harm than good.
+ var ip = RequestHelpers.NormalizeIp(Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress).ToString();
+ if (_networkManager.IsInLocalNetwork(ip))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isLiveStream || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.MediaPath))
+ {
+ // Opening live streams is so slow it's not even worth it
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(state.OutputVideoCodec))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(state.OutputAudioCodec))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!state.IsOutputVideo)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Having problems in android
+ return false;
+ // return state.VideoRequest.VideoBitRate.HasValue;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Get the H.26X level of the output video stream.
+ ///
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ /// H.26X level of the output video stream.
+ private int? GetOutputVideoCodecLevel(StreamState state)
+ {
+ string? levelString;
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(state.OutputVideoCodec)
+ && state.VideoStream.Level.HasValue)
+ {
+ levelString = state.VideoStream?.Level.ToString();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ levelString = state.GetRequestedLevel(state.ActualOutputVideoCodec);
+ }
+ if (int.TryParse(levelString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var parsedLevel))
+ {
+ return parsedLevel;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a formatted string of the output audio codec, for use in the CODECS field.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ /// Formatted audio codec string.
+ private string GetPlaylistAudioCodecs(StreamState state)
+ {
+ if (string.Equals(state.ActualOutputAudioCodec, "aac", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ string? profile = state.GetRequestedProfiles("aac").FirstOrDefault();
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetAACString(profile);
+ }
+ if (string.Equals(state.ActualOutputAudioCodec, "mp3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetMP3String();
+ }
+ if (string.Equals(state.ActualOutputAudioCodec, "ac3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetAC3String();
+ }
+ if (string.Equals(state.ActualOutputAudioCodec, "eac3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetEAC3String();
+ }
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a formatted string of the output video codec, for use in the CODECS field.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// StreamState of the current stream.
+ /// Video codec.
+ /// Video level.
+ /// Formatted video codec string.
+ private string GetPlaylistVideoCodecs(StreamState state, string codec, int level)
+ {
+ if (level == 0)
+ {
+ // This is 0 when there's no requested H.26X level in the device profile
+ // and the source is not encoded in H.26X
+ _logger.LogError("Got invalid H.26X level when building CODECS field for HLS master playlist");
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ if (string.Equals(codec, "h264", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ string profile = state.GetRequestedProfiles("h264").FirstOrDefault();
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetH264String(profile, level);
+ }
+ if (string.Equals(codec, "h265", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ || string.Equals(codec, "hevc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ string profile = state.GetRequestedProfiles("h265").FirstOrDefault();
+ return HlsCodecStringHelpers.GetH265String(profile, level);
+ }
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ private int GetBitrateVariation(int bitrate)
+ {
+ // By default, vary by just 50k
+ var variation = 50000;
+ if (bitrate >= 10000000)
+ {
+ variation = 2000000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 5000000)
+ {
+ variation = 1500000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 3000000)
+ {
+ variation = 1000000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 2000000)
+ {
+ variation = 500000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 1000000)
+ {
+ variation = 300000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 600000)
+ {
+ variation = 200000;
+ }
+ else if (bitrate >= 400000)
+ {
+ variation = 100000;
+ }
+ return variation;
+ }
+ private string ReplaceBitrate(string url, int oldValue, int newValue)
+ {
+ return url.Replace(
+ "videobitrate=" + oldValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ "videobitrate=" + newValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ }
+ private double[] GetSegmentLengths(StreamState state)
+ {
+ var result = new List();
+ var ticks = state.RunTimeTicks ?? 0;
+ var segmentLengthTicks = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(state.SegmentLength).Ticks;
+ while (ticks > 0)
+ {
+ var length = ticks >= segmentLengthTicks ? segmentLengthTicks : ticks;
+ result.Add(TimeSpan.FromTicks(length).TotalSeconds);
+ ticks -= length;
+ }
+ return result.ToArray();
+ }
+ private string GetCommandLineArguments(string outputPath, EncodingOptions encodingOptions, StreamState state, bool isEncoding, int startNumber)
+ {
+ var videoCodec = _encodingHelper.GetVideoEncoder(state, encodingOptions);
+ var threads = _encodingHelper.GetNumberOfThreads(state, encodingOptions, videoCodec);
+ if (state.BaseRequest.BreakOnNonKeyFrames)
+ {
+ // FIXME: this is actually a workaround, as ideally it really should be the client which decides whether non-keyframe
+ // breakpoints are supported; but current implementation always uses "ffmpeg input seeking" which is liable
+ // to produce a missing part of video stream before first keyframe is encountered, which may lead to
+ // awkward cases like a few starting HLS segments having no video whatsoever, which breaks hls.js
+ _logger.LogInformation("Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request");
+ state.BaseRequest.BreakOnNonKeyFrames = false;
+ }
+ var inputModifier = _encodingHelper.GetInputModifier(state, encodingOptions);
+ // If isEncoding is true we're actually starting ffmpeg
+ var startNumberParam = isEncoding ? startNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "0";
+ var mapArgs = state.IsOutputVideo ? _encodingHelper.GetMapArgs(state) : string.Empty;
+ var outputTsArg = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputPath)) + "%d" + GetSegmentFileExtension(state.Request.SegmentContainer);
+ var segmentFormat = GetSegmentFileExtension(state.Request.SegmentContainer).TrimStart('.');
+ if (string.Equals(segmentFormat, "ts", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ segmentFormat = "mpegts";
+ }
+ return string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ "{0} {1} -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads {2} {3} {4} {5} -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time {6} -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type {7} -start_number {8} -hls_segment_filename \"{9}\" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y \"{10}\"",
+ inputModifier,
+ _encodingHelper.GetInputArgument(state, encodingOptions),
+ threads,
+ mapArgs,
+ GetVideoArguments(state, encodingOptions, startNumber),
+ GetAudioArguments(state, encodingOptions),
+ state.SegmentLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
+ segmentFormat,
+ startNumberParam,
+ outputTsArg,
+ outputPath).Trim();
+ }
+ private string GetAudioArguments(StreamState state, EncodingOptions encodingOptions)
+ {
+ var audioCodec = _encodingHelper.GetAudioEncoder(state);
+ if (!state.IsOutputVideo)
+ {
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(audioCodec))
+ {
+ return "-acodec copy";
+ }
+ var audioTranscodeParams = new List();
+ audioTranscodeParams.Add("-acodec " + audioCodec);
+ if (state.OutputAudioBitrate.HasValue)
+ {
+ audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ab " + state.OutputAudioBitrate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ }
+ if (state.OutputAudioChannels.HasValue)
+ {
+ audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ac " + state.OutputAudioChannels.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ }
+ if (state.OutputAudioSampleRate.HasValue)
+ {
+ audioTranscodeParams.Add("-ar " + state.OutputAudioSampleRate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
+ }
+ audioTranscodeParams.Add("-vn");
+ return string.Join(" ", audioTranscodeParams.ToArray());
+ }
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(audioCodec))
+ {
+ var videoCodec = _encodingHelper.GetVideoEncoder(state, encodingOptions);
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(videoCodec) && state.EnableBreakOnNonKeyFrames(videoCodec))
+ {
+ return "-codec:a:0 copy -copypriorss:a:0 0";
+ }
+ return "-codec:a:0 copy";
+ }
+ var args = "-codec:a:0 " + audioCodec;
+ var channels = state.OutputAudioChannels;
+ if (channels.HasValue)
+ {
+ args += " -ac " + channels.Value;
+ }
+ var bitrate = state.OutputAudioBitrate;
+ if (bitrate.HasValue)
+ {
+ args += " -ab " + bitrate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ }
+ if (state.OutputAudioSampleRate.HasValue)
+ {
+ args += " -ar " + state.OutputAudioSampleRate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ }
+ args += " " + _encodingHelper.GetAudioFilterParam(state, encodingOptions, true);
+ return args;
+ }
+ private string GetVideoArguments(StreamState state, EncodingOptions encodingOptions, int startNumber)
+ {
+ if (!state.IsOutputVideo)
+ {
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ var codec = _encodingHelper.GetVideoEncoder(state, encodingOptions);
+ var args = "-codec:v:0 " + codec;
+ // if (state.EnableMpegtsM2TsMode)
+ // {
+ // args += " -mpegts_m2ts_mode 1";
+ // }
+ // See if we can save come cpu cycles by avoiding encoding
+ if (EncodingHelper.IsCopyCodec(codec))
+ {
+ if (state.VideoStream != null && !string.Equals(state.VideoStream.NalLengthSize, "0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ string bitStreamArgs = _encodingHelper.GetBitStreamArgs(state.VideoStream);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bitStreamArgs))
+ {
+ args += " " + bitStreamArgs;
+ }
+ }
+ // args += " -flags -global_header";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var gopArg = string.Empty;
+ var keyFrameArg = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ " -force_key_frames:0 \"expr:gte(t,{0}+n_forced*{1})\"",
+ startNumber * state.SegmentLength,
+ state.SegmentLength);
+ var framerate = state.VideoStream?.RealFrameRate;
+ if (framerate.HasValue)
+ {
+ // This is to make sure keyframe interval is limited to our segment,
+ // as forcing keyframes is not enough.
+ // Example: we encoded half of desired length, then codec detected
+ // scene cut and inserted a keyframe; next forced keyframe would
+ // be created outside of segment, which breaks seeking
+ // -sc_threshold 0 is used to prevent the hardware encoder from post processing to break the set keyframe
+ gopArg = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ " -g {0} -keyint_min {0} -sc_threshold 0",
+ Math.Ceiling(state.SegmentLength * framerate.Value));
+ }
+ args += " " + _encodingHelper.GetVideoQualityParam(state, codec, encodingOptions, "veryfast");
+ // Unable to force key frames using these hw encoders, set key frames by GOP
+ if (string.Equals(codec, "h264_qsv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ || string.Equals(codec, "h264_nvenc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ || string.Equals(codec, "h264_amf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ args += " " + gopArg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ args += " " + keyFrameArg + gopArg;
+ }
+ // args += " -mixed-refs 0 -refs 3 -x264opts b_pyramid=0:weightb=0:weightp=0";
+ var hasGraphicalSubs = state.SubtitleStream != null && !state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream && state.SubtitleDeliveryMethod == SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Encode;
+ // This is for graphical subs
+ if (hasGraphicalSubs)
+ {
+ args += _encodingHelper.GetGraphicalSubtitleParam(state, encodingOptions, codec);
+ }
+ // Add resolution params, if specified
+ else
+ {
+ args += _encodingHelper.GetOutputSizeParam(state, encodingOptions, codec);
+ }
+ // -start_at_zero is necessary to use with -ss when seeking,
+ // otherwise the target position cannot be determined.
+ if (!(state.SubtitleStream != null && state.SubtitleStream.IsExternal && !state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream))
+ {
+ args += " -start_at_zero";
+ }
+ // args += " -flags -global_header";
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.OutputVideoSync))
+ {
+ args += " -vsync " + state.OutputVideoSync;
+ }
+ args += _encodingHelper.GetOutputFFlags(state);
+ return args;
+ }
+ private string GetSegmentFileExtension(string? segmentContainer)
+ {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(segmentContainer))
+ {
+ return "." + segmentContainer;
+ }
+ return ".ts";
+ }
+ private string GetSegmentPath(StreamState state, string playlist, int index)
+ {
+ var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(playlist);
+ var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist);
+ return Path.Combine(folder, filename + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + GetSegmentFileExtension(state.Request.SegmentContainer));
+ }
+ private async Task GetSegmentResult(
+ StreamState state,
+ string playlistPath,
+ string segmentPath,
+ string segmentExtension,
+ int segmentIndex,
+ TranscodingJobDto? transcodingJob,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var segmentExists = System.IO.File.Exists(segmentPath);
+ if (segmentExists)
+ {
+ if (transcodingJob != null && transcodingJob.HasExited)
+ {
+ // Transcoding job is over, so assume all existing files are ready
+ _logger.LogDebug("serving up {0} as transcode is over", segmentPath);
+ return GetSegmentResult(state, segmentPath, segmentIndex, transcodingJob);
+ }
+ var currentTranscodingIndex = GetCurrentTranscodingIndex(playlistPath, segmentExtension);
+ // If requested segment is less than transcoding position, we can't transcode backwards, so assume it's ready
+ if (segmentIndex < currentTranscodingIndex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("serving up {0} as transcode index {1} is past requested point {2}", segmentPath, currentTranscodingIndex, segmentIndex);
+ return GetSegmentResult(state, segmentPath, segmentIndex, transcodingJob);
+ }
+ }
+ var nextSegmentPath = GetSegmentPath(state, playlistPath, segmentIndex + 1);
+ if (transcodingJob != null)
+ {
+ while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && !transcodingJob.HasExited)
+ {
+ // To be considered ready, the segment file has to exist AND
+ // either the transcoding job should be done or next segment should also exist
+ if (segmentExists)
+ {
+ if (transcodingJob.HasExited || System.IO.File.Exists(nextSegmentPath))
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("serving up {0} as it deemed ready", segmentPath);
+ return GetSegmentResult(state, segmentPath, segmentIndex, transcodingJob);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ segmentExists = System.IO.File.Exists(segmentPath);
+ if (segmentExists)
+ {
+ continue; // avoid unnecessary waiting if segment just became available
+ }
+ }
+ await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ if (!System.IO.File.Exists(segmentPath))
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning("cannot serve {0} as transcoding quit before we got there", segmentPath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("serving {0} as it's on disk and transcoding stopped", segmentPath);
+ }
+ cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning("cannot serve {0} as it doesn't exist and no transcode is running", segmentPath);
+ }
+ return GetSegmentResult(state, segmentPath, segmentIndex, transcodingJob);
+ }
+ private ActionResult GetSegmentResult(StreamState state, string segmentPath, int index, TranscodingJobDto? transcodingJob)
+ {
+ var segmentEndingPositionTicks = GetEndPositionTicks(state, index);
+ Response.OnCompleted(() =>
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug("finished serving {0}", segmentPath);
+ if (transcodingJob != null)
+ {
+ transcodingJob.DownloadPositionTicks = Math.Max(transcodingJob.DownloadPositionTicks ?? segmentEndingPositionTicks, segmentEndingPositionTicks);
+ _transcodingJobHelper.OnTranscodeEndRequest(transcodingJob);
+ }
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
+ });
+ return FileStreamResponseHelpers.GetStaticFileResult(segmentPath, MimeTypes.GetMimeType(segmentPath)!, false, this);
+ }
+ private long GetEndPositionTicks(StreamState state, int requestedIndex)
+ {
+ double startSeconds = 0;
+ var lengths = GetSegmentLengths(state);
+ if (requestedIndex >= lengths.Length)
+ {
+ var msg = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ "Invalid segment index requested: {0} - Segment count: {1}",
+ requestedIndex,
+ lengths.Length);
+ throw new ArgumentException(msg);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i <= requestedIndex; i++)
+ {
+ startSeconds += lengths[i];
+ }
+ return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startSeconds).Ticks;
+ }
+ private int? GetCurrentTranscodingIndex(string playlist, string segmentExtension)
+ {
+ var job = _transcodingJobHelper.GetTranscodingJob(playlist, _transcodingJobType);
+ if (job == null || job.HasExited)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var file = GetLastTranscodingFile(playlist, segmentExtension, _fileSystem);
+ if (file == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var playlistFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist);
+ var indexString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name).Substring(playlistFilename.Length);
+ return int.Parse(indexString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ }
+ private static FileSystemMetadata? GetLastTranscodingFile(string playlist, string segmentExtension, IFileSystem fileSystem)
+ {
+ var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(playlist);
+ var filePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist) ?? string.Empty;
+ try
+ {
+ return fileSystem.GetFiles(folder, new[] { segmentExtension }, true, false)
+ .Where(i => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(i.Name).StartsWith(filePrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ .OrderByDescending(fileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeUtc)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ }
+ catch (IOException)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void DeleteLastFile(string playlistPath, string segmentExtension, int retryCount)
+ {
+ var file = GetLastTranscodingFile(playlistPath, segmentExtension, _fileSystem);
+ if (file != null)
+ {
+ DeleteFile(file.FullName, retryCount);
+ }
+ }
+ private void DeleteFile(string path, int retryCount)
+ {
+ if (retryCount >= 5)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _logger.LogDebug("Deleting partial HLS file {path}", path);
+ try
+ {
+ _fileSystem.DeleteFile(path);
+ }
+ catch (IOException ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Error deleting partial stream file(s) {path}", path);
+ var task = Task.Delay(100);
+ Task.WaitAll(task);
+ DeleteFile(path, retryCount + 1);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Error deleting partial stream file(s) {path}", path);
+ }
+ }
+ private long GetStartPositionTicks(StreamState state, int requestedIndex)
+ {
+ double startSeconds = 0;
+ var lengths = GetSegmentLengths(state);
+ if (requestedIndex >= lengths.Length)
+ {
+ var msg = string.Format(
+ CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ "Invalid segment index requested: {0} - Segment count: {1}",
+ requestedIndex,
+ lengths.Length);
+ throw new ArgumentException(msg);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < requestedIndex; i++)
+ {
+ startSeconds += lengths[i];
+ }
+ var position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startSeconds).Ticks;
+ return position;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/HlsCodecStringHelpers.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/HlsCodecStringHelpers.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95f1906ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/HlsCodecStringHelpers.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Jellyfin.Api.Helpers
+ ///
+ /// Hls Codec string helpers.
+ ///
+ public static class HlsCodecStringHelpers
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Gets a MP3 codec string.
+ ///
+ /// MP3 codec string.
+ public static string GetMP3String()
+ {
+ return "mp4a.40.34";
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets an AAC codec string.
+ ///
+ /// AAC profile.
+ /// AAC codec string.
+ public static string GetAACString(string profile)
+ {
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("mp4a", 9);
+ if (string.Equals(profile, "HE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ result.Append(".40.5");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Default to LC if profile is invalid
+ result.Append(".40.2");
+ }
+ return result.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a H.264 codec string.
+ ///
+ /// H.264 profile.
+ /// H.264 level.
+ /// H.264 string.
+ public static string GetH264String(string profile, int level)
+ {
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("avc1", 11);
+ if (string.Equals(profile, "high", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ result.Append(".6400");
+ }
+ else if (string.Equals(profile, "main", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ result.Append(".4D40");
+ }
+ else if (string.Equals(profile, "baseline", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ result.Append(".42E0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Default to constrained baseline if profile is invalid
+ result.Append(".4240");
+ }
+ string levelHex = level.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ result.Append(levelHex);
+ return result.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a H.265 codec string.
+ ///
+ /// H.265 profile.
+ /// H.265 level.
+ /// H.265 string.
+ public static string GetH265String(string profile, int level)
+ {
+ // The h265 syntax is a bit of a mystery at the time this comment was written.
+ // This is what I've found through various sources:
+ // FORMAT: [codecTag].[profile].[constraint?].L[level * 30].[UNKNOWN]
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("hev1", 16);
+ if (string.Equals(profile, "main10", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ result.Append(".2.6");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Default to main if profile is invalid
+ result.Append(".1.6");
+ }
+ result.Append(".L")
+ .Append(level * 3)
+ .Append(".B0");
+ return result.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets an AC-3 codec string.
+ ///
+ /// AC-3 codec string.
+ public static string GetAC3String()
+ {
+ return "mp4a.a5";
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets an E-AC-3 codec string.
+ ///
+ /// E-AC-3 codec string.
+ public static string GetEAC3String()
+ {
+ return "mp4a.a6";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/RequestHelpers.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/RequestHelpers.cs
index 299c7d4aaa..d9e993d496 100644
--- a/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/RequestHelpers.cs
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/RequestHelpers.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
using Jellyfin.Data.Enums;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Session;
@@ -172,5 +173,10 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Api.Helpers
.Select(i => i!.Value)
+ internal static IPAddress NormalizeIp(IPAddress ip)
+ {
+ return ip.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 ? ip.MapToIPv4() : ip;
+ }
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/TranscodingJobHelper.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/TranscodingJobHelper.cs
index fc38eacafd..a5092ac1d2 100644
--- a/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/TranscodingJobHelper.cs
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Helpers/TranscodingJobHelper.cs
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Api.Helpers
/// The play session identifier.
/// The delete files.
/// Task.
- public Task KillTranscodingJobs(string deviceId, string playSessionId, Func deleteFiles)
+ public Task KillTranscodingJobs(string deviceId, string? playSessionId, Func deleteFiles)
return KillTranscodingJobs(
j => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playSessionId)
@@ -503,9 +503,9 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Api.Helpers
- var process = new Process()
+ var process = new Process
- StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
+ StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
CreateNoWindow = true,
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsAudioRequestDto.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsAudioRequestDto.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3791fadbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsAudioRequestDto.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Jellyfin.Api.Models.StreamingDtos
+ ///
+ /// The hls video request dto.
+ ///
+ public class HlsAudioRequestDto : StreamingRequestDto
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable adaptive bitrate streaming.
+ ///
+ public bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsVideoRequestDto.cs b/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsVideoRequestDto.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a4be091ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jellyfin.Api/Models/StreamingDtos/HlsVideoRequestDto.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Jellyfin.Api.Models.StreamingDtos
+ ///
+ /// The hls video request dto.
+ ///
+ public class HlsVideoRequestDto : VideoRequestDto
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable adaptive bitrate streaming.
+ ///
+ public bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/MediaBrowser.Api/Playback/Hls/DynamicHlsService.cs b/MediaBrowser.Api/Playback/Hls/DynamicHlsService.cs
index fe5f980b18..a347b365da 100644
--- a/MediaBrowser.Api/Playback/Hls/DynamicHlsService.cs
+++ b/MediaBrowser.Api/Playback/Hls/DynamicHlsService.cs
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Hls
/// Options is needed for chromecast. Threw Head in there since it's related
- [Route("/Videos/{Id}/master.m3u8", "GET", Summary = "Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
- [Route("/Videos/{Id}/master.m3u8", "HEAD", Summary = "Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
public class GetMasterHlsVideoPlaylist : VideoStreamRequest, IMasterHlsRequest
public bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming { get; set; }
@@ -39,8 +37,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Hls
- [Route("/Audio/{Id}/master.m3u8", "GET", Summary = "Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
- [Route("/Audio/{Id}/master.m3u8", "HEAD", Summary = "Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
public class GetMasterHlsAudioPlaylist : StreamRequest, IMasterHlsRequest
public bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming { get; set; }
@@ -56,17 +52,14 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Hls
bool EnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming { get; set; }
- [Route("/Videos/{Id}/main.m3u8", "GET", Summary = "Gets a video stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
public class GetVariantHlsVideoPlaylist : VideoStreamRequest
- [Route("/Audio/{Id}/main.m3u8", "GET", Summary = "Gets an audio stream using HTTP live streaming.")]
public class GetVariantHlsAudioPlaylist : StreamRequest
- [Route("/Videos/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer}", "GET")]
public class GetHlsVideoSegment : VideoStreamRequest
public string PlaylistId { get; set; }
@@ -78,7 +71,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Hls
public string SegmentId { get; set; }
- [Route("/Audio/{Id}/hls1/{PlaylistId}/{SegmentId}.{SegmentContainer}", "GET")]
public class GetHlsAudioSegment : StreamRequest
public string PlaylistId { get; set; }