@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
private IDbCommand _saveAncestorCommand ;
private IDbCommand _updateInheritedRatingCommand ;
private IDbCommand _updateInheritedTagsCommand ;
private const int LatestSchemaVersion = 58 ;
private const int LatestSchemaVersion = 61 ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SqliteItemRepository"/> class.
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
"create table if not exists AncestorIds (ItemId GUID, AncestorId GUID, AncestorIdText TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ItemId, AncestorId))" ,
"create index if not exists idx_AncestorIds1 on AncestorIds(AncestorId)" ,
"create index if not exists idx_AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds(AncestorIdText)" ,
"create table if not exists People (ItemId GUID, Name TEXT NOT NULL, Role TEXT, PersonType TEXT, SortOrder int, ListOrder int)" ,
"create index if not exists idxPeopleItemId on People(ItemId)" ,
"create index if not exists idxPeopleName on People(Name)" ,
@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
_connection . AddColumn ( Logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "CriticRating" , "Float" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( Logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "CriticRatingSummary" , "Text" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( Logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "DateModifiedDuringLastRefresh" , "DATETIME" ) ;
_connection . AddColumn ( Logger , "TypedBaseItems" , "InheritedTags" , "Text" ) ;
PrepareStatements ( ) ;
@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
"guid" ,
"type" ,
"data" ,
"Path" ,
"Path" ,
"StartDate" ,
"EndDate" ,
"ChannelId" ,
@ -462,7 +464,8 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
"TrailerTypes" ,
"CriticRating" ,
"CriticRatingSummary" ,
"DateModifiedDuringLastRefresh" ,
} ;
_saveItemCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_saveItemCommand . CommandText = "replace into TypedBaseItems (" + string . Join ( "," , saveColumns . ToArray ( ) ) + ") values (" ;
@ -540,8 +543,13 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
_updateInheritedRatingCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_updateInheritedRatingCommand . CommandText = "Update TypedBaseItems set InheritedParentalRatingValue=@InheritedParentalRatingValue where Guid=@Guid" ;
_updateInheritedRatingCommand . Parameters . Add ( _updateInheritedRatingCommand , "@InheritedParentalRatingValue" ) ;
_updateInheritedRatingCommand . Parameters . Add ( _updateInheritedRatingCommand , "@Guid" ) ;
_updateInheritedRatingCommand . Parameters . Add ( _updateInheritedRatingCommand , "@InheritedParentalRatingValue" ) ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . CommandText = "Update TypedBaseItems set InheritedTags=@InheritedTags where Guid=@Guid" ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . Parameters . Add ( _updateInheritedTagsCommand , "@Guid" ) ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . Parameters . Add ( _updateInheritedTagsCommand , "@InheritedTags" ) ;
/// <summary>
@ -715,7 +723,15 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . ServiceName ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = string . Join ( "|" , item . Tags . ToArray ( ) ) ;
if ( item . Tags . Count > 0 )
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = string . Join ( "|" , item . Tags . ToArray ( ) ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . IsFolder ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . GetBlockUnratedType ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
@ -765,6 +781,16 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = item . DateModifiedDuringLastRefresh . Value ;
var inheritedTags = item . GetInheritedTags ( ) ;
if ( inheritedTags . Count > 0 )
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = string . Join ( "|" , inheritedTags . ToArray ( ) ) ;
_saveItemCommand . GetParameter ( index + + ) . Value = null ;
_saveItemCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_saveItemCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
@ -2165,6 +2191,14 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
excludeTagIndex + + ;
excludeTagIndex = 0 ;
foreach ( var excludeTag in query . ExcludeInheritedTags )
whereClauses . Add ( "InheritedTags not like @excludeInheritedTag" + excludeTagIndex ) ;
cmd . Parameters . Add ( cmd , "@excludeInheritedTag" + excludeTagIndex , DbType . String ) . Value = "%" + excludeTag + "%" ;
excludeTagIndex + + ;
if ( addPaging )
if ( query . StartIndex . HasValue & & query . StartIndex . Value > 0 )
@ -2224,6 +2258,88 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
} ;
public async Task UpdateInheritedValues ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
await UpdateInheritedParentalRating ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
await UpdateInheritedTags ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
private async Task UpdateInheritedTags ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var newValues = new List < Tuple < Guid , string > > ( ) ;
using ( var cmd = _connection . CreateCommand ( ) )
cmd . CommandText = "select Guid,InheritedTags,(select group_concat(Tags, '|') from TypedBaseItems where (guid=outer.guid) OR (guid in (Select AncestorId from AncestorIds where ItemId=Outer.guid))) as NewInheritedTags from typedbaseitems as Outer where NewInheritedTags <> InheritedTags" ;
using ( var reader = cmd . ExecuteReader ( CommandBehavior . SequentialAccess | CommandBehavior . SingleResult ) )
while ( reader . Read ( ) )
var id = reader . GetGuid ( 0 ) ;
string value = reader . IsDBNull ( 2 ) ? null : reader . GetString ( 2 ) ;
newValues . Add ( new Tuple < Guid , string > ( id , value ) ) ;
Logger . Debug ( "UpdateInheritedTags - {0} rows" , newValues . Count ) ;
if ( newValues . Count = = 0 )
return ;
await WriteLock . WaitAsync ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
IDbTransaction transaction = null ;
transaction = _connection . BeginTransaction ( ) ;
foreach ( var item in newValues )
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . GetParameter ( 0 ) . Value = item . Item1 ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . GetParameter ( 1 ) . Value = item . Item2 ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . Transaction = transaction ;
_updateInheritedTagsCommand . ExecuteNonQuery ( ) ;
transaction . Commit ( ) ;
catch ( OperationCanceledException )
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e )
Logger . ErrorException ( "Error running query:" , e ) ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Rollback ( ) ;
throw ;
if ( transaction ! = null )
transaction . Dispose ( ) ;
WriteLock . Release ( ) ;
private async Task UpdateInheritedParentalRating ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var newValues = new List < Tuple < Guid , int > > ( ) ;
@ -2243,6 +2359,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence
Logger . Debug ( "UpdateInheritedParentalRatings - {0} rows" , newValues . Count ) ;
if ( newValues . Count = = 0 )
return ;