using System.Linq; using Emby.Naming.Common; using Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.Resolvers.Audio; using Jellyfin.Data.Enums; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; using Moq; using Xunit; namespace Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Tests.Library; public class AudioResolverTests { private static readonly NamingOptions _namingOptions = new(); [Theory] [InlineData("words.mp3")] // single non-tagged file [InlineData("chapter 01.mp3")] [InlineData("part 1.mp3")] [InlineData("chapter 01.mp3", "non-media.txt")] [InlineData("title.mp3", "title.epub")] [InlineData("01.mp3", "subdirectory/")] // single media file with sub-directory - note that this will hide any contents in the subdirectory public void Resolve_AudiobookDirectory_SingleResult(params string[] children) { var resolved = TestResolveChildren("/parent/title", children); Assert.NotNull(resolved); } [Theory] /* Results that can't be displayed as an audio book. */ [InlineData] // no contents [InlineData("subdirectory/")] [InlineData("non-media.txt")] /* Names don't indicate parts of a single book. */ [InlineData("Name.mp3", "Another Name.mp3")] /* Results that are an audio book but not currently navigable as such (multiple chapters and/or parts). */ [InlineData("01.mp3", "02.mp3")] [InlineData("chapter 01.mp3", "chapter 02.mp3")] [InlineData("part 1.mp3", "part 2.mp3")] [InlineData("chapter 01 part 01.mp3", "chapter 01 part 02.mp3")] /* Mismatched chapters, parts, and named files. */ [InlineData("chapter 01.mp3", "part 2.mp3")] [InlineData("book title.mp3", "chapter name.mp3")] // "book title" resolves as alternate version of book based on directory name [InlineData("01 Content.mp3", "01 Credits.mp3")] // resolves as alternate versions of chapter 1 [InlineData("Chapter Name.mp3", "Part 1.mp3")] public void Resolve_AudiobookDirectory_NoResult(params string[] children) { var resolved = TestResolveChildren("/parent/book title", children); Assert.Null(resolved); } private Audio? TestResolveChildren(string parent, string[] children) { var childrenMetadata = children.Select(name => new FileSystemMetadata { FullName = parent + "/" + name, IsDirectory = name.EndsWith('/') }).ToArray(); var resolver = new AudioResolver(_namingOptions); var itemResolveArgs = new ItemResolveArgs( null, Mock.Of()) { CollectionType = CollectionType.Books, FileInfo = new FileSystemMetadata { FullName = parent, IsDirectory = true }, FileSystemChildren = childrenMetadata }; return resolver.Resolve(itemResolveArgs); } }