using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Channels; using Jellyfin.Data.Enums; using Jellyfin.Extensions; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV; using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Persistence; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists; using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.LiveTv; using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.SqlExpressions; using BaseItemDto = MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.BaseItem; using BaseItemEntity = Jellyfin.Data.Entities.BaseItem; namespace Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Item; /// /// Handles all storage logic for BaseItems. /// public sealed class BaseItemManager : IItemRepository, IDisposable { private readonly IDbContextFactory _dbProvider; private readonly IServerApplicationHost _appHost; private readonly ItemFields[] _allItemFields = Enum.GetValues(); private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _programTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Program, BaseItemKind.TvChannel, BaseItemKind.LiveTvProgram, BaseItemKind.LiveTvChannel }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _programExcludeParentTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Series, BaseItemKind.Season, BaseItemKind.MusicAlbum, BaseItemKind.MusicArtist, BaseItemKind.PhotoAlbum }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _serviceTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.TvChannel, BaseItemKind.LiveTvChannel }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _startDateTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Program, BaseItemKind.LiveTvProgram }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _seriesTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Book, BaseItemKind.AudioBook, BaseItemKind.Episode, BaseItemKind.Season }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _artistExcludeParentTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Series, BaseItemKind.Season, BaseItemKind.PhotoAlbum }; private static readonly BaseItemKind[] _artistsTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Audio, BaseItemKind.MusicAlbum, BaseItemKind.MusicVideo, BaseItemKind.AudioBook }; private static readonly Dictionary _baseItemKindNames = new() { { BaseItemKind.AggregateFolder, typeof(AggregateFolder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Audio, typeof(Audio).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.AudioBook, typeof(AudioBook).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.BasePluginFolder, typeof(BasePluginFolder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Book, typeof(Book).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.BoxSet, typeof(BoxSet).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Channel, typeof(Channel).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.CollectionFolder, typeof(CollectionFolder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Episode, typeof(Episode).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Folder, typeof(Folder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Genre, typeof(Genre).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Movie, typeof(Movie).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.LiveTvChannel, typeof(LiveTvChannel).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.LiveTvProgram, typeof(LiveTvProgram).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.MusicAlbum, typeof(MusicAlbum).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.MusicArtist, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.MusicGenre, typeof(MusicGenre).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.MusicVideo, typeof(MusicVideo).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Person, typeof(Person).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Photo, typeof(Photo).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.PhotoAlbum, typeof(PhotoAlbum).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Playlist, typeof(Playlist).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.PlaylistsFolder, typeof(PlaylistsFolder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Season, typeof(Season).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Series, typeof(Series).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Studio, typeof(Studio).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Trailer, typeof(Trailer).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.TvChannel, typeof(LiveTvChannel).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.TvProgram, typeof(LiveTvProgram).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.UserRootFolder, typeof(UserRootFolder).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.UserView, typeof(UserView).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Video, typeof(Video).FullName }, { BaseItemKind.Year, typeof(Year).FullName } }; /// /// This holds all the types in the running assemblies /// so that we can de-serialize properly when we don't have strong types. /// private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary _typeMap = new ConcurrentDictionary(); private bool _disposed; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The db factory. /// The Application host. public BaseItemManager(IDbContextFactory dbProvider, IServerApplicationHost appHost) { _dbProvider = dbProvider; _appHost = appHost; } /// public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) { return; } _disposed = true; } private QueryResult<(BaseItemDto Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetItemValues(InternalItemsQuery filter, int[] itemValueTypes, string returnType) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(filter); if (!filter.Limit.HasValue) { filter.EnableTotalRecordCount = false; } using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var innerQuery = new InternalItemsQuery(filter.User) { ExcludeItemTypes = filter.ExcludeItemTypes, IncludeItemTypes = filter.IncludeItemTypes, MediaTypes = filter.MediaTypes, AncestorIds = filter.AncestorIds, ItemIds = filter.ItemIds, TopParentIds = filter.TopParentIds, ParentId = filter.ParentId, IsAiring = filter.IsAiring, IsMovie = filter.IsMovie, IsSports = filter.IsSports, IsKids = filter.IsKids, IsNews = filter.IsNews, IsSeries = filter.IsSeries }; var query = TranslateQuery(context.BaseItems, context, innerQuery); query = query.Where(e => e.Type == returnType && e.ItemValues!.Any(f => e.CleanName == f.CleanValue && itemValueTypes.Contains(f.Type))); var outerQuery = new InternalItemsQuery(filter.User) { IsPlayed = filter.IsPlayed, IsFavorite = filter.IsFavorite, IsFavoriteOrLiked = filter.IsFavoriteOrLiked, IsLiked = filter.IsLiked, IsLocked = filter.IsLocked, NameLessThan = filter.NameLessThan, NameStartsWith = filter.NameStartsWith, NameStartsWithOrGreater = filter.NameStartsWithOrGreater, Tags = filter.Tags, OfficialRatings = filter.OfficialRatings, StudioIds = filter.StudioIds, GenreIds = filter.GenreIds, Genres = filter.Genres, Years = filter.Years, NameContains = filter.NameContains, SearchTerm = filter.SearchTerm, SimilarTo = filter.SimilarTo, ExcludeItemIds = filter.ExcludeItemIds }; query = TranslateQuery(query, context, outerQuery) .OrderBy(e => e.PresentationUniqueKey); if (filter.OrderBy.Count != 0 || filter.SimilarTo is not null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.SearchTerm)) { query = ApplyOrder(query, filter); } else { query = query.OrderBy(e => e.SortName); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue || filter.StartIndex.HasValue) { var offset = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; if (offset > 0) { query = query.Skip(offset); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue) { query.Take(filter.Limit.Value); } } var result = new QueryResult<(BaseItem, ItemCounts)>(); string countText = string.Empty; if (filter.EnableTotalRecordCount) { result.TotalRecordCount = query.DistinctBy(e => e.PresentationUniqueKey).Count(); } var resultQuery = query.Select(e => new { item = e, itemCount = new ItemCounts() { SeriesCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.Series), EpisodeCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.Episode), MovieCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.Movie), AlbumCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.MusicAlbum), ArtistCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == 0 || e.Type == 1), SongCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.MusicAlbum), TrailerCount = e.ItemValues!.Count(e => e.Type == (int)BaseItemKind.Trailer), } }); result.StartIndex = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; result.Items = resultQuery.ToImmutableArray().Select(e => { return (DeserialiseBaseItem(e.item), e.itemCount); }).ToImmutableArray(); return result; } /// public void DeleteItem(Guid id) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(id.IsEmpty() ? null : id); using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); using var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); context.Peoples.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.Chapters.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.MediaStreamInfos.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.AncestorIds.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.ItemValues.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.BaseItems.Where(e => e.Id.Equals(id)).ExecuteDelete(); context.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); } /// public void UpdateInheritedValues() { using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); using var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); context.ItemValues.Where(e => e.Type == 6).ExecuteDelete(); context.ItemValues.AddRange(context.ItemValues.Where(e => e.Type == 4).Select(e => new Data.Entities.ItemValue() { CleanValue = e.CleanValue, ItemId = e.ItemId, Type = 6, Value = e.Value, Item = null! })); context.ItemValues.AddRange( context.AncestorIds.Where(e => e.AncestorIdText != null).Join(context.ItemValues.Where(e => e.Value != null && e.Type == 4), e => e.Id, e => e.ItemId, (e, f) => new Data.Entities.ItemValue() { CleanValue = f.CleanValue, ItemId = e.ItemId, Item = null!, Type = 6, Value = f.Value })); context.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); } /// public IReadOnlyList GetItemIdsList(InternalItemsQuery filter) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(filter); PrepareFilterQuery(filter); using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var dbQuery = TranslateQuery(context.BaseItems.AsNoTracking(), context, filter) .DistinctBy(e => e.Id); var enableGroupByPresentationUniqueKey = EnableGroupByPresentationUniqueKey(filter); if (enableGroupByPresentationUniqueKey && filter.GroupBySeriesPresentationUniqueKey) { dbQuery = dbQuery.GroupBy(e => new { e.PresentationUniqueKey, e.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey }).SelectMany(e => e); } if (enableGroupByPresentationUniqueKey) { dbQuery = dbQuery.GroupBy(e => e.PresentationUniqueKey).SelectMany(e => e); } if (filter.GroupBySeriesPresentationUniqueKey) { dbQuery = dbQuery.GroupBy(e => e.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey).SelectMany(e => e); } dbQuery = ApplyOrder(dbQuery, filter); return Pageinate(dbQuery, filter).Select(e => e.Id).ToImmutableArray(); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetAllArtists(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 0, 1 }, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName!); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetArtists(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 0 }, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName!); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetAlbumArtists(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 1 }, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName!); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetStudios(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 3 }, typeof(Studio).FullName!); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetGenres(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 2 }, typeof(Genre).FullName!); } /// public QueryResult<(BaseItem Item, ItemCounts ItemCounts)> GetMusicGenres(InternalItemsQuery filter) { return GetItemValues(filter, new[] { 2 }, typeof(MusicGenre).FullName!); } /// public IReadOnlyList GetStudioNames() { return GetItemValueNames(new[] { 3 }, Array.Empty(), Array.Empty()); } /// public IReadOnlyList GetAllArtistNames() { return GetItemValueNames(new[] { 0, 1 }, Array.Empty(), Array.Empty()); } /// public IReadOnlyList GetMusicGenreNames() { return GetItemValueNames( new[] { 2 }, new string[] { typeof(Audio).FullName!, typeof(MusicVideo).FullName!, typeof(MusicAlbum).FullName!, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName! }, Array.Empty()); } /// public IReadOnlyList GetGenreNames() { return GetItemValueNames( new[] { 2 }, Array.Empty(), new string[] { typeof(Audio).FullName!, typeof(MusicVideo).FullName!, typeof(MusicAlbum).FullName!, typeof(MusicArtist).FullName! }); } /// public QueryResult GetItems(InternalItemsQuery filter) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(filter); if (!filter.EnableTotalRecordCount || (!filter.Limit.HasValue && (filter.StartIndex ?? 0) == 0)) { var returnList = GetItemList(filter); return new QueryResult( filter.StartIndex, returnList.Count, returnList); } PrepareFilterQuery(filter); var result = new QueryResult(); using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var dbQuery = TranslateQuery(context.BaseItems, context, filter) .DistinctBy(e => e.Id); if (filter.EnableTotalRecordCount) { result.TotalRecordCount = dbQuery.Count(); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue || filter.StartIndex.HasValue) { var offset = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; if (offset > 0) { dbQuery = dbQuery.Skip(offset); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue) { dbQuery = dbQuery.Take(filter.Limit.Value); } } result.Items = dbQuery.ToList().Select(DeserialiseBaseItem).ToImmutableArray(); result.StartIndex = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; return result; } /// public IReadOnlyList GetItemList(InternalItemsQuery filter) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(filter); PrepareFilterQuery(filter); using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var dbQuery = TranslateQuery(context.BaseItems, context, filter) .DistinctBy(e => e.Id); if (filter.Limit.HasValue || filter.StartIndex.HasValue) { var offset = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; if (offset > 0) { dbQuery = dbQuery.Skip(offset); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue) { dbQuery = dbQuery.Take(filter.Limit.Value); } } return dbQuery.ToList().Select(DeserialiseBaseItem).ToImmutableArray(); } /// public int GetCount(InternalItemsQuery filter) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(filter); // Hack for right now since we currently don't support filtering out these duplicates within a query PrepareFilterQuery(filter); using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var dbQuery = TranslateQuery(context.BaseItems, context, filter); return dbQuery.Count(); } private IQueryable TranslateQuery( IQueryable baseQuery, JellyfinDbContext context, InternalItemsQuery filter) { var minWidth = filter.MinWidth; var maxWidth = filter.MaxWidth; var now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (filter.IsHD.HasValue) { const int Threshold = 1200; if (filter.IsHD.Value) { minWidth = Threshold; } else { maxWidth = Threshold - 1; } } if (filter.Is4K.HasValue) { const int Threshold = 3800; if (filter.Is4K.Value) { minWidth = Threshold; } else { maxWidth = Threshold - 1; } } if (minWidth.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Width >= minWidth); } if (filter.MinHeight.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Height >= filter.MinHeight); } if (maxWidth.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Width >= maxWidth); } if (filter.MaxHeight.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Height <= filter.MaxHeight); } if (filter.IsLocked.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IsLocked == filter.IsLocked); } var tags = filter.Tags.ToList(); var excludeTags = filter.ExcludeTags.ToList(); if (filter.IsMovie == true) { if (filter.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0 || filter.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Movie) || filter.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Trailer)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IsMovie); } } else if (filter.IsMovie.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IsMovie == filter.IsMovie); } if (filter.IsSeries.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IsSeries == filter.IsSeries); } if (filter.IsSports.HasValue) { if (filter.IsSports.Value) { tags.Add("Sports"); } else { excludeTags.Add("Sports"); } } if (filter.IsNews.HasValue) { if (filter.IsNews.Value) { tags.Add("News"); } else { excludeTags.Add("News"); } } if (filter.IsKids.HasValue) { if (filter.IsKids.Value) { tags.Add("Kids"); } else { excludeTags.Add("Kids"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.SearchTerm)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.CleanName!.Contains(filter.SearchTerm, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || (e.OriginalTitle != null && e.OriginalTitle.Contains(filter.SearchTerm, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } if (filter.IsFolder.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IsFolder == filter.IsFolder); } var includeTypes = filter.IncludeItemTypes; // Only specify excluded types if no included types are specified if (filter.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0) { var excludeTypes = filter.ExcludeItemTypes; if (excludeTypes.Length == 1) { if (_baseItemKindNames.TryGetValue(excludeTypes[0], out var excludeTypeName)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Type != excludeTypeName); } } else if (excludeTypes.Length > 1) { var excludeTypeName = new List(); foreach (var excludeType in excludeTypes) { if (_baseItemKindNames.TryGetValue(excludeType, out var baseItemKindName)) { excludeTypeName.Add(baseItemKindName!); } } baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => !excludeTypeName.Contains(e.Type)); } } else if (includeTypes.Length == 1) { if (_baseItemKindNames.TryGetValue(includeTypes[0], out var includeTypeName)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Type == includeTypeName); } } else if (includeTypes.Length > 1) { var includeTypeName = new List(); foreach (var includeType in includeTypes) { if (_baseItemKindNames.TryGetValue(includeType, out var baseItemKindName)) { includeTypeName.Add(baseItemKindName!); } } baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => includeTypeName.Contains(e.Type)); } if (filter.ChannelIds.Count == 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ChannelId == filter.ChannelIds[0].ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (filter.ChannelIds.Count > 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => filter.ChannelIds.Select(f => f.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Contains(e.ChannelId)); } if (!filter.ParentId.IsEmpty()) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ParentId.Equals(filter.ParentId)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Path)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Path == filter.Path); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.PresentationUniqueKey)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.PresentationUniqueKey == filter.PresentationUniqueKey); } if (filter.MinCommunityRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.CommunityRating >= filter.MinCommunityRating); } if (filter.MinIndexNumber.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IndexNumber >= filter.MinIndexNumber); } if (filter.MinParentAndIndexNumber.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => (e.ParentIndexNumber == filter.MinParentAndIndexNumber.Value.ParentIndexNumber && e.IndexNumber >= filter.MinParentAndIndexNumber.Value.IndexNumber) || e.ParentIndexNumber > filter.MinParentAndIndexNumber.Value.ParentIndexNumber); } if (filter.MinDateCreated.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.DateCreated >= filter.MinDateCreated); } if (filter.MinDateLastSaved.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.DateLastSaved != null && e.DateLastSaved >= filter.MinDateLastSaved.Value); } if (filter.MinDateLastSavedForUser.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.DateLastSaved != null && e.DateLastSaved >= filter.MinDateLastSavedForUser.Value); } if (filter.IndexNumber.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.IndexNumber == filter.IndexNumber.Value); } if (filter.ParentIndexNumber.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ParentIndexNumber == filter.ParentIndexNumber.Value); } if (filter.ParentIndexNumberNotEquals.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ParentIndexNumber != filter.ParentIndexNumberNotEquals.Value || e.ParentIndexNumber == null); } var minEndDate = filter.MinEndDate; var maxEndDate = filter.MaxEndDate; if (filter.HasAired.HasValue) { if (filter.HasAired.Value) { maxEndDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { minEndDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } } if (minEndDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.EndDate >= minEndDate); } if (maxEndDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.EndDate <= maxEndDate); } if (filter.MinStartDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.StartDate >= filter.MinStartDate.Value); } if (filter.MaxStartDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.StartDate <= filter.MaxStartDate.Value); } if (filter.MinPremiereDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.PremiereDate <= filter.MinPremiereDate.Value); } if (filter.MaxPremiereDate.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.PremiereDate <= filter.MaxPremiereDate.Value); } if (filter.TrailerTypes.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => filter.TrailerTypes.Any(f => e.TrailerTypes!.Contains(f.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); } if (filter.IsAiring.HasValue) { if (filter.IsAiring.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.StartDate <= now && e.EndDate >= now); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.StartDate > now && e.EndDate < now); } } if (filter.PersonIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => context.Peoples.Where(w => context.BaseItems.Where(w => filter.PersonIds.Contains(w.Id)).Any(f => f.Name == w.Name)) .Any(f => f.ItemId.Equals(e.Id))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Person)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Peoples!.Any(f => f.Name == filter.Person)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.MinSortName)) { // this does not makes sense. // baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.SortName >= query.MinSortName); // whereClauses.Add("SortName>=@MinSortName"); // statement?.TryBind("@MinSortName", query.MinSortName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.ExternalSeriesId)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ExternalSeriesId == filter.ExternalSeriesId); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.ExternalId)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ExternalId == filter.ExternalId); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Name)) { var cleanName = GetCleanValue(filter.Name); baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.CleanName == cleanName); } // These are the same, for now var nameContains = filter.NameContains; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameContains)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.CleanName == filter.NameContains || e.OriginalTitle!.Contains(filter.NameContains!, StringComparison.Ordinal)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.NameStartsWith)) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.SortName!.Contains(filter.NameStartsWith, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.NameStartsWithOrGreater)) { // i hate this baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.SortName![0] > filter.NameStartsWithOrGreater[0]); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.NameLessThan)) { // i hate this baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.SortName![0] < filter.NameLessThan[0]); } if (filter.ImageTypes.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => filter.ImageTypes.Any(f => e.Images!.Contains(f.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCulture))); } if (filter.IsLiked.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.Rating >= UserItemData.MinLikeValue); } if (filter.IsFavoriteOrLiked.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.IsFavorite == filter.IsFavoriteOrLiked); } if (filter.IsFavorite.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.IsFavorite == filter.IsFavorite); } if (filter.IsPlayed.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.Played == filter.IsPlayed.Value); } if (filter.IsResumable.HasValue) { if (filter.IsResumable.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(filter.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.PlaybackPositionTicks == 0); } } var artistQuery = context.BaseItems.Where(w => filter.ArtistIds.Contains(w.Id)); if (filter.ArtistIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type <= 1 && artistQuery.Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.AlbumArtistIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 1 && artistQuery.Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.ContributingArtistIds.Length > 0) { var contributingArtists = context.BaseItems.Where(e => filter.ContributingArtistIds.Contains(e.Id)); baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 0 && contributingArtists.Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.AlbumIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => context.BaseItems.Where(e => filter.AlbumIds.Contains(e.Id)).Any(f => f.Name == e.Album)); } if (filter.ExcludeArtistIds.Length > 0) { var excludeArtistQuery = context.BaseItems.Where(w => filter.ExcludeArtistIds.Contains(w.Id)); baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type <= 1 && artistQuery.Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.GenreIds.Count > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 2 && context.BaseItems.Where(w => filter.GenreIds.Contains(w.Id)).Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.Genres.Count > 0) { var cleanGenres = filter.Genres.Select(e => GetCleanValue(e)).ToArray(); baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 2 && cleanGenres.Contains(f.CleanValue))); } if (tags.Count > 0) { var cleanValues = tags.Select(e => GetCleanValue(e)).ToArray(); baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 4 && cleanValues.Contains(f.CleanValue))); } if (excludeTags.Count > 0) { var cleanValues = excludeTags.Select(e => GetCleanValue(e)).ToArray(); baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 4 && cleanValues.Contains(f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.StudioIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 3 && context.BaseItems.Where(w => filter.StudioIds.Contains(w.Id)).Any(w => w.CleanName == f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.OfficialRatings.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.OfficialRatings.Contains(e.OfficialRating)); } if (filter.HasParentalRating ?? false) { if (filter.MinParentalRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MinParentalRating.Value); } if (filter.MaxParentalRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue < filter.MaxParentalRating.Value); } } else if (filter.BlockUnratedItems.Length > 0) { if (filter.MinParentalRating.HasValue) { if (filter.MaxParentalRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => (e.InheritedParentalRatingValue == null && !filter.BlockUnratedItems.Select(e => e.ToString()).Contains(e.UnratedType)) || (e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MinParentalRating && e.InheritedParentalRatingValue <= filter.MaxParentalRating)); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => (e.InheritedParentalRatingValue == null && !filter.BlockUnratedItems.Select(e => e.ToString()).Contains(e.UnratedType)) || e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MinParentalRating); } } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue != null && !filter.BlockUnratedItems.Select(e => e.ToString()).Contains(e.UnratedType)); } } else if (filter.MinParentalRating.HasValue) { if (filter.MaxParentalRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue != null && e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MinParentalRating.Value && e.InheritedParentalRatingValue <= filter.MaxParentalRating.Value); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue != null && e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MinParentalRating.Value); } } else if (filter.MaxParentalRating.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue != null && e.InheritedParentalRatingValue >= filter.MaxParentalRating.Value); } else if (!filter.HasParentalRating ?? false) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue == null); } if (filter.HasOfficialRating.HasValue) { if (filter.HasOfficialRating.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.OfficialRating != null && e.OfficialRating != string.Empty); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.OfficialRating == null || e.OfficialRating == string.Empty); } } if (filter.HasOverview.HasValue) { if (filter.HasOverview.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.Overview != null && e.Overview != string.Empty); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.Overview == null || e.Overview == string.Empty); } } if (filter.HasOwnerId.HasValue) { if (filter.HasOwnerId.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.OwnerId != null); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.OwnerId == null); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.HasNoAudioTrackWithLanguage)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.MediaStreams!.Any(e => e.StreamType == "Audio" && e.Language == filter.HasNoAudioTrackWithLanguage)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.HasNoInternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.MediaStreams!.Any(e => e.StreamType == "Subtitle" && !e.IsExternal && e.Language == filter.HasNoInternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.MediaStreams!.Any(e => e.StreamType == "Subtitle" && e.IsExternal && e.Language == filter.HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.HasNoSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.MediaStreams!.Any(e => e.StreamType == "Subtitle" && e.Language == filter.HasNoSubtitleTrackWithLanguage)); } if (filter.HasSubtitles.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.MediaStreams!.Any(e => e.StreamType == "Subtitle") == filter.HasSubtitles.Value); } if (filter.HasChapterImages.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.Chapters!.Any(e => e.ImagePath != null) == filter.HasChapterImages.Value); } if (filter.HasDeadParentId.HasValue && filter.HasDeadParentId.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ParentId.HasValue && context.BaseItems.Any(f => f.Id.Equals(e.ParentId.Value))); } if (filter.IsDeadArtist.HasValue && filter.IsDeadArtist.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => (f.Type == 0 || f.Type == 1) && f.CleanValue == e.CleanName)); } if (filter.IsDeadStudio.HasValue && filter.IsDeadStudio.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Any(f => f.Type == 3 && f.CleanValue == e.CleanName)); } if (filter.IsDeadPerson.HasValue && filter.IsDeadPerson.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.Peoples!.Any(f => f.Name == e.Name)); } if (filter.Years.Length == 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ProductionYear == filter.Years[0]); } else if (filter.Years.Length > 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.Years.Any(f => f == e.ProductionYear)); } var isVirtualItem = filter.IsVirtualItem ?? filter.IsMissing; if (isVirtualItem.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.IsVirtualItem == isVirtualItem.Value); } if (filter.IsSpecialSeason.HasValue) { if (filter.IsSpecialSeason.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.IndexNumber == 0); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.IndexNumber != 0); } } if (filter.IsUnaired.HasValue) { if (filter.IsUnaired.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.PremiereDate >= now); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.PremiereDate < now); } } if (filter.MediaTypes.Length == 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.MediaType == filter.MediaTypes[0].ToString()); } else if (filter.MediaTypes.Length > 1) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.MediaTypes.Select(f => f.ToString()).Contains(e.MediaType)); } if (filter.ItemIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.ItemIds.Contains(e.Id)); } if (filter.ExcludeItemIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !filter.ItemIds.Contains(e.Id)); } if (filter.ExcludeProviderIds is not null && filter.ExcludeProviderIds.Count > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => !e.Provider!.All(f => !filter.ExcludeProviderIds.All(w => f.ProviderId == w.Key && f.ProviderValue == w.Value))); } if (filter.HasAnyProviderId is not null && filter.HasAnyProviderId.Count > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Provider!.Any(f => !filter.HasAnyProviderId.Any(w => f.ProviderId == w.Key && f.ProviderValue == w.Value))); } if (filter.HasImdbId.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Provider!.Any(f => f.ProviderId == "imdb")); } if (filter.HasTmdbId.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Provider!.Any(f => f.ProviderId == "tmdb")); } if (filter.HasTvdbId.HasValue) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.Provider!.Any(f => f.ProviderId == "tvdb")); } var queryTopParentIds = filter.TopParentIds; if (queryTopParentIds.Length > 0) { var includedItemByNameTypes = GetItemByNameTypesInQuery(filter); var enableItemsByName = (filter.IncludeItemsByName ?? false) && includedItemByNameTypes.Count > 0; if (enableItemsByName && includedItemByNameTypes.Count > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => includedItemByNameTypes.Contains(e.Type) || queryTopParentIds.Any(w => w.Equals(e.TopParentId!.Value))); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => queryTopParentIds.Any(w => w.Equals(e.TopParentId!.Value))); } } if (filter.AncestorIds.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(e => e.AncestorIds!.Any(f => filter.AncestorIds.Contains(f.Id))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => context.BaseItems.Where(f => f.PresentationUniqueKey == filter.AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey).Any(f => f.AncestorIds!.Any(w => w.ItemId.Equals(f.Id)))); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey)) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey == filter.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey); } if (filter.ExcludeInheritedTags.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.ItemValues!.Where(e => e.Type == 6) .Any(f => filter.ExcludeInheritedTags.Contains(f.CleanValue))); } if (filter.IncludeInheritedTags.Length > 0) { // Episodes do not store inherit tags from their parents in the database, and the tag may be still required by the client. // In addtion to the tags for the episodes themselves, we need to manually query its parent (the season)'s tags as well. if (includeTypes.Length == 1 && includeTypes.FirstOrDefault() is BaseItemKind.Episode) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Where(e => e.Type == 6) .Any(f => filter.IncludeInheritedTags.Contains(f.CleanValue)) || (e.ParentId.HasValue && context.ItemValues.Where(w => w.ItemId.Equals(e.ParentId.Value))!.Where(e => e.Type == 6) .Any(f => filter.IncludeInheritedTags.Contains(f.CleanValue)))); } // A playlist should be accessible to its owner regardless of allowed tags. else if (includeTypes.Length == 1 && includeTypes.FirstOrDefault() is BaseItemKind.Playlist) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Where(e => e.Type == 6) .Any(f => filter.IncludeInheritedTags.Contains(f.CleanValue)) || e.Data!.Contains($"OwnerUserId\":\"{filter.User!.Id:N}\"")); // d ^^ this is stupid it hate this. } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ItemValues!.Where(e => e.Type == 6) .Any(f => filter.IncludeInheritedTags.Contains(f.CleanValue))); } } if (filter.SeriesStatuses.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.SeriesStatuses.Any(f => e.Data!.Contains(f.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } if (filter.BoxSetLibraryFolders.Length > 0) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => filter.BoxSetLibraryFolders.Any(f => e.Data!.Contains(f.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } if (filter.VideoTypes.Length > 0) { var videoTypeBs = filter.VideoTypes.Select(e => $"\"VideoType\":\"" + e + "\""); baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => videoTypeBs.Any(f => e.Data!.Contains(f, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } if (filter.Is3D.HasValue) { if (filter.Is3D.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.Data!.Contains("Video3DFormat", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.Data!.Contains("Video3DFormat", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } } if (filter.IsPlaceHolder.HasValue) { if (filter.IsPlaceHolder.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.Data!.Contains("IsPlaceHolder\":true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => !e.Data!.Contains("IsPlaceHolder\":true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } } if (filter.HasSpecialFeature.HasValue) { if (filter.HasSpecialFeature.Value) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ExtraIds != null); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ExtraIds == null); } } if (filter.HasTrailer.HasValue || filter.HasThemeSong.HasValue || filter.HasThemeVideo.HasValue) { if (filter.HasTrailer.GetValueOrDefault() || filter.HasThemeSong.GetValueOrDefault() || filter.HasThemeVideo.GetValueOrDefault()) { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ExtraIds != null); } else { baseQuery = baseQuery .Where(e => e.ExtraIds == null); } } return baseQuery; } /// /// Gets the type. /// /// Name of the type. /// Type. /// typeName is null. private static Type? GetType(string typeName) { ArgumentException.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(typeName); return _typeMap.GetOrAdd(typeName, k => AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .Select(a => a.GetType(k)) .FirstOrDefault(t => t is not null)); } /// public void SaveImages(BaseItem item) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(item); var images = SerializeImages(item.ImageInfos); using var db = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); db.BaseItems .Where(e => e.Id.Equals(item.Id)) .ExecuteUpdate(e => e.SetProperty(f => f.Images, images)); } /// public void SaveItems(IReadOnlyList items, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { UpdateOrInsertItems(items, cancellationToken); } /// public void UpdateOrInsertItems(IReadOnlyList items, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(items); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var itemsLen = items.Count; var tuples = new (BaseItemDto Item, List? AncestorIds, BaseItemDto TopParent, string? UserDataKey, List InheritedTags)[itemsLen]; for (int i = 0; i < itemsLen; i++) { var item = items[i]; var ancestorIds = item.SupportsAncestors ? item.GetAncestorIds().Distinct().ToList() : null; var topParent = item.GetTopParent(); var userdataKey = item.GetUserDataKeys().FirstOrDefault(); var inheritedTags = item.GetInheritedTags(); tuples[i] = (item, ancestorIds, topParent, userdataKey, inheritedTags); } using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); foreach (var item in tuples) { var entity = Map(item.Item); context.BaseItems.Add(entity); if (item.Item.SupportsAncestors && item.AncestorIds != null) { foreach (var ancestorId in item.AncestorIds) { context.AncestorIds.Add(new Data.Entities.AncestorId() { Item = entity, AncestorIdText = ancestorId.ToString(), Id = ancestorId }); } } var itemValues = GetItemValuesToSave(item.Item, item.InheritedTags); context.ItemValues.Where(e => e.ItemId.Equals(entity.Id)).ExecuteDelete(); foreach (var itemValue in itemValues) { context.ItemValues.Add(new() { Item = entity, Type = itemValue.MagicNumber, Value = itemValue.Value, CleanValue = GetCleanValue(itemValue.Value) }); } } context.SaveChanges(true); } /// public BaseItemDto? RetrieveItem(Guid id) { if (id.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentException("Guid can't be empty", nameof(id)); } using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var item = context.BaseItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id.Equals(id)); if (item is null) { return null; } return DeserialiseBaseItem(item); } /// /// Maps a Entity to the DTO. /// /// The entity. /// The dto base instance. /// The dto to map. public BaseItemDto Map(BaseItemEntity entity, BaseItemDto dto) { dto.Id = entity.Id; dto.ParentId = entity.ParentId.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.Path = entity.Path; dto.EndDate = entity.EndDate; dto.CommunityRating = entity.CommunityRating; dto.CustomRating = entity.CustomRating; dto.IndexNumber = entity.IndexNumber; dto.IsLocked = entity.IsLocked; dto.Name = entity.Name; dto.OfficialRating = entity.OfficialRating; dto.Overview = entity.Overview; dto.ParentIndexNumber = entity.ParentIndexNumber; dto.PremiereDate = entity.PremiereDate; dto.ProductionYear = entity.ProductionYear; dto.SortName = entity.SortName; dto.ForcedSortName = entity.ForcedSortName; dto.RunTimeTicks = entity.RunTimeTicks; dto.PreferredMetadataLanguage = entity.PreferredMetadataLanguage; dto.PreferredMetadataCountryCode = entity.PreferredMetadataCountryCode; dto.IsInMixedFolder = entity.IsInMixedFolder; dto.InheritedParentalRatingValue = entity.InheritedParentalRatingValue; dto.CriticRating = entity.CriticRating; dto.PresentationUniqueKey = entity.PresentationUniqueKey; dto.OriginalTitle = entity.OriginalTitle; dto.Album = entity.Album; dto.LUFS = entity.LUFS; dto.NormalizationGain = entity.NormalizationGain; dto.IsVirtualItem = entity.IsVirtualItem; dto.ExternalSeriesId = entity.ExternalSeriesId; dto.Tagline = entity.Tagline; dto.TotalBitrate = entity.TotalBitrate; dto.ExternalId = entity.ExternalId; dto.Size = entity.Size; dto.Genres = entity.Genres?.Split('|'); dto.DateCreated = entity.DateCreated.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.DateModified = entity.DateModified.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.ChannelId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ChannelId) ? Guid.Empty : Guid.Parse(entity.ChannelId); dto.DateLastRefreshed = entity.DateLastRefreshed.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.DateLastSaved = entity.DateLastSaved.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.OwnerId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.OwnerId) ? Guid.Empty : Guid.Parse(entity.OwnerId); dto.Width = entity.Width.GetValueOrDefault(); dto.Height = entity.Height.GetValueOrDefault(); if (entity.Provider is not null) { dto.ProviderIds = entity.Provider.ToDictionary(e => e.ProviderId, e => e.ProviderValue); } if (entity.ExtraType is not null) { dto.ExtraType = Enum.Parse(entity.ExtraType); } if (entity.LockedFields is not null) { List? fields = null; foreach (var i in entity.LockedFields.AsSpan().Split('|')) { if (Enum.TryParse(i, true, out MetadataField parsedValue)) { (fields ??= new List()).Add(parsedValue); } } dto.LockedFields = fields?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty(); } if (entity.Audio is not null) { dto.Audio = Enum.Parse(entity.Audio); } dto.ExtraIds = entity.ExtraIds?.Split('|').Select(e => Guid.Parse(e)).ToArray(); dto.ProductionLocations = entity.ProductionLocations?.Split('|'); dto.Studios = entity.Studios?.Split('|'); dto.Tags = entity.Tags?.Split('|'); if (dto is IHasProgramAttributes hasProgramAttributes) { hasProgramAttributes.IsMovie = entity.IsMovie; hasProgramAttributes.IsSeries = entity.IsSeries; hasProgramAttributes.EpisodeTitle = entity.EpisodeTitle; hasProgramAttributes.IsRepeat = entity.IsRepeat; } if (dto is LiveTvChannel liveTvChannel) { liveTvChannel.ServiceName = entity.ExternalServiceId; } if (dto is Trailer trailer) { List? types = null; foreach (var i in entity.TrailerTypes.AsSpan().Split('|')) { if (Enum.TryParse(i, true, out TrailerType parsedValue)) { (types ??= new List()).Add(parsedValue); } } trailer.TrailerTypes = types?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty(); } if (dto is Video video) { video.PrimaryVersionId = entity.PrimaryVersionId; } if (dto is IHasSeries hasSeriesName) { hasSeriesName.SeriesName = entity.SeriesName; hasSeriesName.SeriesId = entity.SeriesId.GetValueOrDefault(); hasSeriesName.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = entity.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey; } if (dto is Episode episode) { episode.SeasonName = entity.SeasonName; episode.SeasonId = entity.SeasonId.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (dto is IHasArtist hasArtists) { hasArtists.Artists = entity.Artists?.Split('|', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } if (dto is IHasAlbumArtist hasAlbumArtists) { hasAlbumArtists.AlbumArtists = entity.AlbumArtists?.Split('|', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } if (dto is LiveTvProgram program) { program.ShowId = entity.ShowId; } if (entity.Images is not null) { dto.ImageInfos = DeserializeImages(entity.Images); } // dto.Type = entity.Type; // dto.Data = entity.Data; // dto.MediaType = entity.MediaType; if (dto is IHasStartDate hasStartDate) { hasStartDate.StartDate = entity.StartDate; } // Fields that are present in the DB but are never actually used // dto.UnratedType = entity.UnratedType; // dto.TopParentId = entity.TopParentId; // dto.CleanName = entity.CleanName; // dto.UserDataKey = entity.UserDataKey; if (dto is Folder folder) { folder.DateLastMediaAdded = entity.DateLastMediaAdded; } return dto; } /// /// Maps a Entity to the DTO. /// /// The entity. /// The dto to map. public BaseItemEntity Map(BaseItemDto dto) { var entity = new BaseItemEntity() { Type = dto.GetType().ToString(), }; entity.Id = dto.Id; entity.ParentId = dto.ParentId; entity.Path = GetPathToSave(dto.Path); entity.EndDate = dto.EndDate.GetValueOrDefault(); entity.CommunityRating = dto.CommunityRating; entity.CustomRating = dto.CustomRating; entity.IndexNumber = dto.IndexNumber; entity.IsLocked = dto.IsLocked; entity.Name = dto.Name; entity.OfficialRating = dto.OfficialRating; entity.Overview = dto.Overview; entity.ParentIndexNumber = dto.ParentIndexNumber; entity.PremiereDate = dto.PremiereDate; entity.ProductionYear = dto.ProductionYear; entity.SortName = dto.SortName; entity.ForcedSortName = dto.ForcedSortName; entity.RunTimeTicks = dto.RunTimeTicks; entity.PreferredMetadataLanguage = dto.PreferredMetadataLanguage; entity.PreferredMetadataCountryCode = dto.PreferredMetadataCountryCode; entity.IsInMixedFolder = dto.IsInMixedFolder; entity.InheritedParentalRatingValue = dto.InheritedParentalRatingValue; entity.CriticRating = dto.CriticRating; entity.PresentationUniqueKey = dto.PresentationUniqueKey; entity.OriginalTitle = dto.OriginalTitle; entity.Album = dto.Album; entity.LUFS = dto.LUFS; entity.NormalizationGain = dto.NormalizationGain; entity.IsVirtualItem = dto.IsVirtualItem; entity.ExternalSeriesId = dto.ExternalSeriesId; entity.Tagline = dto.Tagline; entity.TotalBitrate = dto.TotalBitrate; entity.ExternalId = dto.ExternalId; entity.Size = dto.Size; entity.Genres = string.Join('|', dto.Genres); entity.DateCreated = dto.DateCreated; entity.DateModified = dto.DateModified; entity.ChannelId = dto.ChannelId.ToString(); entity.DateLastRefreshed = dto.DateLastRefreshed; entity.DateLastSaved = dto.DateLastSaved; entity.OwnerId = dto.OwnerId.ToString(); entity.Width = dto.Width; entity.Height = dto.Height; entity.Provider = dto.ProviderIds.Select(e => new Data.Entities.BaseItemProvider() { Item = entity, ProviderId = e.Key, ProviderValue = e.Value }).ToList(); entity.Audio = dto.Audio?.ToString(); entity.ExtraType = dto.ExtraType?.ToString(); entity.ExtraIds = string.Join('|', dto.ExtraIds); entity.ProductionLocations = string.Join('|', dto.ProductionLocations); entity.Studios = dto.Studios is not null ? string.Join('|', dto.Studios) : null; entity.Tags = dto.Tags is not null ? string.Join('|', dto.Tags) : null; entity.LockedFields = dto.LockedFields is not null ? string.Join('|', dto.LockedFields) : null; if (dto is IHasProgramAttributes hasProgramAttributes) { entity.IsMovie = hasProgramAttributes.IsMovie; entity.IsSeries = hasProgramAttributes.IsSeries; entity.EpisodeTitle = hasProgramAttributes.EpisodeTitle; entity.IsRepeat = hasProgramAttributes.IsRepeat; } if (dto is LiveTvChannel liveTvChannel) { entity.ExternalServiceId = liveTvChannel.ServiceName; } if (dto is Trailer trailer) { entity.LockedFields = trailer.LockedFields is not null ? string.Join('|', trailer.LockedFields) : null; } if (dto is Video video) { entity.PrimaryVersionId = video.PrimaryVersionId; } if (dto is IHasSeries hasSeriesName) { entity.SeriesName = hasSeriesName.SeriesName; entity.SeriesId = hasSeriesName.SeriesId; entity.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = hasSeriesName.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey; } if (dto is Episode episode) { entity.SeasonName = episode.SeasonName; entity.SeasonId = episode.SeasonId; } if (dto is IHasArtist hasArtists) { entity.Artists = hasArtists.Artists is not null ? string.Join('|', hasArtists.Artists) : null; } if (dto is IHasAlbumArtist hasAlbumArtists) { entity.AlbumArtists = hasAlbumArtists.AlbumArtists is not null ? string.Join('|', hasAlbumArtists.AlbumArtists) : null; } if (dto is LiveTvProgram program) { entity.ShowId = program.ShowId; } if (dto.ImageInfos is not null) { entity.Images = SerializeImages(dto.ImageInfos); } // dto.Type = entity.Type; // dto.Data = entity.Data; // dto.MediaType = entity.MediaType; if (dto is IHasStartDate hasStartDate) { entity.StartDate = hasStartDate.StartDate; } // Fields that are present in the DB but are never actually used // dto.UnratedType = entity.UnratedType; // dto.TopParentId = entity.TopParentId; // dto.CleanName = entity.CleanName; // dto.UserDataKey = entity.UserDataKey; if (dto is Folder folder) { entity.DateLastMediaAdded = folder.DateLastMediaAdded; entity.IsFolder = folder.IsFolder; } return entity; } private IReadOnlyList GetItemValueNames(int[] itemValueTypes, IReadOnlyList withItemTypes, IReadOnlyList excludeItemTypes) { using var context = _dbProvider.CreateDbContext(); var query = context.ItemValues .Where(e => itemValueTypes.Contains(e.Type)); if (withItemTypes.Count > 0) { query = query.Where(e => context.BaseItems.Where(e => withItemTypes.Contains(e.Type)).Any(f => f.ItemValues!.Any(w => w.ItemId.Equals(e.ItemId)))); } if (excludeItemTypes.Count > 0) { query = query.Where(e => !context.BaseItems.Where(e => withItemTypes.Contains(e.Type)).Any(f => f.ItemValues!.Any(w => w.ItemId.Equals(e.ItemId)))); } query = query.DistinctBy(e => e.CleanValue); return query.Select(e => e.CleanValue).ToImmutableArray(); } private BaseItemDto DeserialiseBaseItem(BaseItemEntity baseItemEntity) { var type = GetType(baseItemEntity.Type) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot deserialise unkown type."); var dto = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as BaseItemDto ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot deserialise unkown type."); return Map(baseItemEntity, dto); } private static void PrepareFilterQuery(InternalItemsQuery query) { if (query.Limit.HasValue && query.EnableGroupByMetadataKey) { query.Limit = query.Limit.Value + 4; } if (query.IsResumable ?? false) { query.IsVirtualItem = false; } } private string GetCleanValue(string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return value; } return value.RemoveDiacritics().ToLowerInvariant(); } private List<(int MagicNumber, string Value)> GetItemValuesToSave(BaseItem item, List inheritedTags) { var list = new List<(int, string)>(); if (item is IHasArtist hasArtist) { list.AddRange(hasArtist.Artists.Select(i => (0, i))); } if (item is IHasAlbumArtist hasAlbumArtist) { list.AddRange(hasAlbumArtist.AlbumArtists.Select(i => (1, i))); } list.AddRange(item.Genres.Select(i => (2, i))); list.AddRange(item.Studios.Select(i => (3, i))); list.AddRange(item.Tags.Select(i => (4, i))); // keywords was 5 list.AddRange(inheritedTags.Select(i => (6, i))); // Remove all invalid values. list.RemoveAll(i => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Item2)); return list; } internal static string? SerializeProviderIds(Dictionary providerIds) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var i in providerIds) { // Ideally we shouldn't need this IsNullOrWhiteSpace check, // but we're seeing some cases of bad data slip through if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Value)) { continue; } str.Append(i.Key) .Append('=') .Append(i.Value) .Append('|'); } if (str.Length == 0) { return null; } str.Length -= 1; // Remove last | return str.ToString(); } internal static void DeserializeProviderIds(string value, IHasProviderIds item) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return; } foreach (var part in value.SpanSplit('|')) { var providerDelimiterIndex = part.IndexOf('='); // Don't let empty values through if (providerDelimiterIndex != -1 && part.Length != providerDelimiterIndex + 1) { item.SetProviderId(part[..providerDelimiterIndex].ToString(), part[(providerDelimiterIndex + 1)..].ToString()); } } } internal string? SerializeImages(ItemImageInfo[] images) { if (images.Length == 0) { return null; } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var i in images) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Path)) { continue; } AppendItemImageInfo(str, i); str.Append('|'); } str.Length -= 1; // Remove last | return str.ToString(); } internal ItemImageInfo[] DeserializeImages(string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return Array.Empty(); } // TODO The following is an ugly performance optimization, but it's extremely unlikely that the data in the database would be malformed var valueSpan = value.AsSpan(); var count = valueSpan.Count('|') + 1; var position = 0; var result = new ItemImageInfo[count]; foreach (var part in valueSpan.Split('|')) { var image = ItemImageInfoFromValueString(part); if (image is not null) { result[position++] = image; } } if (position == count) { return result; } if (position == 0) { return Array.Empty(); } // Extremely unlikely, but somehow one or more of the image strings were malformed. Cut the array. return result[..position]; } private void AppendItemImageInfo(StringBuilder bldr, ItemImageInfo image) { const char Delimiter = '*'; var path = image.Path ?? string.Empty; bldr.Append(GetPathToSave(path)) .Append(Delimiter) .Append(image.DateModified.Ticks) .Append(Delimiter) .Append(image.Type) .Append(Delimiter) .Append(image.Width) .Append(Delimiter) .Append(image.Height); var hash = image.BlurHash; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) { bldr.Append(Delimiter) // Replace delimiters with other characters. // This can be removed when we migrate to a proper DB. .Append(hash.Replace(Delimiter, '/').Replace('|', '\\')); } } private string? GetPathToSave(string path) { if (path is null) { return null; } return _appHost.ReverseVirtualPath(path); } private string RestorePath(string path) { return _appHost.ExpandVirtualPath(path); } internal ItemImageInfo? ItemImageInfoFromValueString(ReadOnlySpan value) { const char Delimiter = '*'; var nextSegment = value.IndexOf(Delimiter); if (nextSegment == -1) { return null; } ReadOnlySpan path = value[..nextSegment]; value = value[(nextSegment + 1)..]; nextSegment = value.IndexOf(Delimiter); if (nextSegment == -1) { return null; } ReadOnlySpan dateModified = value[..nextSegment]; value = value[(nextSegment + 1)..]; nextSegment = value.IndexOf(Delimiter); if (nextSegment == -1) { nextSegment = value.Length; } ReadOnlySpan imageType = value[..nextSegment]; var image = new ItemImageInfo { Path = RestorePath(path.ToString()) }; if (long.TryParse(dateModified, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var ticks) && ticks >= DateTime.MinValue.Ticks && ticks <= DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks) { image.DateModified = new DateTime(ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc); } else { return null; } if (Enum.TryParse(imageType, true, out ImageType type)) { image.Type = type; } else { return null; } // Optional parameters: width*height*blurhash if (nextSegment + 1 < value.Length - 1) { value = value[(nextSegment + 1)..]; nextSegment = value.IndexOf(Delimiter); if (nextSegment == -1 || nextSegment == value.Length) { return image; } ReadOnlySpan widthSpan = value[..nextSegment]; value = value[(nextSegment + 1)..]; nextSegment = value.IndexOf(Delimiter); if (nextSegment == -1) { nextSegment = value.Length; } ReadOnlySpan heightSpan = value[..nextSegment]; if (int.TryParse(widthSpan, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var width) && int.TryParse(heightSpan, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var height)) { image.Width = width; image.Height = height; } if (nextSegment < value.Length - 1) { value = value[(nextSegment + 1)..]; var length = value.Length; Span blurHashSpan = stackalloc char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var c = value[i]; blurHashSpan[i] = c switch { '/' => Delimiter, '\\' => '|', _ => c }; } image.BlurHash = new string(blurHashSpan); } } return image; } private List GetItemByNameTypesInQuery(InternalItemsQuery query) { var list = new List(); if (IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind.Person, query)) { list.Add(typeof(Person).FullName!); } if (IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind.Genre, query)) { list.Add(typeof(Genre).FullName!); } if (IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind.MusicGenre, query)) { list.Add(typeof(MusicGenre).FullName!); } if (IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind.MusicArtist, query)) { list.Add(typeof(MusicArtist).FullName!); } if (IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind.Studio, query)) { list.Add(typeof(Studio).FullName!); } return list; } private bool IsTypeInQuery(BaseItemKind type, InternalItemsQuery query) { if (query.ExcludeItemTypes.Contains(type)) { return false; } return query.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0 || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(type); } private IQueryable Pageinate(IQueryable query, InternalItemsQuery filter) { if (filter.Limit.HasValue || filter.StartIndex.HasValue) { var offset = filter.StartIndex ?? 0; if (offset > 0) { query = query.Skip(offset); } if (filter.Limit.HasValue) { query = query.Take(filter.Limit.Value); } } return query; } private Expression> MapOrderByField(ItemSortBy sortBy, InternalItemsQuery query) { #pragma warning disable CS8603 // Possible null reference return. return sortBy switch { ItemSortBy.AirTime => e => e.SortName, // TODO ItemSortBy.Runtime => e => e.RunTimeTicks, ItemSortBy.Random => e => EF.Functions.Random(), ItemSortBy.DatePlayed => e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(query.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.LastPlayedDate, ItemSortBy.PlayCount => e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(query.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.PlayCount, ItemSortBy.IsFavoriteOrLiked => e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(query.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.IsFavorite, ItemSortBy.IsFolder => e => e.IsFolder, ItemSortBy.IsPlayed => e => e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(query.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.Played, ItemSortBy.IsUnplayed => e => !e.UserData!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(query.User!.Id) && f.Key == e.UserDataKey)!.Played, ItemSortBy.DateLastContentAdded => e => e.DateLastMediaAdded, ItemSortBy.Artist => e => e.ItemValues!.Where(f => f.Type == 0).Select(f => f.CleanValue), ItemSortBy.AlbumArtist => e => e.ItemValues!.Where(f => f.Type == 1).Select(f => f.CleanValue), ItemSortBy.Studio => e => e.ItemValues!.Where(f => f.Type == 3).Select(f => f.CleanValue), ItemSortBy.OfficialRating => e => e.InheritedParentalRatingValue, // ItemSortBy.SeriesDatePlayed => "(Select MAX(LastPlayedDate) from TypedBaseItems B" + GetJoinUserDataText(query) + " where Played=1 and B.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey=A.PresentationUniqueKey)", ItemSortBy.SeriesSortName => e => e.SeriesName, // ItemSortBy.AiredEpisodeOrder => "AiredEpisodeOrder", ItemSortBy.Album => e => e.Album, ItemSortBy.DateCreated => e => e.DateCreated, ItemSortBy.PremiereDate => e => e.PremiereDate, ItemSortBy.StartDate => e => e.StartDate, ItemSortBy.Name => e => e.Name, ItemSortBy.CommunityRating => e => e.CommunityRating, ItemSortBy.ProductionYear => e => e.ProductionYear, ItemSortBy.CriticRating => e => e.CriticRating, ItemSortBy.VideoBitRate => e => e.TotalBitrate, ItemSortBy.ParentIndexNumber => e => e.ParentIndexNumber, ItemSortBy.IndexNumber => e => e.IndexNumber, _ => e => e.SortName }; #pragma warning restore CS8603 // Possible null reference return. } private bool EnableGroupByPresentationUniqueKey(InternalItemsQuery query) { if (!query.GroupByPresentationUniqueKey) { return false; } if (query.GroupBySeriesPresentationUniqueKey) { return false; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PresentationUniqueKey)) { return false; } if (query.User is null) { return false; } if (query.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0) { return true; } return query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Episode) || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Video) || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Movie) || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.MusicVideo) || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Series) || query.IncludeItemTypes.Contains(BaseItemKind.Season); } private IQueryable ApplyOrder(IQueryable query, InternalItemsQuery filter) { var orderBy = filter.OrderBy; bool hasSearch = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.SearchTerm); if (hasSearch) { List<(ItemSortBy, SortOrder)> prepend = new List<(ItemSortBy, SortOrder)>(4); if (hasSearch) { prepend.Add((ItemSortBy.SortName, SortOrder.Ascending)); } orderBy = filter.OrderBy = [.. prepend, .. orderBy]; } else if (orderBy.Count == 0) { return query; } foreach (var item in orderBy) { var expression = MapOrderByField(item.OrderBy, filter); if (item.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending) { query = query.OrderBy(expression); } else { query = query.OrderByDescending(expression); } } return query; } }