using System; namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing { /// <summary> /// Class DrawingUtils. /// </summary> public static class DrawingUtils { /// <summary> /// Resizes a set of dimensions. /// </summary> /// <param name="size">The original size object.</param> /// <param name="width">A new fixed width, if desired.</param> /// <param name="height">A new fixed height, if desired.</param> /// <param name="maxWidth">A max fixed width, if desired.</param> /// <param name="maxHeight">A max fixed height, if desired.</param> /// <returns>A new size object.</returns> public static ImageDimensions Resize( ImageDimensions size, int width, int height, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { int newWidth = size.Width; int newHeight = size.Height; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { newWidth = width; newHeight = height; } else if (height > 0) { newWidth = GetNewWidth(newHeight, newWidth, height); newHeight = height; } else if (width > 0) { newHeight = GetNewHeight(newHeight, newWidth, width); newWidth = width; } if (maxHeight > 0 && maxHeight < newHeight) { newWidth = GetNewWidth(newHeight, newWidth, maxHeight); newHeight = maxHeight; } if (maxWidth > 0 && maxWidth < newWidth) { newHeight = GetNewHeight(newHeight, newWidth, maxWidth); newWidth = maxWidth; } return new ImageDimensions(newWidth, newHeight); } /// <summary> /// Scale down to fill box. /// Returns original size if both width and height are null or zero. /// </summary> /// <param name="size">The original size object.</param> /// <param name="fillWidth">A new fixed width, if desired.</param> /// <param name="fillHeight">A new fixed height, if desired.</param> /// <returns>A new size object or size.</returns> public static ImageDimensions ResizeFill( ImageDimensions size, int? fillWidth, int? fillHeight) { // Return original size if input is invalid. if ((fillWidth == null || fillWidth == 0) && (fillHeight == null || fillHeight == 0)) { return size; } if (fillWidth == null || fillWidth == 0) { fillWidth = 1; } if (fillHeight == null || fillHeight == 0) { fillHeight = 1; } double widthRatio = size.Width / (double)fillWidth; double heightRatio = size.Height / (double)fillHeight; double scaleRatio = Math.Min(widthRatio, heightRatio); // Clamp to current size. if (scaleRatio < 1) { return size; } int newWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(size.Width / scaleRatio)); int newHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(size.Height / scaleRatio)); return new ImageDimensions(newWidth, newHeight); } /// <summary> /// Gets the new width. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentHeight">Height of the current.</param> /// <param name="currentWidth">Width of the current.</param> /// <param name="newHeight">The new height.</param> /// <returns>The new width.</returns> private static int GetNewWidth(int currentHeight, int currentWidth, int newHeight) => Convert.ToInt32((double)newHeight / currentHeight * currentWidth); /// <summary> /// Gets the new height. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentHeight">Height of the current.</param> /// <param name="currentWidth">Width of the current.</param> /// <param name="newWidth">The new width.</param> /// <returns>System.Double.</returns> private static int GetNewHeight(int currentHeight, int currentWidth, int newWidth) => Convert.ToInt32((double)newWidth / currentWidth * currentHeight); } }