using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Entities
/// Class ProviderIdsExtensions.
public static class ProviderIdsExtensions
/// Case insensitive dictionary of string representation.
private static readonly Dictionary _metadataProviderEnumDictionary =
enumValue => enumValue.ToString(),
enumValue => enumValue.ToString(),
/// Checks if this instance has an id for the given provider.
/// The instance.
/// The of the provider name.
/// true if a provider id with the given name was found; otherwise false.
public static bool HasProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, string name)
return instance.TryGetProviderId(name, out _);
/// Checks if this instance has an id for the given provider.
/// The instance.
/// The provider.
/// true if a provider id with the given name was found; otherwise false.
public static bool HasProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, MetadataProvider provider)
return instance.HasProviderId(provider.ToString());
/// Gets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The name.
/// The provider id.
/// true if a provider id with the given name was found; otherwise false.
public static bool TryGetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, string name, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? id)
if (instance.ProviderIds is null)
id = null;
return false;
var foundProviderId = instance.ProviderIds.TryGetValue(name, out id);
// This occurs when searching with Identify (and possibly in other places)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
id = null;
foundProviderId = false;
return foundProviderId;
/// Gets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The provider.
/// The provider id.
/// true if a provider id with the given name was found; otherwise false.
public static bool TryGetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, MetadataProvider provider, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? id)
return instance.TryGetProviderId(provider.ToString(), out id);
/// Gets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The name.
/// System.String.
public static string? GetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, string name)
instance.TryGetProviderId(name, out string? id);
return id;
/// Gets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The provider.
/// System.String.
public static string? GetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, MetadataProvider provider)
return instance.GetProviderId(provider.ToString());
/// Sets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The name, this should not contain a '=' character.
/// The value.
/// Due to how deserialization from the database works the name can not contain '='.
public static void SetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, string name, string value)
// When name contains a '=' it can't be deserialized from the database
if (name.Contains('=', StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new ArgumentException("Provider id name cannot contain '='", nameof(name));
// Ensure it exists
instance.ProviderIds ??= new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Match on internal MetadataProvider enum string values before adding arbitrary providers
if (_metadataProviderEnumDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out var enumValue))
instance.ProviderIds[enumValue] = value;
instance.ProviderIds[name] = value;
/// Sets a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The provider.
/// The value.
public static void SetProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, MetadataProvider provider, string value)
instance.SetProviderId(provider.ToString(), value);
/// Removes a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The name.
public static void RemoveProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, string name)
/// Removes a provider id.
/// The instance.
/// The provider.
public static void RemoveProviderId(this IHasProviderIds instance, MetadataProvider provider)