using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using MediaBrowser.Model.Services; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Services { public delegate Task<object> InstanceExecFn(IRequest requestContext, object intance, object request); public delegate object ActionInvokerFn(object intance, object request); public delegate void VoidActionInvokerFn(object intance, object request); public class ServiceController { public static ServiceController Instance; public ServiceController() { Instance = this; } public void Init(HttpListenerHost appHost, Type[] serviceTypes) { foreach (var serviceType in serviceTypes) { RegisterService(appHost, serviceType); } } public void RegisterService(HttpListenerHost appHost, Type serviceType) { var processedReqs = new HashSet<Type>(); var actions = ServiceExecGeneral.Reset(serviceType); foreach (var mi in serviceType.GetActions()) { var requestType = mi.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType; if (processedReqs.Contains(requestType)) continue; processedReqs.Add(requestType); ServiceExecGeneral.CreateServiceRunnersFor(requestType, actions); //var returnMarker = GetTypeWithGenericTypeDefinitionOf(requestType, typeof(IReturn<>)); //var responseType = returnMarker != null ? // GetGenericArguments(returnMarker)[0] // : mi.ReturnType != typeof(object) && mi.ReturnType != typeof(void) ? // mi.ReturnType // : Type.GetType(requestType.FullName + "Response"); RegisterRestPaths(appHost, requestType); appHost.AddServiceInfo(serviceType, requestType); } } public static Type FirstGenericType(Type type) { while (type != null) { if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType) return type; type = type.GetTypeInfo().BaseType; } return null; } public readonly Dictionary<string, List<RestPath>> RestPathMap = new Dictionary<string, List<RestPath>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); public void RegisterRestPaths(HttpListenerHost appHost, Type requestType) { var attrs = appHost.GetRouteAttributes(requestType); foreach (RouteAttribute attr in attrs) { var restPath = new RestPath(appHost.CreateInstance, appHost.GetParseFn, requestType, attr.Path, attr.Verbs, attr.IsHidden, attr.Summary, attr.Description); RegisterRestPath(restPath); } } private static readonly char[] InvalidRouteChars = new[] { '?', '&' }; public void RegisterRestPath(RestPath restPath) { if (!restPath.Path.StartsWith("/")) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Route '{0}' on '{1}' must start with a '/'", restPath.Path, restPath.RequestType.GetMethodName())); if (restPath.Path.IndexOfAny(InvalidRouteChars) != -1) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Route '{0}' on '{1}' contains invalid chars. ", restPath.Path, restPath.RequestType.GetMethodName())); List<RestPath> pathsAtFirstMatch; if (!RestPathMap.TryGetValue(restPath.FirstMatchHashKey, out pathsAtFirstMatch)) { pathsAtFirstMatch = new List<RestPath>(); RestPathMap[restPath.FirstMatchHashKey] = pathsAtFirstMatch; } pathsAtFirstMatch.Add(restPath); } public RestPath GetRestPathForRequest(string httpMethod, string pathInfo, ILogger logger) { var matchUsingPathParts = RestPath.GetPathPartsForMatching(pathInfo); List<RestPath> firstMatches; var yieldedHashMatches = RestPath.GetFirstMatchHashKeys(matchUsingPathParts); foreach (var potentialHashMatch in yieldedHashMatches) { if (!this.RestPathMap.TryGetValue(potentialHashMatch, out firstMatches)) { continue; } var bestScore = -1; foreach (var restPath in firstMatches) { var score = restPath.MatchScore(httpMethod, matchUsingPathParts, logger); if (score > bestScore) bestScore = score; } if (bestScore > 0) { foreach (var restPath in firstMatches) { if (bestScore == restPath.MatchScore(httpMethod, matchUsingPathParts, logger)) return restPath; } } } var yieldedWildcardMatches = RestPath.GetFirstMatchWildCardHashKeys(matchUsingPathParts); foreach (var potentialHashMatch in yieldedWildcardMatches) { if (!this.RestPathMap.TryGetValue(potentialHashMatch, out firstMatches)) continue; var bestScore = -1; foreach (var restPath in firstMatches) { var score = restPath.MatchScore(httpMethod, matchUsingPathParts, logger); if (score > bestScore) bestScore = score; } if (bestScore > 0) { foreach (var restPath in firstMatches) { if (bestScore == restPath.MatchScore(httpMethod, matchUsingPathParts, logger)) return restPath; } } } return null; } public Task<object> Execute(HttpListenerHost appHost, object requestDto, IRequest req) { req.Dto = requestDto; var requestType = requestDto.GetType(); req.OperationName = requestType.Name; var serviceType = appHost.GetServiceTypeByRequest(requestType); var service = appHost.CreateInstance(serviceType); //var service = typeFactory.CreateInstance(serviceType); var serviceRequiresContext = service as IRequiresRequest; if (serviceRequiresContext != null) { serviceRequiresContext.Request = req; } if (req.Dto == null) // Don't override existing batched DTO[] req.Dto = requestDto; //Executes the service and returns the result return ServiceExecGeneral.Execute(serviceType, req, service, requestDto, requestType.GetMethodName()); } } }