using MediaBrowser.Common.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace MediaBrowser.Common.Implementations.IO { /// /// Class CommonFileSystem /// public class CommonFileSystem : IFileSystem { protected ILogger Logger; private readonly bool _supportsAsyncFileStreams; public CommonFileSystem(ILogger logger, bool supportsAsyncFileStreams) { Logger = logger; _supportsAsyncFileStreams = supportsAsyncFileStreams; } /// /// Determines whether the specified filename is shortcut. /// /// The filename. /// true if the specified filename is shortcut; otherwise, false. /// filename public virtual bool IsShortcut(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } var extension = Path.GetExtension(filename); return string.Equals(extension, ".mblink", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } /// /// Resolves the shortcut. /// /// The filename. /// System.String. /// filename public virtual string ResolveShortcut(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), ".mblink", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return File.ReadAllText(filename); } return null; } /// /// Creates the shortcut. /// /// The shortcut path. /// The target. /// /// shortcutPath /// or /// target /// public void CreateShortcut(string shortcutPath, string target) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortcutPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shortcutPath"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } File.WriteAllText(shortcutPath, target); } /// /// Gets the file system info. /// /// The path. /// FileSystemInfo. public FileSystemInfo GetFileSystemInfo(string path) { // Take a guess to try and avoid two file system hits, but we'll double-check by calling Exists if (Path.HasExtension(path)) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (fileInfo.Exists) { return fileInfo; } return new DirectoryInfo(path); } else { var fileInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (fileInfo.Exists) { return fileInfo; } return new FileInfo(path); } } /// /// The space char /// private const char SpaceChar = ' '; /// /// The invalid file name chars /// private static readonly char[] InvalidFileNameChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); /// /// Takes a filename and removes invalid characters /// /// The filename. /// System.String. /// filename public string GetValidFilename(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } var builder = new StringBuilder(filename); foreach (var c in InvalidFileNameChars) { builder = builder.Replace(c, SpaceChar); } return builder.ToString(); } /// /// Gets the creation time UTC. /// /// The info. /// DateTime. public DateTime GetCreationTimeUtc(FileSystemInfo info) { // This could throw an error on some file systems that have dates out of range try { return info.CreationTimeUtc; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error determining CreationTimeUtc for {0}", ex, info.FullName); return DateTime.MinValue; } } /// /// Gets the creation time UTC. /// /// The info. /// The logger. /// DateTime. public DateTime GetLastWriteTimeUtc(FileSystemInfo info) { // This could throw an error on some file systems that have dates out of range try { return info.LastWriteTimeUtc; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error determining LastAccessTimeUtc for {0}", ex, info.FullName); return DateTime.MinValue; } } /// /// Gets the last write time UTC. /// /// The path. /// DateTime. public DateTime GetLastWriteTimeUtc(string path) { return GetLastWriteTimeUtc(GetFileSystemInfo(path)); } /// /// Gets the file stream. /// /// The path. /// The mode. /// The access. /// The share. /// if set to true [is asynchronous]. /// FileStream. public FileStream GetFileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, bool isAsync = false) { if (_supportsAsyncFileStreams && isAsync) { return new FileStream(path, mode, access, share, 4096, true); } return new FileStream(path, mode, access, share); } /// /// Swaps the files. /// /// The file1. /// The file2. public void SwapFiles(string file1, string file2) { var temp1 = Path.GetTempFileName(); var temp2 = Path.GetTempFileName(); // Copying over will fail against hidden files RemoveHiddenAttribute(file1); RemoveHiddenAttribute(file2); File.Copy(file1, temp1, true); File.Copy(file2, temp2, true); File.Copy(temp1, file2, true); File.Copy(temp2, file1, true); File.Delete(temp1); File.Delete(temp2); } /// /// Removes the hidden attribute. /// /// The path. private void RemoveHiddenAttribute(string path) { var currentFile = new FileInfo(path); // This will fail if the file is hidden if (currentFile.Exists) { if ((currentFile.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { currentFile.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.Hidden; } } } } /// /// Adapted from /// internal class WindowsShortcut { public bool IsDirectory { get; private set; } public bool IsLocal { get; private set; } public string ResolvedPath { get; private set; } public WindowsShortcut(string file) { ParseLink(File.ReadAllBytes(file), Encoding.UTF8); } private static bool isMagicPresent(byte[] link) { const int magic = 0x0000004C; const int magic_offset = 0x00; return link.Length >= 32 && bytesToDword(link, magic_offset) == magic; } /** * Gobbles up link data by parsing it and storing info in member fields * @param link all the bytes from the .lnk file */ private void ParseLink(byte[] link, Encoding encoding) { if (!isMagicPresent(link)) throw new IOException("Invalid shortcut; magic is missing", 0); // get the flags byte byte flags = link[0x14]; // get the file attributes byte const int file_atts_offset = 0x18; byte file_atts = link[file_atts_offset]; byte is_dir_mask = (byte)0x10; if ((file_atts & is_dir_mask) > 0) { IsDirectory = true; } else { IsDirectory = false; } // if the shell settings are present, skip them const int shell_offset = 0x4c; const byte has_shell_mask = (byte)0x01; int shell_len = 0; if ((flags & has_shell_mask) > 0) { // the plus 2 accounts for the length marker itself shell_len = bytesToWord(link, shell_offset) + 2; } // get to the file settings int file_start = 0x4c + shell_len; const int file_location_info_flag_offset_offset = 0x08; int file_location_info_flag = link[file_start + file_location_info_flag_offset_offset]; IsLocal = (file_location_info_flag & 2) == 0; // get the local volume and local system values //final int localVolumeTable_offset_offset = 0x0C; const int basename_offset_offset = 0x10; const int networkVolumeTable_offset_offset = 0x14; const int finalname_offset_offset = 0x18; int finalname_offset = link[file_start + finalname_offset_offset] + file_start; String finalname = getNullDelimitedString(link, finalname_offset, encoding); if (IsLocal) { int basename_offset = link[file_start + basename_offset_offset] + file_start; String basename = getNullDelimitedString(link, basename_offset, encoding); ResolvedPath = basename + finalname; } else { int networkVolumeTable_offset = link[file_start + networkVolumeTable_offset_offset] + file_start; int shareName_offset_offset = 0x08; int shareName_offset = link[networkVolumeTable_offset + shareName_offset_offset] + networkVolumeTable_offset; String shareName = getNullDelimitedString(link, shareName_offset, encoding); ResolvedPath = shareName + "\\" + finalname; } } private static string getNullDelimitedString(byte[] bytes, int off, Encoding encoding) { int len = 0; // count bytes until the null character (0) while (true) { if (bytes[off + len] == 0) { break; } len++; } return encoding.GetString(bytes, off, len); } /* * convert two bytes into a short note, this is little endian because it's * for an Intel only OS. */ private static int bytesToWord(byte[] bytes, int off) { return ((bytes[off + 1] & 0xff) << 8) | (bytes[off] & 0xff); } private static int bytesToDword(byte[] bytes, int off) { return (bytesToWord(bytes, off + 2) << 16) | bytesToWord(bytes, off); } } }