using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Common.IO; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv; using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Session; using MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Subtitles; using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna; using MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder { public abstract class BaseEncoder { protected readonly MediaEncoder MediaEncoder; protected readonly ILogger Logger; protected readonly IServerConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager; protected readonly IFileSystem FileSystem; protected readonly ILiveTvManager LiveTvManager; protected readonly IIsoManager IsoManager; protected readonly ILibraryManager LibraryManager; protected readonly IChannelManager ChannelManager; protected readonly ISessionManager SessionManager; protected readonly ISubtitleEncoder SubtitleEncoder; protected readonly CultureInfo UsCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); public BaseEncoder(MediaEncoder mediaEncoder, ILogger logger, IServerConfigurationManager configurationManager, IFileSystem fileSystem, ILiveTvManager liveTvManager, IIsoManager isoManager, ILibraryManager libraryManager, IChannelManager channelManager, ISessionManager sessionManager, ISubtitleEncoder subtitleEncoder) { MediaEncoder = mediaEncoder; Logger = logger; ConfigurationManager = configurationManager; FileSystem = fileSystem; LiveTvManager = liveTvManager; IsoManager = isoManager; LibraryManager = libraryManager; ChannelManager = channelManager; SessionManager = sessionManager; SubtitleEncoder = subtitleEncoder; } public async Task Start(EncodingJobOptions options, IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var encodingJob = await new EncodingJobFactory(Logger, LiveTvManager, LibraryManager, ChannelManager) .CreateJob(options, IsVideoEncoder, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); encodingJob.OutputFilePath = GetOutputFilePath(encodingJob); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(encodingJob.OutputFilePath)); if (options.Context == EncodingContext.Static && encodingJob.IsInputVideo) { encodingJob.ReadInputAtNativeFramerate = true; } await AcquireResources(encodingJob, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); var commandLineArgs = GetCommandLineArguments(encodingJob); if (GetEncodingOptions().EnableDebugLogging) { commandLineArgs = "-loglevel debug " + commandLineArgs; } var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false, // Must consume both stdout and stderr or deadlocks may occur RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, FileName = MediaEncoder.EncoderPath, Arguments = commandLineArgs, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, ErrorDialog = false }, EnableRaisingEvents = true }; var workingDirectory = GetWorkingDirectory(options); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(workingDirectory)) { process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; } OnTranscodeBeginning(encodingJob); var commandLineLogMessage = process.StartInfo.FileName + " " + process.StartInfo.Arguments; Logger.Info(commandLineLogMessage); var logFilePath = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.CommonApplicationPaths.LogDirectoryPath, "transcode-" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(logFilePath)); // FFMpeg writes debug/error info to stderr. This is useful when debugging so let's put it in the log directory. encodingJob.LogFileStream = FileSystem.GetFileStream(logFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, true); var commandLineLogMessageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(commandLineLogMessage + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); await encodingJob.LogFileStream.WriteAsync(commandLineLogMessageBytes, 0, commandLineLogMessageBytes.Length, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); process.Exited += (sender, args) => OnFfMpegProcessExited(process, encodingJob); try { process.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error starting ffmpeg", ex); OnTranscodeFailedToStart(encodingJob.OutputFilePath, encodingJob); throw; } cancellationToken.Register(() => Cancel(process, encodingJob)); // MUST read both stdout and stderr asynchronously or a deadlock may occurr process.BeginOutputReadLine(); // Important - don't await the log task or we won't be able to kill ffmpeg when the user stops playback new JobLogger(Logger).StartStreamingLog(encodingJob, process.StandardError.BaseStream, encodingJob.LogFileStream); // Wait for the file to exist before proceeeding while (!File.Exists(encodingJob.OutputFilePath) && !encodingJob.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } return encodingJob; } private void Cancel(Process process, EncodingJob job) { Logger.Info("Killing ffmpeg process for {0}", job.OutputFilePath); //process.Kill(); process.StandardInput.WriteLine("q"); job.IsCancelled = true; } /// /// Processes the exited. /// /// The process. /// The job. private void OnFfMpegProcessExited(Process process, EncodingJob job) { job.HasExited = true; Logger.Debug("Disposing stream resources"); job.Dispose(); var isSuccesful = false; try { var exitCode = process.ExitCode; Logger.Info("FFMpeg exited with code {0}", exitCode); isSuccesful = exitCode == 0; } catch { Logger.Error("FFMpeg exited with an error."); } if (isSuccesful && !job.IsCancelled) { job.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(true); } else if (job.IsCancelled) { try { DeleteFiles(job); } catch { } try { job.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetException(new OperationCanceledException()); } catch { } } else { try { DeleteFiles(job); } catch { } try { job.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetException(new ApplicationException("Encoding failed")); } catch { } } // This causes on exited to be called twice: //try //{ // // Dispose the process // process.Dispose(); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Logger.ErrorException("Error disposing ffmpeg.", ex); //} } protected virtual void DeleteFiles(EncodingJob job) { FileSystem.DeleteFile(job.OutputFilePath); } private void OnTranscodeBeginning(EncodingJob job) { job.ReportTranscodingProgress(null, null, null, null); } private void OnTranscodeFailedToStart(string path, EncodingJob job) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(job.Options.DeviceId)) { SessionManager.ClearTranscodingInfo(job.Options.DeviceId); } } protected abstract bool IsVideoEncoder { get; } protected virtual string GetWorkingDirectory(EncodingJobOptions options) { return null; } protected EncodingOptions GetEncodingOptions() { return ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("encoding"); } protected abstract string GetCommandLineArguments(EncodingJob job); private string GetOutputFilePath(EncodingJob state) { var folder = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.Options.OutputDirectory) ? ConfigurationManager.ApplicationPaths.TranscodingTempPath : state.Options.OutputDirectory; var outputFileExtension = GetOutputFileExtension(state); var filename = state.Id + (outputFileExtension ?? string.Empty).ToLower(); return Path.Combine(folder, filename); } protected virtual string GetOutputFileExtension(EncodingJob state) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.Options.OutputContainer)) { return "." + state.Options.OutputContainer; } return null; } /// /// Gets the number of threads. /// /// System.Int32. protected int GetNumberOfThreads(EncodingJob job, bool isWebm) { // Only need one thread for sync if (job.Options.Context == EncodingContext.Static) { return 1; } if (isWebm) { // Recommended per docs return Math.Max(Environment.ProcessorCount - 1, 2); } return 0; } protected EncodingQuality GetQualitySetting() { var quality = GetEncodingOptions().EncodingQuality; if (quality == EncodingQuality.Auto) { var cpuCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (cpuCount >= 4) { //return EncodingQuality.HighQuality; } return EncodingQuality.HighSpeed; } return quality; } protected string GetInputModifier(EncodingJob job, bool genPts = true) { var inputModifier = string.Empty; var probeSize = GetProbeSizeArgument(job); inputModifier += " " + probeSize; inputModifier = inputModifier.Trim(); var userAgentParam = GetUserAgentParam(job); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userAgentParam)) { inputModifier += " " + userAgentParam; } inputModifier = inputModifier.Trim(); inputModifier += " " + GetFastSeekCommandLineParameter(job.Options); inputModifier = inputModifier.Trim(); if (job.IsVideoRequest && genPts) { inputModifier += " -fflags +genpts"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.InputAudioSync)) { inputModifier += " -async " + job.InputAudioSync; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.InputVideoSync)) { inputModifier += " -vsync " + job.InputVideoSync; } if (job.ReadInputAtNativeFramerate) { inputModifier += " -re"; } return inputModifier; } private string GetUserAgentParam(EncodingJob job) { string useragent = null; job.RemoteHttpHeaders.TryGetValue("User-Agent", out useragent); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(useragent)) { return "-user-agent \"" + useragent + "\""; } return string.Empty; } /// /// Gets the probe size argument. /// /// The job. /// System.String. private string GetProbeSizeArgument(EncodingJob job) { if (job.PlayableStreamFileNames.Count > 0) { return MediaEncoder.GetProbeSizeArgument(job.PlayableStreamFileNames.ToArray(), job.InputProtocol); } return MediaEncoder.GetProbeSizeArgument(new[] { job.MediaPath }, job.InputProtocol); } /// /// Gets the fast seek command line parameter. /// /// The options. /// System.String. /// The fast seek command line parameter. protected string GetFastSeekCommandLineParameter(EncodingJobOptions options) { var time = options.StartTimeTicks; if (time.HasValue && time.Value > 0) { return string.Format("-ss {0}", MediaEncoder.GetTimeParameter(time.Value)); } return string.Empty; } /// /// Gets the input argument. /// /// The job. /// System.String. protected string GetInputArgument(EncodingJob job) { var arg = "-i " + GetInputPathArgument(job); if (job.SubtitleStream != null) { if (job.SubtitleStream.IsExternal && !job.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream) { arg += " -i \"" + job.SubtitleStream.Path + "\""; } } return arg; } private string GetInputPathArgument(EncodingJob job) { //if (job.InputProtocol == MediaProtocol.File && // job.RunTimeTicks.HasValue && // job.VideoType == VideoType.VideoFile && // !string.Equals(job.OutputVideoCodec, "copy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //{ // if (job.RunTimeTicks.Value >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).Ticks && job.IsInputVideo) // { // if (SupportsThrottleWithStream) // { // var url = "http://localhost:" + ServerConfigurationManager.Configuration.HttpServerPortNumber.ToString(UsCulture) + "/videos/" + job.Request.Id + "/stream?static=true&Throttle=true&mediaSourceId=" + job.Request.MediaSourceId; // url += "&transcodingJobId=" + transcodingJobId; // return string.Format("\"{0}\"", url); // } // } //} var protocol = job.InputProtocol; var inputPath = new[] { job.MediaPath }; if (job.IsInputVideo) { if (!(job.VideoType == VideoType.Iso && job.IsoMount == null)) { inputPath = MediaEncoderHelpers.GetInputArgument(job.MediaPath, job.InputProtocol, job.IsoMount, job.PlayableStreamFileNames); } } return MediaEncoder.GetInputArgument(inputPath, protocol); } private async Task AcquireResources(EncodingJob state, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (state.VideoType == VideoType.Iso && state.IsoType.HasValue && IsoManager.CanMount(state.MediaPath)) { state.IsoMount = await IsoManager.Mount(state.MediaPath, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.MediaPath)) { var checkCodecs = false; if (string.Equals(state.ItemType, typeof(LiveTvChannel).Name)) { var streamInfo = await LiveTvManager.GetChannelStream(state.Options.ItemId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); state.LiveTvStreamId = streamInfo.Id; state.MediaPath = streamInfo.Path; state.InputProtocol = streamInfo.Protocol; await Task.Delay(1500, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); AttachMediaStreamInfo(state, streamInfo, state.Options); checkCodecs = true; } else if (string.Equals(state.ItemType, typeof(LiveTvVideoRecording).Name) || string.Equals(state.ItemType, typeof(LiveTvAudioRecording).Name)) { var streamInfo = await LiveTvManager.GetRecordingStream(state.Options.ItemId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); state.LiveTvStreamId = streamInfo.Id; state.MediaPath = streamInfo.Path; state.InputProtocol = streamInfo.Protocol; await Task.Delay(1500, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); AttachMediaStreamInfo(state, streamInfo, state.Options); checkCodecs = true; } if (state.IsVideoRequest && checkCodecs) { if (state.VideoStream != null && EncodingJobFactory.CanStreamCopyVideo(state.Options, state.VideoStream)) { state.OutputVideoCodec = "copy"; } if (state.AudioStream != null && EncodingJobFactory.CanStreamCopyAudio(state.Options, state.AudioStream, state.SupportedAudioCodecs)) { state.OutputAudioCodec = "copy"; } } } } private void AttachMediaStreamInfo(EncodingJob state, ChannelMediaInfo mediaInfo, EncodingJobOptions videoRequest) { var mediaSource = mediaInfo.ToMediaSource(); state.InputProtocol = mediaSource.Protocol; state.MediaPath = mediaSource.Path; state.RunTimeTicks = mediaSource.RunTimeTicks; state.RemoteHttpHeaders = mediaSource.RequiredHttpHeaders; state.InputBitrate = mediaSource.Bitrate; state.InputFileSize = mediaSource.Size; state.ReadInputAtNativeFramerate = mediaSource.ReadAtNativeFramerate; if (state.ReadInputAtNativeFramerate) { state.OutputAudioSync = "1000"; state.InputVideoSync = "-1"; state.InputAudioSync = "1"; } EncodingJobFactory.AttachMediaStreamInfo(state, mediaSource.MediaStreams, videoRequest); } /// /// Gets the internal graphical subtitle param. /// /// The state. /// The output video codec. /// System.String. protected string GetGraphicalSubtitleParam(EncodingJob state, string outputVideoCodec) { var outputSizeParam = string.Empty; var request = state.Options; // Add resolution params, if specified if (request.Width.HasValue || request.Height.HasValue || request.MaxHeight.HasValue || request.MaxWidth.HasValue) { outputSizeParam = GetOutputSizeParam(state, outputVideoCodec).TrimEnd('"'); outputSizeParam = "," + outputSizeParam.Substring(outputSizeParam.IndexOf("scale", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } var videoSizeParam = string.Empty; if (state.VideoStream != null && state.VideoStream.Width.HasValue && state.VideoStream.Height.HasValue) { videoSizeParam = string.Format(",scale={0}:{1}", state.VideoStream.Width.Value.ToString(UsCulture), state.VideoStream.Height.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } var mapPrefix = state.SubtitleStream.IsExternal ? 1 : 0; var subtitleStreamIndex = state.SubtitleStream.IsExternal ? 0 : state.SubtitleStream.Index; return string.Format(" -filter_complex \"[{0}:{1}]format=yuva444p{4},lut=u=128:v=128:y=gammaval(.3)[sub] ; [0:{2}] [sub] overlay{3}\"", mapPrefix.ToString(UsCulture), subtitleStreamIndex.ToString(UsCulture), state.VideoStream.Index.ToString(UsCulture), outputSizeParam, videoSizeParam); } /// /// Gets the video bitrate to specify on the command line /// /// The state. /// The video codec. /// if set to true [is HLS]. /// System.String. protected string GetVideoQualityParam(EncodingJob state, string videoCodec, bool isHls) { var param = string.Empty; var isVc1 = state.VideoStream != null && string.Equals(state.VideoStream.Codec, "vc1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var qualitySetting = GetQualitySetting(); if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "libx264", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { param = "-preset superfast"; switch (qualitySetting) { case EncodingQuality.HighSpeed: param += " -subq 0 -crf 23"; break; case EncodingQuality.HighQuality: param += " -subq 3 -crf 20"; break; case EncodingQuality.MaxQuality: param += " -subq 6 -crf 18"; break; } } else if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "libx265", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { param = "-preset fast"; switch (qualitySetting) { case EncodingQuality.HighSpeed: param += " -crf 28"; break; case EncodingQuality.HighQuality: param += " -crf 25"; break; case EncodingQuality.MaxQuality: param += " -crf 21"; break; } } // webm else if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "libvpx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // Values 0-3, 0 being highest quality but slower var profileScore = 0; string crf; var qmin = "0"; var qmax = "50"; switch (qualitySetting) { case EncodingQuality.HighSpeed: crf = "10"; break; case EncodingQuality.HighQuality: crf = "6"; break; case EncodingQuality.MaxQuality: crf = "4"; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized quality setting"); } if (isVc1) { profileScore++; } // Max of 2 profileScore = Math.Min(profileScore, 2); // param = string.Format("-speed 16 -quality good -profile:v {0} -slices 8 -crf {1} -qmin {2} -qmax {3}", profileScore.ToString(UsCulture), crf, qmin, qmax); } else if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "mpeg4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { param = "-mbd rd -flags +mv4+aic -trellis 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -bf 2"; } // asf/wmv else if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "wmv2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { param = "-qmin 2"; } else if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "msmpeg4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { param = "-mbd 2"; } param += GetVideoBitrateParam(state, videoCodec, isHls); var framerate = GetFramerateParam(state); if (framerate.HasValue) { param += string.Format(" -r {0}", framerate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.OutputVideoSync)) { param += " -vsync " + state.OutputVideoSync; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.Options.Profile)) { param += " -profile:v " + state.Options.Profile; } if (state.Options.Level.HasValue) { param += " -level " + state.Options.Level.Value.ToString(UsCulture); } return "-pix_fmt yuv420p " + param; } protected string GetVideoBitrateParam(EncodingJob state, string videoCodec, bool isHls) { var bitrate = state.OutputVideoBitrate; if (bitrate.HasValue) { var hasFixedResolution = state.Options.HasFixedResolution; if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "libvpx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (hasFixedResolution) { return string.Format(" -minrate:v ({0}*.90) -maxrate:v ({0}*1.10) -bufsize:v {0} -b:v {0}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } // With vpx when crf is used, b:v becomes a max rate // But higher bitrate source files -b:v causes judder so limite the bitrate but dont allow it to "saturate" the bitrate. So dont contrain it down just up. return string.Format(" -maxrate:v {0} -bufsize:v ({0}*2) -b:v {0}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } if (string.Equals(videoCodec, "msmpeg4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return string.Format(" -b:v {0}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } // H264 if (hasFixedResolution) { if (isHls) { return string.Format(" -b:v {0} -maxrate ({0}*.80) -bufsize {0}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } return string.Format(" -b:v {0}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture)); } return string.Format(" -maxrate {0} -bufsize {1}", bitrate.Value.ToString(UsCulture), (bitrate.Value * 2).ToString(UsCulture)); } return string.Empty; } protected double? GetFramerateParam(EncodingJob state) { if (state.Options.Framerate.HasValue) { return state.Options.Framerate.Value; } var maxrate = state.Options.MaxFramerate; if (maxrate.HasValue && state.VideoStream != null) { var contentRate = state.VideoStream.AverageFrameRate ?? state.VideoStream.RealFrameRate; if (contentRate.HasValue && contentRate.Value > maxrate.Value) { return maxrate; } } return null; } /// /// Gets the map args. /// /// The state. /// System.String. protected virtual string GetMapArgs(EncodingJob state) { // If we don't have known media info // If input is video, use -sn to drop subtitles // Otherwise just return empty if (state.VideoStream == null && state.AudioStream == null) { return state.IsInputVideo ? "-sn" : string.Empty; } // We have media info, but we don't know the stream indexes if (state.VideoStream != null && state.VideoStream.Index == -1) { return "-sn"; } // We have media info, but we don't know the stream indexes if (state.AudioStream != null && state.AudioStream.Index == -1) { return state.IsInputVideo ? "-sn" : string.Empty; } var args = string.Empty; if (state.VideoStream != null) { args += string.Format("-map 0:{0}", state.VideoStream.Index); } else { args += "-map -0:v"; } if (state.AudioStream != null) { args += string.Format(" -map 0:{0}", state.AudioStream.Index); } else { args += " -map -0:a"; } if (state.SubtitleStream == null) { args += " -map -0:s"; } else if (state.SubtitleStream.IsExternal && !state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream) { args += " -map 1:0 -sn"; } return args; } /// /// Determines whether the specified stream is H264. /// /// The stream. /// true if the specified stream is H264; otherwise, false. protected bool IsH264(MediaStream stream) { var codec = stream.Codec ?? string.Empty; return codec.IndexOf("264", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 || codec.IndexOf("avc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1; } /// /// If we're going to put a fixed size on the command line, this will calculate it /// /// The state. /// The output video codec. /// if set to true [allow time stamp copy]. /// System.String. protected string GetOutputSizeParam(EncodingJob state, string outputVideoCodec, bool allowTimeStampCopy = true) { // var request = state.Options; var filters = new List(); if (state.DeInterlace) { filters.Add("yadif=0:-1:0"); } // If fixed dimensions were supplied if (request.Width.HasValue && request.Height.HasValue) { var widthParam = request.Width.Value.ToString(UsCulture); var heightParam = request.Height.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=trunc({0}/2)*2:trunc({1}/2)*2", widthParam, heightParam)); } // If Max dimensions were supplied, for width selects lowest even number between input width and width req size and selects lowest even number from in width*display aspect and requested size else if (request.MaxWidth.HasValue && request.MaxHeight.HasValue) { var maxWidthParam = request.MaxWidth.Value.ToString(UsCulture); var maxHeightParam = request.MaxHeight.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=trunc(min(iw\\,{0})/2)*2:trunc(min((iw/dar)\\,{1})/2)*2", maxWidthParam, maxHeightParam)); } // If a fixed width was requested else if (request.Width.HasValue) { var widthParam = request.Width.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale={0}:trunc(ow/a/2)*2", widthParam)); } // If a fixed height was requested else if (request.Height.HasValue) { var heightParam = request.Height.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=trunc(oh*a*2)/2:{0}", heightParam)); } // If a max width was requested else if (request.MaxWidth.HasValue && (!request.MaxHeight.HasValue || state.VideoStream == null)) { var maxWidthParam = request.MaxWidth.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=min(iw\\,{0}):trunc(ow/dar/2)*2", maxWidthParam)); } // If a max height was requested else if (request.MaxHeight.HasValue && (!request.MaxWidth.HasValue || state.VideoStream == null)) { var maxHeightParam = request.MaxHeight.Value.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=trunc(oh*a*2)/2:min(ih\\,{0})", maxHeightParam)); } else if (request.MaxWidth.HasValue || request.MaxHeight.HasValue || request.Width.HasValue || request.Height.HasValue) { if (state.VideoStream != null) { // Need to perform calculations manually // Try to account for bad media info var currentHeight = state.VideoStream.Height ?? request.MaxHeight ?? request.Height ?? 0; var currentWidth = state.VideoStream.Width ?? request.MaxWidth ?? request.Width ?? 0; var outputSize = DrawingUtils.Resize(currentWidth, currentHeight, request.Width, request.Height, request.MaxWidth, request.MaxHeight); var manualWidthParam = outputSize.Width.ToString(UsCulture); var manualHeightParam = outputSize.Height.ToString(UsCulture); filters.Add(string.Format("scale=trunc({0}/2)*2:trunc({1}/2)*2", manualWidthParam, manualHeightParam)); } } var output = string.Empty; if (state.SubtitleStream != null && state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream) { var subParam = GetTextSubtitleParam(state); filters.Add(subParam); if (allowTimeStampCopy) { output += " -copyts"; } } if (filters.Count > 0) { output += string.Format(" -vf \"{0}\"", string.Join(",", filters.ToArray())); } return output; } /// /// Gets the text subtitle param. /// /// The state. /// System.String. protected string GetTextSubtitleParam(EncodingJob state) { var seconds = Math.Round(TimeSpan.FromTicks(state.Options.StartTimeTicks ?? 0).TotalSeconds); if (state.SubtitleStream.IsExternal) { var subtitlePath = state.SubtitleStream.Path; var charsetParam = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.SubtitleStream.Language)) { var charenc = SubtitleEncoder.GetSubtitleFileCharacterSet(subtitlePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(charenc)) { charsetParam = ":charenc=" + charenc; } } // TODO: Perhaps also use original_size=1920x800 ?? return string.Format("subtitles=filename='{0}'{1},setpts=PTS -{2}/TB", subtitlePath.Replace('\\', '/').Replace(":/", "\\:/"), charsetParam, seconds.ToString(UsCulture)); } return string.Format("subtitles='{0}:si={1}',setpts=PTS -{2}/TB", state.MediaPath.Replace('\\', '/').Replace(":/", "\\:/"), state.InternalSubtitleStreamOffset.ToString(UsCulture), seconds.ToString(UsCulture)); } protected string GetAudioFilterParam(EncodingJob state, bool isHls) { var volParam = string.Empty; var audioSampleRate = string.Empty; var channels = state.OutputAudioChannels; // Boost volume to 200% when downsampling from 6ch to 2ch if (channels.HasValue && channels.Value <= 2) { if (state.AudioStream != null && state.AudioStream.Channels.HasValue && state.AudioStream.Channels.Value > 5) { volParam = ",volume=" + GetEncodingOptions().DownMixAudioBoost.ToString(UsCulture); } } if (state.OutputAudioSampleRate.HasValue) { audioSampleRate = state.OutputAudioSampleRate.Value + ":"; } var adelay = isHls ? "adelay=1," : string.Empty; var pts = string.Empty; if (state.SubtitleStream != null && state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream) { var seconds = TimeSpan.FromTicks(state.Options.StartTimeTicks ?? 0).TotalSeconds; pts = string.Format(",asetpts=PTS-{0}/TB", Math.Round(seconds).ToString(UsCulture)); } return string.Format("-af \"{0}aresample={1}async={4}{2}{3}\"", adelay, audioSampleRate, volParam, pts, state.OutputAudioSync); } } }