using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager { public static class ProviderUtils { public static void MergeBaseItemData(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData, bool mergeMetadataSettings) { if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Name)) { if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Name)) { // Safeguard against incoming data having an emtpy name if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.Name)) { target.Name = source.Name; } } } if (replaceData || !target.CommunityRating.HasValue) { target.CommunityRating = source.CommunityRating; } if (replaceData || !target.EndDate.HasValue) { target.EndDate = source.EndDate; } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Genres)) { if (replaceData || target.Genres.Count == 0) { target.Genres = source.Genres; } } if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomePageUrl)) { target.HomePageUrl = source.HomePageUrl; } if (replaceData || !target.IndexNumber.HasValue) { target.IndexNumber = source.IndexNumber; } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.OfficialRating)) { if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.OfficialRating)) { target.OfficialRating = source.OfficialRating; } } if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.OfficialRatingDescription)) { target.OfficialRatingDescription = source.OfficialRatingDescription; } if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.CustomRating)) { target.CustomRating = source.CustomRating; } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Overview)) { if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Overview)) { target.Overview = source.Overview; } } if (replaceData || !target.ParentIndexNumber.HasValue) { target.ParentIndexNumber = source.ParentIndexNumber; } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Cast)) { if (replaceData || target.People.Count == 0) { target.People = source.People; } } if (replaceData || !target.PremiereDate.HasValue) { target.PremiereDate = source.PremiereDate; } if (replaceData || !target.ProductionYear.HasValue) { target.ProductionYear = source.ProductionYear; } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Runtime)) { if (replaceData || !target.RunTimeTicks.HasValue) { if (!(target is Audio) && !(target is Video)) { target.RunTimeTicks = source.RunTimeTicks; } } } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Studios)) { if (replaceData || target.Studios.Count == 0) { target.Studios = source.Studios; } } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Tags)) { var sourceHasTags = source as IHasTags; var targetHasTags = target as IHasTags; if (sourceHasTags != null && targetHasTags != null) { if (replaceData || targetHasTags.Tags.Count == 0) { targetHasTags.Tags = sourceHasTags.Tags; } } } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.Keywords)) { var sourceHasKeywords = source as IHasKeywords; var targetHasKeywords = target as IHasKeywords; if (sourceHasKeywords != null && targetHasKeywords != null) { if (replaceData || targetHasKeywords.Keywords.Count == 0) { targetHasKeywords.Keywords = sourceHasKeywords.Keywords; } } } if (!lockedFields.Contains(MetadataFields.ProductionLocations)) { var sourceHasProductionLocations = source as IHasProductionLocations; var targetHasProductionLocations = target as IHasProductionLocations; if (sourceHasProductionLocations != null && targetHasProductionLocations != null) { if (replaceData || targetHasProductionLocations.ProductionLocations.Count == 0) { targetHasProductionLocations.ProductionLocations = sourceHasProductionLocations.ProductionLocations; } } } if (replaceData || !target.VoteCount.HasValue) { target.VoteCount = source.VoteCount; } foreach (var id in source.ProviderIds) { var key = id.Key; // Don't replace existing Id's. if (!target.ProviderIds.ContainsKey(key)) { target.ProviderIds[key] = id.Value; } } MergeAlbumArtist(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeBudget(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeMetascore(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeCriticRating(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeAwards(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeTaglines(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); MergeTrailers(source, target, lockedFields, replaceData); if (mergeMetadataSettings) { target.ForcedSortName = source.ForcedSortName; target.LockedFields = source.LockedFields; target.IsLocked = source.IsLocked; target.DisplayMediaType = source.DisplayMediaType; // Grab the value if it's there, but if not then don't overwrite the default if (source.DateCreated != default(DateTime)) { target.DateCreated = source.DateCreated; } var sourceHasLanguageSettings = source as IHasPreferredMetadataLanguage; var targetHasLanguageSettings = target as IHasPreferredMetadataLanguage; if (sourceHasLanguageSettings != null && targetHasLanguageSettings != null) { targetHasLanguageSettings.PreferredMetadataCountryCode = sourceHasLanguageSettings.PreferredMetadataCountryCode; targetHasLanguageSettings.PreferredMetadataLanguage = sourceHasLanguageSettings.PreferredMetadataLanguage; } var sourceHasDisplayOrder = source as IHasDisplayOrder; var targetHasDisplayOrder = target as IHasDisplayOrder; if (sourceHasDisplayOrder != null && targetHasDisplayOrder != null) { targetHasDisplayOrder.DisplayOrder = sourceHasDisplayOrder.DisplayOrder; } } } private static void MergeAlbumArtist(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceHasAlbumArtist = source as IHasAlbumArtist; var targetHasAlbumArtist = target as IHasAlbumArtist; if (sourceHasAlbumArtist != null && targetHasAlbumArtist != null) { if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetHasAlbumArtist.AlbumArtist)) { targetHasAlbumArtist.AlbumArtist = sourceHasAlbumArtist.AlbumArtist; } } } private static void MergeBudget(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceHasBudget = source as IHasBudget; var targetHasBudget = target as IHasBudget; if (sourceHasBudget != null && targetHasBudget != null) { if (replaceData || !targetHasBudget.Budget.HasValue) { targetHasBudget.Budget = sourceHasBudget.Budget; } if (replaceData || !targetHasBudget.Revenue.HasValue) { targetHasBudget.Revenue = sourceHasBudget.Revenue; } } } private static void MergeMetascore(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceCast = source as IHasMetascore; var targetCast = target as IHasMetascore; if (sourceCast != null && targetCast != null) { if (replaceData || !targetCast.Metascore.HasValue) { targetCast.Metascore = sourceCast.Metascore; } } } private static void MergeAwards(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceCast = source as IHasAwards; var targetCast = target as IHasAwards; if (sourceCast != null && targetCast != null) { if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetCast.AwardSummary)) { targetCast.AwardSummary = sourceCast.AwardSummary; } } } private static void MergeCriticRating(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceCast = source as IHasCriticRating; var targetCast = target as IHasCriticRating; if (sourceCast != null && targetCast != null) { if (replaceData || !targetCast.CriticRating.HasValue) { targetCast.CriticRating = sourceCast.CriticRating; } if (replaceData || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetCast.CriticRatingSummary)) { targetCast.CriticRatingSummary = sourceCast.CriticRatingSummary; } } } private static void MergeTaglines(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceCast = source as IHasTaglines; var targetCast = target as IHasTaglines; if (sourceCast != null && targetCast != null) { if (replaceData || targetCast.Taglines.Count == 0) { targetCast.Taglines = sourceCast.Taglines; } } } private static void MergeTrailers(BaseItem source, BaseItem target, List lockedFields, bool replaceData) { var sourceCast = source as IHasTrailers; var targetCast = target as IHasTrailers; if (sourceCast != null && targetCast != null) { if (replaceData || targetCast.RemoteTrailers.Count == 0) { targetCast.RemoteTrailers = sourceCast.RemoteTrailers; } } } } }