using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.IO; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Common.Logging; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Resolvers; using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities { public class Folder : BaseItem { #region Events /// /// Fires whenever a validation routine updates our children. The added and removed children are properties of the args. /// *** Will fire asynchronously. *** /// public event EventHandler ChildrenChanged; protected void OnChildrenChanged(ChildrenChangedEventArgs args) { if (ChildrenChanged != null) { Task.Run( () => { ChildrenChanged(this, args); Kernel.Instance.OnLibraryChanged(args); }); } } #endregion public IEnumerable PhysicalLocations { get; set; } public override bool IsFolder { get { return true; } } public bool IsRoot { get; set; } public bool IsVirtualFolder { get { return Parent != null && Parent.IsRoot; } } protected object childLock = new object(); protected List children; protected virtual List ActualChildren { get { if (children == null) { LoadChildren(); } return children; } set { children = value; } } /// /// thread-safe access to the actual children of this folder - without regard to user /// public IEnumerable Children { get { lock (childLock) return ActualChildren.ToList(); } } /// /// thread-safe access to all recursive children of this folder - without regard to user /// public IEnumerable RecursiveChildren { get { foreach (var item in Children) { yield return item; var subFolder = item as Folder; if (subFolder != null) { foreach (var subitem in subFolder.RecursiveChildren) { yield return subitem; } } } } } /// /// Loads and validates our children /// protected virtual void LoadChildren() { //first - load our children from the repo lock (childLock) children = GetCachedChildren(); //then kick off a validation against the actual file system Task.Run(() => ValidateChildren()); } protected bool ChildrenValidating = false; /// /// Compare our current children (presumably just read from the repo) with the current state of the file system and adjust for any changes /// ***Currently does not contain logic to maintain items that are unavailable in the file system*** /// /// protected async virtual void ValidateChildren() { if (ChildrenValidating) return; //only ever want one of these going at once and don't want them to fire off in sequence so don't use lock ChildrenValidating = true; bool changed = false; //this will save us a little time at the end if nothing changes var changedArgs = new ChildrenChangedEventArgs(this); //get the current valid children from filesystem (or wherever) var nonCachedChildren = await GetNonCachedChildren(); if (nonCachedChildren == null) return; //nothing to validate //build a dictionary of the current children we have now by Id so we can compare quickly and easily Dictionary currentChildren; lock (childLock) currentChildren = ActualChildren.ToDictionary(i => i.Id); //create a list for our validated children var validChildren = new List(); //now traverse the valid children and find any changed or new items foreach (var child in nonCachedChildren) { BaseItem currentChild; currentChildren.TryGetValue(child.Id, out currentChild); if (currentChild == null) { //brand new item - needs to be added changed = true; changedArgs.ItemsAdded.Add(child); //refresh it child.RefreshMetadata(); //Logger.LogInfo("New Item Added to Library: ("+child.GetType().Name+") "+ child.Name + " (" + child.Path + ")"); //save it in repo... //and add it to our valid children validChildren.Add(child); //fire an added event...? //if it is a folder we need to validate its children as well Folder folder = child as Folder; if (folder != null) { folder.ValidateChildren(); //probably need to refresh too... } } else { //existing item - check if it has changed if (currentChild.IsChanged(child)) { changed = true; //update resolve args and refresh meta // Note - we are refreshing the existing child instead of the newly found one so the "Except" operation below // will identify this item as the same one currentChild.ResolveArgs = child.ResolveArgs; currentChild.RefreshMetadata(); Logger.LogInfo("Item Changed: ("+currentChild.GetType().Name+") "+ currentChild.Name + " (" + currentChild.Path + ")"); //save it in repo... validChildren.Add(currentChild); } else { //current child that didn't change - just put it in the valid children validChildren.Add(currentChild); } } } //that's all the new and changed ones - now see if there are any that are missing changedArgs.ItemsRemoved = currentChildren.Values.Except(validChildren); changed |= changedArgs.ItemsRemoved != null; //now, if anything changed - replace our children if (changed) { lock (childLock) ActualChildren = validChildren; //and save children in repo... //and fire event this.OnChildrenChanged(changedArgs); } ChildrenValidating = false; } /// /// Get the children of this folder from the actual file system /// /// protected async virtual Task> GetNonCachedChildren() { ItemResolveEventArgs args = new ItemResolveEventArgs() { FileInfo = FileData.GetFileData(this.Path), Parent = this.Parent, Cancel = false, Path = this.Path }; // Gather child folder and files if (args.IsDirectory) { args.FileSystemChildren = FileData.GetFileSystemEntries(this.Path, "*").ToArray(); bool isVirtualFolder = Parent != null && Parent.IsRoot; args = FileSystemHelper.FilterChildFileSystemEntries(args, isVirtualFolder); } else { Logger.LogError("Folder has a path that is not a directory: " + this.Path); return null; } if (!EntityResolutionHelper.ShouldResolvePathContents(args)) { return null; } return (await Task.WhenAll(GetChildren(args.FileSystemChildren)).ConfigureAwait(false)) .Where(i => i != null).OrderBy(f => { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.SortName) ? f.Name : f.SortName; }); } /// /// Resolves a path into a BaseItem /// protected async Task GetChild(string path, WIN32_FIND_DATA? fileInfo = null) { ItemResolveEventArgs args = new ItemResolveEventArgs() { FileInfo = fileInfo ?? FileData.GetFileData(path), Parent = this, Cancel = false, Path = path }; args.FileSystemChildren = FileData.GetFileSystemEntries(path, "*").ToArray(); args = FileSystemHelper.FilterChildFileSystemEntries(args, false); return Kernel.Instance.ResolveItem(args); } /// /// Finds child BaseItems for a given Folder /// protected Task[] GetChildren(WIN32_FIND_DATA[] fileSystemChildren) { Task[] tasks = new Task[fileSystemChildren.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fileSystemChildren.Length; i++) { var child = fileSystemChildren[i]; tasks[i] = GetChild(child.Path, child); } return tasks; } /// /// Get our children from the repo - stubbed for now /// /// protected virtual List GetCachedChildren() { return new List(); } /// /// Gets allowed children of an item /// public IEnumerable GetChildren(User user) { lock(childLock) return ActualChildren.Where(c => c.IsParentalAllowed(user)); } /// /// Gets allowed recursive children of an item /// public IEnumerable GetRecursiveChildren(User user) { foreach (var item in GetChildren(user)) { yield return item; var subFolder = item as Folder; if (subFolder != null) { foreach (var subitem in subFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(user)) { yield return subitem; } } } } /// /// Since it can be slow to make all of these calculations at once, this method will provide a way to get them all back together /// public ItemSpecialCounts GetSpecialCounts(User user) { var counts = new ItemSpecialCounts(); IEnumerable recursiveChildren = GetRecursiveChildren(user); var recentlyAddedItems = GetRecentlyAddedItems(recursiveChildren, user); counts.RecentlyAddedItemCount = recentlyAddedItems.Count; counts.RecentlyAddedUnPlayedItemCount = GetRecentlyAddedUnplayedItems(recentlyAddedItems, user).Count; counts.InProgressItemCount = GetInProgressItems(recursiveChildren, user).Count; counts.PlayedPercentage = GetPlayedPercentage(recursiveChildren, user); return counts; } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that contain the given genre and are allowed for the current user /// public IEnumerable GetItemsWithGenre(string genre, User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(f => f.Genres != null && f.Genres.Any(s => s.Equals(genre, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that contain the given year and are allowed for the current user /// public IEnumerable GetItemsWithYear(int year, User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(f => f.ProductionYear.HasValue && f.ProductionYear == year); } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that contain the given studio and are allowed for the current user /// public IEnumerable GetItemsWithStudio(string studio, User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(f => f.Studios != null && f.Studios.Any(s => s.Equals(studio, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that the user has marked as a favorite /// public IEnumerable GetFavoriteItems(User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(c => { UserItemData data = c.GetUserData(user, false); if (data != null) { return data.IsFavorite; } return false; }); } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that contain the given person and are allowed for the current user /// public IEnumerable GetItemsWithPerson(string person, User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(c => { if (c.People != null) { return c.People.ContainsKey(person); } return false; }); } /// /// Finds all recursive items within a top-level parent that contain the given person and are allowed for the current user /// /// Specify this to limit results to a specific PersonType public IEnumerable GetItemsWithPerson(string person, string personType, User user) { return GetRecursiveChildren(user).Where(c => { if (c.People != null) { return c.People.ContainsKey(person) && c.People[person].Type.Equals(personType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } return false; }); } /// /// Gets all recently added items (recursive) within a folder, based on configuration and parental settings /// public List GetRecentlyAddedItems(User user) { return GetRecentlyAddedItems(GetRecursiveChildren(user), user); } /// /// Gets all recently added unplayed items (recursive) within a folder, based on configuration and parental settings /// public List GetRecentlyAddedUnplayedItems(User user) { return GetRecentlyAddedUnplayedItems(GetRecursiveChildren(user), user); } /// /// Gets all in-progress items (recursive) within a folder /// public List GetInProgressItems(User user) { return GetInProgressItems(GetRecursiveChildren(user), user); } /// /// Takes a list of items and returns the ones that are recently added /// private static List GetRecentlyAddedItems(IEnumerable itemSet, User user) { var list = new List(); foreach (var item in itemSet) { if (!item.IsFolder && item.IsRecentlyAdded(user)) { list.Add(item); } } return list; } /// /// Takes a list of items and returns the ones that are recently added and unplayed /// private static List GetRecentlyAddedUnplayedItems(IEnumerable itemSet, User user) { var list = new List(); foreach (var item in itemSet) { if (!item.IsFolder && item.IsRecentlyAdded(user)) { var userdata = item.GetUserData(user, false); if (userdata == null || userdata.PlayCount == 0) { list.Add(item); } } } return list; } /// /// Takes a list of items and returns the ones that are in progress /// private static List GetInProgressItems(IEnumerable itemSet, User user) { var list = new List(); foreach (var item in itemSet) { if (!item.IsFolder) { var userdata = item.GetUserData(user, false); if (userdata != null && userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0) { list.Add(item); } } } return list; } /// /// Gets the total played percentage for a set of items /// private static decimal GetPlayedPercentage(IEnumerable itemSet, User user) { itemSet = itemSet.Where(i => !(i.IsFolder)); decimal totalPercent = 0; int count = 0; foreach (BaseItem item in itemSet) { count++; UserItemData data = item.GetUserData(user, false); if (data == null) { continue; } if (data.PlayCount > 0) { totalPercent += 100; } else if (data.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0 && item.RunTimeTicks.HasValue) { decimal itemPercent = data.PlaybackPositionTicks; itemPercent /= item.RunTimeTicks.Value; totalPercent += itemPercent; } } if (count == 0) { return 0; } return totalPercent / count; } /// /// Marks the item as either played or unplayed /// public override void SetPlayedStatus(User user, bool wasPlayed) { base.SetPlayedStatus(user, wasPlayed); // Now sweep through recursively and update status foreach (BaseItem item in GetChildren(user)) { item.SetPlayedStatus(user, wasPlayed); } } /// /// Finds an item by ID, recursively /// public override BaseItem FindItemById(Guid id) { var result = base.FindItemById(id); if (result != null) { return result; } foreach (BaseItem item in ActualChildren) { result = item.FindItemById(id); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } /// /// Finds an item by path, recursively /// public BaseItem FindByPath(string path) { if (Path.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return this; } foreach (BaseItem item in ActualChildren) { var folder = item as Folder; if (folder != null) { var foundItem = folder.FindByPath(path); if (foundItem != null) { return foundItem; } } else if (item.Path.Equals(path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return item; } } return null; } } }