//============================================================================ // BDInfo - Blu-ray Video and Audio Analysis Tool // Copyright © 2010 Cinema Squid // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //============================================================================= #undef DEBUG using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.Text; namespace BDInfo { public class TSPlaylistFile { private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly ITextEncoding _textEncoding; private FileSystemMetadata FileInfo = null; public string FileType = null; public bool IsInitialized = false; public string Name = null; public BDROM BDROM = null; public bool HasHiddenTracks = false; public bool HasLoops = false; public bool IsCustom = false; public List<double> Chapters = new List<double>(); public Dictionary<ushort, TSStream> Streams = new Dictionary<ushort, TSStream>(); public Dictionary<ushort, TSStream> PlaylistStreams = new Dictionary<ushort, TSStream>(); public List<TSStreamClip> StreamClips = new List<TSStreamClip>(); public List<Dictionary<ushort, TSStream>> AngleStreams = new List<Dictionary<ushort, TSStream>>(); public List<Dictionary<double, TSStreamClip>> AngleClips = new List<Dictionary<double, TSStreamClip>>(); public int AngleCount = 0; public List<TSStream> SortedStreams = new List<TSStream>(); public List<TSVideoStream> VideoStreams = new List<TSVideoStream>(); public List<TSAudioStream> AudioStreams = new List<TSAudioStream>(); public List<TSTextStream> TextStreams = new List<TSTextStream>(); public List<TSGraphicsStream> GraphicsStreams = new List<TSGraphicsStream>(); public TSPlaylistFile( BDROM bdrom, FileSystemMetadata fileInfo, IFileSystem fileSystem, ITextEncoding textEncoding) { BDROM = bdrom; FileInfo = fileInfo; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _textEncoding = textEncoding; Name = fileInfo.Name.ToUpper(); } public TSPlaylistFile( BDROM bdrom, string name, List<TSStreamClip> clips, IFileSystem fileSystem, ITextEncoding textEncoding) { BDROM = bdrom; Name = name; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _textEncoding = textEncoding; IsCustom = true; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in clips) { TSStreamClip newClip = new TSStreamClip( clip.StreamFile, clip.StreamClipFile); newClip.Name = clip.Name; newClip.TimeIn = clip.TimeIn; newClip.TimeOut = clip.TimeOut; newClip.Length = newClip.TimeOut - newClip.TimeIn; newClip.RelativeTimeIn = TotalLength; newClip.RelativeTimeOut = newClip.RelativeTimeIn + newClip.Length; newClip.AngleIndex = clip.AngleIndex; newClip.Chapters.Add(clip.TimeIn); StreamClips.Add(newClip); if (newClip.AngleIndex > AngleCount) { AngleCount = newClip.AngleIndex; } if (newClip.AngleIndex == 0) { Chapters.Add(newClip.RelativeTimeIn); } } LoadStreamClips(); IsInitialized = true; } public override string ToString() { return Name; } public ulong InterleavedFileSize { get { ulong size = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { size += clip.InterleavedFileSize; } return size; } } public ulong FileSize { get { ulong size = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { size += clip.FileSize; } return size; } } public double TotalLength { get { double length = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { if (clip.AngleIndex == 0) { length += clip.Length; } } return length; } } public double TotalAngleLength { get { double length = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { length += clip.Length; } return length; } } public ulong TotalSize { get { ulong size = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { if (clip.AngleIndex == 0) { size += clip.PacketSize; } } return size; } } public ulong TotalAngleSize { get { ulong size = 0; foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { size += clip.PacketSize; } return size; } } public ulong TotalBitRate { get { if (TotalLength > 0) { return (ulong)Math.Round(((TotalSize * 8.0) / TotalLength)); } return 0; } } public ulong TotalAngleBitRate { get { if (TotalAngleLength > 0) { return (ulong)Math.Round(((TotalAngleSize * 8.0) / TotalAngleLength)); } return 0; } } public void Scan( Dictionary<string, TSStreamFile> streamFiles, Dictionary<string, TSStreamClipFile> streamClipFiles) { Stream fileStream = null; BinaryReader fileReader = null; try { Streams.Clear(); StreamClips.Clear(); fileStream = _fileSystem.OpenRead(FileInfo.FullName); fileReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream); byte[] data = new byte[fileStream.Length]; int dataLength = fileReader.Read(data, 0, data.Length); int pos = 0; FileType = ReadString(data, 8, ref pos); if (FileType != "MPLS0100" && FileType != "MPLS0200") { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Playlist {0} has an unknown file type {1}.", FileInfo.Name, FileType)); } int playlistOffset = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); int chaptersOffset = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); int extensionsOffset = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); pos = playlistOffset; int playlistLength = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); int playlistReserved = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); int itemCount = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); int subitemCount = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); List<TSStreamClip> chapterClips = new List<TSStreamClip>(); for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; itemIndex++) { int itemStart = pos; int itemLength = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); string itemName = ReadString(data, 5, ref pos); string itemType = ReadString(data, 4, ref pos); TSStreamFile streamFile = null; string streamFileName = string.Format( "{0}.M2TS", itemName); if (streamFiles.ContainsKey(streamFileName)) { streamFile = streamFiles[streamFileName]; } if (streamFile == null) { // Error condition } TSStreamClipFile streamClipFile = null; string streamClipFileName = string.Format( "{0}.CLPI", itemName); if (streamClipFiles.ContainsKey(streamClipFileName)) { streamClipFile = streamClipFiles[streamClipFileName]; } if (streamClipFile == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Playlist {0} referenced missing file {1}.", FileInfo.Name, streamFileName)); } pos += 1; int multiangle = (data[pos] >> 4) & 0x01; int condition = data[pos] & 0x0F; pos += 2; int inTime = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); if (inTime < 0) inTime &= 0x7FFFFFFF; double timeIn = (double)inTime / 45000; int outTime = ReadInt32(data, ref pos); if (outTime < 0) outTime &= 0x7FFFFFFF; double timeOut = (double)outTime / 45000; TSStreamClip streamClip = new TSStreamClip( streamFile, streamClipFile); streamClip.Name = streamFileName; //TODO streamClip.TimeIn = timeIn; streamClip.TimeOut = timeOut; streamClip.Length = streamClip.TimeOut - streamClip.TimeIn; streamClip.RelativeTimeIn = TotalLength; streamClip.RelativeTimeOut = streamClip.RelativeTimeIn + streamClip.Length; StreamClips.Add(streamClip); chapterClips.Add(streamClip); pos += 12; if (multiangle > 0) { int angles = data[pos]; pos += 2; for (int angle = 0; angle < angles - 1; angle++) { string angleName = ReadString(data, 5, ref pos); string angleType = ReadString(data, 4, ref pos); pos += 1; TSStreamFile angleFile = null; string angleFileName = string.Format( "{0}.M2TS", angleName); if (streamFiles.ContainsKey(angleFileName)) { angleFile = streamFiles[angleFileName]; } if (angleFile == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Playlist {0} referenced missing angle file {1}.", FileInfo.Name, angleFileName)); } TSStreamClipFile angleClipFile = null; string angleClipFileName = string.Format( "{0}.CLPI", angleName); if (streamClipFiles.ContainsKey(angleClipFileName)) { angleClipFile = streamClipFiles[angleClipFileName]; } if (angleClipFile == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Playlist {0} referenced missing angle file {1}.", FileInfo.Name, angleClipFileName)); } TSStreamClip angleClip = new TSStreamClip(angleFile, angleClipFile); angleClip.AngleIndex = angle + 1; angleClip.TimeIn = streamClip.TimeIn; angleClip.TimeOut = streamClip.TimeOut; angleClip.RelativeTimeIn = streamClip.RelativeTimeIn; angleClip.RelativeTimeOut = streamClip.RelativeTimeOut; angleClip.Length = streamClip.Length; StreamClips.Add(angleClip); } if (angles - 1 > AngleCount) AngleCount = angles - 1; } int streamInfoLength = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); pos += 2; int streamCountVideo = data[pos++]; int streamCountAudio = data[pos++]; int streamCountPG = data[pos++]; int streamCountIG = data[pos++]; int streamCountSecondaryAudio = data[pos++]; int streamCountSecondaryVideo = data[pos++]; int streamCountPIP = data[pos++]; pos += 5; #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "{0} : {1} -> V:{2} A:{3} PG:{4} IG:{5} 2A:{6} 2V:{7} PIP:{8}", Name, streamFileName, streamCountVideo, streamCountAudio, streamCountPG, streamCountIG, streamCountSecondaryAudio, streamCountSecondaryVideo, streamCountPIP)); #endif for (int i = 0; i < streamCountVideo; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; } for (int i = 0; i < streamCountAudio; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; } for (int i = 0; i < streamCountPG; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; } for (int i = 0; i < streamCountIG; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; } for (int i = 0; i < streamCountSecondaryAudio; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; pos += 2; } for (int i = 0; i < streamCountSecondaryVideo; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; pos += 6; } /* * TODO * for (int i = 0; i < streamCountPIP; i++) { TSStream stream = CreatePlaylistStream(data, ref pos); if (stream != null) PlaylistStreams[stream.PID] = stream; } */ pos += itemLength - (pos - itemStart) + 2; } pos = chaptersOffset + 4; int chapterCount = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); for (int chapterIndex = 0; chapterIndex < chapterCount; chapterIndex++) { int chapterType = data[pos+1]; if (chapterType == 1) { int streamFileIndex = ((int)data[pos + 2] << 8) + data[pos + 3]; long chapterTime = ((long)data[pos + 4] << 24) + ((long)data[pos + 5] << 16) + ((long)data[pos + 6] << 8) + ((long)data[pos + 7]); TSStreamClip streamClip = chapterClips[streamFileIndex]; double chapterSeconds = (double)chapterTime / 45000; double relativeSeconds = chapterSeconds - streamClip.TimeIn + streamClip.RelativeTimeIn; // TODO: Ignore short last chapter? if (TotalLength - relativeSeconds > 1.0) { streamClip.Chapters.Add(chapterSeconds); this.Chapters.Add(relativeSeconds); } } else { // TODO: Handle other chapter types? } pos += 14; } } finally { if (fileReader != null) { fileReader.Dispose(); } if (fileStream != null) { fileStream.Dispose(); } } } public void Initialize() { LoadStreamClips(); Dictionary<string, List<double>> clipTimes = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>(); foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { if (clip.AngleIndex == 0) { if (clipTimes.ContainsKey(clip.Name)) { if (clipTimes[clip.Name].Contains(clip.TimeIn)) { HasLoops = true; break; } else { clipTimes[clip.Name].Add(clip.TimeIn); } } else { clipTimes[clip.Name] = new List<double> { clip.TimeIn }; } } } ClearBitrates(); IsInitialized = true; } protected TSStream CreatePlaylistStream(byte[] data, ref int pos) { TSStream stream = null; int start = pos; int headerLength = data[pos++]; int headerPos = pos; int headerType = data[pos++]; int pid = 0; int subpathid = 0; int subclipid = 0; switch (headerType) { case 1: pid = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); break; case 2: subpathid = data[pos++]; subclipid = data[pos++]; pid = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); break; case 3: subpathid = data[pos++]; pid = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); break; case 4: subpathid = data[pos++]; subclipid = data[pos++]; pid = ReadInt16(data, ref pos); break; default: break; } pos = headerPos + headerLength; int streamLength = data[pos++]; int streamPos = pos; TSStreamType streamType = (TSStreamType)data[pos++]; switch (streamType) { case TSStreamType.MVC_VIDEO: // TODO break; case TSStreamType.AVC_VIDEO: case TSStreamType.MPEG1_VIDEO: case TSStreamType.MPEG2_VIDEO: case TSStreamType.VC1_VIDEO: TSVideoFormat videoFormat = (TSVideoFormat) (data[pos] >> 4); TSFrameRate frameRate = (TSFrameRate) (data[pos] & 0xF); TSAspectRatio aspectRatio = (TSAspectRatio) (data[pos + 1] >> 4); stream = new TSVideoStream(); ((TSVideoStream)stream).VideoFormat = videoFormat; ((TSVideoStream)stream).AspectRatio = aspectRatio; ((TSVideoStream)stream).FrameRate = frameRate; #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "\t{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", pid, streamType, videoFormat, frameRate, aspectRatio)); #endif break; case TSStreamType.AC3_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.AC3_PLUS_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.AC3_PLUS_SECONDARY_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.AC3_TRUE_HD_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.DTS_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_MASTER_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_SECONDARY_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.LPCM_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.MPEG1_AUDIO: case TSStreamType.MPEG2_AUDIO: int audioFormat = ReadByte(data, ref pos); TSChannelLayout channelLayout = (TSChannelLayout) (audioFormat >> 4); TSSampleRate sampleRate = (TSSampleRate) (audioFormat & 0xF); string audioLanguage = ReadString(data, 3, ref pos); stream = new TSAudioStream(); ((TSAudioStream)stream).ChannelLayout = channelLayout; ((TSAudioStream)stream).SampleRate = TSAudioStream.ConvertSampleRate(sampleRate); ((TSAudioStream)stream).LanguageCode = audioLanguage; #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "\t{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", pid, streamType, audioLanguage, channelLayout, sampleRate)); #endif break; case TSStreamType.INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS: case TSStreamType.PRESENTATION_GRAPHICS: string graphicsLanguage = ReadString(data, 3, ref pos); stream = new TSGraphicsStream(); ((TSGraphicsStream)stream).LanguageCode = graphicsLanguage; if (data[pos] != 0) { } #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "\t{0} {1} {2}", pid, streamType, graphicsLanguage)); #endif break; case TSStreamType.SUBTITLE: int code = ReadByte(data, ref pos); // TODO string textLanguage = ReadString(data, 3, ref pos); stream = new TSTextStream(); ((TSTextStream)stream).LanguageCode = textLanguage; #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "\t{0} {1} {2}", pid, streamType, textLanguage)); #endif break; default: break; } pos = streamPos + streamLength; if (stream != null) { stream.PID = (ushort)pid; stream.StreamType = streamType; } return stream; } private void LoadStreamClips() { AngleClips.Clear(); if (AngleCount > 0) { for (int angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < AngleCount; angleIndex++) { AngleClips.Add(new Dictionary<double, TSStreamClip>()); } } TSStreamClip referenceClip = null; if (StreamClips.Count > 0) { referenceClip = StreamClips[0]; } foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { if (clip.StreamClipFile.Streams.Count > referenceClip.StreamClipFile.Streams.Count) { referenceClip = clip; } else if (clip.Length > referenceClip.Length) { referenceClip = clip; } if (AngleCount > 0) { if (clip.AngleIndex == 0) { for (int angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < AngleCount; angleIndex++) { AngleClips[angleIndex][clip.RelativeTimeIn] = clip; } } else { AngleClips[clip.AngleIndex - 1][clip.RelativeTimeIn] = clip; } } } foreach (TSStream clipStream in referenceClip.StreamClipFile.Streams.Values) { if (!Streams.ContainsKey(clipStream.PID)) { TSStream stream = clipStream.Clone(); Streams[clipStream.PID] = stream; if (!IsCustom && !PlaylistStreams.ContainsKey(stream.PID)) { stream.IsHidden = true; HasHiddenTracks = true; } if (stream.IsVideoStream) { VideoStreams.Add((TSVideoStream)stream); } else if (stream.IsAudioStream) { AudioStreams.Add((TSAudioStream)stream); } else if (stream.IsGraphicsStream) { GraphicsStreams.Add((TSGraphicsStream)stream); } else if (stream.IsTextStream) { TextStreams.Add((TSTextStream)stream); } } } if (referenceClip.StreamFile != null) { // TODO: Better way to add this in? if (BDInfoSettings.EnableSSIF && referenceClip.StreamFile.InterleavedFile != null && referenceClip.StreamFile.Streams.ContainsKey(4114) && !Streams.ContainsKey(4114)) { TSStream stream = referenceClip.StreamFile.Streams[4114].Clone(); Streams[4114] = stream; if (stream.IsVideoStream) { VideoStreams.Add((TSVideoStream)stream); } } foreach (TSStream clipStream in referenceClip.StreamFile.Streams.Values) { if (Streams.ContainsKey(clipStream.PID)) { TSStream stream = Streams[clipStream.PID]; if (stream.StreamType != clipStream.StreamType) continue; if (clipStream.BitRate > stream.BitRate) { stream.BitRate = clipStream.BitRate; } stream.IsVBR = clipStream.IsVBR; if (stream.IsVideoStream && clipStream.IsVideoStream) { ((TSVideoStream)stream).EncodingProfile = ((TSVideoStream)clipStream).EncodingProfile; } else if (stream.IsAudioStream && clipStream.IsAudioStream) { TSAudioStream audioStream = (TSAudioStream)stream; TSAudioStream clipAudioStream = (TSAudioStream)clipStream; if (clipAudioStream.ChannelCount > audioStream.ChannelCount) { audioStream.ChannelCount = clipAudioStream.ChannelCount; } if (clipAudioStream.LFE > audioStream.LFE) { audioStream.LFE = clipAudioStream.LFE; } if (clipAudioStream.SampleRate > audioStream.SampleRate) { audioStream.SampleRate = clipAudioStream.SampleRate; } if (clipAudioStream.BitDepth > audioStream.BitDepth) { audioStream.BitDepth = clipAudioStream.BitDepth; } if (clipAudioStream.DialNorm < audioStream.DialNorm) { audioStream.DialNorm = clipAudioStream.DialNorm; } if (clipAudioStream.AudioMode != TSAudioMode.Unknown) { audioStream.AudioMode = clipAudioStream.AudioMode; } if (clipAudioStream.CoreStream != null && audioStream.CoreStream == null) { audioStream.CoreStream = (TSAudioStream) clipAudioStream.CoreStream.Clone(); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < AngleCount; i++) { AngleStreams.Add(new Dictionary<ushort, TSStream>()); } if (!BDInfoSettings.KeepStreamOrder) { VideoStreams.Sort(CompareVideoStreams); } foreach (TSStream stream in VideoStreams) { SortedStreams.Add(stream); for (int i = 0; i < AngleCount; i++) { TSStream angleStream = stream.Clone(); angleStream.AngleIndex = i + 1; AngleStreams[i][angleStream.PID] = angleStream; SortedStreams.Add(angleStream); } } if (!BDInfoSettings.KeepStreamOrder) { AudioStreams.Sort(CompareAudioStreams); } foreach (TSStream stream in AudioStreams) { SortedStreams.Add(stream); } if (!BDInfoSettings.KeepStreamOrder) { GraphicsStreams.Sort(CompareGraphicsStreams); } foreach (TSStream stream in GraphicsStreams) { SortedStreams.Add(stream); } if (!BDInfoSettings.KeepStreamOrder) { TextStreams.Sort(CompareTextStreams); } foreach (TSStream stream in TextStreams) { SortedStreams.Add(stream); } } public void ClearBitrates() { foreach (TSStreamClip clip in StreamClips) { clip.PayloadBytes = 0; clip.PacketCount = 0; clip.PacketSeconds = 0; if (clip.StreamFile != null) { foreach (TSStream stream in clip.StreamFile.Streams.Values) { stream.PayloadBytes = 0; stream.PacketCount = 0; stream.PacketSeconds = 0; } if (clip.StreamFile != null && clip.StreamFile.StreamDiagnostics != null) { clip.StreamFile.StreamDiagnostics.Clear(); } } } foreach (TSStream stream in SortedStreams) { stream.PayloadBytes = 0; stream.PacketCount = 0; stream.PacketSeconds = 0; } } public bool IsValid { get { if (!IsInitialized) return false; if (BDInfoSettings.FilterShortPlaylists && TotalLength < BDInfoSettings.FilterShortPlaylistsValue) { return false; } if (HasLoops && BDInfoSettings.FilterLoopingPlaylists) { return false; } return true; } } public static int CompareVideoStreams( TSVideoStream x, TSVideoStream y) { if (x == null && y == null) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y != null) { return 1; } else if (x != null && y == null) { return -1; } else { if (x.Height > y.Height) { return -1; } else if (y.Height > x.Height) { return 1; } else if (x.PID > y.PID) { return 1; } else if (y.PID > x.PID) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } public static int CompareAudioStreams( TSAudioStream x, TSAudioStream y) { if (x == y) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y == null) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y != null) { return -1; } else if (x != null && y == null) { return 1; } else { if (x.ChannelCount > y.ChannelCount) { return -1; } else if (y.ChannelCount > x.ChannelCount) { return 1; } else { int sortX = GetStreamTypeSortIndex(x.StreamType); int sortY = GetStreamTypeSortIndex(y.StreamType); if (sortX > sortY) { return -1; } else if (sortY > sortX) { return 1; } else { if (x.LanguageCode == "eng") { return -1; } else if (y.LanguageCode == "eng") { return 1; } else if (x.LanguageCode != y.LanguageCode) { return string.Compare( x.LanguageName, y.LanguageName); } else if (x.PID < y.PID) { return -1; } else if (y.PID < x.PID) { return 1; } return 0; } } } } public static int CompareTextStreams( TSTextStream x, TSTextStream y) { if (x == y) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y == null) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y != null) { return -1; } else if (x != null && y == null) { return 1; } else { if (x.LanguageCode == "eng") { return -1; } else if (y.LanguageCode == "eng") { return 1; } else { if (x.LanguageCode == y.LanguageCode) { if (x.PID > y.PID) { return 1; } else if (y.PID > x.PID) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } else { return string.Compare( x.LanguageName, y.LanguageName); } } } } private static int CompareGraphicsStreams( TSGraphicsStream x, TSGraphicsStream y) { if (x == y) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y == null) { return 0; } else if (x == null && y != null) { return -1; } else if (x != null && y == null) { return 1; } else { int sortX = GetStreamTypeSortIndex(x.StreamType); int sortY = GetStreamTypeSortIndex(y.StreamType); if (sortX > sortY) { return -1; } else if (sortY > sortX) { return 1; } else if (x.LanguageCode == "eng") { return -1; } else if (y.LanguageCode == "eng") { return 1; } else { if (x.LanguageCode == y.LanguageCode) { if (x.PID > y.PID) { return 1; } else if (y.PID > x.PID) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } else { return string.Compare(x.LanguageName, y.LanguageName); } } } } private static int GetStreamTypeSortIndex(TSStreamType streamType) { switch (streamType) { case TSStreamType.Unknown: return 0; case TSStreamType.MPEG1_VIDEO: return 1; case TSStreamType.MPEG2_VIDEO: return 2; case TSStreamType.AVC_VIDEO: return 3; case TSStreamType.VC1_VIDEO: return 4; case TSStreamType.MVC_VIDEO: return 5; case TSStreamType.MPEG1_AUDIO: return 1; case TSStreamType.MPEG2_AUDIO: return 2; case TSStreamType.AC3_PLUS_SECONDARY_AUDIO: return 3; case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_SECONDARY_AUDIO: return 4; case TSStreamType.AC3_AUDIO: return 5; case TSStreamType.DTS_AUDIO: return 6; case TSStreamType.AC3_PLUS_AUDIO: return 7; case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_AUDIO: return 8; case TSStreamType.AC3_TRUE_HD_AUDIO: return 9; case TSStreamType.DTS_HD_MASTER_AUDIO: return 10; case TSStreamType.LPCM_AUDIO: return 11; case TSStreamType.SUBTITLE: return 1; case TSStreamType.INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS: return 2; case TSStreamType.PRESENTATION_GRAPHICS: return 3; default: return 0; } } protected string ReadString( byte[] data, int count, ref int pos) { string val = _textEncoding.GetASCIIEncoding().GetString(data, pos, count); pos += count; return val; } protected int ReadInt32( byte[] data, ref int pos) { int val = ((int)data[pos] << 24) + ((int)data[pos + 1] << 16) + ((int)data[pos + 2] << 8) + ((int)data[pos + 3]); pos += 4; return val; } protected int ReadInt16( byte[] data, ref int pos) { int val = ((int)data[pos] << 8) + ((int)data[pos + 1]); pos += 2; return val; } protected byte ReadByte( byte[] data, ref int pos) { return data[pos++]; } } }