using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions; using MediaBrowser.Common.Net; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Localization; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists; using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna; using MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; namespace MediaBrowser.Dlna.Didl { public class DidlBuilder { private readonly CultureInfo _usCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); private const string NS_DIDL = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"; private const string NS_DC = ""; private const string NS_UPNP = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/"; private const string NS_DLNA = "urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"; private readonly DeviceProfile _profile; private readonly IImageProcessor _imageProcessor; private readonly string _serverAddress; private readonly User _user; private readonly IUserDataManager _userDataManager; private readonly ILocalizationManager _localization; public DidlBuilder(DeviceProfile profile, User user, IImageProcessor imageProcessor, string serverAddress, IUserDataManager userDataManager, ILocalizationManager localization) { _profile = profile; _imageProcessor = imageProcessor; _serverAddress = serverAddress; _userDataManager = userDataManager; _localization = localization; _user = user; } public string GetItemDidl(BaseItem item, BaseItem context, string deviceId, Filter filter, StreamInfo streamInfo) { var result = new XmlDocument(); var didl = result.CreateElement(string.Empty, "DIDL-Lite", NS_DIDL); didl.SetAttribute("xmlns:dc", NS_DC); didl.SetAttribute("xmlns:dlna", NS_DLNA); didl.SetAttribute("xmlns:upnp", NS_UPNP); //didl.SetAttribute("xmlns:sec", NS_SEC); foreach (var att in _profile.XmlRootAttributes) { didl.SetAttribute(att.Name, att.Value); } result.AppendChild(didl); result.DocumentElement.AppendChild(GetItemElement(result, item, context, deviceId, filter, streamInfo)); return result.DocumentElement.OuterXml; } public XmlElement GetItemElement(XmlDocument doc, BaseItem item, BaseItem context, string deviceId, Filter filter, StreamInfo streamInfo = null) { var element = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "item", NS_DIDL); element.SetAttribute("restricted", "1"); element.SetAttribute("id", item.Id.ToString("N")); if (item.Parent != null) { element.SetAttribute("parentID", item.Parent.Id.ToString("N")); } //AddBookmarkInfo(item, user, element); AddGeneralProperties(item, context, element, filter); // refID? // storeAttribute(itemNode, object, ClassProperties.REF_ID, false); var hasMediaSources = item as IHasMediaSources; if (hasMediaSources != null) { if (string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Audio, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { AddAudioResource(element, hasMediaSources, deviceId, filter, streamInfo); } else if (string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Video, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { AddVideoResource(element, hasMediaSources, deviceId, filter, streamInfo); } } AddCover(item, element); return element; } private void AddVideoResource(XmlElement container, IHasMediaSources video, string deviceId, Filter filter, StreamInfo streamInfo = null) { if (streamInfo == null) { var sources = _user == null ? video.GetMediaSources(true).ToList() : video.GetMediaSources(true, _user).ToList(); streamInfo = new StreamBuilder().BuildVideoItem(new VideoOptions { ItemId = video.Id.ToString("N"), MediaSources = sources, Profile = _profile, DeviceId = deviceId, MaxBitrate = _profile.MaxStreamingBitrate }); } var targetWidth = streamInfo.TargetWidth; var targetHeight = streamInfo.TargetHeight; var contentFeatureList = new ContentFeatureBuilder(_profile).BuildVideoHeader(streamInfo.Container, streamInfo.VideoCodec, streamInfo.AudioCodec, targetWidth, targetHeight, streamInfo.TargetVideoBitDepth, streamInfo.TargetVideoBitrate, streamInfo.TargetAudioChannels, streamInfo.TargetAudioBitrate, streamInfo.TargetTimestamp, streamInfo.IsDirectStream, streamInfo.RunTimeTicks, streamInfo.TargetVideoProfile, streamInfo.TargetVideoLevel, streamInfo.TargetFramerate, streamInfo.TargetPacketLength, streamInfo.TranscodeSeekInfo, streamInfo.IsTargetAnamorphic, streamInfo.TargetRefFrames); foreach (var contentFeature in contentFeatureList) { AddVideoResource(container, video, deviceId, filter, contentFeature, streamInfo); } foreach (var subtitle in streamInfo.GetExternalSubtitles(_serverAddress)) { AddSubtitleElement(container, subtitle); } } private void AddSubtitleElement(XmlElement container, SubtitleStreamInfo info) { var subtitleProfile = _profile.SubtitleProfiles .FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(info.Format, i.Format, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && i.Method == SubtitleDeliveryMethod.External); if (subtitleProfile == null) { return; } var subtitleMode = subtitleProfile.DidlMode; if (string.Equals(subtitleMode, "CaptionInfoEx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //var res = container.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("SEC", "CaptionInfoEx"); //res.InnerText = info.Url; //// TODO: attribute needs SEC: //res.SetAttribute("type", info.Format.ToLower()); //container.AppendChild(res); } else { var res = container.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(string.Empty, "res", NS_DIDL); res.InnerText = info.Url; var protocolInfo = string.Format("http-get:*:text/{0}:*", info.Format.ToLower()); res.SetAttribute("protocolInfo", protocolInfo); container.AppendChild(res); } } private void AddVideoResource(XmlElement container, IHasMediaSources video, string deviceId, Filter filter, string contentFeatures, StreamInfo streamInfo) { var res = container.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(string.Empty, "res", NS_DIDL); var url = streamInfo.ToDlnaUrl(_serverAddress); res.InnerText = url; var mediaSource = streamInfo.MediaSource; if (mediaSource.RunTimeTicks.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("duration", TimeSpan.FromTicks(mediaSource.RunTimeTicks.Value).ToString("c", _usCulture)); } if (filter.Contains("res@size")) { if (streamInfo.IsDirectStream || streamInfo.EstimateContentLength) { var size = streamInfo.TargetSize; if (size.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("size", size.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } } } var totalBitrate = streamInfo.TargetTotalBitrate; var targetSampleRate = streamInfo.TargetAudioSampleRate; var targetChannels = streamInfo.TargetAudioChannels; var targetWidth = streamInfo.TargetWidth; var targetHeight = streamInfo.TargetHeight; if (targetChannels.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("nrAudioChannels", targetChannels.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } if (filter.Contains("res@resolution")) { if (targetWidth.HasValue && targetHeight.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("resolution", string.Format("{0}x{1}", targetWidth.Value, targetHeight.Value)); } } if (targetSampleRate.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("sampleFrequency", targetSampleRate.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } if (totalBitrate.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("bitrate", totalBitrate.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } var mediaProfile = _profile.GetVideoMediaProfile(streamInfo.Container, streamInfo.AudioCodec, streamInfo.VideoCodec, streamInfo.TargetAudioBitrate, targetChannels, targetWidth, targetHeight, streamInfo.TargetVideoBitDepth, streamInfo.TargetVideoBitrate, streamInfo.TargetVideoProfile, streamInfo.TargetVideoLevel, streamInfo.TargetFramerate, streamInfo.TargetPacketLength, streamInfo.TargetTimestamp, streamInfo.IsTargetAnamorphic, streamInfo.TargetRefFrames); var filename = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf('?')); var mimeType = mediaProfile == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaProfile.MimeType) ? MimeTypes.GetMimeType(filename) : mediaProfile.MimeType; res.SetAttribute("protocolInfo", String.Format( "http-get:*:{0}:{1}", mimeType, contentFeatures )); container.AppendChild(res); } private string GetDisplayName(BaseItem item, BaseItem context) { var episode = item as Episode; var season = context as Season; if (episode != null && season != null) { // This is a special embedded within a season if (item.ParentIndexNumber.HasValue && item.ParentIndexNumber.Value == 0) { if (season.IndexNumber.HasValue && season.IndexNumber.Value != 0) { return string.Format(_localization.GetLocalizedString("ValueSpecialEpisodeName"), item.Name); } } if (item.IndexNumber.HasValue) { var number = item.IndexNumber.Value.ToString("00").ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (episode.IndexNumberEnd.HasValue) { number += "-" + episode.IndexNumberEnd.Value.ToString("00").ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return number + " - " + item.Name; } } return item.Name; } private void AddAudioResource(XmlElement container, IHasMediaSources audio, string deviceId, Filter filter, StreamInfo streamInfo = null) { var res = container.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(string.Empty, "res", NS_DIDL); if (streamInfo == null) { var sources = _user == null ? audio.GetMediaSources(true).ToList() : audio.GetMediaSources(true, _user).ToList(); streamInfo = new StreamBuilder().BuildAudioItem(new AudioOptions { ItemId = audio.Id.ToString("N"), MediaSources = sources, Profile = _profile, DeviceId = deviceId }); } var url = streamInfo.ToDlnaUrl(_serverAddress); res.InnerText = url; var mediaSource = streamInfo.MediaSource; if (mediaSource.RunTimeTicks.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("duration", TimeSpan.FromTicks(mediaSource.RunTimeTicks.Value).ToString("c", _usCulture)); } if (filter.Contains("res@size")) { if (streamInfo.IsDirectStream || streamInfo.EstimateContentLength) { var size = streamInfo.TargetSize; if (size.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("size", size.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } } } var targetAudioBitrate = streamInfo.TargetAudioBitrate; var targetSampleRate = streamInfo.TargetAudioSampleRate; var targetChannels = streamInfo.TargetAudioChannels; if (targetChannels.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("nrAudioChannels", targetChannels.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } if (targetSampleRate.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("sampleFrequency", targetSampleRate.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } if (targetAudioBitrate.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("bitrate", targetAudioBitrate.Value.ToString(_usCulture)); } var mediaProfile = _profile.GetAudioMediaProfile(streamInfo.Container, streamInfo.AudioCodec, targetChannels, targetAudioBitrate); var filename = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf('?')); var mimeType = mediaProfile == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaProfile.MimeType) ? MimeTypes.GetMimeType(filename) : mediaProfile.MimeType; var contentFeatures = new ContentFeatureBuilder(_profile).BuildAudioHeader(streamInfo.Container, streamInfo.TargetAudioCodec, targetAudioBitrate, targetSampleRate, targetChannels, streamInfo.IsDirectStream, streamInfo.RunTimeTicks, streamInfo.TranscodeSeekInfo); res.SetAttribute("protocolInfo", String.Format( "http-get:*:{0}:{1}", mimeType, contentFeatures )); container.AppendChild(res); } public static bool IsIdRoot(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) || string.Equals(id, "0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // Samsung sometimes uses 1 as root || string.Equals(id, "1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return true; } return false; } public XmlElement GetFolderElement(XmlDocument doc, BaseItem folder, int childCount, Filter filter, string requestedId = null) { var container = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "container", NS_DIDL); container.SetAttribute("restricted", "0"); container.SetAttribute("searchable", "1"); container.SetAttribute("childCount", childCount.ToString(_usCulture)); if (string.Equals(requestedId, "0")) { container.SetAttribute("id", "0"); container.SetAttribute("parentID", "-1"); } else { container.SetAttribute("id", folder.Id.ToString("N")); var parent = folder.Parent; if (parent == null) { container.SetAttribute("parentID", "0"); } else { container.SetAttribute("parentID", parent.Id.ToString("N")); } } AddCommonFields(folder, null, container, filter); AddCover(folder, container); return container; } //private void AddBookmarkInfo(BaseItem item, User user, XmlElement element) //{ // var userdata = _userDataManager.GetUserData(user.Id, item.GetUserDataKey()); // if (userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks > 0) // { // var dcmInfo = element.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("sec", "dcmInfo", NS_SEC); // dcmInfo.InnerText = string.Format("BM={0}", Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromTicks(userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks).TotalSeconds).ToString(_usCulture)); // element.AppendChild(dcmInfo); // } //} /// /// Adds fields used by both items and folders /// /// The item. /// The context. /// The element. /// The filter. private void AddCommonFields(BaseItem item, BaseItem context, XmlElement element, Filter filter) { // Don't filter on dc:title because not all devices will include it in the filter // MediaMonkey for example won't display content without a title //if (filter.Contains("dc:title")) { AddValue(element, "dc", "title", GetDisplayName(item, context), NS_DC); } element.AppendChild(CreateObjectClass(element.OwnerDocument, item)); if (filter.Contains("dc:date")) { if (item.PremiereDate.HasValue) { AddValue(element, "dc", "date", item.PremiereDate.Value.ToString("o"), NS_DC); } } if (filter.Contains("upnp:genre")) { foreach (var genre in item.Genres) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "genre", genre, NS_UPNP); } } foreach (var studio in item.Studios) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "publisher", studio, NS_UPNP); } if (filter.Contains("dc:description")) { var desc = item.Overview; var hasShortOverview = item as IHasShortOverview; if (hasShortOverview != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(hasShortOverview.ShortOverview)) { desc = hasShortOverview.ShortOverview; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desc)) { AddValue(element, "dc", "description", desc, NS_DC); } } if (filter.Contains("upnp:longDescription")) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Overview)) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "longDescription", item.Overview, NS_UPNP); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.OfficialRating)) { if (filter.Contains("dc:rating")) { AddValue(element, "dc", "rating", item.OfficialRating, NS_DC); } if (filter.Contains("upnp:rating")) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "rating", item.OfficialRating, NS_UPNP); } } AddPeople(item, element); } private XmlElement CreateObjectClass(XmlDocument result, BaseItem item) { // More types here // var objectClass = result.CreateElement("upnp", "class", NS_UPNP); if (item.IsFolder) { string classType = null; if (!_profile.RequiresPlainFolders) { if (item is MusicAlbum) { classType = "object.container.album.musicAlbum"; } else if (item is MusicArtist) { classType = "object.container.person.musicArtist"; } else if (item is Series || item is Season || item is BoxSet) { classType = "object.container.album.videoAlbum"; } else if (item is Playlist) { classType = "object.container.playlistContainer"; } else if (item is PhotoAlbum) { classType = "object.container.album.photoAlbum"; } } objectClass.InnerText = classType ?? "object.container.storageFolder"; } else if (string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Audio, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { objectClass.InnerText = "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"; } else if (string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Photo, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { objectClass.InnerText = ""; } else if (string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Video, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!_profile.RequiresPlainVideoItems && item is Movie) { objectClass.InnerText = ""; } else if (!_profile.RequiresPlainVideoItems && item is MusicVideo) { objectClass.InnerText = "object.item.videoItem.musicVideoClip"; } else { objectClass.InnerText = "object.item.videoItem"; } } else if (item is MusicGenre) { objectClass.InnerText = _profile.RequiresPlainFolders ? "object.container.storageFolder" : "object.container.genre.musicGenre"; } else if (item is Genre || item is GameGenre) { objectClass.InnerText = _profile.RequiresPlainFolders ? "object.container.storageFolder" : "object.container.genre"; } else { objectClass.InnerText = "object.item"; } return objectClass; } private void AddPeople(BaseItem item, XmlElement element) { var types = new[] { PersonType.Director, PersonType.Writer, PersonType.Producer, PersonType.Composer, "Creator" }; foreach (var actor in item.People) { var type = types.FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(i, actor.Type, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(i, actor.Role, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? PersonType.Actor; AddValue(element, "upnp", type.ToLower(), actor.Name, NS_UPNP); } } private void AddGeneralProperties(BaseItem item, BaseItem context, XmlElement element, Filter filter) { AddCommonFields(item, context, element, filter); var audio = item as Audio; if (audio != null) { foreach (var artist in audio.Artists) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "artist", artist, NS_UPNP); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audio.Album)) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "album", audio.Album, NS_UPNP); } foreach (var artist in audio.AlbumArtists) { AddAlbumArtist(element, artist); } } var album = item as MusicAlbum; if (album != null) { foreach (var artist in album.AlbumArtists) { AddAlbumArtist(element, artist); AddValue(element, "upnp", "artist", artist, NS_UPNP); } foreach (var artist in album.Artists) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "artist", artist, NS_UPNP); } } var musicVideo = item as MusicVideo; if (musicVideo != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(musicVideo.Artist)) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "artist", musicVideo.Artist, NS_UPNP); AddAlbumArtist(element, musicVideo.Artist); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(musicVideo.Album)) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "album", musicVideo.Album, NS_UPNP); } } if (item.IndexNumber.HasValue) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "originalTrackNumber", item.IndexNumber.Value.ToString(_usCulture), NS_UPNP); if (item is Episode) { AddValue(element, "upnp", "episodeNumber", item.IndexNumber.Value.ToString(_usCulture), NS_UPNP); } } } private void AddAlbumArtist(XmlElement elem, string name) { try { var newNode = elem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("upnp", "artist", NS_UPNP); newNode.InnerText = name; newNode.SetAttribute("role", "AlbumArtist"); elem.AppendChild(newNode); } catch (XmlException) { //_logger.Error("Error adding xml value: " + value); } } private void AddValue(XmlElement elem, string prefix, string name, string value, string namespaceUri) { try { var date = elem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(prefix, name, namespaceUri); date.InnerText = value; elem.AppendChild(date); } catch (XmlException) { //_logger.Error("Error adding xml value: " + value); } } private void AddCover(BaseItem item, XmlElement element) { var imageInfo = GetImageInfo(item); if (imageInfo == null) { return; } var result = element.OwnerDocument; var playbackPercentage = 0; if (item is Video) { var userData = _userDataManager.GetUserDataDto(item, _user); playbackPercentage = Convert.ToInt32(userData.PlayedPercentage ?? 0); if (playbackPercentage >= 100) { playbackPercentage = 0; } } var albumartUrlInfo = GetImageUrl(imageInfo, _profile.MaxAlbumArtWidth, _profile.MaxAlbumArtHeight, playbackPercentage, "jpg"); var icon = result.CreateElement("upnp", "albumArtURI", NS_UPNP); var profile = result.CreateAttribute("dlna", "profileID", NS_DLNA); profile.InnerText = _profile.AlbumArtPn; icon.SetAttributeNode(profile); icon.InnerText = albumartUrlInfo.Url; element.AppendChild(icon); // TOOD: Remove these default values var iconUrlInfo = GetImageUrl(imageInfo, _profile.MaxIconWidth ?? 48, _profile.MaxIconHeight ?? 48, playbackPercentage, "jpg"); icon = result.CreateElement("upnp", "icon", NS_UPNP); icon.InnerText = iconUrlInfo.Url; element.AppendChild(icon); if (!_profile.EnableAlbumArtInDidl) { if (!string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Photo, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !string.Equals(item.MediaType, MediaType.Video, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!item.IsFolder) { return; } } } AddImageResElement(item, element, 4096, 4096, playbackPercentage, "jpg", "JPEG_LRG"); AddImageResElement(item, element, 4096, 4096, playbackPercentage, "png", "PNG_LRG"); AddImageResElement(item, element, 1024, 768, playbackPercentage, "jpg", "JPEG_MED"); AddImageResElement(item, element, 640, 480, playbackPercentage, "jpg", "JPEG_SM"); AddImageResElement(item, element, 160, 160, playbackPercentage, "jpg", "JPEG_TN"); AddImageResElement(item, element, 160, 160, playbackPercentage, "png", "PNG_TN"); } private void AddImageResElement(BaseItem item, XmlElement element, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int playbackPercentage, string format, string org_Pn) { var imageInfo = GetImageInfo(item); if (imageInfo == null) { return; } var result = element.OwnerDocument; var albumartUrlInfo = GetImageUrl(imageInfo, maxWidth, maxHeight, playbackPercentage, format); var res = result.CreateElement(string.Empty, "res", NS_DIDL); res.InnerText = albumartUrlInfo.Url; var width = albumartUrlInfo.Width; var height = albumartUrlInfo.Height; var contentFeatures = new ContentFeatureBuilder(_profile) .BuildImageHeader(format, width, height, imageInfo.IsDirectStream, org_Pn); res.SetAttribute("protocolInfo", String.Format( "http-get:*:{0}:{1}", MimeTypes.GetMimeType("file." + format), contentFeatures )); if (width.HasValue && height.HasValue) { res.SetAttribute("resolution", string.Format("{0}x{1}", width.Value, height.Value)); } element.AppendChild(res); } private ImageDownloadInfo GetImageInfo(BaseItem item) { if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)) { return GetImageInfo(item, ImageType.Primary); } if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Thumb)) { return GetImageInfo(item, ImageType.Thumb); } if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Backdrop)) { if (item is Channel) { return GetImageInfo(item, ImageType.Backdrop); } } if (item is Audio || item is Episode) { item = item.Parents.FirstOrDefault(i => i.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)); if (item != null) { return GetImageInfo(item, ImageType.Primary); } } return null; } private ImageDownloadInfo GetImageInfo(BaseItem item, ImageType type) { var imageInfo = item.GetImageInfo(type, 0); string tag = null; try { tag = _imageProcessor.GetImageCacheTag(item, type); } catch { } int? width = null; int? height = null; try { var size = _imageProcessor.GetImageSize(imageInfo.Path, imageInfo.DateModified); width = Convert.ToInt32(size.Width); height = Convert.ToInt32(size.Height); } catch { } return new ImageDownloadInfo { ItemId = item.Id.ToString("N"), Type = type, ImageTag = tag, Width = width, Height = height, File = imageInfo.Path, ItemImageInfo = imageInfo }; } class ImageDownloadInfo { internal string ItemId; internal string ImageTag; internal ImageType Type; internal int? Width; internal int? Height; internal bool IsDirectStream; internal string File; internal ItemImageInfo ItemImageInfo; } class ImageUrlInfo { internal string Url; internal int? Width; internal int? Height; } private ImageUrlInfo GetImageUrl(ImageDownloadInfo info, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int playbackPercentage, string format) { var url = string.Format("{0}/Items/{1}/Images/{2}/0/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}/{7}", _serverAddress, info.ItemId, info.Type, info.ImageTag, format, maxWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), maxHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), playbackPercentage.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ); var width = info.Width; var height = info.Height; info.IsDirectStream = false; if (width.HasValue && height.HasValue) { var newSize = DrawingUtils.Resize(new ImageSize { Height = height.Value, Width = width.Value }, null, null, maxWidth, maxHeight); width = Convert.ToInt32(newSize.Width); height = Convert.ToInt32(newSize.Height); var inputFormat = (Path.GetExtension(info.File) ?? string.Empty) .TrimStart('.') .Replace("jpeg", "jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var normalizedFormat = format .Replace("jpeg", "jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (string.Equals(inputFormat, normalizedFormat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { info.IsDirectStream = maxWidth >= width.Value && maxHeight >= height.Value; } } return new ImageUrlInfo { Url = url, Width = width, Height = height }; } } }