using System; using System.Collections; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Security { public class PFXGenerator { // public static byte[] GeneratePfx(string certificateName, string password) { byte[] sn = GenerateSerialNumber(); string subject = string.Format("CN={0}", certificateName); DateTime notBefore = DateTime.Now; DateTime notAfter = DateTime.Now.AddYears(20); RSA subjectKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048); string hashName = "SHA256"; X509CertificateBuilder cb = new X509CertificateBuilder(3); cb.SerialNumber = sn; cb.IssuerName = subject; cb.NotBefore = notBefore; cb.NotAfter = notAfter; cb.SubjectName = subject; cb.SubjectPublicKey = subjectKey; cb.Hash = hashName; byte[] rawcert = cb.Sign(subjectKey); PKCS12 p12 = new PKCS12(); p12.Password = password; Hashtable attributes = GetAttributes(); p12.AddCertificate(new X509Certificate(rawcert), attributes); p12.AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag(subjectKey, attributes); return p12.GetBytes(); } private static Hashtable GetAttributes() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // we use a fixed array to avoid endianess issues // (in case some tools requires the ID to be 1). list.Add(new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }); Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable(1); attributes.Add(PKCS9.localKeyId, list); return attributes; } private static byte[] GenerateSerialNumber() { byte[] sn = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); //must be positive if ((sn[0] & 0x80) == 0x80) sn[0] -= 0x80; return sn; } public static byte[] GetCertificateForBytes(byte[] pfx, string password) { var pkcs = new PKCS12(pfx, password); var cert = pkcs.GetCertificate(GetAttributes()); return cert.RawData; } } }