var AddPluginPage = {
onPageShow: function () {
var page = this;
var name = getParameterByName('name');
var promise1 = ApiClient.getPackageInfo(name);
var promise2 = ApiClient.getInstalledPlugins();
var promise3 = ApiClient.getPluginSecurityInfo();
$.when(promise1, promise2, promise3).done(function (response1, response2, response3) {
AddPluginPage.renderPackage(response1[0], response2[0], response3[0], page);
renderPackage: function (pkg, installedPlugins, pluginSecurityInfo, page) {
var installedPlugin = installedPlugins.filter(function (ip) {
return ip.Name ==;
AddPluginPage.populateVersions(pkg, page, installedPlugin);
if (pkg.shortDescription) {
$('#tagline', page).show().html(pkg.shortDescription);
} else {
$('#tagline', page).hide();
$('#overview', page).html(pkg.overview || "");
$('#developer', page).html(pkg.owner);
if (pkg.isPremium) {
$('.premiumPackage', page).show();
// Fill in registration info
var regStatus = "";
if (pkg.isRegistered) {
regStatus += "You are currently registered for this feature";
} else {
if (new Date(pkg.expDate).getTime() < new Date(1970, 1, 1).getTime()) {
regStatus += "This feature has no registration information";
} else {
if (new Date(pkg.expDate).getTime() <= new Date().getTime()) {
regStatus += "The trial period for this feature has expired";
} else {
regStatus += "The trial period for this feature will expire in " + Math.round((new Date(pkg.expDate).getTime() - new Date().getTime()) / (86400000)) + " day(s)";
regStatus += "";
$('#regStatus', page).html(regStatus);
if (pluginSecurityInfo.IsMBSupporter) {
$('#regInfo', page).html(pkg.regInfo || "");
if (pkg.price > 0) {
// Fill in PayPal info
$('premiumHasPrice', page).show();
$('#featureId', page).val(pkg.featureId);
$('#featureName', page).val(;
$('#amount', page).val(pkg.price);
$('#regPrice', page).html("
$('#ppButton', page).hide();
} else {
$('.premiumPackage', page).hide();
if (pkg.richDescUrl) {
$('#pViewWebsite', page).show();
$('#pViewWebsite a', page)[0].href = pkg.richDescUrl;
} else {
$('#pViewWebsite', page).hide();
if (pkg.previewImage) {
var color = pkg.tileColor || "#2572EB";
var img = pkg.previewImage ? pkg.previewImage : pkg.thumbImage;
$('#pPreviewImage', page).show().html("");
} else {
$('#pPreviewImage', page).hide().html("");
if (installedPlugin) {
$('#pCurrentVersion', page).show().html("You currently have version " + installedPlugin.Version + " installed.");
} else {
$('#pCurrentVersion', page).hide().html("");
populateVersions: function (packageInfo, page, installedPlugin) {
var html = '';
for (var i = 0, length = packageInfo.versions.length; i < length; i++) {
var version = packageInfo.versions[i];
html += '';
var selectmenu = $('#selectVersion', page).html(html);
var packageVersion;
if (installedPlugin) {
// Select the first available package with the same update class as the installed version
packageVersion = packageInfo.versions.filter(function (current) {
return current.classification == installedPlugin.UpdateClass;
} else {
$('#pCurrentVersion', page).hide().html("");
// If we don't have a package version to select, pick the first release build
if (!packageVersion) {
// Select the first available package with the same update class as the installed version
packageVersion = packageInfo.versions.filter(function (current) {
return current.classification == "Release";
// If we still don't have a package version to select, pick the first Beta build
if (!packageVersion) {
// Select the first available package with the same update class as the installed version
packageVersion = packageInfo.versions.filter(function (current) {
return current.classification == "Beta";
if (packageVersion) {
var val = packageVersion.versionStr + '|' + packageVersion.classification;
$('#selectVersion', page).val(val);
populateHistory: function (packageInfo) {
var html = '';
for (var i = 0, length = Math.min(packageInfo.versions.length, 10) ; i < length; i++) {
var version = packageInfo.versions[i];
html += '
$('#revisionHistory', $.mobile.activePage).html(html);
onSubmit: function () {
$('#btnInstall', $.mobile.activePage).button('disable');
var name = getParameterByName('name');
ApiClient.getInstalledPlugins().done(function (plugins) {
var installedPlugin = plugins.filter(function (ip) {
return ip.Name == name;
var vals = $('#selectVersion', $.mobile.activePage).val().split('|');
var version = vals[0];
if (installedPlugin && installedPlugin.Version == version) {
Dashboard.confirm("Are you sure you wish to reinstall the same version you already have? In most cases this will not have any effect.", "Plugin Reinstallation", function (confirmResult) {
if (confirmResult) {
AddPluginPage.performInstallation(name, vals[1], version);
} else {
$('#btnInstall', $.mobile.activePage).button('enable');
} else {
AddPluginPage.performInstallation(name, vals[1], version);
return false;
performInstallation: function (packageName, updateClass, version) {
ApiClient.installPlugin(packageName, updateClass, version).done(function () {
$(document).on('pageshow', "#addPluginPage", AddPluginPage.onPageShow);