List of available server XML-RPC methods. ========================================================== Legends: * OK: this method is fully implemented, tested and works fine. * TODO: this method is in the plan to be added. * NOT TESTED: this method added and expected to work fine but never tested. * NOT WORK (x): this method added but not work. x= Description of the error. -------------------------------------------- Method name | Status -------------------------|------------------ LogIn | OK LogOut | OK NoOperation | OK SearchSubtitles | OK DownloadSubtitles | OK SearchToMail | OK TryUploadSubtitles | OK UploadSubtitles | OK SearchMoviesOnIMDB | OK GetIMDBMovieDetails | OK InsertMovie | OK InsertMovieHash | OK ServerInfo | OK ReportWrongMovieHash | OK ReportWrongImdbMovie | OK SubtitlesVote | OK AddComment | OK AddRequest | OK GetComments | OK GetSubLanguages | OK DetectLanguage | OK GetAvailableTranslations | OK GetTranslation | NOT WORK (Returns status of error 410 'Other or unknown error') AutoUpdate | NOT WORK (Returns status: 'parse error. not well formed') CheckMovieHash | OK CheckMovieHash2 | OK CheckSubHash | OK --------------------------------------------