using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MediaBrowser.UI.Playback
/// Class PlayOptions
public class PlayOptions
/// Gets or sets the items.
/// The items.
public List Items { get; set; }
/// If true, the PlayableItems will be shuffled before playback
/// true if shuffle; otherwise, false.
public bool Shuffle { get; set; }
/// If true, Playback will be resumed from the last known position
/// true if resume; otherwise, false.
public bool Resume { get; set; }
private long? _startPositionTicks;
/// Gets or sets the start position ticks.
/// The start position ticks.
public long StartPositionTicks
if (_startPositionTicks.HasValue)
return _startPositionTicks.Value;
if (Resume && Items.Count > 0)
var item = Items[0];
if (item.UserData != null)
return item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks;
return 0;
_startPositionTicks = value;
/// Holds the time that playback was started
/// The playback start time.
public DateTime PlaybackStartTime { get; private set; }
/// The _show now playing view
private bool _showNowPlayingView = true;
/// Determines whether or not the PlaybackController should show the now playing view during playback
/// Note that this depends on PlaybackController implementation and support
/// true if [show now playing view]; otherwise, false.
public bool ShowNowPlayingView { get { return _showNowPlayingView; } set { _showNowPlayingView = value; } }
/// The _go full screen
private bool _goFullScreen = true;
/// Determines whether or not the PlaybackController should go full screen upon beginning playback
/// true if [go full screen]; otherwise, false.
public bool GoFullScreen { get { return _goFullScreen; } set { _goFullScreen = value; } }