using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.Net; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; namespace MediaBrowser.UI.ViewModels { /// /// Class ChapterInfoDtoViewModel /// public class ChapterInfoDtoViewModel : BaseViewModel { /// /// Gets or sets the image download options. /// /// The image download options. public ImageOptions ImageDownloadOptions { get; set; } /// /// The _image width /// private double _imageWidth; /// /// Gets or sets the width of the image. /// /// The width of the image. public double ImageWidth { get { return _imageWidth; } set { _imageWidth = value; OnPropertyChanged("ImageWidth"); } } /// /// The _image height /// private double _imageHeight; /// /// Gets or sets the height of the image. /// /// The height of the image. public double ImageHeight { get { return _imageHeight; } set { _imageHeight = value; OnPropertyChanged("ImageHeight"); } } /// /// The _item /// private ChapterInfoDto _chapter; /// /// Gets or sets the item. /// /// The item. public ChapterInfoDto Chapter { get { return _chapter; } set { _chapter = value; OnPropertyChanged("Chapter"); OnPropertyChanged("TimeString"); OnChapterChanged(); } } /// /// The _item /// private BaseItemDto _item; /// /// Gets or sets the item. /// /// The item. public BaseItemDto Item { get { return _item; } set { _item = value; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } /// /// Gets the time string. /// /// The time string. public string TimeString { get { var time = TimeSpan.FromTicks(Chapter.StartPositionTicks); return time.ToString(time.TotalHours < 1 ? "m':'ss" : "h':'mm':'ss"); } } /// /// The _image /// private BitmapImage _image; /// /// Gets the image. /// /// The image. public BitmapImage Image { get { return _image; } set { _image = value; OnPropertyChanged("Image"); } } /// /// Called when [item changed]. /// private async void OnChapterChanged() { var options = ImageDownloadOptions ?? new ImageOptions { }; options.ImageType = ImageType.ChapterImage; options.ImageIndex = Item.Chapters.IndexOf(Chapter); try { Image = await App.Instance.GetRemoteBitmapAsync(App.Instance.ApiClient.GetImageUrl(Item, options)); } catch (HttpException) { } } /// /// Gets the height of the chapter image. /// /// The item. /// The height. /// The default width. /// System.Double. public static double GetChapterImageWidth(BaseItemDto item, double height, double defaultWidth) { var width = defaultWidth; if (item.MediaStreams != null) { var videoStream = item.MediaStreams.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Type == MediaStreamType.Video); if (videoStream != null) { double streamHeight = videoStream.Height ?? 0; double streamWidth = videoStream.Width ?? 0; if (streamHeight > 0 && streamWidth > 0) { var aspectRatio = streamWidth / streamHeight; width = height * aspectRatio; } } } return width; } } }