using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.UI.Pages;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
namespace MediaBrowser.UI.ViewModels
/// Class DtoBaseItemViewModel
public class DtoBaseItemViewModel : BaseViewModel
/// The _average primary image aspect ratio
private double _averagePrimaryImageAspectRatio;
/// Gets the aspect ratio that should be used if displaying the primary image
/// The average primary image aspect ratio.
public double AveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio
get { return _averagePrimaryImageAspectRatio; }
_averagePrimaryImageAspectRatio = value;
/// The _parent display preferences
private DisplayPreferences _parentDisplayPreferences;
/// Gets of sets the current DisplayPreferences
/// The parent display preferences.
public DisplayPreferences ParentDisplayPreferences
get { return _parentDisplayPreferences; }
_parentDisplayPreferences = value;
/// The _item
private BaseItemDto _item;
/// Gets or sets the item.
/// The item.
public BaseItemDto Item
get { return _item; }
_item = value;
/// Notifies the display preferences changed.
public void NotifyDisplayPreferencesChanged()
/// Gets an image url that can be used to download an image from the api
/// The type of image requested
/// The image index, if there are multiple. Currently only applies to backdrops. Supply null or 0 for first backdrop.
/// System.String.
public string GetImageUrl(ImageType imageType, int? imageIndex = null)
var height = ParentDisplayPreferences.PrimaryImageHeight;
var averageAspectRatio = BaseFolderPage.GetAspectRatio(imageType, AveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio);
var width = height * averageAspectRatio;
var imageOptions = new ImageOptions
ImageType = imageType,
ImageIndex = imageIndex,
Height = height
if (imageType == ImageType.Primary)
var currentAspectRatio = imageType == ImageType.Primary ? Item.PrimaryImageAspectRatio ?? width / height : width / height;
// Preserve the exact AR if it deviates from the average significantly
var preserveExactAspectRatio = Math.Abs(currentAspectRatio - averageAspectRatio) > .10;
if (!preserveExactAspectRatio)
imageOptions.Width = Convert.ToInt32(width);
return App.Instance.ApiClient.GetImageUrl(Item, imageOptions);
/// Gets the average primary image aspect ratio.
/// The items.
/// System.Double.
/// items
public static double GetAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(IEnumerable items)
if (items == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
double total = 0;
var count = 0;
foreach (var child in items)
var ratio = child.PrimaryImageAspectRatio ?? 0;
if (ratio.Equals(0))
total += ratio;
return count == 0 ? 1 : total / count;
/// Gets the observable items.
/// The items.
/// ObservableCollection{DtoBaseItemViewModel}.
public static ObservableCollection GetObservableItems(BaseItemDto[] items)
return GetObservableItems(items, GetAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(items));
/// Gets the observable items.
/// The items.
/// The average primary image aspect ratio.
/// The parent display preferences.
/// ObservableCollection{DtoBaseItemViewModel}.
/// items
public static ObservableCollection GetObservableItems(IEnumerable items, double averagePrimaryImageAspectRatio, DisplayPreferences parentDisplayPreferences = null)
if (items == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
return new ObservableCollection(items.Select(i => new DtoBaseItemViewModel
Item = i,
ParentDisplayPreferences = parentDisplayPreferences,
AveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio = averagePrimaryImageAspectRatio