// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; namespace SharpCifs.Smb { internal static class SmbConstants { public static readonly int DefaultPort = 445; public static readonly int DefaultMaxMpxCount = 10; public static readonly int DefaultResponseTimeout = 30000; public static readonly int DefaultSoTimeout = 35000; public static readonly int DefaultRcvBufSize = 60416; public static readonly int DefaultSndBufSize = 16644; public static readonly int DefaultSsnLimit = 250; public static readonly int DefaultConnTimeout = 35000; public static readonly IPAddress Laddr = Config.GetLocalHost(); public static readonly int Lport = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.lport", 0); public static readonly int MaxMpxCount = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.maxMpxCount", DefaultMaxMpxCount ); public static readonly int SndBufSize = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.snd_buf_size", DefaultSndBufSize ); public static readonly int RcvBufSize = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.rcv_buf_size", DefaultRcvBufSize ); public static readonly bool UseUnicode = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useUnicode", true); public static readonly bool ForceUnicode = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useUnicode" , false); public static readonly bool UseNtstatus = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useNtStatus" , true); public static readonly bool Signpref = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.signingPreferred" , false); public static readonly bool UseNtsmbs = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useNTSmbs", true ); public static readonly bool UseExtsec = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useExtendedSecurity" , true); public static readonly string NetbiosHostname = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.netbios.hostname" , null); public static readonly int LmCompatibility = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.lmCompatibility", 3); public static readonly int FlagsNone = unchecked(0x00); public static readonly int FlagsLockAndReadWriteAndUnlock = unchecked(0x01); public static readonly int FlagsReceiveBufferPosted = unchecked(0x02); public static readonly int FlagsPathNamesCaseless = unchecked(0x08); public static readonly int FlagsPathNamesCanonicalized = unchecked(0x10); public static readonly int FlagsOplockRequestedOrGranted = unchecked(0x20); public static readonly int FlagsNotifyOfModifyAction = unchecked(0x40); public static readonly int FlagsResponse = unchecked(0x80); public static readonly int Flags2None = unchecked(0x0000); public static readonly int Flags2LongFilenames = unchecked(0x0001); public static readonly int Flags2ExtendedAttributes = unchecked(0x0002); public static readonly int Flags2SecuritySignatures = unchecked(0x0004); public static readonly int Flags2ExtendedSecurityNegotiation = unchecked(0x0800); public static readonly int Flags2ResolvePathsInDfs = unchecked(0x1000); public static readonly int Flags2PermitReadIfExecutePerm = unchecked(0x2000); public static readonly int Flags2Status32 = unchecked(0x4000); public static readonly int Flags2Unicode = unchecked(0x8000); public static readonly int CapNone = unchecked(0x0000); public static readonly int CapRawMode = unchecked(0x0001); public static readonly int CapMpxMode = unchecked(0x0002); public static readonly int CapUnicode = unchecked(0x0004); public static readonly int CapLargeFiles = unchecked(0x0008); public static readonly int CapNtSmbs = unchecked(0x0010); public static readonly int CapRpcRemoteApis = unchecked(0x0020); public static readonly int CapStatus32 = unchecked(0x0040); public static readonly int CapLevelIiOplocks = unchecked(0x0080); public static readonly int CapLockAndRead = unchecked(0x0100); public static readonly int CapNtFind = unchecked(0x0200); public static readonly int CapDfs = unchecked(0x1000); public static readonly int CapExtendedSecurity = unchecked((int)(0x80000000)); public static readonly int AttrReadonly = unchecked(0x01); public static readonly int AttrHidden = unchecked(0x02); public static readonly int AttrSystem = unchecked(0x04); public static readonly int AttrVolume = unchecked(0x08); public static readonly int AttrDirectory = unchecked(0x10); public static readonly int AttrArchive = unchecked(0x20); public static readonly int AttrCompressed = unchecked(0x800); public static readonly int AttrNormal = unchecked(0x080); public static readonly int AttrTemporary = unchecked(0x100); public static readonly int FileReadData = unchecked(0x00000001); public static readonly int FileWriteData = unchecked(0x00000002); public static readonly int FileAppendData = unchecked(0x00000004); public static readonly int FileReadEa = unchecked(0x00000008); public static readonly int FileWriteEa = unchecked(0x00000010); public static readonly int FileExecute = unchecked(0x00000020); public static readonly int FileDelete = unchecked(0x00000040); public static readonly int FileReadAttributes = unchecked(0x00000080); public static readonly int FileWriteAttributes = unchecked(0x00000100); public static readonly int Delete = unchecked(0x00010000); public static readonly int ReadControl = unchecked(0x00020000); public static readonly int WriteDac = unchecked(0x00040000); public static readonly int WriteOwner = unchecked(0x00080000); public static readonly int Synchronize = unchecked(0x00100000); public static readonly int GenericAll = unchecked(0x10000000); public static readonly int GenericExecute = unchecked(0x20000000); public static readonly int GenericWrite = unchecked(0x40000000); public static readonly int GenericRead = unchecked((int)(0x80000000)); public static readonly int FlagsTargetMustBeFile = unchecked(0x0001); public static readonly int FlagsTargetMustBeDirectory = unchecked(0x0002); public static readonly int FlagsCopyTargetModeAscii = unchecked(0x0004); public static readonly int FlagsCopySourceModeAscii = unchecked(0x0008); public static readonly int FlagsVerifyAllWrites = unchecked(0x0010); public static readonly int FlagsTreeCopy = unchecked(0x0020); public static readonly int OpenFunctionFailIfExists = unchecked(0x0000); public static readonly int OpenFunctionOverwriteIfExists = unchecked(0x0020); public static readonly int Pid = (int)(new Random().NextDouble() * 65536d); public static readonly int SecurityShare = unchecked(0x00); public static readonly int SecurityUser = unchecked(0x01); public static readonly int CmdOffset = 4; public static readonly int ErrorCodeOffset = 5; public static readonly int FlagsOffset = 9; public static readonly int SignatureOffset = 14; public static readonly int TidOffset = 24; public static readonly int HeaderLength = 32; public static readonly long MillisecondsBetween1970And1601 = 11644473600000L; public static readonly TimeZoneInfo Tz = TimeZoneInfo.Local; public static readonly bool UseBatching = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.useBatching" , true); public static readonly string OemEncoding = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.encoding", Config.DefaultOemEncoding ); public static readonly string UniEncoding = "UTF-16LE"; public static readonly int DefaultFlags2 = Flags2LongFilenames | Flags2ExtendedAttributes | (UseExtsec ? Flags2ExtendedSecurityNegotiation : 0) | (Signpref ? Flags2SecuritySignatures : 0) | (UseNtstatus ? Flags2Status32 : 0) | (UseUnicode ? Flags2Unicode : 0 ); public static readonly int DefaultCapabilities = (UseNtsmbs ? CapNtSmbs : 0) | (UseNtstatus ? CapStatus32 : 0) | (UseUnicode ? CapUnicode : 0) | CapDfs; public static readonly int Flags2 = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.flags2", DefaultFlags2 ); public static readonly int Capabilities = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.capabilities", DefaultCapabilities ); public static readonly bool TcpNodelay = Config.GetBoolean("jcifs.smb.client.tcpNoDelay", false); public static readonly int ResponseTimeout = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.responseTimeout" , DefaultResponseTimeout); public static readonly List Connections = new List(); public static readonly int SsnLimit = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.ssnLimit", DefaultSsnLimit ); public static readonly int SoTimeout = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout", DefaultSoTimeout ); public static readonly int ConnTimeout = Config.GetInt("jcifs.smb.client.connTimeout", DefaultConnTimeout ); public static readonly string NativeOs = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.smb.client.nativeOs", Runtime .GetProperty("os.name")); public static readonly string NativeLanman = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.smb.client.nativeLanMan" , "jCIFS"); public static readonly int VcNumber = 1; public static SmbTransport NullTransport = new SmbTransport(null, 0, null, 0); // file attribute encoding // extended file attribute encoding(others same as above) // access mask encoding // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // flags for move and copy // open function } }