using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Jellyfin.Api.Attributes;
using Jellyfin.Api.Helpers;
using Jellyfin.Api.Models.StreamingDtos;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Streaming;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace Jellyfin.Api.Controllers;
/// The audio controller.
public class AudioController : BaseJellyfinApiController
private readonly AudioHelper _audioHelper;
private readonly TranscodingJobType _transcodingJobType = TranscodingJobType.Progressive;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Instance of .
public AudioController(AudioHelper audioHelper)
_audioHelper = audioHelper;
/// Gets an audio stream.
/// The item id.
/// The audio container.
/// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
/// The streaming parameters.
/// The tag.
/// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
/// The play session id.
/// The segment container.
/// The segment length.
/// The minimum number of segments.
/// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
/// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
/// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
/// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
/// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
/// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
/// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
/// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
/// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
/// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
/// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
/// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
/// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
/// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
/// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
/// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
/// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
/// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
/// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
/// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
/// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
/// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
/// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
/// Optional.
/// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
/// Optional. Whether to require avc.
/// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
/// Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream.
/// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
/// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
/// The live stream id.
/// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
/// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vp8, vp9, vpx (deprecated), wmv.
/// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
/// Optional. The transcoding reason.
/// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
/// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
/// Optional. The .
/// Optional. The streaming options.
/// Optional. Whether to enable Audio Encoding.
/// Audio stream returned.
/// A containing the audio file.
[HttpGet("{itemId}/stream", Name = "GetAudioStream")]
[HttpHead("{itemId}/stream", Name = "HeadAudioStream")]
public async Task GetAudioStream(
[FromRoute, Required] Guid itemId,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? container,
[FromQuery] bool? @static,
[FromQuery] string? @params,
[FromQuery] string? tag,
[FromQuery, ParameterObsolete] string? deviceProfileId,
[FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? segmentContainer,
[FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
[FromQuery] int? minSegments,
[FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
[FromQuery] string? deviceId,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? audioCodec,
[FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
[FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
[FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
[FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
[FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
[FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
[FromQuery] string? profile,
[FromQuery] string? level,
[FromQuery] float? framerate,
[FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
[FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
[FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
[FromQuery] int? width,
[FromQuery] int? height,
[FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
[FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod? subtitleMethod,
[FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
[FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
[FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
[FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
[FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
[FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
[FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
[FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
[FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? videoCodec,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? subtitleCodec,
[FromQuery] string? transcodeReasons,
[FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] EncodingContext? context,
[FromQuery] Dictionary? streamOptions,
[FromQuery] bool enableAudioVbrEncoding = true)
StreamingRequestDto streamingRequest = new StreamingRequestDto
Id = itemId,
Container = container,
Static = @static ?? false,
Params = @params,
Tag = tag,
PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
SegmentLength = segmentLength,
MinSegments = minSegments,
MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
DeviceId = deviceId,
AudioCodec = audioCodec,
EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
AudioChannels = audioChannels,
Profile = profile,
Level = level,
Framerate = framerate,
MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? false,
StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
Width = width,
Height = height,
VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod ?? SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Encode,
MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? false,
DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? false,
RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? false,
TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? false,
VideoCodec = videoCodec,
SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
TranscodeReasons = transcodeReasons,
AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
Context = context ?? EncodingContext.Static,
StreamOptions = streamOptions,
EnableAudioVbrEncoding = enableAudioVbrEncoding
return await _audioHelper.GetAudioStream(_transcodingJobType, streamingRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// Gets an audio stream.
/// The item id.
/// The audio container.
/// Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false.
/// The streaming parameters.
/// The tag.
/// Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize.
/// The play session id.
/// The segment container.
/// The segment length.
/// The minimum number of segments.
/// The media version id, if playing an alternate version.
/// The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed.
/// Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma.
/// Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true.
/// Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url.
/// Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url.
/// Optional. Whether to break on non key frames.
/// Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100.
/// Optional. The maximum audio bit depth.
/// Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
/// Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
/// Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2.
/// Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high.
/// Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1.
/// Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
/// Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements.
/// Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false.
/// Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms.
/// Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video.
/// Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video.
/// Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults.
/// Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used.
/// Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method.
/// Optional.
/// Optional. The maximum video bit depth.
/// Optional. Whether to require avc.
/// Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video.
/// Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream.
/// Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode.
/// Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use.
/// The live stream id.
/// Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode.
/// Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vp8, vp9, vpx (deprecated), wmv.
/// Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to.
/// Optional. The transcoding reason.
/// Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used.
/// Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used.
/// Optional. The .
/// Optional. The streaming options.
/// Optional. Whether to enable Audio Encoding.
/// Audio stream returned.
/// A containing the audio file.
[HttpGet("{itemId}/stream.{container}", Name = "GetAudioStreamByContainer")]
[HttpHead("{itemId}/stream.{container}", Name = "HeadAudioStreamByContainer")]
public async Task GetAudioStreamByContainer(
[FromRoute, Required] Guid itemId,
[FromRoute, Required] string container,
[FromQuery] bool? @static,
[FromQuery] string? @params,
[FromQuery] string? tag,
[FromQuery, ParameterObsolete] string? deviceProfileId,
[FromQuery] string? playSessionId,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? segmentContainer,
[FromQuery] int? segmentLength,
[FromQuery] int? minSegments,
[FromQuery] string? mediaSourceId,
[FromQuery] string? deviceId,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? audioCodec,
[FromQuery] bool? enableAutoStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? allowVideoStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? allowAudioStreamCopy,
[FromQuery] bool? breakOnNonKeyFrames,
[FromQuery] int? audioSampleRate,
[FromQuery] int? maxAudioBitDepth,
[FromQuery] int? audioBitRate,
[FromQuery] int? audioChannels,
[FromQuery] int? maxAudioChannels,
[FromQuery] string? profile,
[FromQuery] string? level,
[FromQuery] float? framerate,
[FromQuery] float? maxFramerate,
[FromQuery] bool? copyTimestamps,
[FromQuery] long? startTimeTicks,
[FromQuery] int? width,
[FromQuery] int? height,
[FromQuery] int? videoBitRate,
[FromQuery] int? subtitleStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] SubtitleDeliveryMethod? subtitleMethod,
[FromQuery] int? maxRefFrames,
[FromQuery] int? maxVideoBitDepth,
[FromQuery] bool? requireAvc,
[FromQuery] bool? deInterlace,
[FromQuery] bool? requireNonAnamorphic,
[FromQuery] int? transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
[FromQuery] int? cpuCoreLimit,
[FromQuery] string? liveStreamId,
[FromQuery] bool? enableMpegtsM2TsMode,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? videoCodec,
[FromQuery] [RegularExpression(EncodingHelper.ValidationRegex)] string? subtitleCodec,
[FromQuery] string? transcodeReasons,
[FromQuery] int? audioStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] int? videoStreamIndex,
[FromQuery] EncodingContext? context,
[FromQuery] Dictionary? streamOptions,
[FromQuery] bool? enableAudioVbrEncoding)
StreamingRequestDto streamingRequest = new StreamingRequestDto
Id = itemId,
Container = container,
Static = @static ?? false,
Params = @params,
Tag = tag,
PlaySessionId = playSessionId,
SegmentContainer = segmentContainer,
SegmentLength = segmentLength,
MinSegments = minSegments,
MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId,
DeviceId = deviceId,
AudioCodec = audioCodec,
EnableAutoStreamCopy = enableAutoStreamCopy ?? true,
AllowAudioStreamCopy = allowAudioStreamCopy ?? true,
AllowVideoStreamCopy = allowVideoStreamCopy ?? true,
BreakOnNonKeyFrames = breakOnNonKeyFrames ?? false,
AudioSampleRate = audioSampleRate,
MaxAudioChannels = maxAudioChannels,
AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
MaxAudioBitDepth = maxAudioBitDepth,
AudioChannels = audioChannels,
Profile = profile,
Level = level,
Framerate = framerate,
MaxFramerate = maxFramerate,
CopyTimestamps = copyTimestamps ?? false,
StartTimeTicks = startTimeTicks,
Width = width,
Height = height,
VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
SubtitleStreamIndex = subtitleStreamIndex,
SubtitleMethod = subtitleMethod ?? SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Encode,
MaxRefFrames = maxRefFrames,
MaxVideoBitDepth = maxVideoBitDepth,
RequireAvc = requireAvc ?? false,
DeInterlace = deInterlace ?? false,
RequireNonAnamorphic = requireNonAnamorphic ?? false,
TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels,
CpuCoreLimit = cpuCoreLimit,
LiveStreamId = liveStreamId,
EnableMpegtsM2TsMode = enableMpegtsM2TsMode ?? false,
VideoCodec = videoCodec,
SubtitleCodec = subtitleCodec,
TranscodeReasons = transcodeReasons,
AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex,
VideoStreamIndex = videoStreamIndex,
Context = context ?? EncodingContext.Static,
StreamOptions = streamOptions,
EnableAudioVbrEncoding = enableAudioVbrEncoding ?? true
return await _audioHelper.GetAudioStream(_transcodingJobType, streamingRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);