using MediaBrowser.Controller.IO;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using CommonIO;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities
/// Specialized folder that can have items added to it's children by external entities.
/// Used for our RootFolder so plug-ins can add items.
public class AggregateFolder : Folder
public AggregateFolder()
PhysicalLocationsList = new List();
/// We don't support manual shortcuts
protected override bool SupportsShortcutChildren
return false;
public override bool CanDelete()
return false;
/// The _virtual children
private readonly ConcurrentBag _virtualChildren = new ConcurrentBag();
/// Gets the virtual children.
/// The virtual children.
public ConcurrentBag VirtualChildren
get { return _virtualChildren; }
public override IEnumerable PhysicalLocations
return PhysicalLocationsList;
public List PhysicalLocationsList { get; set; }
protected override IEnumerable GetFileSystemChildren(IDirectoryService directoryService)
return CreateResolveArgs(directoryService, true).FileSystemChildren;
private List _childrenIds = null;
private readonly object _childIdsLock = new object();
protected override IEnumerable LoadChildren()
lock (_childIdsLock)
if (_childrenIds == null || _childrenIds.Count == 0)
var list = base.LoadChildren().ToList();
_childrenIds = list.Select(i => i.Id).ToList();
return list;
return _childrenIds.Select(LibraryManager.GetItemById).Where(i => i != null).ToList();
private void ResetCachedChildren()
lock (_childIdsLock)
_childrenIds = null;
private bool _requiresRefresh;
public override bool RequiresRefresh()
var changed = base.RequiresRefresh() || _requiresRefresh;
if (!changed)
var locations = PhysicalLocations.ToList();
var newLocations = CreateResolveArgs(new DirectoryService(Logger, FileSystem), false).PhysicalLocations.ToList();
if (!locations.SequenceEqual(newLocations))
changed = true;
return changed;
public override bool BeforeMetadataRefresh()
var changed = base.BeforeMetadataRefresh() || _requiresRefresh;
_requiresRefresh = false;
return changed;
private ItemResolveArgs CreateResolveArgs(IDirectoryService directoryService, bool setPhysicalLocations)
var path = ContainingFolderPath;
var args = new ItemResolveArgs(ConfigurationManager.ApplicationPaths, directoryService)
FileInfo = FileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo(path),
Path = path,
Parent = Parent
// Gather child folder and files
if (args.IsDirectory)
var isPhysicalRoot = args.IsPhysicalRoot;
// When resolving the root, we need it's grandchildren (children of user views)
var flattenFolderDepth = isPhysicalRoot ? 2 : 0;
var fileSystemDictionary = FileData.GetFilteredFileSystemEntries(directoryService, args.Path, FileSystem, Logger, args, flattenFolderDepth: flattenFolderDepth, resolveShortcuts: isPhysicalRoot || args.IsVf);
// Need to remove subpaths that may have been resolved from shortcuts
// Example: if \\server\movies exists, then strip out \\server\movies\action
if (isPhysicalRoot)
var paths = LibraryManager.NormalizeRootPathList(fileSystemDictionary.Values);
fileSystemDictionary = paths.ToDictionary(i => i.FullName);
args.FileSystemDictionary = fileSystemDictionary;
_requiresRefresh = _requiresRefresh || !args.PhysicalLocations.SequenceEqual(PhysicalLocations);
if (setPhysicalLocations)
PhysicalLocationsList = args.PhysicalLocations.ToList();
return args;
/// Adds the virtual child.
/// The child.
public void AddVirtualChild(BaseItem child)
if (child == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
/// Get the children of this folder from the actual file system
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected override IEnumerable GetNonCachedChildren(IDirectoryService directoryService)
return base.GetNonCachedChildren(directoryService).Concat(_virtualChildren);
/// Finds the virtual child.
/// The id.
/// BaseItem.
/// id
public BaseItem FindVirtualChild(Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
return _virtualChildren.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == id);