using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Emby.Server.Implementations.Data; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Notifications; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using MediaBrowser.Model.Notifications; using SQLitePCL.pretty; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Notifications { public class SqliteNotificationsRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, INotificationsRepository { public SqliteNotificationsRepository(ILogger logger, IServerApplicationPaths appPaths) : base(logger) { DbFilePath = Path.Combine(appPaths.DataPath, "notifications.db"); } public event EventHandler NotificationAdded; public event EventHandler NotificationsMarkedRead; ////public event EventHandler NotificationUpdated; public void Initialize() { using (var connection = CreateConnection()) { string[] queries = { "create table if not exists Notifications (Id GUID NOT NULL, UserId GUID NOT NULL, Date DATETIME NOT NULL, Name TEXT NOT NULL, Description TEXT NULL, Url TEXT NULL, Level TEXT NOT NULL, IsRead BOOLEAN NOT NULL, Category TEXT NOT NULL, RelatedId TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id, UserId))", "create index if not exists idx_Notifications1 on Notifications(Id)", "create index if not exists idx_Notifications2 on Notifications(UserId)" }; connection.RunQueries(queries); } } /// /// Gets the notifications. /// /// The query. /// NotificationResult. public NotificationResult GetNotifications(NotificationQuery query) { var result = new NotificationResult(); using (WriteLock.Read()) { using (var connection = CreateConnection(true)) { var clauses = new List(); var paramList = new List(); if (query.IsRead.HasValue) { clauses.Add("IsRead=?"); paramList.Add(query.IsRead.Value); } clauses.Add("UserId=?"); paramList.Add(query.UserId.ToGuidParamValue()); var whereClause = " where " + string.Join(" And ", clauses.ToArray()); result.TotalRecordCount = connection.Query("select count(Id) from Notifications" + whereClause, paramList.ToArray()).SelectScalarInt().First(); var commandText = string.Format("select Id,UserId,Date,Name,Description,Url,Level,IsRead,Category,RelatedId from Notifications{0} order by IsRead asc, Date desc", whereClause); if (query.Limit.HasValue || query.StartIndex.HasValue) { var offset = query.StartIndex ?? 0; if (query.Limit.HasValue || offset > 0) { commandText += " LIMIT " + (query.Limit ?? int.MaxValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (offset > 0) { commandText += " OFFSET " + offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } var resultList = new List(); foreach (var row in connection.Query(commandText, paramList.ToArray())) { resultList.Add(GetNotification(row)); } result.Notifications = resultList.ToArray(); } } return result; } public NotificationsSummary GetNotificationsSummary(string userId) { var result = new NotificationsSummary(); using (WriteLock.Read()) { using (var connection = CreateConnection(true)) { using (var statement = connection.PrepareStatement("select Level from Notifications where UserId=@UserId and IsRead=@IsRead")) { statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@IsRead", false); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@UserId", userId.ToGuidParamValue()); foreach (var row in statement.ExecuteQuery()) { var levels = new List(); levels.Add(GetLevel(row, 0)); result.UnreadCount = levels.Count; if (levels.Count > 0) { result.MaxUnreadNotificationLevel = levels.Max(); } } } return result; } } } private Notification GetNotification(IReadOnlyList reader) { var notification = new Notification { Id = reader[0].ReadGuid().ToString("N"), UserId = reader[1].ReadGuid().ToString("N"), Date = reader[2].ReadDateTime(), Name = reader[3].ToString() }; if (reader[4].SQLiteType != SQLiteType.Null) { notification.Description = reader[4].ToString(); } if (reader[5].SQLiteType != SQLiteType.Null) { notification.Url = reader[5].ToString(); } notification.Level = GetLevel(reader, 6); notification.IsRead = reader[7].ToBool(); return notification; } /// /// Gets the level. /// /// The reader. /// The index. /// NotificationLevel. private NotificationLevel GetLevel(IReadOnlyList reader, int index) { NotificationLevel level; var val = reader[index].ToString(); Enum.TryParse(val, true, out level); return level; } /// /// Adds the notification. /// /// The notification. /// The cancellation token. /// Task. public async Task AddNotification(Notification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await ReplaceNotification(notification, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (NotificationAdded != null) { try { NotificationAdded(this, new NotificationUpdateEventArgs { Notification = notification }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error in NotificationAdded event handler", ex); } } } /// /// Replaces the notification. /// /// The notification. /// The cancellation token. /// Task. private async Task ReplaceNotification(Notification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.Id)) { notification.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.UserId)) { throw new ArgumentException("The notification must have a user id"); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (WriteLock.Write()) { using (var connection = CreateConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(conn => { using (var statement = conn.PrepareStatement("replace into Notifications (Id, UserId, Date, Name, Description, Url, Level, IsRead, Category, RelatedId) values (@Id, @UserId, @Date, @Name, @Description, @Url, @Level, @IsRead, @Category, @RelatedId)")) { statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Id", notification.Id.ToGuidParamValue()); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@UserId", notification.UserId.ToGuidParamValue()); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Date", notification.Date.ToDateTimeParamValue()); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Name", notification.Name); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Description", notification.Description); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Url", notification.Url); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Level", notification.Level.ToString()); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@IsRead", notification.IsRead); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Category", string.Empty); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@RelatedId", string.Empty); statement.MoveNext(); } }); } } } /// /// Marks the read. /// /// The notification id list. /// The user id. /// if set to true [is read]. /// The cancellation token. /// Task. public async Task MarkRead(IEnumerable notificationIdList, string userId, bool isRead, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var list = notificationIdList.ToList(); var idArray = list.Select(i => new Guid(i)).ToArray(); await MarkReadInternal(idArray, userId, isRead, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (NotificationsMarkedRead != null) { try { NotificationsMarkedRead(this, new NotificationReadEventArgs { IdList = list.ToArray(), IsRead = isRead, UserId = userId }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error in NotificationsMarkedRead event handler", ex); } } } public async Task MarkAllRead(string userId, bool isRead, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (WriteLock.Write()) { using (var connection = CreateConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(conn => { using (var statement = conn.PrepareStatement("update Notifications set IsRead=@IsRead where UserId=@UserId")) { statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@IsRead", isRead); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@UserId", userId.ToGuidParamValue()); statement.MoveNext(); } }); } } } private async Task MarkReadInternal(IEnumerable notificationIdList, string userId, bool isRead, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); using (WriteLock.Write()) { using (var connection = CreateConnection()) { connection.RunInTransaction(conn => { using (var statement = conn.PrepareStatement("update Notifications set IsRead=@IsRead where UserId=@UserId and Id=@Id")) { statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@IsRead", isRead); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@UserId", userId.ToGuidParamValue()); foreach (var id in notificationIdList) { statement.Reset(); statement.BindParameters.TryBind("@Id", id.ToGuidParamValue()); statement.MoveNext(); } } }); } } } } }