using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Services { public class RestPath { private const string WildCard = "*"; private const char WildCardChar = '*'; private const string PathSeperator = "/"; private const char PathSeperatorChar = '/'; private const char ComponentSeperator = '.'; private const string VariablePrefix = "{"; readonly bool[] componentsWithSeparators; private readonly string restPath; public bool IsWildCardPath { get; private set; } private readonly string[] literalsToMatch; private readonly string[] variablesNames; private readonly bool[] isWildcard; private readonly int wildcardCount = 0; public int VariableArgsCount { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The number of segments separated by '/' determinable by path.Split('/').Length /// e.g. /path/to/here.ext == 3 /// </summary> public int PathComponentsCount { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The total number of segments after subparts have been exploded ('.') /// e.g. /path/to/here.ext == 4 /// </summary> public int TotalComponentsCount { get; set; } public string[] Verbs { get; private set; } public Type RequestType { get; private set; } public Type ServiceType { get; private set; } public string Path => this.restPath; public string Summary { get; private set; } public string Description { get; private set; } public bool IsHidden { get; private set; } public int Priority { get; set; } //passed back to RouteAttribute public IEnumerable<string> PathVariables => this.variablesNames.Where(e => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e)); public static string[] GetPathPartsForMatching(string pathInfo) { return pathInfo.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new[] { PathSeperatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } public static List<string> GetFirstMatchHashKeys(string[] pathPartsForMatching) { var hashPrefix = pathPartsForMatching.Length + PathSeperator; return GetPotentialMatchesWithPrefix(hashPrefix, pathPartsForMatching); } public static List<string> GetFirstMatchWildCardHashKeys(string[] pathPartsForMatching) { const string hashPrefix = WildCard + PathSeperator; return GetPotentialMatchesWithPrefix(hashPrefix, pathPartsForMatching); } private static List<string> GetPotentialMatchesWithPrefix(string hashPrefix, string[] pathPartsForMatching) { var list = new List<string>(); foreach (var part in pathPartsForMatching) { list.Add(hashPrefix + part); var subParts = part.Split(ComponentSeperator); if (subParts.Length == 1) continue; foreach (var subPart in subParts) { list.Add(hashPrefix + subPart); } } return list; } public RestPath(Func<Type, object> createInstanceFn, Func<Type, Func<string, object>> getParseFn, Type requestType, Type serviceType, string path, string verbs, bool isHidden = false, string summary = null, string description = null) { this.RequestType = requestType; this.ServiceType = serviceType; this.Summary = summary; this.IsHidden = isHidden; this.Description = description; this.restPath = path; this.Verbs = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(verbs) ? ServiceExecExtensions.AllVerbs : verbs.ToUpperInvariant().Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var componentsList = new List<string>(); //We only split on '.' if the restPath has them. Allows for /{action}.{type} var hasSeparators = new List<bool>(); foreach (var component in this.restPath.Split(PathSeperatorChar)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(component)) continue; if (StringContains(component, VariablePrefix) && component.IndexOf(ComponentSeperator) != -1) { hasSeparators.Add(true); componentsList.AddRange(component.Split(ComponentSeperator)); } else { hasSeparators.Add(false); componentsList.Add(component); } } var components = componentsList.ToArray(); this.TotalComponentsCount = components.Length; this.literalsToMatch = new string[this.TotalComponentsCount]; this.variablesNames = new string[this.TotalComponentsCount]; this.isWildcard = new bool[this.TotalComponentsCount]; this.componentsWithSeparators = hasSeparators.ToArray(); this.PathComponentsCount = this.componentsWithSeparators.Length; string firstLiteralMatch = null; for (var i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (component.StartsWith(VariablePrefix)) { var variableName = component.Substring(1, component.Length - 2); if (variableName[variableName.Length - 1] == WildCardChar) { this.isWildcard[i] = true; variableName = variableName.Substring(0, variableName.Length - 1); } this.variablesNames[i] = variableName; this.VariableArgsCount++; } else { this.literalsToMatch[i] = component.ToLowerInvariant(); if (firstLiteralMatch == null) { firstLiteralMatch = this.literalsToMatch[i]; } } } for (var i = 0; i < components.Length - 1; i++) { if (!this.isWildcard[i]) continue; if (this.literalsToMatch[i + 1] == null) { throw new ArgumentException( "A wildcard path component must be at the end of the path or followed by a literal path component."); } } this.wildcardCount = this.isWildcard.Count(x => x); this.IsWildCardPath = this.wildcardCount > 0; this.FirstMatchHashKey = !this.IsWildCardPath ? this.PathComponentsCount + PathSeperator + firstLiteralMatch : WildCardChar + PathSeperator + firstLiteralMatch; this.typeDeserializer = new StringMapTypeDeserializer(createInstanceFn, getParseFn, this.RequestType); RegisterCaseInsenstivePropertyNameMappings(); } private void RegisterCaseInsenstivePropertyNameMappings() { foreach (var propertyInfo in GetSerializableProperties(RequestType)) { var propertyName = propertyInfo.Name; propertyNamesMap.Add(propertyName.ToLowerInvariant(), propertyName); } } internal static string[] IgnoreAttributesNamed = new[] { "IgnoreDataMemberAttribute", "JsonIgnoreAttribute" }; private static Type excludeType = typeof(Stream); internal static List<PropertyInfo> GetSerializableProperties(Type type) { var list = new List<PropertyInfo>(); var props = GetPublicProperties(type); foreach (var prop in props) { if (prop.GetMethod == null) { continue; } if (excludeType == prop.PropertyType) { continue; } var ignored = false; foreach (var attr in prop.GetCustomAttributes(true)) { if (IgnoreAttributesNamed.Contains(attr.GetType().Name)) { ignored = true; break; } } if (!ignored) { list.Add(prop); } } // else return those properties that are not decorated with IgnoreDataMember return list; } private static List<PropertyInfo> GetPublicProperties(Type type) { if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface) { var propertyInfos = new List<PropertyInfo>(); var considered = new List<Type>(); var queue = new Queue<Type>(); considered.Add(type); queue.Enqueue(type); while (queue.Count > 0) { var subType = queue.Dequeue(); foreach (var subInterface in subType.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces) { if (considered.Contains(subInterface)) continue; considered.Add(subInterface); queue.Enqueue(subInterface); } var typeProperties = GetTypesPublicProperties(subType); var newPropertyInfos = typeProperties .Where(x => !propertyInfos.Contains(x)); propertyInfos.InsertRange(0, newPropertyInfos); } return propertyInfos; } var list = new List<PropertyInfo>(); foreach (var t in GetTypesPublicProperties(type)) { if (t.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0) { list.Add(t); } } return list; } private static PropertyInfo[] GetTypesPublicProperties(Type subType) { var pis = new List<PropertyInfo>(); foreach (var pi in subType.GetRuntimeProperties()) { var mi = pi.GetMethod ?? pi.SetMethod; if (mi != null && mi.IsStatic) continue; pis.Add(pi); } return pis.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Provide for quick lookups based on hashes that can be determined from a request url /// </summary> public string FirstMatchHashKey { get; private set; } private readonly StringMapTypeDeserializer typeDeserializer; private readonly Dictionary<string, string> propertyNamesMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public int MatchScore(string httpMethod, string[] withPathInfoParts) { var isMatch = IsMatch(httpMethod, withPathInfoParts, out var wildcardMatchCount); if (!isMatch) { return -1; } var score = 0; //Routes with least wildcard matches get the highest score score += Math.Max((100 - wildcardMatchCount), 1) * 1000; //Routes with less variable (and more literal) matches score += Math.Max((10 - VariableArgsCount), 1) * 100; //Exact verb match is better than ANY if (Verbs.Length == 1 && string.Equals(httpMethod, Verbs[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { score += 10; } else { score += 1; } return score; } private bool StringContains(string str1, string str2) { return str1.IndexOf(str2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1; } /// <summary> /// For performance withPathInfoParts should already be a lower case string /// to minimize redundant matching operations. /// </summary> public bool IsMatch(string httpMethod, string[] withPathInfoParts, out int wildcardMatchCount) { wildcardMatchCount = 0; if (withPathInfoParts.Length != this.PathComponentsCount && !this.IsWildCardPath) { return false; } if (!Verbs.Contains(httpMethod, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return false; } if (!ExplodeComponents(ref withPathInfoParts)) { return false; } if (this.TotalComponentsCount != withPathInfoParts.Length && !this.IsWildCardPath) { return false; } int pathIx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.TotalComponentsCount; i++) { if (this.isWildcard[i]) { if (i < this.TotalComponentsCount - 1) { // Continue to consume up until a match with the next literal while (pathIx < withPathInfoParts.Length && !LiteralsEqual(withPathInfoParts[pathIx], this.literalsToMatch[i + 1])) { pathIx++; wildcardMatchCount++; } // Ensure there are still enough parts left to match the remainder if ((withPathInfoParts.Length - pathIx) < (this.TotalComponentsCount - i - 1)) { return false; } } else { // A wildcard at the end matches the remainder of path wildcardMatchCount += withPathInfoParts.Length - pathIx; pathIx = withPathInfoParts.Length; } } else { var literalToMatch = this.literalsToMatch[i]; if (literalToMatch == null) { // Matching an ordinary (non-wildcard) variable consumes a single part pathIx++; continue; } if (withPathInfoParts.Length <= pathIx || !LiteralsEqual(withPathInfoParts[pathIx], literalToMatch)) { return false; } pathIx++; } } return pathIx == withPathInfoParts.Length; } private static bool LiteralsEqual(string str1, string str2) { // Most cases if (string.Equals(str1, str2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return true; } // Handle turkish i str1 = str1.ToUpperInvariant(); str2 = str2.ToUpperInvariant(); // Invariant IgnoreCase would probably be better but it's not available in PCL return string.Equals(str1, str2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); } private bool ExplodeComponents(ref string[] withPathInfoParts) { var totalComponents = new List<string>(); for (var i = 0; i < withPathInfoParts.Length; i++) { var component = withPathInfoParts[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(component)) continue; if (this.PathComponentsCount != this.TotalComponentsCount && this.componentsWithSeparators[i]) { var subComponents = component.Split(ComponentSeperator); if (subComponents.Length < 2) return false; totalComponents.AddRange(subComponents); } else { totalComponents.Add(component); } } withPathInfoParts = totalComponents.ToArray(); return true; } public object CreateRequest(string pathInfo, Dictionary<string, string> queryStringAndFormData, object fromInstance) { var requestComponents = pathInfo.Split(new[] { PathSeperatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ExplodeComponents(ref requestComponents); if (requestComponents.Length != this.TotalComponentsCount) { var isValidWildCardPath = this.IsWildCardPath && requestComponents.Length >= this.TotalComponentsCount - this.wildcardCount; if (!isValidWildCardPath) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format( "Path Mismatch: Request Path '{0}' has invalid number of components compared to: '{1}'", pathInfo, this.restPath)); } var requestKeyValuesMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var pathIx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.TotalComponentsCount; i++) { var variableName = this.variablesNames[i]; if (variableName == null) { pathIx++; continue; } if (!this.propertyNamesMap.TryGetValue(variableName.ToLowerInvariant(), out var propertyNameOnRequest)) { if (string.Equals("ignore", variableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { pathIx++; continue; } throw new ArgumentException("Could not find property " + variableName + " on " + RequestType.GetMethodName()); } var value = requestComponents.Length > pathIx ? requestComponents[pathIx] : null; //wildcard has arg mismatch if (value != null && this.isWildcard[i]) { if (i == this.TotalComponentsCount - 1) { // Wildcard at end of path definition consumes all the rest var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(value); for (var j = pathIx + 1; j < requestComponents.Length; j++) { sb.Append(PathSeperatorChar + requestComponents[j]); } value = sb.ToString(); } else { // Wildcard in middle of path definition consumes up until it // hits a match for the next element in the definition (which must be a literal) // It may consume 0 or more path parts var stopLiteral = i == this.TotalComponentsCount - 1 ? null : this.literalsToMatch[i + 1]; if (!string.Equals(requestComponents[pathIx], stopLiteral, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(value); pathIx++; while (!string.Equals(requestComponents[pathIx], stopLiteral, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { sb.Append(PathSeperatorChar + requestComponents[pathIx++]); } value = sb.ToString(); } else { value = null; } } } else { // Variable consumes single path item pathIx++; } requestKeyValuesMap[propertyNameOnRequest] = value; } if (queryStringAndFormData != null) { //Query String and form data can override variable path matches //path variables < query string < form data foreach (var name in queryStringAndFormData) { requestKeyValuesMap[name.Key] = name.Value; } } return this.typeDeserializer.PopulateFromMap(fromInstance, requestKeyValuesMap); } public class RestPathMap : SortedDictionary<string, List<RestPath>> { public RestPathMap() : base(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { } } } }