using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions; using MediaBrowser.Common.Net; using MediaBrowser.Common.Plugins; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Plugins.Dlna.Configuration; namespace MediaBrowser.Plugins.Dlna { /// /// Class Plugin /// [Export(typeof(IPlugin))] public class Plugin : BasePlugin { //these are Neptune values, they probably belong in the managed wrapper somewhere, but they aren't //techincally theres 50 to 100 of these values, but these 3 seem to be the most useful private const int NEP_Failure = -1; private const int NEP_NotImplemented = -2012; private const int NEP_Success = 0; private Platinum.UPnP _Upnp; private Platinum.MediaConnect _PlatinumServer; private User _CurrentUser; /// /// Gets the name. /// /// The name. public override string Name { get { return "DLNA Server"; } } /// /// Gets the description. /// /// The description. public override string Description { get { return "DLNA Server"; } } /// /// Gets the instance. /// /// The instance. public static Plugin Instance { get; private set; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public Plugin() : base() { Instance = this; } /// /// Initializes the on server. /// /// if set to true [is first run]. protected override void InitializeOnServer(bool isFirstRun) { base.InitializeOnServer(isFirstRun); Kernel.ReloadCompleted += Kernel_ReloadCompleted; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; } /// /// Handles the AssemblyResolve event of the CurrentDomain control. /// /// The source of the event. /// The instance containing the event data. /// Assembly. Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { var askedAssembly = new AssemblyName(args.Name); var resourcePath = "MediaBrowser.Plugins.Dlna.Assemblies." + askedAssembly.Name + ".dll"; using (var stream = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath)) { if (stream != null) { Logger.Info("Loading assembly from resource {0}", resourcePath); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { stream.CopyTo(memoryStream); memoryStream.Position = 0; return Assembly.Load(memoryStream.ToArray()); } } } return null; } /// /// Disposes the on server. /// /// if set to true [dispose]. protected override void DisposeOnServer(bool dispose) { if (dispose) { Kernel.ReloadCompleted -= Kernel_ReloadCompleted; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; DisposeDlnaServer(); } base.DisposeOnServer(dispose); } /// /// Handles the ReloadCompleted event of the Kernel control. /// /// The source of the event. /// The instance containing the event data. void Kernel_ReloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitializeDlnaServer(); } /// /// Initializes the dlna server. /// private void InitializeDlnaServer() { this.SetupUPnPServer(); } /// /// Disposes the dlna server. /// private void DisposeDlnaServer() { this.CleanupUPnPServer(); } private void SetupUPnPServer() { this._Upnp = new Platinum.UPnP(); // Will need a config setting to set the friendly name of the upnp server //this._PlatinumServer = new Platinum.MediaConnect("MB3 UPnP", "MB3UPnP", 1901); if (this.Configuration.DlnaPortNumber.HasValue) this._PlatinumServer = new Platinum.MediaConnect(this.Configuration.FriendlyDlnaName, "MB3UPnP", this.Configuration.DlnaPortNumber.Value); else this._PlatinumServer = new Platinum.MediaConnect(this.Configuration.FriendlyDlnaName); this._PlatinumServer.BrowseMetadata += new Platinum.MediaConnect.BrowseMetadataDelegate(server_BrowseMetadata); this._PlatinumServer.BrowseDirectChildren += new Platinum.MediaConnect.BrowseDirectChildrenDelegate(server_BrowseDirectChildren); this._PlatinumServer.ProcessFileRequest += new Platinum.MediaConnect.ProcessFileRequestDelegate(server_ProcessFileRequest); this._PlatinumServer.SearchContainer += new Platinum.MediaConnect.SearchContainerDelegate(server_SearchContainer); this._Upnp.AddDeviceHost(this._PlatinumServer); this._Upnp.Start(); } private void CleanupUPnPServer() { if (this._Upnp != null && this._Upnp.Running) this._Upnp.Stop(); if (this._PlatinumServer != null) { this._PlatinumServer.BrowseMetadata -= new Platinum.MediaConnect.BrowseMetadataDelegate(server_BrowseMetadata); this._PlatinumServer.BrowseDirectChildren -= new Platinum.MediaConnect.BrowseDirectChildrenDelegate(server_BrowseDirectChildren); this._PlatinumServer.ProcessFileRequest -= new Platinum.MediaConnect.ProcessFileRequestDelegate(server_ProcessFileRequest); this._PlatinumServer.SearchContainer -= new Platinum.MediaConnect.SearchContainerDelegate(server_SearchContainer); this._PlatinumServer.Dispose(); this._PlatinumServer = null; } if (this._Upnp != null) { this._Upnp.Dispose(); this._Upnp = null; } } private int server_BrowseMetadata(Platinum.Action action, string object_id, string filter, int starting_index, int requested_count, string sort_criteria, Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { Logger.Info("BrowseMetadata Entered - Parameters: action:{0} object_id:{1} filter:{2} starting_index:{3} requested_count:{4} sort_criteria:{5} context:{6}", action.ToLogString(), object_id, filter, starting_index, requested_count, sort_criteria, context.ToLogString()); //nothing much seems to call BrowseMetadata so far //but perhaps that is because we aren't handing out the correct info for the client to call this... I don't know //PS3 calls it //Parameters: action:Action Name:Browse Description:Platinum.ActionDescription Arguments: object_id:0 //filter:@id,upnp:class,res,res@protocolInfo,res@av:authenticationUri,res@size,dc:title,upnp:albumArtURI,res@dlna:ifoFileURI,res@protection,res@bitrate,res@duration,res@sampleFrequency,res@bitsPerSample,res@nrAudioChannels,res@resolution,res@colorDepth,dc:date,av:dateTime,upnp:artist,upnp:album,upnp:genre,dc:contributer,upnp:storageFree,upnp:storageUsed,upnp:originalTrackNumber,dc:publisher,dc:language,dc:region,dc:description,upnp:toc,@childCount,upnp:albumArtURI@dlna:profileID,res@dlna:cleartextSize //starting_index:0 requested_count:1 sort_criteria: context:HttpRequestContext LocalAddress:HttpRequestContext.SocketAddress IP: Port:1845 RemoteAddress:HttpRequestContext.SocketAddress IP: Port:49277 Request: Signature:PS3 if (object_id == "0") { var root = new Platinum.MediaContainer(); root.Title = "Root"; root.ObjectID = "0"; root.ParentID = "-1"; root.Class = new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.container.storageFolder", ""); var didl = Platinum.Didl.header + root.ToDidl(filter) + Platinum.Didl.footer; action.SetArgumentValue("Result", didl); action.SetArgumentValue("NumberReturned", "1"); action.SetArgumentValue("TotalMatches", "1"); // update ID may be wrong here, it should be the one of the container? action.SetArgumentValue("UpdateId", "1"); return NEP_Success; } else { return NEP_Failure; } } private int server_BrowseDirectChildren(Platinum.Action action, String object_id, String filter, Int32 starting_index, Int32 requested_count, String sort_criteria, Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { Logger.Info("BrowseDirectChildren Entered - Parameters: action:{0} object_id:{1} filter:{2} starting_index:{3} requested_count:{4} sort_criteria:{5} context:{6}", action.ToLogString(), object_id, filter, starting_index, requested_count, sort_criteria, context.ToLogString()); //WMP doesn't care how many results we return and what type they are //Xbox360 Music App is unknown, it calls SearchContainer and stops, not sure what will happen once we return it results //XBox360 Video App has fairly specific filter string and it need it - if you serve it music (mp3), it'll put music in the video list, so we have to do our own filtering //XBox360 Video App // action: "Browse" // object_id: "15" // filter: "dc:title,res,res@protection,res@duration,res@bitrate,upnp:genre,upnp:actor,res@microsoft:codec" // starting_index: 0 // requested_count: 100 // sort_criteria: "+upnp:class,+dc:title" // //the wierd thing about the filter is that there isn't much in it that says "only give me video"... except... //if we look at the doc available here: which describes the way WMP does its DLNA serving (not clienting) //doc is also a search cached google docs here: //it describes object 15 as beeing Root/Video/Folders which can contain object.storageFolder //so perhaps thats what is saying 'only give me video' //I'm just not sure if those folders listed with object IDs are all well known across clients or if these ones are WMP specific //if they are device specific but also significant, then that might explain why Plex goes to the trouble of having configurable client device profiles for its DLNA server var didl = Platinum.Didl.header; IEnumerable children = null; // I need to ask someone on the MB team if there's a better way to do this, it seems like it //could get pretty expensive to get ALL children all the time //if it's our only option perhaps we should cache results locally or something similar children = this.CurrentUser.RootFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(this.CurrentUser); //children = children.Filter(Extensions.FilterType.Music | Extensions.FilterType.Video).Page(starting_index, requested_count); int itemCount = 0; if (children != null) { foreach (var child in children) { using (var item = BaseItemToMediaItem(child, context)) { if (item != null) { string test; test = item.ToDidl(filter); didl += item.ToDidl(filter); itemCount++; } } } didl += Platinum.Didl.footer; action.SetArgumentValue("Result", didl); action.SetArgumentValue("NumberReturned", itemCount.ToString()); action.SetArgumentValue("TotalMatches", itemCount.ToString()); // update ID may be wrong here, it should be the one of the container? action.SetArgumentValue("UpdateId", "1"); return NEP_Success; } return NEP_Failure; } private int server_ProcessFileRequest(Platinum.HttpRequestContext context, Platinum.HttpResponse response) { Logger.Info("ProcessFileRequest Entered - Parameters: context:{0} response:{1}", context.ToLogString(), response); Uri uri = context.Request.URI; var id = uri.AbsolutePath.TrimStart('/'); Guid itemID; if (Guid.TryParseExact(id, "D", out itemID)) { var item = this.CurrentUser.RootFolder.FindItemById(itemID, this.CurrentUser); if (item != null) { //this is how the Xbox 360 Video app asks for artwork, it tacks this query string onto its request //?albumArt=true if (uri.Query == "?albumArt=true") { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.PrimaryImagePath)) //let see if we can serve artwork like this to the Xbox 360 Video App Platinum.MediaServer.SetResponseFilePath(context, response, Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix.Replace("+", context.LocalAddress.ip) + "/api/image?id=" + item.Id.ToString() + "&type=primary"); //Platinum.MediaServer.SetResponseFilePath(context, response, item.PrimaryImagePath); } else Platinum.MediaServer.SetResponseFilePath(context, response, item.Path); //this does not work for WMP //Platinum.MediaServer.SetResponseFilePath(context, response, Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix.Replace("+", context.LocalAddress.ip) + "/api/video.ts?id=" + item.Id.ToString()); return NEP_Success; } } return NEP_Failure; } private int server_SearchContainer(Platinum.Action action, string object_id, string searchCriteria, string filter, int starting_index, int requested_count, string sort_criteria, Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { Logger.Info("SearchContainer Entered - Parameters: action:{0} object_id:{1} searchCriteria:{7} filter:{2} starting_index:{3} requested_count:{4} sort_criteria:{5} context:{6}", action.ToLogString(), object_id, filter, starting_index, requested_count, sort_criteria, context.ToLogString(), searchCriteria); //Doesn't call search at all: // XBox360 Video App //Calls search but does not require it to be implemented: // WMP, probably uses it just for its "images" section //Calls search Seems to require it: // XBox360 Music App //WMP // action: "Search" // object_id: "0" // searchCriteria: "upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.imageItem\" and @refID exists false" // filter: "*" // starting_index: 0 // requested_count: 200 // sort_criteria: "-dc:date" //XBox360 Music App // action: "Search" // object_id: "7" // searchCriteria: "(upnp:class = \"object.container.album.musicAlbum\")" // filter: "dc:title,upnp:artist" // starting_index: 0 // requested_count: 1000 // sort_criteria: "+dc:title" // //XBox360 Music App seems to work souly using SearchContainer and ProcessFileRequest //I think the current resource Uri's aren't going to work because it seems to require an extension like .mp3 to work, but this requires further testing //When hitting the Album tab of the app it's searching criteria is object.container.album.musicAlbum //this means it wants albums put into containers, I thought Platinum might do this for us, but it doesn't var didl = Platinum.Didl.header; IEnumerable children = null; // I need to ask someone on the MB team if there's a better way to do this, it seems like it //could get pretty expensive to get ALL children all the time //if it's our only option perhaps we should cache results locally or something similar children = this.CurrentUser.RootFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(this.CurrentUser); //children = children.Filter(Extensions.FilterType.Music | Extensions.FilterType.Video).Page(starting_index, requested_count); //var test = GetFilterFromCriteria(searchCriteria); children = children.Where(GetBaseItemMatchFromCriteria(searchCriteria)); int itemCount = 0; if (children != null) { Platinum.MediaItem item = null; foreach (var child in children) { item = BaseItemToMediaItem(child, context); if (item != null) { item.ParentID = string.Empty; didl += item.ToDidl(filter); itemCount++; } } didl += Platinum.Didl.footer; action.SetArgumentValue("Result", didl); action.SetArgumentValue("NumberReturned", itemCount.ToString()); action.SetArgumentValue("TotalMatches", itemCount.ToString()); // update ID may be wrong here, it should be the one of the container? action.SetArgumentValue("UpdateId", "1"); return NEP_Success; } return NEP_Failure; } private Platinum.MediaItem BaseItemToMediaItem(BaseItem child, Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { Platinum.MediaItem result = null; Platinum.MediaResource resource = null; if (child.IsFolder) { //DLNA is a fairly flat system, there doesn't appear to be much room in the system for folders so far //I haven't tested too many DLNA clients yet tho result = null; //item = new Platinum.MediaItem(); //item.Class = new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.container.storageFolder", ""); } else if (child is Episode) { result = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaItem((Episode)child); resource = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaResource((Episode)child); } else if (child is Video) { result = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaItem((Video)child); resource = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaResource((Video)child); } else if (child is Audio) { result = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaItem((Audio)child); resource = MediaItemHelper.GetMediaResource((Audio)child); } if (result != null) { //have a go at finding the mime type var mimeType = string.Empty; if (child.Path != null && Path.HasExtension(child.Path)) mimeType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(child.Path); resource.ProtoInfo = Platinum.ProtocolInfo.GetProtocolInfoFromMimeType(mimeType, true, context); // get list of ips and make sure the ip the request came from is used for the first resource returned // this ensures that clients which look only at the first resource will be able to reach the item IEnumerable ips = GetUPnPIPAddresses(context); //.Distinct(); // iterate through all ips and create a resource for each // I think we need extensions (".mp3" type extensions) on these for Xbox360 Video and Music apps to work //resource.URI = new Uri(Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix + "/api/video.ts?id=" + child.Id.ToString("D")).ToString(); //result.AddResource(resource); foreach (String ip in ips) { //doesn't work for WMP //resource.URI = new Uri(Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix.Replace("+", ip) + "/api/video.ts?id=" + child.Id.ToString()).ToString(); resource.URI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + context.LocalAddress.port + "/" + child.Id.ToString("D")).ToString(); result.AddResource(resource); } MediaItemHelper.AddAlbumArtInfoToMediaItem(result, child, Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix, ips); } return result; } private void AddResourcesToMediaItem(Platinum.MediaItem item, BaseItem child, Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { Platinum.MediaResource resource = null; if (child is Video) { var videoChild = (Video)child; resource = new Platinum.MediaResource(); if (videoChild.DefaultVideoStream != null) { //Bitrate is Bytes per second if (videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.BitRate.HasValue) resource.Bitrate = (uint)videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.BitRate; //not sure if we know Colour Depth //resource.ColorDepth if (videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.Channels.HasValue) resource.NbAudioChannels = (uint)videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.Channels.Value; //resource.Protection //resource.ProtoInfo //we must know resolution, I'm just not sure how to get it //resource.Resolution //I'm not sure what this actually means, is it Sample Rate if (videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.SampleRate.HasValue) resource.SampleFrequency = (uint)videoChild.DefaultVideoStream.SampleRate.Value; //file size? //resource.Size } } else if (child is Audio) { } // get list of ips and make sure the ip the request came from is used for the first resource returned // this ensures that clients which look only at the first resource will be able to reach the item List ips = GetUPnPIPAddresses(context); // iterate through all ips and create a resource for each // I think we need extensions (".mp3" type extensions) on these for Xbox360 Video and Music apps to work foreach (String ip in ips) { resource.URI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + context.LocalAddress.port + "/" + child.Id.ToString("D")).ToString(); item.AddResource(resource); } } /// /// Gets a list of valid IP Addresses that the UPnP server is using /// /// /// private List GetUPnPIPAddresses(Platinum.HttpRequestContext context) { // get list of ips and make sure the ip the request came from is used for the first resource returned // this ensures that clients which look only at the first resource will be able to reach the item List result = Platinum.UPnP.GetIpAddresses(true); //if this call is expensive we could cache the results String localIP = context.LocalAddress.ip; if (localIP != "") { result.Remove(localIP); result.Insert(0, localIP); } return result; } /// /// Gets the MB User with a user name that matches the user name configured in the plugin config /// /// MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.User private User CurrentUser { get { if (this._CurrentUser == null) { //this looks like a lot of processing but it really isn't //its mostly gaurding against no users or no matching user existing var serverKernel = Controller.Kernel.Instance; if (serverKernel.Users.Any()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Configuration.UserName)) this._CurrentUser = serverKernel.Users.First(); else { this._CurrentUser = serverKernel.Users.FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(i.Name, this.Configuration.UserName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (this._CurrentUser == null) { //log and return first user this._CurrentUser = serverKernel.Users.First(); Logger.Error("Configured user: \"{0}\" not found. Using first user found: \"{1}\" instead", this.Configuration.UserName, this._CurrentUser.Name); } } } else { Logger.Fatal("No users in the system"); this._CurrentUser = null; } } return this._CurrentUser; } } #region "A Search Idea" //this is just an idea of how we might do some search //it's a bit lackluster in places and might be overkill in others //all in all it might not be a good idea, but I thought I'd see how it felt private Func GetBaseItemMatchFromCriteria(string searchCriteria) { //WMP Search when clicking Music: //"upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.audioItem\" and @refID exists false" //WMP Search when clicking Videos: //"upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.videoItem\" and @refID exists false" //WMP Search when clicking Pictures: //"upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.imageItem\" and @refID exists false" //WMP Search when clicking Recorded TV: //"upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.videoItem\" and @refID exists false" //we really need a syntax tree parser here //but the requests never seem to get more complex than "'Condition One' And 'Condition Two'" //something like Rosylin would be fun but it'd be serious overkill //the syntax seems to be very clear and there are only a handful of valid constructs //so this very basic parsing will provide some support for now Queue criteriaQueue = new Queue(searchCriteria.Split(' ')); Func result = null; var currentMainOperatorIsAnd = false; //loop through in order and process - do not parallelise, order is important while (criteriaQueue.Any()) { Func currentFilter = null; var metadataElement = criteriaQueue.Dequeue(); var criteriaOperator = criteriaQueue.Dequeue(); var value = criteriaQueue.Dequeue(); if (value.StartsWith("\"") || value.StartsWith("\\\"")) while (!value.EndsWith("\"")) { value += criteriaQueue.Dequeue(); } value = value.Trim(); if (string.Equals(metadataElement, "upnp:class", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) currentFilter = GetUpnpClassFilter(criteriaOperator, value); else if (string.Equals(metadataElement, "@refID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //not entirely sure what refID is for //Platinum has ReferenceID which I assume is the same thing, but we're not using it yet } else { //fail?? } if (currentFilter != null) { if (result == null) result = currentFilter; else if (currentMainOperatorIsAnd) result = (i) => result(i) && currentFilter(i); else result = (i) => result(i) || currentFilter(i); } if (criteriaQueue.Any()) { var op = criteriaQueue.Dequeue(); if (string.Equals(op, "and", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) currentMainOperatorIsAnd = true; else currentMainOperatorIsAnd = false; } } return result; } private Func GetUpnpClassFilter(string criteriaOperator, string value) { //"upnp:class derivedfrom \"object.item.videoItem\" " //"(upnp:class = \"object.container.album.musicAlbum\")" //only two options are valid for criteria // =, derivedfrom //there are only a few values we care about //object.item.videoItem //object.item.audioItem //object.container.storageFolder if (string.Equals(criteriaOperator, "=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (value.Contains("object.item.videoItem")) return (i) => (i is Video); else if (value.Contains("object.item.audioItem")) return (i) => (i is Audio); else if (value.Contains("object.container.storageFolder")) return (i) => (i is Folder); else //something has gone wrong, don't filter anything return (i) => true; } else if (string.Equals(criteriaOperator, "derivedfrom", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (value.Contains("object.item.videoItem")) return (i) => (i is Video); else if (value.Contains("object.item.audioItem")) return (i) => (i is Audio); else if (value.Contains("object.container.storageFolder")) return (i) => (i is Folder); else //something has gone wrong, don't filter anything return (i) => true; } else { //something has gone wrong, don't filter anything return (i) => true; } } #endregion public override void UpdateConfiguration(Model.Plugins.BasePluginConfiguration configuration) { base.UpdateConfiguration(configuration); var config = (PluginConfiguration)configuration; this.CleanupUPnPServer(); this._CurrentUser = null; this.SetupUPnPServer(); } } internal static class MediaItemHelper { internal static Platinum.MediaResource GetMediaResource(Video item) { var result = GetMediaResource((BaseItem)item); if (item.DefaultVideoStream != null) { //Bitrate is Bytes per second if (item.DefaultVideoStream.BitRate.HasValue) result.Bitrate = (uint)item.DefaultVideoStream.BitRate; //not sure if we know Colour Depth //resource.ColorDepth if (item.DefaultVideoStream.Channels.HasValue) result.NbAudioChannels = (uint)item.DefaultVideoStream.Channels.Value; //resource.Protection //resource.ProtoInfo //we must know resolution, I'm just not sure how to get it //resource.Resolution //I'm not sure what this actually means, is it Sample Rate if (item.DefaultVideoStream.SampleRate.HasValue) result.SampleFrequency = (uint)item.DefaultVideoStream.SampleRate.Value; //file size? //resource.Size ////to do subtitles for clients that can deal with external subtitles (like srt) ////we will have to do something like this //IEnumerable ips = GetUPnPIPAddresses(context); //foreach (var st in videoChild.MediaStreams) //{ // if (st.Type == MediaStreamType.Subtitle) // { // Platinum.MediaResource subtitleResource = new Platinum.MediaResource(); // subtitleResource.ProtoInfo = Platinum.ProtocolInfo.GetProtocolInfo(st.Path, with_dlna_extension: false); // foreach (String ip in ips) // { // //we'll need to figure out which of these options works for whick players // //either serve them ourselves // resource.URI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + context.LocalAddress.port + "/" + child.Id.ToString("D")).ToString(); // //or get the web api to serve them directly // resource.URI = new Uri(Kernel.HttpServerUrlPrefix.Replace("+", ip) + "/api/video?id=" + child.Id.ToString() + "&type=Subtitle").ToString(); // result.AddResource(resource); // } // } //} } return result; } internal static Platinum.MediaItem GetMediaItem(Video item) { var result = GetMediaItem((BaseItem)item); result.Title = GetTitle(item); return result; } internal static Platinum.MediaResource GetMediaResource(Episode item) { //there's nothing specific about an episode that requires extra Resources return GetMediaResource((Video)item); } internal static Platinum.MediaItem GetMediaItem(Episode item) { var result = GetMediaItem((Video)item); if (item.IndexNumber.HasValue) result.Recorded.EpisodeNumber = (uint)item.IndexNumber.Value; if (item.Series != null && item.Series.Name != null) result.Recorded.SeriesTitle = item.Series.Name; result.Recorded.ProgramTitle = item.Name == null ? string.Empty : item.Name; return result; } internal static Platinum.MediaResource GetMediaResource(Audio item) { //there's nothing specific about an audio item that requires extra Resources return GetMediaResource((BaseItem)item); } internal static Platinum.MediaItem GetMediaItem(Audio item) { var result = GetMediaItem((BaseItem)item); result.Title = GetTitle(item); result.People.AddArtist(new Platinum.PersonRole(item.Artist)); result.People.Contributor = item.AlbumArtist; result.Affiliation.Album = item.Album; return result; } internal static Platinum.MediaResource GetMediaResource(BaseItem item) { var result = new Platinum.MediaResource(); //duration is in seconds if (item.RunTimeTicks.HasValue) result.Duration = (uint)TimeSpan.FromTicks(item.RunTimeTicks.Value).TotalSeconds; return result; } internal static Platinum.MediaItem GetMediaItem(BaseItem item) { var result = new Platinum.MediaItem(); result.ObjectID = item.Id.ToString(); //if (child.Parent != null) // result.ParentID = child.Parent.Id.ToString(); result.Class = item.GetPlatinumClassObject(); result.Description.Date = item.PremiereDate.HasValue ? item.PremiereDate.Value.ToString() : string.Empty; result.Description.Language = item.Language == null ? string.Empty : item.Language; result.Description.DescriptionText = "this is DescriptionText"; result.Description.LongDescriptionText = item.Overview == null ? string.Empty : item.Overview; result.Description.Rating = item.CommunityRating.ToString(); if (item.Genres != null) { foreach (var genre in item.Genres) { result.Affiliation.AddGenre(genre); } } if (item.People != null) { foreach (var person in item.People) { if (string.Equals(person.Type, PersonType.Actor, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) result.People.AddActor(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, person.Role == null ? string.Empty : person.Role)); else if (string.Equals(person.Type, PersonType.MusicArtist, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { result.People.AddArtist(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, "MusicArtist")); result.People.AddArtist(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, "Performer")); } else if (string.Equals(person.Type, PersonType.Composer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) result.People.AddAuthors(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, "Composer")); else if (string.Equals(person.Type, PersonType.Writer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) result.People.AddAuthors(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, "Writer")); else if (string.Equals(person.Type, PersonType.Director, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { result.People.AddAuthors(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, "Director")); result.People.Director = result.People.Director + " " + person.Name; } else result.People.AddArtist(new Platinum.PersonRole(person.Name, person.Type == null ? string.Empty : person.Type)); } } return result; } internal static void AddAlbumArtInfoToMediaItem(Platinum.MediaItem item, BaseItem child, string httpServerUrlPrefix, IEnumerable ips) { foreach (var ip in ips) { AddAlbumArtInfoToMediaItem(item, child, httpServerUrlPrefix, ip); } } private static void AddAlbumArtInfoToMediaItem(Platinum.MediaItem item, BaseItem child, string httpServerUrlPrefix, string ip) { //making the artwork a direct hit to the MediaBrowser server instead of via the DLNA plugin works for WMP item.Extra.AddAlbumArtInfo(new Platinum.AlbumArtInfo(httpServerUrlPrefix.Replace("+", ip) + "/api/image?id=" + child.Id.ToString() + "&type=primary")); } /// /// Gets the title. /// /// The video. /// System.String. private static string GetTitle(Video video) { //we have to be extremely careful with all string handling //if we set a null reference to a Platinum string it will not marshall to native correctly and things got very bad very quickly var title = video.Name == null ? string.Empty : video.Name; var episode = video as Episode; if (episode != null) { if (episode.Season != null) { title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", episode.Season.Name, title); } if (episode.Series != null) { title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", episode.Series.Name, title); } } return title; } /// /// Gets the title. /// /// The audio. /// System.String. private static string GetTitle(Audio audio) { return audio.Name == null ? string.Empty : audio.Name; } } internal static class Extensions { [Flags()] internal enum FilterType { Folder = 1, Music = 2, Video = 4 } internal static IEnumerable Filter(this IEnumerable en, FilterType filter) { return en.Where(i => ( (((filter & FilterType.Folder) == FilterType.Folder) && (i is Folder)) || (((filter & FilterType.Music) == FilterType.Music) && (i is Audio)) || (((filter & FilterType.Video) == FilterType.Video) && (i is Video))) ); } internal static IEnumerable Page(this IEnumerable en, int starting_index, int requested_count) { return en.Skip(starting_index).Take(requested_count); } internal static Platinum.ObjectClass GetPlatinumClassObject(this BaseItem item) { if (item is Video) return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.item.videoItem", ""); else if (item is Audio) return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.item.audioItem.musicTrack", ""); else if (item is Folder) return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.container.storageFolder", ""); else return null; } internal static Platinum.ObjectClass GetPlatinumClassObject(this Folder item) { return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.container.storageFolder", ""); } internal static Platinum.ObjectClass GetPlatinumClassObject(this Audio item) { return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.item.audioItem.musicTrack", ""); } internal static Platinum.ObjectClass GetPlatinumClassObject(this Video item) { return new Platinum.ObjectClass("object.item.videoItem", ""); } } internal static class LoggingExtensions { //provide some json-esque string that can be used for Verbose logging purposed internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.Action item) { return string.Format(" {{ Name:\"{0}\", Description:\"{1}\", Arguments:{2} }} ", item.Name, item.Description.ToLogString(), item.Arguments.ToLogString()); } internal static string ToLogString(this IEnumerable items) { var result = "["; foreach (var arg in items) { result += (" " + arg.ToLogString()); } result += " ]"; return result; } internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.ActionArgumentDescription item) { return string.Format(" {{ Name:\"{0}\", Direction:{1}, HasReturnValue:{2}, RelatedStateVariable:{3} }} ", item.Name, item.Direction, item.HasReturnValue, item.RelatedStateVariable.ToLogString()); } internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.StateVariable item) { return string.Format(" {{ Name:\"{0}\", DataType:{1}, DataTypeString:\"{2}\", Value:{3}, ValueString:\"{4}\" }} ", item.Name, item.DataType, item.DataTypeString, item.Value, item.ValueString); } internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.ActionDescription item) { return string.Format(" {{ Name:\"{0}\", Arguments:{1} }} ", item.Name, item.Arguments.ToLogString()); } internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.HttpRequestContext item) { return string.Format(" {{ LocalAddress:{0}, RemoteAddress:{1}, Request:\"{2}\", Signature:{3} }}", item.LocalAddress.ToLogString(), item.RemoteAddress.ToLogString(), item.Request.URI.ToString(), item.Signature); } internal static string ToLogString(this Platinum.HttpRequestContext.SocketAddress item) { return string.Format("{{ IP:{0}, Port:{1} }}", item.ip, item.port); } } }