using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MediaBrowser.Controller; using MediaBrowser.Model.DTO; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; namespace MediaBrowser.Api { /// /// Contains some helpers for the api /// public static class ApiService { public static BaseItem GetItemById(string id) { Guid guid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) ? Guid.Empty : new Guid(id); return Kernel.Instance.GetItemById(guid); } public async static Task GetDTOBaseItem(BaseItem item, User user, bool includeChildren = true, bool includePeople = true) { DTOBaseItem dto = new DTOBaseItem(); List tasks = new List(); tasks.Add(AttachStudios(dto, item)); if (includeChildren) { tasks.Add(AttachChildren(dto, item, user)); tasks.Add(AttachLocalTrailers(dto, item, user)); } if (includePeople) { tasks.Add(AttachPeople(dto, item)); } AttachBasicFields(dto, item, user); // Make sure all the tasks we kicked off have completed. if (tasks.Count > 0) { await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); } return dto; } private static void AttachBasicFields(DTOBaseItem dto, BaseItem item, User user) { dto.AspectRatio = item.AspectRatio; dto.BackdropCount = item.BackdropImagePaths == null ? 0 : item.BackdropImagePaths.Count(); dto.DateCreated = item.DateCreated; dto.DisplayMediaType = item.DisplayMediaType; if (item.Genres != null) { dto.Genres = item.Genres.ToArray(); } dto.HasArt = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ArtImagePath); dto.HasBanner = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BannerImagePath); dto.HasLogo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LogoImagePath); dto.HasPrimaryImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PrimaryImagePath); dto.HasThumb = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ThumbnailImagePath); dto.Id = item.Id; dto.IsNew = item.IsRecentlyAdded(user); dto.IndexNumber = item.IndexNumber; dto.IsFolder = item.IsFolder; dto.Language = item.Language; dto.LocalTrailerCount = item.LocalTrailers == null ? 0 : item.LocalTrailers.Count(); dto.Name = item.Name; dto.OfficialRating = item.OfficialRating; dto.Overview = item.Overview; // If there are no backdrops, indicate what parent has them in case the UI wants to allow inheritance if (dto.BackdropCount == 0) { int backdropCount; dto.ParentBackdropItemId = GetParentBackdropItemId(item, out backdropCount); dto.ParentBackdropCount = backdropCount; } if (item.Parent != null) { dto.ParentId = item.Parent.Id; } dto.ParentIndexNumber = item.ParentIndexNumber; // If there is no logo, indicate what parent has one in case the UI wants to allow inheritance if (!dto.HasLogo) { dto.ParentLogoItemId = GetParentLogoItemId(item); } dto.Path = item.Path; dto.PremiereDate = item.PremiereDate; dto.ProductionYear = item.ProductionYear; dto.ProviderIds = item.ProviderIds; dto.RunTimeTicks = item.RunTimeTicks; dto.SortName = item.SortName; if (item.Taglines != null) { dto.Taglines = item.Taglines.ToArray(); } dto.TrailerUrl = item.TrailerUrl; dto.Type = item.GetType().Name; dto.UserRating = item.UserRating; dto.UserData = item.GetUserData(user); Folder folder = item as Folder; if (folder != null) { dto.SpecialCounts = folder.GetSpecialCounts(user); dto.IsRoot = folder.IsRoot; dto.IsVirtualFolder = folder.IsVirtualFolder; } Audio audio = item as Audio; if (audio != null) { dto.AudioInfo = new AudioInfo() { Album = audio.Album, AlbumArtist = audio.AlbumArtist, Artist = audio.Artist, BitRate = audio.BitRate, Channels = audio.Channels }; } Video video = item as Video; if (video != null) { dto.VideoInfo = new VideoInfo() { Height = video.Height, Width = video.Width, Codec = video.Codec, VideoType = video.VideoType, ScanType = video.ScanType }; if (video.AudioStreams != null) { dto.VideoInfo.AudioStreams = video.AudioStreams.ToArray(); } if (video.Subtitles != null) { dto.VideoInfo.Subtitles = video.Subtitles.ToArray(); } } } private static async Task AttachStudios(DTOBaseItem dto, BaseItem item) { // Attach Studios by transforming them into BaseItemStudio (DTO) if (item.Studios != null) { Studio[] entities = await Task.WhenAll(item.Studios.Select(c => Kernel.Instance.ItemController.GetStudio(c))).ConfigureAwait(false); dto.Studios = new BaseItemStudio[entities.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++) { Studio entity = entities[i]; BaseItemStudio baseItemStudio = new BaseItemStudio(); baseItemStudio.Name = entity.Name; baseItemStudio.HasImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.PrimaryImagePath); dto.Studios[i] = baseItemStudio; } } } private static async Task AttachChildren(DTOBaseItem dto, BaseItem item, User user) { var folder = item as Folder; if (folder != null) { IEnumerable children = folder.GetParentalAllowedChildren(user); dto.Children = await Task.WhenAll(children.Select(c => GetDTOBaseItem(c, user, false, false))).ConfigureAwait(false); } } private static async Task AttachLocalTrailers(DTOBaseItem dto, BaseItem item, User user) { if (item.LocalTrailers != null && item.LocalTrailers.Any()) { dto.LocalTrailers = await Task.WhenAll(item.LocalTrailers.Select(c => GetDTOBaseItem(c, user, false, false))).ConfigureAwait(false); } } private static async Task AttachPeople(DTOBaseItem dto, BaseItem item) { // Attach People by transforming them into BaseItemPerson (DTO) if (item.People != null) { IEnumerable entities = await Task.WhenAll(item.People.Select(c => Kernel.Instance.ItemController.GetPerson(c.Key))).ConfigureAwait(false); dto.People = item.People.Select(p => { BaseItemPerson baseItemPerson = new BaseItemPerson(); baseItemPerson.Name = p.Key; baseItemPerson.Overview = p.Value.Overview; baseItemPerson.Type = p.Value.Type; Person ibnObject = entities.First(i => i.Name.Equals(p.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (ibnObject != null) { baseItemPerson.HasImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ibnObject.PrimaryImagePath); } return baseItemPerson; }).ToArray(); } } private static Guid? GetParentBackdropItemId(BaseItem item, out int backdropCount) { backdropCount = 0; var parent = item.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (parent.BackdropImagePaths != null && parent.BackdropImagePaths.Any()) { backdropCount = parent.BackdropImagePaths.Count(); return parent.Id; } parent = parent.Parent; } return null; } private static Guid? GetParentLogoItemId(BaseItem item) { var parent = item.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.LogoImagePath)) { return parent.Id; } parent = parent.Parent; } return null; } public static IBNItem GetIBNItem(BaseEntity entity, int itemCount) { return new IBNItem() { Id = entity.Id, BaseItemCount = itemCount, HasImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.PrimaryImagePath), Name = entity.Name }; } public static DTOUser GetDTOUser(User user) { return new DTOUser() { Id = user.Id, Name = user.Name, HasImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PrimaryImagePath), HasPassword = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password) }; } } }