#nullable disable #pragma warning disable CS1591 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jellyfin.Data.Entities; using Jellyfin.Data.Enums; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.Providers; using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying; using MetadataProvider = MediaBrowser.Model.Entities.MetadataProvider; namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV { /// /// Class Series. /// public class Series : Folder, IHasTrailers, IHasDisplayOrder, IHasLookupInfo, IMetadataContainer { private readonly Dictionary _seasonNames; public Series() { AirDays = Array.Empty(); _seasonNames = new Dictionary(); } public DayOfWeek[] AirDays { get; set; } public string AirTime { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsAddingToPlaylist => true; [JsonIgnore] public override bool IsPreSorted => true; [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsDateLastMediaAdded => true; [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsInheritedParentImages => false; [JsonIgnore] public override bool SupportsPeople => true; /// [JsonIgnore] public IReadOnlyList LocalTrailers => GetExtras() .Where(extra => extra.ExtraType == Model.Entities.ExtraType.Trailer) .ToArray(); /// /// Gets or sets the display order. /// /// /// Valid options are airdate, dvd or absolute. /// public string DisplayOrder { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the status. /// /// The status. public SeriesStatus? Status { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public override bool StopRefreshIfLocalMetadataFound => false; public override double GetDefaultPrimaryImageAspectRatio() { double value = 2; value /= 3; return value; } public override string CreatePresentationUniqueKey() { if (LibraryManager.GetLibraryOptions(this).EnableAutomaticSeriesGrouping) { var userdatakeys = GetUserDataKeys(); if (userdatakeys.Count > 1) { return AddLibrariesToPresentationUniqueKey(userdatakeys[0]); } } return base.CreatePresentationUniqueKey(); } private string AddLibrariesToPresentationUniqueKey(string key) { var lang = GetPreferredMetadataLanguage(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { key += "-" + lang; } var folders = LibraryManager.GetCollectionFolders(this) .Select(i => i.Id.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .ToArray(); if (folders.Length == 0) { return key; } return key + "-" + string.Join('-', folders); } private static string GetUniqueSeriesKey(BaseItem series) { return series.GetPresentationUniqueKey(); } public override int GetChildCount(User user) { var seriesKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(this); var result = LibraryManager.GetCount(new InternalItemsQuery(user) { AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = null, SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = seriesKey, IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Season }, IsVirtualItem = false, Limit = 0, DtoOptions = new DtoOptions(false) { EnableImages = false } }); return result; } public override int GetRecursiveChildCount(User user) { var seriesKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(this); var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user) { AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = null, SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = seriesKey, DtoOptions = new DtoOptions(false) { EnableImages = false } }; if (query.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0) { query.IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Episode }; } query.IsVirtualItem = false; query.Limit = 0; var totalRecordCount = LibraryManager.GetCount(query); return totalRecordCount; } /// /// Gets the user data key. /// /// System.String. public override List GetUserDataKeys() { var list = base.GetUserDataKeys(); if (this.TryGetProviderId(MetadataProvider.Imdb, out var key)) { list.Insert(0, key); } if (this.TryGetProviderId(MetadataProvider.Tvdb, out key)) { list.Insert(0, key); } if (this.TryGetProviderId(MetadataProvider.Custom, out key)) { list.Insert(0, key); } return list; } public override List GetChildren(User user, bool includeLinkedChildren, InternalItemsQuery query) { return GetSeasons(user, new DtoOptions(true)); } public List GetSeasons(User user, DtoOptions options) { var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user) { DtoOptions = options }; SetSeasonQueryOptions(query, user); return LibraryManager.GetItemList(query); } public Dictionary GetSeasonNames() { var newSeasons = Children.OfType() .Where(s => s.IndexNumber.HasValue) .Where(s => !_seasonNames.ContainsKey(s.IndexNumber.Value)) .DistinctBy(s => s.IndexNumber); foreach (var season in newSeasons) { SetSeasonName(season.IndexNumber.Value, season.Name); } return _seasonNames; } public void SetSeasonName(int index, string name) { _seasonNames[index] = name; } private void SetSeasonQueryOptions(InternalItemsQuery query, User user) { var seriesKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(this); query.AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = null; query.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = seriesKey; query.IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Season }; query.OrderBy = new[] { (ItemSortBy.SortName, SortOrder.Ascending) }; if (user is not null && !user.DisplayMissingEpisodes) { query.IsMissing = false; } } protected override QueryResult GetItemsInternal(InternalItemsQuery query) { var user = query.User; if (query.Recursive) { var seriesKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(this); query.AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = null; query.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = seriesKey; if (query.OrderBy.Count == 0) { query.OrderBy = new[] { (ItemSortBy.SortName, SortOrder.Ascending) }; } if (query.IncludeItemTypes.Length == 0) { query.IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Episode, BaseItemKind.Season }; } query.IsVirtualItem = false; return LibraryManager.GetItemsResult(query); } SetSeasonQueryOptions(query, user); return LibraryManager.GetItemsResult(query); } public IEnumerable GetEpisodes(User user, DtoOptions options) { var seriesKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(this); var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user) { AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = null, SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = seriesKey, IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Episode, BaseItemKind.Season }, OrderBy = new[] { (ItemSortBy.SortName, SortOrder.Ascending) }, DtoOptions = options }; if (user is null || !user.DisplayMissingEpisodes) { query.IsMissing = false; } var allItems = LibraryManager.GetItemList(query); var allSeriesEpisodes = allItems.OfType().ToList(); var allEpisodes = allItems.OfType() .SelectMany(i => i.GetEpisodes(this, user, allSeriesEpisodes, options)) .Reverse(); // Specials could appear twice based on above - once in season 0, once in the aired season // This depends on settings for that series // When this happens, remove the duplicate from season 0 return allEpisodes.DistinctBy(i => i.Id).Reverse(); } public async Task RefreshAllMetadata(MetadataRefreshOptions refreshOptions, IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Refresh bottom up, children first, then the boxset // By then hopefully the movies within will have Tmdb collection values var items = GetRecursiveChildren(); var totalItems = items.Count; var numComplete = 0; // Refresh seasons foreach (var item in items) { if (item is not Season) { continue; } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (refreshOptions.RefreshItem(item)) { await item.RefreshMetadata(refreshOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } numComplete++; double percent = numComplete; percent /= totalItems; progress.Report(percent * 100); } // Refresh episodes and other children foreach (var item in items) { if (item is Season) { continue; } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); bool skipItem = item is Episode episode && refreshOptions.MetadataRefreshMode != MetadataRefreshMode.FullRefresh && !refreshOptions.ReplaceAllMetadata && episode.IsMissingEpisode && episode.LocationType == LocationType.Virtual && episode.PremiereDate.HasValue && (DateTime.UtcNow - episode.PremiereDate.Value).TotalDays > 30; if (!skipItem) { if (refreshOptions.RefreshItem(item)) { await item.RefreshMetadata(refreshOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } } numComplete++; double percent = numComplete; percent /= totalItems; progress.Report(percent * 100); } refreshOptions = new MetadataRefreshOptions(refreshOptions); await ProviderManager.RefreshSingleItem(this, refreshOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } public List GetSeasonEpisodes(Season parentSeason, User user, DtoOptions options) { var queryFromSeries = ConfigurationManager.Configuration.DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons; // add optimization when this setting is not enabled var seriesKey = queryFromSeries ? GetUniqueSeriesKey(this) : GetUniqueSeriesKey(parentSeason); var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user) { AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey = queryFromSeries ? null : seriesKey, SeriesPresentationUniqueKey = queryFromSeries ? seriesKey : null, IncludeItemTypes = new[] { BaseItemKind.Episode }, OrderBy = new[] { (ItemSortBy.SortName, SortOrder.Ascending) }, DtoOptions = options }; if (user is not null) { if (!user.DisplayMissingEpisodes) { query.IsMissing = false; } } var allItems = LibraryManager.GetItemList(query); return GetSeasonEpisodes(parentSeason, user, allItems, options); } public List GetSeasonEpisodes(Season parentSeason, User user, IEnumerable allSeriesEpisodes, DtoOptions options) { if (allSeriesEpisodes is null) { return GetSeasonEpisodes(parentSeason, user, options); } var episodes = FilterEpisodesBySeason(allSeriesEpisodes, parentSeason, ConfigurationManager.Configuration.DisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons); var sortBy = (parentSeason.IndexNumber ?? -1) == 0 ? ItemSortBy.SortName : ItemSortBy.AiredEpisodeOrder; return LibraryManager.Sort(episodes, user, new[] { sortBy }, SortOrder.Ascending).ToList(); } /// /// Filters the episodes by season. /// /// The episodes. /// The season. /// true to include special, false to not. /// The set of episodes. public static IEnumerable FilterEpisodesBySeason(IEnumerable episodes, Season parentSeason, bool includeSpecials) { var seasonNumber = parentSeason.IndexNumber; var seasonPresentationKey = GetUniqueSeriesKey(parentSeason); var supportSpecialsInSeason = includeSpecials && seasonNumber.HasValue && seasonNumber.Value != 0; return episodes.Where(episode => { var episodeItem = (Episode)episode; var currentSeasonNumber = supportSpecialsInSeason ? episodeItem.AiredSeasonNumber : episode.ParentIndexNumber; if (currentSeasonNumber.HasValue && seasonNumber.HasValue && currentSeasonNumber.Value == seasonNumber.Value) { return true; } if (!currentSeasonNumber.HasValue && !seasonNumber.HasValue && parentSeason.LocationType == LocationType.Virtual) { return true; } var season = episodeItem.Season; return season is not null && string.Equals(GetUniqueSeriesKey(season), seasonPresentationKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }); } /// /// Filters the episodes by season. /// /// The episodes. /// The season. /// true to include special, false to not. /// The set of episodes. public static IEnumerable FilterEpisodesBySeason(IEnumerable episodes, int seasonNumber, bool includeSpecials) { if (!includeSpecials || seasonNumber < 1) { return episodes.Where(i => (i.ParentIndexNumber ?? -1) == seasonNumber); } return episodes.Where(i => { var episode = i; if (episode is not null) { var currentSeasonNumber = episode.AiredSeasonNumber; return currentSeasonNumber.HasValue && currentSeasonNumber.Value == seasonNumber; } return false; }); } protected override bool GetBlockUnratedValue(User user) { return user.GetPreferenceValues(PreferenceKind.BlockUnratedItems).Contains(UnratedItem.Series); } public override UnratedItem GetBlockUnratedType() { return UnratedItem.Series; } public SeriesInfo GetLookupInfo() { var info = GetItemLookupInfo(); return info; } public override bool BeforeMetadataRefresh(bool replaceAllMetadata) { var hasChanges = base.BeforeMetadataRefresh(replaceAllMetadata); if (!ProductionYear.HasValue) { var info = LibraryManager.ParseName(Name); var yearInName = info.Year; if (yearInName.HasValue) { ProductionYear = yearInName; hasChanges = true; } } return hasChanges; } public override List GetRelatedUrls() { var list = base.GetRelatedUrls(); var imdbId = this.GetProviderId(MetadataProvider.Imdb); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbId)) { list.Add(new ExternalUrl { Name = "Trakt", Url = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "https://trakt.tv/shows/{0}", imdbId) }); } return list; } } }