using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Progress;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.IO;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Localization;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Resolvers;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Sorting;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities
/// Class Folder
public class Folder : BaseItem
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is folder.
/// true if this instance is folder; otherwise, false.
public override bool IsFolder
return true;
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is physical root.
/// true if this instance is physical root; otherwise, false.
public bool IsPhysicalRoot { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is root.
/// true if this instance is root; otherwise, false.
public bool IsRoot { get; set; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is virtual folder.
/// true if this instance is virtual folder; otherwise, false.
public virtual bool IsVirtualFolder
return false;
/// Return the id that should be used to key display prefs for this item.
/// Default is based on the type for everything except actual generic folders.
/// The display prefs id.
protected virtual Guid DisplayPreferencesId
var thisType = GetType();
return thisType == typeof(Folder) ? Id : thisType.FullName.GetMD5();
/// Gets the display preferences id.
/// The user id.
/// Guid.
public Guid GetDisplayPreferencesId(Guid userId)
return (userId + DisplayPreferencesId.ToString()).GetMD5();
#region Indexing
/// The _index by options
private Dictionary>> _indexByOptions;
/// Dictionary of index options - consists of a display value and an indexing function
/// which takes User as a parameter and returns an IEnum of BaseItem
/// The index by options.
public Dictionary>> IndexByOptions
get { return _indexByOptions ?? (_indexByOptions = GetIndexByOptions()); }
/// Returns the valid set of index by options for this folder type.
/// Override or extend to modify.
/// Dictionary{System.StringFunc{UserIEnumerable{BaseItem}}}.
protected virtual Dictionary>> GetIndexByOptions()
return new Dictionary>> {
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("NoneDispPref"), null},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("PerformerDispPref"), GetIndexByPerformer},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("GenreDispPref"), GetIndexByGenre},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("DirectorDispPref"), GetIndexByDirector},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("YearDispPref"), GetIndexByYear},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("OfficialRatingDispPref"), null},
{LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("StudioDispPref"), GetIndexByStudio}
/// Gets the index by actor.
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByPerformer(User user)
return GetIndexByPerson(user, new List { PersonType.Actor, PersonType.MusicArtist }, LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("PerformerDispPref"));
/// Gets the index by director.
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByDirector(User user)
return GetIndexByPerson(user, new List { PersonType.Director }, LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("DirectorDispPref"));
/// Gets the index by person.
/// The user.
/// The person types we should match on
/// Name of the index.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByPerson(User user, List personTypes, string indexName)
// Even though this implementation means multiple iterations over the target list - it allows us to defer
// the retrieval of the individual children for each index value until they are requested.
using (new Profiler(indexName + " Index Build for " + Name, Logger))
// Put this in a local variable to avoid an implicitly captured closure
var currentIndexName = indexName;
var us = this;
var candidates = RecursiveChildren.Where(i => i.IncludeInIndex && i.AllPeople != null).ToList();
return candidates.AsParallel().SelectMany(i => i.AllPeople.Where(p => personTypes.Contains(p.Type))
.Select(a => a.Name))
.Select(i =>
return LibraryManager.GetPerson(i).Result;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting person {0}", ex, i);
return null;
catch (AggregateException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting person {0}", ex, i);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
.Select(a => new IndexFolder(us, a,
candidates.Where(i => i.AllPeople.Any(p => personTypes.Contains(p.Type) && p.Name.Equals(a.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
), currentIndexName));
/// Gets the index by studio.
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByStudio(User user)
// Even though this implementation means multiple iterations over the target list - it allows us to defer
// the retrieval of the individual children for each index value until they are requested.
using (new Profiler("Studio Index Build for " + Name, Logger))
var indexName = LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("StudioDispPref");
var candidates = RecursiveChildren.Where(i => i.IncludeInIndex && i.Studios != null).ToList();
return candidates.AsParallel().SelectMany(i => i.Studios)
.Select(i =>
return LibraryManager.GetStudio(i).Result;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting studio {0}", ex, i);
return null;
catch (AggregateException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting studio {0}", ex, i);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
.Select(ndx => new IndexFolder(this, ndx, candidates.Where(i => i.Studios.Any(s => s.Equals(ndx.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))), indexName));
/// Gets the index by genre.
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByGenre(User user)
// Even though this implementation means multiple iterations over the target list - it allows us to defer
// the retrieval of the individual children for each index value until they are requested.
using (new Profiler("Genre Index Build for " + Name, Logger))
var indexName = LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("GenreDispPref");
//we need a copy of this so we don't double-recurse
var candidates = RecursiveChildren.Where(i => i.IncludeInIndex && i.Genres != null).ToList();
return candidates.AsParallel().SelectMany(i => i.Genres)
.Select(i =>
return LibraryManager.GetGenre(i).Result;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting genre {0}", ex, i);
return null;
catch (AggregateException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting genre {0}", ex, i);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
.Select(genre => new IndexFolder(this, genre, candidates.Where(i => i.Genres.Any(g => g.Equals(genre.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))), indexName)
/// Gets the index by year.
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected IEnumerable GetIndexByYear(User user)
// Even though this implementation means multiple iterations over the target list - it allows us to defer
// the retrieval of the individual children for each index value until they are requested.
using (new Profiler("Production Year Index Build for " + Name, Logger))
var indexName = LocalizedStrings.Instance.GetString("YearDispPref");
//we need a copy of this so we don't double-recurse
var candidates = RecursiveChildren.Where(i => i.IncludeInIndex && i.ProductionYear.HasValue).ToList();
return candidates.AsParallel().Select(i => i.ProductionYear.Value)
.Select(i =>
return LibraryManager.GetYear(i).Result;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting year {0}", ex, i);
return null;
catch (AggregateException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting year {0}", ex, i);
return null;
.Where(i => i != null)
.Select(ndx => new IndexFolder(this, ndx, candidates.Where(i => i.ProductionYear == int.Parse(ndx.Name)), indexName));
/// Returns the indexed children for this user from the cache. Caches them if not already there.
/// The user.
/// The index by.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
private IEnumerable GetIndexedChildren(User user, string indexBy)
List result;
var cacheKey = user.Name + indexBy;
IndexCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out result);
if (result == null)
//not cached - cache it
Func> indexing;
IndexByOptions.TryGetValue(indexBy, out indexing);
result = BuildIndex(indexBy, indexing, user);
return result;
/// Get the list of indexy by choices for this folder (localized).
/// The index by option strings.
public IEnumerable IndexByOptionStrings
get { return IndexByOptions.Keys; }
/// The index cache
protected ConcurrentDictionary> IndexCache = new ConcurrentDictionary>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// Builds the index.
/// The index key.
/// The index function.
/// The user.
/// List{BaseItem}.
protected virtual List BuildIndex(string indexKey, Func> indexFunction, User user)
return indexFunction != null
? IndexCache[user.Name + indexKey] = indexFunction(user).ToList()
: null;
/// The children
private ConcurrentBag _children;
/// The _children initialized
private bool _childrenInitialized;
/// The _children sync lock
private object _childrenSyncLock = new object();
/// Gets or sets the actual children.
/// The actual children.
protected virtual ConcurrentBag ActualChildren
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _children, ref _childrenInitialized, ref _childrenSyncLock, LoadChildren);
return _children;
private set
_children = value;
if (value == null)
_childrenInitialized = false;
/// thread-safe access to the actual children of this folder - without regard to user
/// The children.
public ConcurrentBag Children
return ActualChildren;
/// thread-safe access to all recursive children of this folder - without regard to user
/// The recursive children.
public IEnumerable RecursiveChildren
foreach (var item in Children)
yield return item;
if (item.IsFolder)
var subFolder = (Folder)item;
foreach (var subitem in subFolder.RecursiveChildren)
yield return subitem;
/// Loads our children. Validation will occur externally.
/// We want this sychronous.
/// ConcurrentBag{BaseItem}.
protected virtual ConcurrentBag LoadChildren()
//just load our children from the repo - the library will be validated and maintained in other processes
return new ConcurrentBag(GetCachedChildren());
/// Gets or sets the current validation cancellation token source.
/// The current validation cancellation token source.
private CancellationTokenSource CurrentValidationCancellationTokenSource { get; set; }
/// Validates that the children of the folder still exist
/// The progress.
/// The cancellation token.
/// if set to true [recursive].
/// Task.
public async Task ValidateChildren(IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool? recursive = null)
// Cancel the current validation, if any
if (CurrentValidationCancellationTokenSource != null)
// Create an inner cancellation token. This can cancel all validations from this level on down,
// but nothing above this
var innerCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CurrentValidationCancellationTokenSource = innerCancellationTokenSource;
var linkedCancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(innerCancellationTokenSource.Token, cancellationToken);
await ValidateChildrenInternal(progress, linkedCancellationTokenSource.Token, recursive).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
Logger.Info("ValidateChildren cancelled for " + Name);
// If the outer cancelletion token in the cause for the cancellation, throw it
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && ex.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
// Null out the token source
if (CurrentValidationCancellationTokenSource == innerCancellationTokenSource)
CurrentValidationCancellationTokenSource = null;
/// Compare our current children (presumably just read from the repo) with the current state of the file system and adjust for any changes
/// ***Currently does not contain logic to maintain items that are unavailable in the file system***
/// The progress.
/// The cancellation token.
/// if set to true [recursive].
/// Task.
protected async virtual Task ValidateChildrenInternal(IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool? recursive = null)
// Nothing to do here
if (LocationType != LocationType.FileSystem)
var changedArgs = new ChildrenChangedEventArgs(this);
//get the current valid children from filesystem (or wherever)
var nonCachedChildren = GetNonCachedChildren();
if (nonCachedChildren == null) return; //nothing to validate
//build a dictionary of the current children we have now by Id so we can compare quickly and easily
var currentChildren = ActualChildren.ToDictionary(i => i.Id);
//create a list for our validated children
var validChildren = new ConcurrentBag>();
Parallel.ForEach(nonCachedChildren, child =>
BaseItem currentChild;
if (currentChildren.TryGetValue(child.Id, out currentChild))
currentChild.ResolveArgs = child.ResolveArgs;
//existing item - check if it has changed
if (currentChild.HasChanged(child))
EntityResolutionHelper.EnsureDates(currentChild, child.ResolveArgs);
validChildren.Add(new Tuple(currentChild, true));
validChildren.Add(new Tuple(currentChild, false));
//brand new item - needs to be added
validChildren.Add(new Tuple(child, true));
// If any items were added or removed....
if (!changedArgs.ItemsAdded.IsEmpty || currentChildren.Count != validChildren.Count)
var newChildren = validChildren.Select(c => c.Item1).ToList();
//that's all the new and changed ones - now see if there are any that are missing
changedArgs.ItemsRemoved = currentChildren.Values.Except(newChildren).ToList();
foreach (var item in changedArgs.ItemsRemoved)
Logger.Debug("** " + item.Name + " Removed from library.");
var childrenReplaced = false;
if (changedArgs.ItemsRemoved.Count > 0)
ActualChildren = new ConcurrentBag(newChildren);
childrenReplaced = true;
var saveTasks = new List();
foreach (var item in changedArgs.ItemsAdded)
Logger.Debug("** " + item.Name + " Added to library.");
if (!childrenReplaced)
saveTasks.Add(Kernel.Instance.ItemRepository.SaveItem(item, CancellationToken.None));
await Task.WhenAll(saveTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
//and save children in repo...
Logger.Debug("*** Saving " + newChildren.Count + " children for " + Name);
await Kernel.Instance.ItemRepository.SaveChildren(Id, newChildren, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (changedArgs.HasChange)
//force the indexes to rebuild next time
//and fire event
await RefreshChildren(validChildren, progress, cancellationToken, recursive).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// Refreshes the children.
/// The children.
/// The progress.
/// The cancellation token.
/// if set to true [recursive].
/// Task.
private Task RefreshChildren(IEnumerable> children, IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool? recursive)
var list = children.ToList();
var percentages = new ConcurrentDictionary(list.Select(i => new KeyValuePair(i.Item1.Id, 0)));
var tasks = list.Select(tuple => Task.Run(async () =>
var child = tuple.Item1;
//refresh it
await child.RefreshMetadata(cancellationToken, resetResolveArgs: child.IsFolder).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Refresh children if a folder and the item changed or recursive is set to true
var refreshChildren = child.IsFolder && (tuple.Item2 || (recursive.HasValue && recursive.Value));
if (refreshChildren)
// Don't refresh children if explicitly set to false
if (recursive.HasValue && recursive.Value == false)
refreshChildren = false;
if (refreshChildren)
var innerProgress = new ActionableProgress();
innerProgress.RegisterAction(p =>
percentages.TryUpdate(child.Id, p / 100, percentages[child.Id]);
var percent = percentages.Values.Sum();
percent /= list.Count;
progress.Report((90 * percent) + 10);
await ((Folder) child).ValidateChildren(innerProgress, cancellationToken, recursive).ConfigureAwait(false);
percentages.TryUpdate(child.Id, 1, percentages[child.Id]);
var percent = percentages.Values.Sum();
percent /= list.Count;
progress.Report((90 * percent) + 10);
return Task.WhenAll(tasks);
/// Get the children of this folder from the actual file system
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected virtual IEnumerable GetNonCachedChildren()
IEnumerable fileSystemChildren;
fileSystemChildren = ResolveArgs.FileSystemChildren;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting ResolveArgs for {0}", ex, Path);
return new List { };
return LibraryManager.ResolvePaths(fileSystemChildren, this);
/// Get our children from the repo - stubbed for now
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
protected virtual IEnumerable GetCachedChildren()
return Kernel.Instance.ItemRepository.RetrieveChildren(this).Select(i => i is IByReferenceItem ? LibraryManager.GetOrAddByReferenceItem(i) : i);
/// Gets allowed children of an item
/// The user.
/// The index by.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
public virtual IEnumerable GetChildren(User user, string indexBy = null)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
//the true root should return our users root folder children
if (IsPhysicalRoot) return user.RootFolder.GetChildren(user, indexBy);
IEnumerable result = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexBy))
result = GetIndexedChildren(user, indexBy);
// If indexed is false or the indexing function is null
if (result == null)
result = ActualChildren.Where(c => c.IsVisible(user));
return result;
/// Gets allowed recursive children of an item
/// The user.
/// IEnumerable{BaseItem}.
public IEnumerable GetRecursiveChildren(User user)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
foreach (var item in GetChildren(user))
yield return item;
var subFolder = item as Folder;
if (subFolder != null)
foreach (var subitem in subFolder.GetRecursiveChildren(user))
yield return subitem;
/// Folders need to validate and refresh
/// Task.
public override async Task ChangedExternally()
await base.ChangedExternally().ConfigureAwait(false);
var progress = new Progress { };
await ValidateChildren(progress, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// Marks the item as either played or unplayed
/// The user.
/// if set to true [was played].
/// The user manager.
/// Task.
public override async Task SetPlayedStatus(User user, bool wasPlayed, IUserManager userManager)
await base.SetPlayedStatus(user, wasPlayed, userManager).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Now sweep through recursively and update status
var tasks = GetChildren(user).Select(c => c.SetPlayedStatus(user, wasPlayed, userManager));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// Finds an item by path, recursively
/// The path.
/// BaseItem.
public BaseItem FindByPath(string path)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (ResolveArgs.PhysicalLocations.Contains(path, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return this;
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting ResolveArgs for {0}", ex, Path);
//this should be functionally equivilent to what was here since it is IEnum and works on a thread-safe copy
return RecursiveChildren.FirstOrDefault(i =>
return i.ResolveArgs.PhysicalLocations.Contains(path, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error getting ResolveArgs for {0}", ex, Path);
return false;